Marilisa Amoia, Claire Gardent
INRIA Nancy Grand Est, 54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
Laura Perez-Beltrachini
INRIA Nancy Grand Est, 54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
Virtual learning environments, Computer assisted learning, Intelligent tutoring systems, Immersive learning.
This paper describes an interactive learning system specifically designed for second language acquisition. In
order to render the learning experience more fun, to engage the learner and to help him maintaining long-term
motivation, the system was implemented as a 3D video game. It brings together the ability of virtual reality
environments such as Second Life to reproduce immersive experiences and NLP language technology, thereby
providing both situated learning and automatic authoring of training activities in context.
Interactive or situated learning has been acknowl-
edged as one of the main pedagogical principle in
second language acquisition. Indeed, many observa-
tions substantiate the role of immersive environments
in facilitating learning. It has been noticed (Krashen,
1997), for instance, that adult learners acquire a sec-
ond language more easily and their knowledge is
more anchored, if they are exposed during learning
to situations similar to real life, like those that chil-
dren experience by acquiring the first language and
further, that (Rutherford, 1987) raising the awareness
of the learner on the phenomena of the target language
in context, i.e. by noticing or highlighting them in a
particular situation, fosters learning.
In the last few years, there has been an increas-
ing interest in the e-learning research community for
gaming and simulation technology as they allow close
reproductions of immersive experiences. The first ex-
periments in language teaching go back to the 1990’s
when the first computer-aided learning software was
produced on CD-ROM. Escape From Planet Arizona
and Who is Oscar Lake
for instance, are examples of
those early language games created for learning En-
Escape from Planet Arizona: An EF Multimedia Lan-
guage Game. [Software]. (1995). Stockholm, Sweden: EF
Who is Oscar Lake: A Language Learning Adventure
Game. (1995). Jersey COW Software.
glish as a second language. These language games
represent first attempts to integrate traditional learn-
ing content, i.e. vocabulary, grammar exercises, etc.,
in a situational context (an adventure story), thus pro-
ducing in the learner an impression of immersive ex-
In the last decade, some research on computer
aided second language acquisition has focused on us-
ing online 3D virtual reality environments and video
game technology for teaching languages. This type
of environment further promotes learning as a social
experience allowing learners to practice active com-
munication over the web by means of chatting, emails
etc. Thethis (Segond et al., 2005) , for instance, im-
plements a web application providing a learning soft-
ware for the language training of hotel receptionists.
The learner is exposed to similar situations as if he
were in the reception of an hotel. He can interact both
with virtual agents simulating telephone calls, hotel
guests arriving, etc. by means of preset dialogues or
with a human tutor or other learners by means of chat-
ting. The main innovative aspect of Thethis is the so-
cial, communicative aspect of the learning platform
which allows learners to share the learning experience
with fellow students and tutors.
More recently, the 3D video game technology has
been used in so called culturally-aware tutorial sys-
tems such as ATL (Raybourn et al., 2005), TLCTS
(Johnson and Valente, 2009) and BiLAT (Kim et al.,
2009) to train social cultural skills in a military sce-
Amoia M., Gardent C. and Perez-Beltrachini L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003338503940397
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 394-397
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nario. The learner acts as an avatar in the simulated
environment and must provide natural language ut-
terances and in some systems even gestures thereby
learning not only grammar but also cultural skills of
the target language/society.
In these systems however, the virtual world is used
mainly as a mean to immerse the learner in a simula-
tion of the societal and cultural world of the L2 lan-
guage. The linguistic sophistication of the exercises
remains limited covering, e.g. preset dialogs and sim-
ple language exercises such as vocabulary training or
drills. Moreover, these exercises are hard coded and
all the systems described above rely on human author-
ing for the learning content. Recently, some work
has aimed at automatizing the generation of learn-
ing content and learning activities. Indeed, teachers
very often lament the high expense on time to pro-
duce different learning activities. Examples of works
in this direction are for instance, VISL (Bick, 2005),
a visual interactive syntax learning tool accessible
though the internet for learning the syntax of different
languages and TAGARELLA (Amaral and Meurers,
2007), an intelligent web-based workbook for learn-
ing Portuguese and more recently WERTI
, a proto-
type of a system for the automatic generating of exer-
cises (Metcalf and Meurers, 2006) based on arbitrary
web content selected by the learner.
