Towards a Group Formation Methodology
Liana Razmerita
and Armelle Brun
Copenhagen Business School, CBS, ISV, Dalgas Have, 15, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
LORIA - Nancy Universit
e, Campus Scientifique, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France
Group formation, Group work, Collaborative learning, Web 2.0.
Group work has been adopted as an important tool to support collaborative work in order to enhance learning
processes. There is a wealth of literature related to group performance and the impact of group composition on
group and individual performance. However, very few studies address the issue on how to automatically form
groups. This article proposes a methodology that could be used by professors to form groups automatically
taking into account different criteria as well as the students’ profile. This methodology is based on a pilot
study that analyzes group composition of self-formed student groups. The pilot study findings suggest that
students tend to form homogeneous group in terms of level of the knowledge. Furthermore, students report
that working on common topics of interests was a decisive factor in forming the groups.
Group work and collaborative work are important
pedagogical tools for classroom assignments and have
proved to have a strong impact on individual and co-
operative learning (Johnson and Johnson, 1994). Fur-
thermore Web2.0 has created new possibilities for stu-
dents to engage, interact and collaborate in various
learning tasks that may enhance learning processes
and the overall learning experience. In this context
the didactic challenge for educators is to design and
integrate a new set of tools based on specific didac-
tic principles associated with a specific domain of
learning (Mondahl et al., 2009). Consider a professor
who wants to assign group work to students during a
course. One issue he/she has to handle is: How to
form groups? He/she may either let the students form
the groups by themselves or may form student groups
randomly or based on their physical proximity (e.g.
their position in the class). Even though this is a very
easy convenient approach, randomly formed groups
may not be fair or may not be the best approach.
Group work has many variables and different fac-
tors that can influence group performance. For exam-
ple, literature related to motivation and group learning
shows that performance is not only linked to the inter-
est in the subject to be learned but may also be related
to relations to peers, gender differences, age, individ-
ual differences, cultural backgrounds within the gro-
up, personality traits, etc. (Souren et al., 2003). Fur-
thermore, explaining to students why they form a
group and why they are performing certain tasks may
lead to better performance (Bekele, 2005). Moreover,
a student has to feel comfortable in a group in order
to communicate his/her ideas, to express his point of
view with his/her group-mates. Thus, a professor may
select a special criterion based on which he/she wants
to create the groups. This criterion can be either a sin-
gle criterion or a set of different criteria (e.g. hetero-
geneous in relation with their background). However
forming groups of students, especially for large size
classes, is an intractable and time consuming task for
the professor.
Previous studies related to collaboration and
group work have emphasized the importance of het-
erogeneity for performance, creativity and learning
(Rich, 1997). A heterogeneous group is made of
members that are balanced in terms of diversity based
on some criteria: culture, gender, personality, etc.).
There is a wealth of literature related to group per-
formance and their composition (Slavin, 1995; Sha-
ran, 1999) but very few literature addresses the issue
of how to automatically form groups. Group work
and collaborative learning open a number of challeng-
ing research questions related to group performance
and group composition such as: How heterogeneity
or homogeneity of a group influence the group per-
formance and students’ learning? Do homogenous
Razmerita L. and Brun A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003338901890194
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 189-194
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
groups perform better than heterogeneous groups?
How students form groups? Literature suggests that
groups should be formed differently according to the
type of assignments. Homogeneous groups are bet-
ter for achieving specific goals (e.g. short-term and
guided problem solving) while heterogeneous groups
are better for long-term knowledge discovery prob-
lems (Bekele, 2005).
This article is a preliminary study that focuses on
how students form groups and proposes a method to
form groups automatically, taking into account dif-
ferent criteria as well as the students’ profile. This
paper relies on a preliminary study case investigat-
ing the way students form groups, in the framework
of a course where they have to conduct research and
present project related ideas and findings in group.
The article is structured in five sections. The sec-
ond section presents an overview of literature on col-
laborative learning, collaborative work, group compo-
sition and group formation. The third section presents
a pilot study of group work within a heterogeneous
classroom supported by a Web 2.0-enabled learning
environment. The fourth section proposes a method-
ology that enables professors in very different teach-
ing areas to form groups automatically.
