Dušan Zeleník and Mária Bieliková
Institute of Informatics and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Slovak University of Technology, Ilkovičova 3, 842 16 Bratislava, Slovakia
Keywords: Recommendation, Personalization, Behaviour, Monitoring, Similarity, News web portal, News, Readers.
Abstract: In this paper we describe a method for recommending news on a news portal based on our novel
representation by a similarity tree. Our method for recommending articles is based on their content. The
recommendation employs a hierarchical incremental clustering which is used to discover additional
information for effective recommending. The important and novel part of our method is an approach to
discovering the interests of individual readers using tree structure created according to similarity of articles.
We concentrate on enabling the recommendations in any time, i.e. we discover user’s interests real-time.
Our method discovers specific interests of the reader using information gained from monitoring his
activities in the news portal. We describe the mechanisms for recommending up-to-date and relevant
articles. It is based on known solutions, but incorporates unique representation of user interests by binary
tree. Moreover, our aim was to provide recommendations in real-time. Recommendations are thus generated
depending on the actual reader’s interest. We also present an evaluation of recommendations in the
experiment where we use accounts of real readers and their history of reading.
Making personalized recommendations is nowadays
becoming increasingly popular topic. There are
several reasons for this. The main reason is the size
of information space containing sources to be
recommended and the inability of a human to
browse this space in full in order to find relevant
information. Our main concern is to facilitate the
exploring activity of the user through the
information space by recommendations with stress
on changes of the user interests in time.
Recommendations are also a perfect tool for
marketers. Targeted advertising is linked to the
analysis and consumer needs. Thus, especially in e-
shops and web business, recommendation of goods
commonly takes place.
Area of news is a typical example of a
comprehensive information space. Online
newspapers aim at keeping their readers interested.
They dedicate effort to search for improvements, in
particular, to bring comfort. Amounts of articles
which are added daily are thus processed to be
recommended to users according to their needs.
In the field of news, we should consider time
sensitivity of articles. We can expect that our content
changes dynamically and our users change their
interests in time too. Recommending articles is then
time sensitive and should be done real time to
preserve relevancy of the news.
In this paper we describe our proposal of
content-based recommending. Recommendations are
made based primarily on a history
of the reading.
For recommendation decision we use the individual
user activity (recent articles read) to predict the
content he is interested in. We choose content-based
recommender due to the increasing opportunities in
the processing of content. Besides, regarding news,
content is definitely important and valuable.
Our method for news recommending uses
incremental hierarchical clustering. Clustering is
carried out using textual similarities and is adapted
to allow rapid up-to-date and personalized
As a part of the sme.fiit project (Barla et al.,
2010), which aims at news recommendation in
largest electronic Slovak newspaper (
we present in this paper a recommender called
TRECOM. TRECOM is based on monitored user
behaviour and processed news articles represented
Zeleník D. and Bieliková M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003339403020307
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 302-307
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
effectively considering the news similarity. Data
used for the recommendation are taken from the web
site and contain news texts and the user
history (logs of news reading). We employ a
reader’s activities history from the news portal
without any feedback, but the intention is similar to
the one presented in the related work (Carvalho et
al., 2005) where web logs and user history is used.
Generating personalized recommendations is related
to the observation of a single user behaviour
followed by items suggesting using either content-
based or collaborative filtering methods (Su and
Khoshgoftaar, 2009). In advance there are also
hybrid techniques, which could be used to
recommend items (Burke, 2002). These methods
often combine both principles to avoid negative
aspects in both types.
Collaborative filtering methods for news
recommending are based on presumption that the
majority of similar users have found something
interesting for the rest (Suchal and Návrat, 2010).
Actually, this is more about predicting the behaviour
than about discovering the interest or needs. This
approach has one advantage in comparison to
content-based approach. We are able to surprise the
user and keep the relevancy of the article in the same
time (Ge and Delgado-battenfeld, 2010).
Mooney (Money and Roy, 2000) proposed a
method for book recommendation where each text is
processed and represented using text categorization.
They claim that content-based recommenders are
best at recommending unpopular items when there is
not sufficient information about users, but content
information is easy to obtain. In our case, we have
news relatively easy to process.