I-FLEG, the language game presented in this pa-
per, integrates both these research approaches and
provides a situated language learning environment to-
gether with automatic generation of learning activities
in context.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the architecture of the language game I-FLEG
and illustrates how learning activities are automati-
cally generated in the context of the game. Section
3 concludes describing the preliminary evaluation of
the system and discussing pointers for future research.
I-FLEG is a prototype interactive 3D game for sec-
ond language learning. To ensure portability to differ-
ent platforms, the system is implemented in Java and
uses Second Life
as a graphical interface. The sys-
tem consists of a reasoning module that implements
the game logic linked to a natural language genera-
tion module and to a database.
I-FLEG is a sort of an adventure game. Its goal
is to teach vocabulary (on some specific topics such
as house, food, etc.) and some grammar features
(e.g. prepositions, adjective morphology) to learners
of a second language. The current implementation is
addressed to a target audience including learners of
French at A1-A2 levels, i.e. beginners and interme-
diate level learners. However, the modular architec-
ture of the system allows to easily set it to another
language. At present, the system also includes an En-
glish grammar and lexicon that can be used for train-
Following pedagogical approaches (Uhl-Chamot
and O’Malley, 2009) that emphasized the importance
of learner awareness of the acquired language skills
during the learning process and the role of indepen-
dent learning, in the game framework we adopt a free
learning flow strategy and let the learner free to ex-
plore learning contents and to organize the learning
process meeting his own individual needs.
2.1 Game Scenario
The game scenario is a house containing different
rooms such as a living room, a kitchen, a library, etc.
A first person perspective is used. The learner is an
avatar that can freely move in the game world. He
can interact with the physical objects of the virtual
world by touching, moving or taking them. By doing
so he learns their names and characteristics or triggers
learning activities. The player communicates with the
system by typing text in a chat box.
The game aspect is represented by the challenge
the player has to master. Somewhere in the house,
there are strange objects hidden, that are not part of
the furniture. These objects when touched trigger
learning activities, i.e. exercises. The player has a
limited amount of time to find out where they are,
touch them and solve the learning activities linked to
them. By solving exercises the player earns credits
points (the score). The game consists of different lev-
els. Each level represents a language proficiency level
in the second language (e.g. A1) and includes a set
of training activities covering several teaching goals
ranging over different grammar topics, e.i. vocabu-
lary, syntax, morphology, etc. A level is complete
when the learner has totalized the score that define
the accomplishment of that language level.
2.2 Learner Model
The system monitors the user during the whole game
session and maintains a learner model. After each
game session, the interactions of the user with the
system are stored in a database. The content of the
database is retrieved each time the same user logs in
Figure 1: Game scores examples from the demo session.
Player Vocabulary Score Syntax Score Total Score Start Time End Time
AvatarT2 9 4 13 11:59:22 12:12:11
AvatarT4 3 2 5 11:40:35 11:53:45
AvatarT3 6 1 7 10:49:48 11:12:45
AvatarT1 14 8 22 11:12:01 11:36:01
the game. Before a new game starts, the results of
the previous game are evaluated so that the level and
type of new interactions depend on the evaluation of
previous results.
In the prototype, a simplified model of learning
performance is used based on scoring. The score is
a structured datatype mapping learning performance
to the credit points the learner has totalized in each
training activity and to the time needed for the game
session. Scoring is used both to evaluate the learning
progress of the learner and to give him feedback. The
total score is shown to the learner during the game as
an immediate simplified form of feedback. Whereas
at the end of the game, a more structured output is
shown including the results achieved in each grammar
field that has been trained.
2.3 Generation of Test Activities
I-FLEG supports the automatic authoring of test ac-
tivities. As mentioned in Section 2.1, exercises are
triggered by the learner interactions with the world.
Whenever the learner touches a teaching object, an
exercise is produced whose precise content depends
on the learner profile (his level, his game score for
each activity type) and on the teaching goals being
pursued (e.g., teaching the passive form, the use of cl-
itics or adjectival morphology). Importantly, the sys-
tem is non-deterministic thereby supporting the pro-
duction of varied output. That is, the same touching
event might trigger different exercises.