2.1 Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0
Web 2.0 and the associated technologies have
changed the way the web is used; web is a dynamic
social space where participation, collaboration, on-
line interaction are core elements. Web 2.0 or social
software may be approached from different perspec-
tives: as a new social media tool, a facilitator of new
forms of interaction and knowledge sharing (Kirchner
et al., 2008), an enabler of personal information and
knowledge management tools (Razmerita and Kirch-
ner, 2009) and new didactic tools that facilitate in-
teraction and social processes. Web 2.0 has a large
influence on learning approaches (e.g. using wikis,
blogs, micro blogs) and it offers new means to inter-
act, socialize on-line, find information, and commu-
nicate using a wide range of new collaborative ser-
vices. Learning is not anymore viewed as a unidirec-
tional process, where teachers are in the same place
at the same moment with the learners, and knowledge
is transferred from teachers to learners. Learners are
now participants in the learning process thanks to the
tools that enable and encourage them to participate,
interact and collaborate more easily with other learn-
ers, teachers or peers, etc.
2.2 Collaborative Learning and
Cooperative Learning
Collaborative learning can be described as a situation
in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn
something together. Collaborative learning is differ-
ent from cooperative learning. In cooperative learning
peers split the work in tasks and tend to solve these
tasks individually and then assemble their results into
the final output. While in collaborative learning learn-
ers interact and do work together in order to complete
their assignments. Despite the difference, many ar-
ticles use these two terms interchangeable. For ex-
ample, cooperative learning (CL) is defined as an in-
structional strategy in which students work actively
and purposefully together in small groups to enhance
both their own and their teammates’ learning (Abrami
et al., 2004). Literature emphasizes that collaborative
learning is one of the most successful techniques to
enhance student performance. Several studies report
that group work and cooperative learning enhance the
learning of an individual compared to when he/she
learns alone (Dansereau and Johnson, 1994; Slavin,
1983). Several approaches have been proposed to
support collaborative learning with the aim of facil-
itating information and resource sharing between stu-
dents (Florea, 1999; Krejins et al., 2002). Group
work can be performed either by students physically
present at the same place and at the same time (syn-
chronous work) or remotely through asynchronous
work (Souren et al., 2003).
2.3 Group Composition
The quality of the learning process in the context
of collaborative work highly depends on the char-
acteristics of the group. Previous studies suggest
that groups should be formed randomly or by stu-
dents themselves and groups should have a small size,
made up to four-members of different level of knowl-
edge (Slavin, 1987). Related work emphasized the
importance of personality attributes, gender, school
background, ethnic background, motivation (Bradley
and Herbert, 1997; Alfonseca et al., 2006) in group
performance. The learning style is also an impor-
tant criterion in group composition (Martin and Pare-
des, 2004; Wang et al., 2007). It has been observed
that the quality of learning in groups is influenced
by their diversity. Heterogeneous groups may out-
perform homogeneous groups (Nijstad and Carsten,
2002). Some studies emphasized that heterogeneous
groups may be more creative and innovative (Paulus
and Nijstad, 2003) and furthermore they may be more
effective for individual learning. One of the first het-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
erogeneity criteria was in relation with the level of
knowledge and skills (Slavin, 1987; Webb, 1989).
Diversity in background, opinions (Siemens, 2010),
ideas, personality, gender, are also criteria that can
be considered in the heterogeneity (Slavin, 1995).
Groups may be automatically formed based on think-
ing styles (Wang et al., 2007), competence, learn-
ing style and interactions (Ho et al., 2009), learning
achievements (Chan et al., 2010). The clustering ap-
proaches proposed in the literature use genetic algo-
rithms (Graf and Bekele, 2006; Ho et al., 2009; Chan
et al., 2010) or ant colony optimization (Bekele, 2005;
Graf and Bekele, 2006).
3.1 The StudyBook Context
This pilot study aims to investigate the use of a Web
2.0 collaborative platform, StudyBook, to support
new ways of teaching and learning. The underly-
ing hypothesis of the overall study is that collabora-
tive groupwork creates natural opportunities for the
learners to articulate their understanding, reflect on
and justify actions and these activities may improve
learning. Furthermore new Web2.0/Web3.0 technolo-
gies integrated in a learning platform may support
group work, collaboration and learning processes in
new ways that are more natural for new generation of
learners. In particular, the StudyBook project aims
to investigate the use of social-collaborative services
for collaborative learning and groupwork (Mondahl
et al., 2009). A screenshot of StudyBook is pre-
sented in the Figure 1. This study has been conducted
within the Web Interaction Design and Communica-
tion course, an elective course for bachelor students
at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Den-
mark. This course enrolled 46 bachelor students from
seventeen different countries and from different study
programs (Business Administration, European stud-
ies, International Business, Marketing, HRM, etc).