There are more options how to calculate
similarity for texts. As it was mentioned, in related
work (Tintarev and Masthoff, 2006) even simple
solutions like Bag Of Words are accurate enough for
news recommending, considering the fact that it has
low complexity. Complexity is important if we want
to provide real-time recommendations.
There is always a problem with unknown or new
users (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). These
users have not been monitored to enable any
recommender to estimate their interests or needs.
Typical solution is to recommend random, the
newest or the most popular items.
Serious problem is also overspecialization which
happens especially in content-based recommenders.
This could be solved by randomly generated
recommendations and omitting the items which are
very similar to those which the reader already saw
like in DailyLearner (Billsus and Pazzani, 2000).
There are also other aspects of user state which
should be considered when we want to recommend
news. As it was mentioned in paper on news
recommending (Jancsary et al., 2010) there are
context-sensitive features. To involve these aspects
we need to find them in real-time. Respectively, we
have to affect the recommendations in real-time.
We recommend articles which are at the web-based
news portal. We have to face time sensitivity,
variety and amounts of articles and readers. Our
users are readers of this news called SME. There are
around 350 thousands of visits every day;
authors add around 250 new articles every day in
430 different categories (combination of category
and section);
average user reads 2 articles per a day and
spends almost 17 minutes at this site a day.
Articles comprise information about the time of
publication, author, section, category and more.
Time of publication is important attribute. It defines
time sensitivity for this domain. Old articles lose
importance over time, despite of the relevance of
their content for specific user. Generally we have to
find personalized and the most recent articles.
For recommending recent articles in dynamic
environment of news we should use a representation
of articles which allows incremental adding articles.
Retrieving articles and searching user interests has to
be based on algorithms with low complexity to be
able recommend in real time with preserving
recency of the news. Besides mentioned time
sensitivity we should reflect changing user interests.
Readers of the news do not want to be
overwhelmed by the same information. There is a
need to vary articles which are recommended. The
reader gradually uses the recommendations, so it is
appropriate to vary these recommendations over
time. Not because of the news recency only, but also
because of the changing or deepening user interest.
Constrained list of recommended items should cover
majority of momentary user’s interests.
The first phase is to discover the interests of
individual users. This is done by monitoring the
activity of each reader. Articles that readers display
are located in a hierarchical structure we designed.
This structure keeps relations between similar
articles. We discover user interests using the records
of user activity and the hierarchy. We describe the
way how to locate articles that are appropriate to the
reader. Another task is to compile list of articles.
The number of recommendation should be
constrained to a limited number. Therefore, we need
to find the equilibrium between recency and
relevancy to maximize precision.
4.1 Discovering Interests
A prerequisite for our method is that each individual
has some interests. This can be easily verified using
a history of readings of particular readers. We can
follow the interest in certain categories or sections of
news portal. Figure 1 presents the selected reader
and records of his activities during the period of 15
days. We can see that the interest of certain
categories prevails over the others.
Figure 1: Top (of 40) categories displayed by the reader.
Similarly, there are identifiable fields of interests
for each reader. It makes sense to explore more
interests based on the calculated similarity between
articles. We substituted this metadata (categories)
made by editors by the hierarchy of similarity
relations which provides its own metadata.
We use a hierarchy of relations, which is
incrementally built, similarly to the hierarchy
presented by Sahoo (Sahoo et al., 2005). In our
hierarchy, we can rely on the repository which
contains current articles and also assume that they
are properly organized. Set of words extracted from
articles and normalized are used as features to
compute similarities among articles. Each node in
the tree is labelled by a set of features. Edges in the
tree represent the hierarchy which keeps similar
articles nearby. We designed our representation as a
hierarchy where
real articles are placed at the lowest level of the
tree (leaf nodes),
features are spread to the meta level of the
similarity is kept in the hierarchy.
There are several options how to calculate similarity
based on the content itself. There are also
sophisticated methods, which are able to determine
semantic similarity (Gabrilovich and Markovitch,
2007). However, simple text similarity is often used
in news recommending and it gives good results
(Kroha and Baeza-Yates, 2005). We use Jaccard’s
similarity to calculate articles similarity.
Figure 2 shows a way of discovering the reader's
interests. We use the tree structure created using the
similarity of articles and records of user activity. We
have a hierarchy of nodes which effectively
represent similarity of real articles even without
actual calculation between particular pairs. Thick
edges are paths from the displayed article to the root
of the tree. Nodes where are thick edges merged are
fields of interests.
