An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D MUVE Learning
Indika Perera, Colin Allison, John McCaffery and Alan Miller
School of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews, KY16 9SX, Scotland, U.K.
Keywords: Blended learning, Learning in 3D MUVE, Learning use cases, Blended learning challenges, Learning
environment integration, Second Life, Open Simulator, Moodle, Sloodle.
Abstract: Technology enhanced learning has been a mainstream educational process, which has introduced a variety
of techniques to use in different contexts to fulfil learning objectives and goals. E-Learning has been widely
used to fulfil various learning requirements from primary education to university and research based
education. However, criticisms on the existing learning methods on competence to cater for societal and
human needs within the context of learning are not rare, associating the constraints of behavioural, cultural,
and pedagogical. 3D Multi User Virtual Environments (MUVE), in contrast, show a promising future for
dynamic learning activities, complementing blended learning methods with high collaboration and user
engagement, in which some of those would not have been possible with existing learning practices. This
paper, nonetheless, shows that the present 3D MUVE learning use cases are not well defined, yet
educationalists tend to practice and expect the conventional e-Learning use cases in 3D MUVE, creating
inconsistencies and losing the significance of 3D MUVE for learning. It also proposes a novel approach to
consider effective 3D MUVE learning use cases. The use case analysis has been done on a blended
perspective. Moreover, the paper critically argues about the effectiveness of learning activities designed
with 3D MUVE and e-Learning through selected case studies.
In various segments of our society, 3D Multi User
Virtual Environments (3D MUVE) can be seen as
useful applications. In effect, 3D Learning
Environments based on Multi-User Virtual worlds
are a growing feature of UK education (Kirriemuir
2010). Virtual worlds with simultaneous interactions
of thousands of people in a shared 3D space, show
frontier and critical implications for business,
education, social and technological sciences, and
society at large (Messinger, Stroulia et al. 2009).
Leading universities are interested in, and have been
researching on, applications of this novel technology
for their learning needs. 3D MUVE support more
intuitive activities for learning complex and
advanced concepts. They are particularly appropriate
for educational use due to their alignment with
Kolb's (Kolb, Boyatzis et al. 2001) concept of
experiential learning, and learning through
experimentation as a particular form of exploration
(Allison, Miller et al. 2008). Interactive 3D virtual
environments demonstrate a great educational
potential due to their ability to engage learners in the
exploration, construction and manipulation of virtual
objects, structures and metaphorical representations
of ideas (Dalgarno, Bishop et al. 2009).
Virtual worlds provide new opportunities and
challenges for technology-enhanced learning
(Allison, Miller et al. 2010). Consequently, many
higher education courses with novel and engaging
approaches to conduct practical coursework have
been virtual worlds in academia. The knowledge on
appropriate learning use cases is essential for the
success of learning in 3D MUVE, as many
educationalists are interested in. Therefore, in this
research, we have focused on identifying key use
cases for learning with 3D MUVE support. For our
research and learning activities, we choose Second
Life - SL (Linden_Labs 2003) and Open Simulator
(The_Open_Simulator_Project 2007) as 3D MUVE
and, we consider Moodle (Moodle 2004) as an e-
Learning platform. More details about the work we
have done with these environments will be discussed
later. A significant point of interest for users of 3D
virtual worlds as learning environments is that this
paper considers popular public domain, open source
Perera I., Allison C., McCaffery J. and Miller A..
TOWARDS EFFECTIVE BLENDED LEARNING WITH 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D MUVE Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0003339500460055
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 46-55
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
platforms OpenSim, Moodle and Sloodle for
learning activities, which are capable of providing a
complete blended learning environment with 3D
virtual world support.
It is important to distinguish between virtual
worlds, such as Second Life, and massively
multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG)
such as World of Warcraft (WoW), as many
commentators still seem to regard them as belonging
to the same genre. In virtual worlds all the content,
building and terra-forming is the result of user
activity. There are no goals per se. Unlike
MMORPGs the client does not hold a model of the
entire world. As avatars move around, their
immediate environment is downloaded dynamically
to the client. Consequently, virtual worlds require
significantly more network bandwidth than 3D
games. For example, WoW has been measured as
using as little as 7 Kbps (Sheldon, Girard et al.
2003), whereas Second Life and OpenSim will
readily use more than 500 Kbps. This can be an
issue for a limited resource blended learning
environment that looks for 3D MUVE engagement.
Appropriate learning use cases should be designed
considering 3D MUVE network bandwidth
requirements as well. Delivering the desired Quality
of Service to a virtual world is a live and challenging
subject (Oliver, Miller et al. 2010).