Within this course, a project has to be conducted col-
laboratively, partly in group and partly individually.
The students had to select a topic of interest, to form
groups and work in group on this topic. Within their
projects, the students define their own topic to work
on in relation with their core areas of interest and the
main course topics. The project work is divided in
two steps. 1)Work in group: The group has to work
on a common topic of interest. The StudyBook plat-
form facilitates students’ interaction and group col-
laboration. Students are not in the same study pro-
grams and do not have common free time-slots, their
Figure 1: Screenshot of the StudyBook platform.
project work had to be constructed collaboratively us-
ing wikis and afterwards had to make a presentation.
2) Work individually: In the second step, students
have to continue to work on the selected topic indi-
vidually in order to write a ten page report that will
be graded.
3.2 Data Collection: The Questionnaire
Two questionnaires have been designed with two ob-
jectives in mind: to assess the student’s perception
of StudyBook as a learning platform and collect data
about students and the way they form groups. Within
the following section of the article we focus on the
findings related to the analysis of the groups that have
been formed. In the questionnaire, data about stu-
dents include their background (study programs), cul-
ture (the country they come from), topics of interests
and level of knowledge in relation with the course.
Students had to answer about both their level of
knowledge (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and re-
search interests (not interested, interested, very inter-
ested). In addition, students were asked about the way
they have formed their groups.
3.3 Data Analysis: Evaluation of
This section presents an analysis about the way
groups have been formed in the heterogeneous classe.
Among the 46 students enrolled in the course, 29 stu-
dents have answered the questionnaire. Eight groups
in total have answered the questionnaire. First of all,
students declare they have enjoyed working in groups
and have perceived positively their workgroup collab-
oration. A first analysis of the student provided an-
swers shows that the students who answered the ques-
tionnaire are from fifteen different countries all over
the world. The most represented countries are Den-
mark, Spain and France (4 students from each coun-
Table 1: Average distances within groups.
Group level of knowledge topics of interest
Group1 0.02 0.27
Group2 0.48 0.10
Group3 0.24 0.23
Group4 0.16 0.15
Group5 0.22 0.20
Group6 0.02 0.05
Group7 0.05 0.18
Group8 0.24 0.22
All Gr 0.18 0.18
Class 0.23 0.18
try) and Hong Kong (3 students). Thus, the formed
groups are probably heterogeneous in terms of cul-
tural background. In our overall study the heterogene-
ity is related to students’ background (different study
programs), cultural (different countries), topics of in-
terests and the level of knowledge. In this preliminary
study, we specifically focus on level of knowledge and
topics of interest. In order to study homogeneity and
heterogeneity of groups we compute a metric distance
between students taking into account their declared
level of knowledge or/and topics of interests.
3.3.1 Group Heterogeneity in Relation with the
Level of Knowledge
Studies suggest that if students organize themselves
in groups, they usually tend to form homogeneous
groups (Souren et al., 2003). The first column of Ta-
ble 1 represents the average distance in terms of level
of knowledge within groups and within the class. The
average distance between all students in the class is
0.23 and standard deviation is 0.17. Less than 3%
of the pairs of students have a distance greater than
0.8. This means that few students are very different
in terms of their declared level of knowledge. Among
the eight groups, the average distance is 0.18, the most
homogeneous group has an average distance of 0.02
and the less homogeneous has an average distance
of 0.48. Three groups have an average distance less
than 0.05. The average distance between students in
the groups is smaller than the average distance in the
whole matrix. Thus groups formed by students tend
to be similar in terms of knowledge. The findings of
our study confirm the fact that students tend to form
homogeneous groups.