Figure 2: Discovering interests. Black nodes represent
already displayed articles.
In this manner, we discover interests for each
user using his history of reading. One user interest is
one node in the tree which is used to define the set
of articles belonging to this interest (articles in the
subtree). Since we use a tree structure we work with
hierarchy of these interests.
4.2 Retrieving Suggestions
When considering reader’s fields of interests we can
compare fineness of the interests depending on the
depth where the node of the tree is located. Fields of
interest that are closer to the leaves of the tree are
more focused on a particular topic (e.g. articles
about hockey). Fields of interests that are closer to
the root are dedicated to more general
topics (e.g. articles about the sport). This structure
has some useful properties.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Recommending specific articles using our
proposed hierarchical structure is a matter of
selecting articles from more interests. We find the
relevant interest for a particular reader. The
relevance of the interest is calculated as the ratio of
articles displayed from this interest and all articles
belonging to the interest.
Thus, we are able to sort interests and prepare for
the selection of appropriate articles. There are
obviously plenty of appropriate articles, since rapid
growth of the news dataset (250 new articles per
day). Figure 3 presents the selection of interesting
articles for a specific reader.
Highlighted articles are those which the user has
read. These articles are used to determine the
relevance of his interest. Other articles are
potentially interesting for the reader. We selected the
articles, which are the subject of further
Figure 3: Selecting interesting articles.
Because of the need to avoid overspecialization,
we penalize very similar interests. Otherwise,
recommended articles would have been closely
similar to those already displayed by the reader.
4.3 Compiling Recommendations
The reader has sometimes problem also with long
list of recommendations (Bollen et al., 2010).
Therefore, we choose articles that cover all relevant
interests of the reader but are from distinct fields.
We also integrate the time as an attribute in the
compilation of the list of recommendations. Time is
an important attribute, which could indicate whether
the interest that we discovered is outdated or not.
We introduce the additional information that is
maintained in a hierarchical structure. We can find
the latest article which was added for each branch of
the tree. Time attribute is spread as maximum of two
sub-branches. This way we can efficiently identify
the most recent article and the time when it was
published. Interest is then as relevant as the last
added article. We gain the possibility to combine
time relevancy and the content relevancy. To create
a list of recommended articles we considered both
attributes. The method is described in the following
steps and Figure 4.
1. Selection of articles displayed by a reader
2. Discovery of areas of interests in the tree
3. Selection of unread articles for each interest
4. Sorting articles by time in particular interest
5. Creation of a matrix containing interest
6. Linking the columns of the matrix into a list as
illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Compiling the mix of recommendations. Articles
in rows belong to the same field of interest. The most
relevant interest is at the top. The most recent articles for
each interest are on the left side. Articles 1-9 are formed
into list of recommendations by columns.
The list covers interests of the user. Our method
is designed to recommend 10 items for one request
to avoid choice overload (Bollen et al., 2010).
Articles are not only from one theme but cover more
topics. Articles are even up-to-date.
We are able to create the list in every moment
and in real-time. This is mainly because of the
hierarchy which we use to represent relations
between articles. Operations are fast enough to
generate the matrix of recommendations. Actually,
we change the whole matrix only in cases where the
user initiates a new session, or exhausts the list.
We performed several experiments conducted in the
real environment of the news portal. This brings real
data as articles, readers and their activity (thousands
of articles and readers).
One way of evaluation, we made, is the real
usage of the method and a user feedback. We
selected few readers and formed the controlled
group. This group had to evaluate recommended
articles and become familiar with our recommender.
Users have had a chance to use our recommender
through the browser plug-in. This plug-in works as
an extension to the news portal. We enriched the
news portal with a list of recommendations. We also
added a simple voting control to each article only for
the evaluation purposes.
The experiment was conducted with 10 people
who rated 88 recommended articles during ordinary
reading. Readers evaluated recommended articles
using binary values (appropriate, inappropriate).
Reader had a list which was changed every hour. It
was not obligate to evaluate every article from the
list. We took 88 rated articles and 62 articles were
positively evaluated. Our accuracy with this
controlled group was 70%. It means that 70% of
recommended items covered interests of readers.