This paper is arranged into the following
sections: in section 2 we describe background details
along with our experiences on learning in 3D
MUVE; section 3 explains the high level model that
we use to analyse 3D MUVE supported learning in
the context of existing learning methods. Section 4
elaborates appropriate learning use cases for 3D
MUVE learning while considering the research
environments we have used. Sections 5 and 6 briefly
present two case studies we have worked on to
examine the proposed model while presenting the
use case mapping challenges and domain specific
comparisons, respectively. The section 7 describes
the relevance of research findings for security policy
development on 3D MUVE learning as the future
research work, before concluding.
E-learning gives many advantages, but there have
been criticisms on using it as a mainstream method
of education. In fact, this concern was examined by
Graf and Kinshuk in their work on e-Learning
adaption to standard learning styles (Graf and
Kinshuk 2009). A study on e-Learning impact for
successful learning activities was done using an
approach of task-technology fit (McGill and Klobas
2009). It was found that the perceived benefits of e-
learning utilization are higher than that of the actual
outcome in the form of student grades, in light of the
argument that the technical constraints and
underutilization of the possible use cases could have
resulted in such observation, through poor
collaboration and irrational learning methods, due to
overwhelming technology perception of the users.
Additionally, technological limitations on providing
learning content and activities without 3D rich
formats can be a significant cause for a failure of a
learning activity. Moreover, trying to map traditional
models of learning into e-learning has resulted in
weaknesses that we experience in some available e-
learning applications (Teo and Gay 2006).
Importantly, monotonous ways of interacting
students, without their preferred personalization has
resulted in poor engagement on learning activities,
as well.
Blended learning refers to instructional
approaches with multiple learning delivery methods,
including most often face-to-face classroom with
asynchronous and/or synchronous online learning.
Rich collaboration and user friendliness are expected
norms on multiple platforms in blended learning
(Brenton 2009). Blended learning is characterized as
maximizing the best advantages of face-to-face and
online education (Wu, Tennyson et al. 2010). As a
result, the possibility of incorporating 3D MUVE as
a complementary learning platform with existing
learning environments has been widely used in this
work. However, we insist that the new blended
learning paradigm should only consist of productive
learning use cases of 3D MUVE to avoid
redundancies and suboptimal practices. Weippl’s
extensive set of factors and use cases for e-Learning
security management (Weippl 2005), has been used
for this analysis in a blended approach.
The University of St Andrews has ventured in a
diverse set of educational and research projects
incorporating 3D MUVE. The educational projects
mainly include the course delivery and assessment in
3D MUVE with a significant success. The Laconia
Acropolis Virtual Archaeology (LAVA) (K.
Getchell, Nicoll et al. 2007), a joint project between
schools of Classics and Computer Science, allows
students to engage with a simulated archaeological
excavation, and then explore a recreation of the site
in Second Life. The WiFi Virtual Laboratory in
Second Life project (WiFiSL) (Sturgeon, Allison et
TOWARDS EFFECTIVE BLENDED LEARNING WITH 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D
MUVE Learning
al. 2009) is used as a learning aid for wireless
networking. It facilitates collaborative explorations
and visual simulations of wireless traffic using 3D
virtual world interfaces. Another computer
networking related research project is to examine
Second Life network traffic. It has been a validating
study of previous researchers' findings whilst
offering new insights of SL traffic management, as a
client end measurement analysis (Oliver, Miller et
al. 2010). Teaching Human Computer Interaction
(HCI) to honours students has been a successful
effort, once with Second Life (Perera, Allison et al.
2009) and another instance with OpenSim (Perera,
Allison et al. 2010). Figure 1 shows some of the
creative mechanisms students have developed.
Figure 1: Students’ coursework for HCI in Second Life
and OpenSim – Dijkstra’s shunting algorithm, and
interactive door systems for enclosures.
The Module Management System (MMS)
interoperates with Second Life in order to maintain
an association of institutional and virtual world
identities while being a learning management
system. The university is in the process of
introducing Moodle in place of WebCT, which
provide a Single-Sign-On based Moodle-MMS e-
Learning platform for a seamless course
management service. Therefore, with the experience
on using 3D MUVE for teaching, we suggest that
incorporating 3D MUVE along with existing e-
Learning environments would generate better
blended learning results for students and teachers.
The following abstract model indicates learning
environment approaches and possible technology
applications with a high level perspective. The
model is used to analyse how 3D MUVE fit into the
existing learning environments, and to evaluate
feasible solution stacks to form a productive learning
environment. This model analysis will be considered
for the use case analysis, later in this paper.
Figure 2: High level model to analyze 3D MUVE
integration with learning practices.
The model uniquely identifies three core areas of
learning methods: traditional learning methods, e-
Learning methods and 3D MUVE learning activities.