3.3.2 Group Heterogeneity in Relation with
their Topics of Interests
The second column of Table 1 represents the average
distance in terms of topics of interest within groups
and within the class. The average distance between
all students in the class is 0.18 and standard deviation
is 0.12. Less than 0.2% have a distance greater than
0.7. Despite their heterogeneity, students appear to be
quite homogeneous in relation with their level of in-
terest. Among the eight groups, the average distance
is also 0.18, which is similar to the average distance
among groups in terms of level of knowledge. The
most homogeneous group has an average distance of
0.05 and the less homogeneous one has an average
distance of 0.27. Five groups out of the eight have
similar average interest distance and average knowl-
edge distance. Within the class, the average distance
between students in terms of topics of interest (0.18)
is lower than the one in terms of level of knowledge
(0.23); students are more similar in terms of topics of
interest than in level of knowledge. However, the av-
erage distance within groups is similar to the average
distance within the class; thus we can deduce that stu-
dents do not tend to form similar groups in terms of
topics of interest.
3.3.3 How Students Have Formed Groups?
Based on the assignment requirements described in
section 3.1, the results of the study in relation with
how students form groups are presented in Figure 2.
Based on the questionnaire’s answers, a large major-
ity of students have declared forming groups based on
identified common topics of interests (68,97%), fol-
lowed by affinity with the others members (10, 34%)
and different backgrounds and culture (10, 34%).
Figure 2: Reported criteria on groups formed.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
As a conclusion, the groups formed by students
tend to be homogeneous in terms of the level of
knowledge. However, these groups are not really
homogeneous in terms of the topics of interests,
whereas the students answered in the questionnaire
they formed homogeneous groups in terms of com-
mon topics of interests. Thus, when leaving students
to form groups by themselves, the resulting groups
may not have the expected characteristics. Thus a tool
that automatically forms groups may be highly useful
to ensure that groups have given characteristics and
lead to the expected type of learning and performance.
In the following section, we propose a methodology
to form groups automatically according to students’
profile and specified citeria.
The proposed methodology comprises four main
steps: collecting data about students, initialize
the vectors representing the students’ characteris-
tics, clustering students, evaluating the group perfor-
Step 1. Collect data about students. Questionnaires
provide an effective way to collect data about the
students. However data can be provided by stu-
dents or by the administration (e.g., the study pro-
gram, the background) or by the professor (pos-
sible topic, learning concepts, learning objectives,
students’ skills, heterogeneous versus homogeneous
groups). As described previously, in our pilot study
the following data (topics of interest, level of knowl-
edge, country of origin, study program) was collected
with the purpose of automatic group formation and
other purposes. The collected data needs to be pre-
processed in order to be used by the algorithm. For
example qualitative data needs to be transformed into
quantitative data.
Step 2. Initialize the input vectors. Each student is
represented by a vector with features/components that
are made up of the attributes values associated with
the student, initialized from the questionnaire.
Step 3. Select and run the clustering algorithm (e.g.
K-means, hierarchical clustering, etc) in order to gen-
erate the groups; depending on the algorithm select
the number of clusters, the size of the cluster or the
quality criterion. One distance measure that can be
used to compute similarity between students in groups
is for example the Euclidean distance:
d(x, y) =
|, (1)
where x = [X
] i = 1..n represents one student’s profile
and y = i = 1..n represents another student’s profile.
Once the grouping task is achieved, the students can
work on their assignments in groups formed.
Step 4. Evaluate the group performance in relation
with the selected criterion or criteria. Depending on
the assigned task and the learning objectives, the pro-
fessor might decide to evaluate the performance of the
groups and may decide to change or keep the type of
clustering method for the following assignments. The
performance may be evaluated at either group level or
individual level.
This paper investigates group formation in the con-
text of a collaborative learning platform. This pa-
per proposes a methodology to form groups of stu-
dents which relies on a preliminary study on how
students formed groups within a course in a hetero-
geneous class. A pilot study has been conducted to
study the way students form groups in the context
of heterogeneous classes. According to the ques-
tionnaires findings, students have enjoyed working in
groups and have perceived positively their workgroup
collaboration. However not all students in the class
have formed a group. Furthermore, the analysis of
the groups reveals that students tend to form homoge-
neous groups in terms of level of knowledge, which
is in line with what other previous studies have sug-
gested (Souren et al., 2003). In relation with the top-
ics of interests, according to the students’ answers,
the groups were formed based on topics of interests
but according to the analysis of groups as presented
in section 3.3.2 groups are not as homogeneous as
students declared. The proposed methodology using
clustering algorithm tools for group formation is a
useful tool to help professors form groups automat-
ically using a certain criteria. We plan to further test
the methodology and the performance of automati-
cally formed groups within different type of courses
and assignments. In further studies we will assess
the performance of automatically formed groups us-
ing different clustering methods.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education