This automation of learning material relies on a
generation module which combines constraint driven
content selection and surface realization. Starting
from an ontology describing the content of the 3D
world, the generation module first selects a set of facts
(content selection) and then turns this set of facts into
a sentence (surface realization). From this output sen-
tence, the I-FLEG system will then derive a test item
consisting of the exercise itself (e.g., a fill in the blank
utterance) and its solution. More specifically, the gen-
eration of a test item is parametrized for
Language Content: the syntactic form the output
should have, e.g. a sentence, a noun phrase, etc.
Semantic Content: the set of individuals the
test item refers to, generally corresponds to the
touched object.
Teaching Goal: the linguistic topic which the test
item should illustrate, e.g. adjective morphology.
Type of Activity: the type of test item that should
be generated, e.g. vocabulary, fill in the blank,
scramble sentence, etc.
The generator then uses these parameters together
with a grammar of the specified language to build all
possible syntactic realizations (i.e. paraphrases) that
satisfy the constraints above. At this point, only one
of these realizations is selected by the system and
used to instantiate the expected answer. This selec-
tion strategy ensures that repeated interactions with
the same object can generate different test items.
Next, the test query is build from the expected an-
swer on the basis of both the teaching goal and the re-
quired activity type. The test query is used as a train-
ing item to test the language knowledge of the learner.
The generated expected answer is used to evaluate the
answer of the learner and is sent as feedback by the
system in case his answer is wrong.
Figure 2 for instance, shows the parameters sent
to the generation module after the learner touched a
table (table
) together with the test item generated by
the system for an exercise of type fill-in-the-blank fo-
cusing on adjective morphology.
Generation Parameters
Semantic Content = [table
Language Content = Sentence
Teaching Goal = [ADJ
Type of Activity = FILL IN T HE BLANK
Generates Test Item
Test Query = “C’est une table (blanc)
Expected Answer = “C’est une table blanche
Game Session
Please, complete the following sentence.
System: C’est une table ... (blanc).
User: C’est une table blanc.
System: Non, c’est une table blanche.
Figure 2: An example of automatic generated test item.
In the different levels of the game, language con-
tent and teaching goal are chosen to meet the lan-
guage proficiency level of the learner. Therefore, the
complexity of the generated test items depends on the
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
game level. For instance, after the user has touched
the same table, the system outputs (1a) if the user is a
beginner. However, if the learner is more advanced
and the teaching goal is for instance, to teach pro-
nouns the system outputs (1b).
(1) a. C’est une table.
This is a table.
b. C’est une petite table. Elle est blanche.
This is a small table. It is white.
Figure 3: An example of tutorial interaction.
This paper presented I-FLEG, the prototype of an in-
teractive language game specifically designed to fos-
ter second language acquisition. The game is inte-
grated in Second Life and is accessible for everyone
through the web. It brings together 3D graphics, vir-
tual reality and NLP technologies thereby providing
immersive, situated language learning and context-
driven automatic generation of learning activities.
We conducted a preliminary evaluation of the
game prototype during a demo session at our insti-
tution open house day. The game was set to train En-
glish and was presented to a general audience mostly
composed by French speakers. The test participants
played short game sessions including a tutorial, a vo-
cabulary and a syntax test unit. We asked them to
express their subjective opinion about the game. They
found the learning platform very fun and natural to in-
teract with. Further, most of them judged playing the
game a very engaging and entertaining experience.
Despite the limited number of test participants
(about 10 people) we believe the feedback we re-
ceived is very encouraging.
In future work, we plan to improve the language
learning system so to allow the automatic generation
of learning activities for more complex language phe-
nomena. Further, we want to formalize the process
of evaluation of the learner output so to define more
efficient ways to present feedback to learners.
Finally, we envisage a large-scale web-based eval-
uation of the system as well as a comparison of the
efficiency of different teaching methodologies, such
as for instance free vs. prescriptive learning flow.
Many thanks to the TALARIS Team at LORIA and
especially to Alexandre Denis for his collaboration in
the implementation.
The research described here was conducted as part
of ALLEGRO, an on-going project funded within the
EU Interreg IV program focusing on the development
of new technologies for foreign language learning.
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