According to the model, for a productive blended
learning experience, 3D MUVE should be
introduced in a complementary nature to the existing
e-Learning and traditional learning system suites.
Let us briefly discuss typical characteristics and
issues on each of the different combinations that
teachers can practice along with selected system
environments. Moreover, for this analysis, we
presume the individual methods, i.e. traditional
learning or e-learning or 3D MUVE learning alone,
would only provide suboptimal learning experience.
Another important consideration made with this
model analysis is that the role of mobile learning or
commonly known as m-learning. There is no doubt
that the portability and the ubiquity presented by
hand held devices such as PDAs and mobile phones
add a significant value to the existing learning
activities. Many researchers tend to consider it as a
sub category of broad e-Learning application
domain. Lefrere (Lefrere 2009) has examined
activity based scenarios for ubiquitous mobile e-
Learning. In his findings, he concludes that
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
prevailing resource constraints of mobile
infrastructure and complex nature of existing e-
Learning use case scenarios have prevented mobile
learning being considered as a broad and
independent learning technology, but a supportive
rich extension for existing e-Learning practices.
Moreover, learning with the mobile device support
does not replace existing learning practices, but it
offers a way to extend the support of learning
outside the classroom, to the conversations and
interactions of everyday life, as a value addition to
e-Learning (Boja and Batagan 2009). We also
understand that considering mobile learning as a part
of e-Learning for this model analysis would not
affect negatively the accuracy of the model, but
provide a summative and straightforward insight on
the arguments being presented.
Most of the present virtual environment
supported learning activities can be seen as
complementary approaches of e-Learning and
traditional learning combinations. Apart from a pure
e-Learning based distance learning activity, all the
other learning practices have traditional learning
methods such as classroom teaching, in person
interactions, practical and laboratory projects,
assessment and feedback. Even though e-Learning
methods provide learning process optimization
through automation and usable content reusing
approaches, it cannot entirely replace traditional
learning activities that require user collaboration and
physical engagement. On the other hand, beyond
video content support, e-Learning does not provide
simulation facilities to streamline 3D aspects in the
learning experience. A learning environment with
Moodle support can be considered as an example
scenario for this category.
Undoubtedly, the traditional learning has
benefited by using 3D MUVE as a supportive tool
for 3D simulations and user engagement. Specially,
when it comes to explaining complex concepts such
as computing algorithms, natural and physical
science phenomena and 3D modelling, 3D MUVE
provide unequal value additions for traditional
learning. Moreover, 3D MUVE can be used as an
alternative simulation tool to train students virtually,
before their actual laboratory experiments. In some
instances, this can be the only possible option due to
various constraints on real experiments. However,
we do not see a comprehensive integration with the
learning processes, as 3D MUVE are merely used as
supportive tools. Isolated learning activities that use
Second Life or Open Simulator virtual regions can
be considered as example scenarios for this.
The combination between 3D MUVE and e-
Learning also show better results, but it misses the
important aspects of traditional learning such as
classroom participation, examination and physical
engagement. The data consistency and content
integration between the two environments have
made this option the most effective out of the three,
yet it is not the optimal scenario. Sloodle (Sloodle
2007) integration between Moodle and Second
Life/OpenSim is the best example for this type.
However, we will further discuss certain
inappropriate use cases designed in Sloodle, which
could be practiced productively with e-Learning
systems than in 3D MUVE.
Therefore, it is understandable that for a
successful learning experience, there should be
complementary facilitation of these three learning
environments. The proposed new blended learning
paradigm facilitates straightforward analysis on the
learning processes and the degree of their
dependence upon e-Learning, traditional and 3D
MUVE domains. Moreover, the finer granular
functionality analysis derived from this abstract
model would help to fine-tune the existing learning
methods and models to avoid potential redundancies
and functional gaps, when systems are in use. For
that, we further analyse effective use cases for 3D
MUVE learning in the context of existing blended
learning environments in the next section.
Comprehensive use case analyses on learning with
virtual environments have not been performed in a
larger scale, so far. The main reason for that may be
the intrinsic properties of learning use cases that
directly map with the pedagogical and traditional
learning processes, which have resulted in
researchers considering those as they are for virtual
environments. However, this lack of analytical
understanding on appropriate use cases for a given
learning environment creates difficulties for
integrating 3D MUVE with existing learning
environments. Furthermore, it results in educators to
expect inefficient use cases from 3D MUVE, and
often makes them to practice those meaninglessly.