Our second experiment was based on synthetic
tests. In this case we simulated the feedback
received from readers on the basis of their actual
behaviour in past. Since we are talking about
simulating the evaluation, we use many more
readers than in previous experiment. The entire test
was executed with a set of 1, 000 active readers and
their reading records (5 days, 20 articles per day for
average reader).
We divided the records from complete history of
readers into two smaller intervals. The first interval
is denoted as training interval and second as a test
interval. The first interval is used to generate
recommendations using our method. It is the same
list of recommendations which would appear when
using the website at the end of this period. Real
history in test interval is then compared with
recommendations generated using training interval.
However, the reader displays thematically
similar articles to the recommended articles. To
examine whether recommendations cover reader’s
interests or not, we did not compared exact articles.
We compared articles using the similarity. We did
not use our relations to compare articles. We used
pair of section and category provided by the news
website to be objective.
We used 1,000 active readers and their history.
To be accurate, there are around 430 valid
combinations of sections and categories. It means
there are around 430 options to pick correct
combination.. We evaluated if the recommendation
is the same combination of section and category as
the article in testing period.
Figure 5 indicates the precision and recall for
more testing intervals. We can compare the length of
the intervals used to calculate the recommendations.
We see that the precision is growing up to 60%.
The recommendation is correct in 60% of the cases.
Figure 5: Precision and recall plotted in the chart.
To make a better picture we have compared our
results with results of the other content-based
recommender which uses the same dataset and
evaluation method (Kompan et al., 2010). We have
observed that our method has significantly higher
recall for shorter testing intervals. Our recommender
was able to cover user’s interests also in 1 hour
interval. This happens because our recommender
uses composition to cover as much user’s interests
as it is possible.
From a user’s perspective it is often important to
know the method for recommending and how these
recommendations are calculated (Ahn et al., 2010).
Our user is willing to accept advice if he knows how
the machine discovered this advice. We discovered
that sometimes just an outline of the solution helps.
We found out that we are logging also articles
already recommended. These records are used again
for recommending. Discovering of interests is
inappropriate when the calculation works with these
articles. In fact, recommenders should not replace
the standard navigation, but they should satisfy the
user with an additional functionality. Otherwise, the
information space may be undesirable narrowed by
these recommendations. One solution could be the
addition of random articles, which would allow the
user to navigate into these hidden areas.
We also observed the problem with non-active
readers. This means that the interval used for
recommending was not sufficient to discover
interests. We used only 5 days of the history of
reading. The average user reads only two articles per
a day. Shorter intervals are not sufficient because
our method is not able to discover enough interests.
In this paper we described a method for personalized
news recommending. We focused on the content of
articles and the user’s interests. We used an effective
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
representation of the similarity relations between the
articles. Advantages of this hierarchy include
logarithmical complexity, metadata which are
generated using content of the articles and
incremental approach. This is useful if we need real-
time calculation and the metadata provided by the
authors of the news are not sufficient. On the other
hand, a disadvantage is that the tree structure could
not provide relations which are not transitive (i.e.
text similarity of news).
We use properties of the hierarchical
representation in our method. The results thus meet
the requirements of the recommender system.
Hierarchical clustering has low, logarithmical
complexity of storing and retrieving articles. The
hierarchy enables us to discover interests for every
moment using the history of reading.
Our main contribution is utilization of
hierarchical structure, which incrementally generates
metadata about articles. Meta-documents which are
created this way have inheritance relations. These
relations represent similarity between real articles.
The advantages of our recommender systems are
linked to this representation. We are able to discover
user’s interests in real-time, even if we use vast
information space to recommend news.
We focused in our work on real-time content-
based recommending. Our future work includes
considering the context of the user’s interests. We
plan to improve our recommender to consider the
actual interests of a user. We have a presumption
that interests change in time, with location, mood or
emotions. Since we are able to recommend news in
real-time, this is mainly a matter of recognizing the
behavioural patterns and contexts.
This work was supported by the Scientific Grant
Agency of SR, grants No. VG1/0508/09 and
VG1/0675/11, and it is a partial result of the
Research & Development Operational Program for
the project Support of Center of Excellence for
Smart Technologies, Systems and Services II, ITMS
25240120029, co-funded by ERDF.
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