Table 1 summarises the default user roles in the
Moodle e-Learning environment while indicating the
appropriate corresponding roles from Second Life
and OpenSim 3D MUVE. It shows the abstract user
role definition in 3D MUVE, compared to Moodle
TOWARDS EFFECTIVE BLENDED LEARNING WITH 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D
MUVE Learning
or similar e-Learning systems, results in poor
granularity on defining learning use cases in 3D
MUVE. Learning activity management for complex
use cases with distinct roles can be a challenging
task to achieve in 3D MUVE. As a result, a revision
of complex e-Learning scenarios is needed for an
effective learning experience with 3D MUVE
support. Furthermore, access control and permission
models in 3D MUVE are designed for 3D content
and land access (Perera, Allison et al. 2010), which
may not be possible to map directly with access
control models of e-Learning systems. This creates
further discrepancies when users expect exact e-
learning use case behaviours in 3D MUVE.
Table 1: The comparison of default user roles in Moodle
with the 3D MUVE Second Life (SL) and OpenSim (OS).
Moodle Role Description SL OS
(all courses)
create courses,
teach in them
owner /
owner /
teach in and
modify assigned
owner /
owner /
teach in assigned
resource access
and course
Guest observation only Visitors Visitors
Although we can consider all major user roles in
the table 1, due to the limited space, let us consider
only the student role for the use case analysis, here.
In fact, for 3D MUVE, beyond administration tasks
of the system and the virtual environment, most of
the other use cases are common to different roles;
hence the common user role would be the ‘Resident
User’ in the virtual region. Therefore, default student
role is taken as a resident user, and considered the
common use cases available for a resident user in
default, which are compared in the figure 3 with the
Moodle student role.
With the system support for rich text based
content management and integration, e-Learning
environments such as Moodle can incorporate a
diverse set of student activities as shown in the
figure 3. Moreover, these activities can be extended
easily with additional functions to form
comprehensive end-to-end learning processes. On
the other hand, 3D MUVE user activities are more
abstract and emphasis on 3D simulation and
dynamic nature through programming than advanced
textual features. The 3D MUVE student use cases
shown in figure 3, indicates this abstract nature and
gives a clear view on how difficult to achieve e-
Learning use cases as they are, in 3D MUVE.
This validates the proposed blended learning
model and the arguments, as 3D MUVE should be
incorporated with its competent learning use cases,
whilst e-Learning and traditional learning practices
being considered for the rest. Moreover,
inappropriate use case integration between e-
Learning systems and 3D MUVE can result to
inconsistent data and critical security issues on the
role based access control. The next section
elaborates the use case mapping challenges
considering a set of unproductive learning feature
implementations in 3D MUVE through the one-to-
one mapping of e-Learning use cases.
Figure 3: The comparison of learning use cases for the
student role in Moodle (version 1.9.9) and generic 3D
MUVE. (UML 2.0 use case standard).
Use case mappings can be seen in two types. The
first type accounts for the popular activities of using
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3D MUVE for trivial learning activities such as
mere gatherings or to impose 3D flavour on existing
2D learning contents. These activities do not induce
additional inefficiencies to learning process, but add
variety and dynamism, although the learning
activities may be not practiced to the optimum
potential. On the other hand, the second type of
learning use case mapping seems crucial for learning
environments since it can introduce a set of
complimentary uses with 3D MUVE instead of
major Web based e-Learning activities. Although
these practices are becoming popular, they are yet to
provide productive learning use case
implementations for a complete replace of selected
2D Web tasks.
For this case study, we have installed and tested
a prototype learning environment. We have used
Moodle (version 1.99) as the e-Learning platform,
Sloodle (version 1.0) and OpenSim (version 0.68) as
the 3D MUVE. Another important fact with this
arrangement is all these systems are free and open
source; the most complete open solution available
present for academia to work with on this regard.
Therefore, this system suite based learning activities
should be thoroughly studied in order to optimise the
proposed blended learning with 3D MUVE.
Sloodle learning features include 11 activities to
map selected Moodle activities such as chat, forum,
glossary, choice, content display and limited support
of quiz and 3D content submissions for assignments.
A summary of main Sloodle tools for learning, their
functional descriptions along with the corresponding
Moodle task, is mentioned in table 2.
Table 2: The comparison of default user roles in Moodle
with the 3D MUVE Second Life (SL) and OpenSim (OS).
Sloodle tool
Functionality description
Synchronize chat Chat
Display media files
Blog, Gestures, Avatar list
Quiz chair
MCQ question support Quiz
Pile on quiz
MCQ question support Quiz
Prim drop
Submit prim for
assignment in Moodle
Access glossary in Moodle Glossary
Sloodle Choice
Synchronize choice Choice
Vending machine
Distribute SL objects --
Connects Sloodle points
with Moodle Gradebook
Picture Gloss
Connects texture from
glossary to prim
Synchronised user communications and Moodle
content display in 3D MUVE are rational features
that add value to learning. However, using 3D
Figure 4: Publishing rich text entries through direct access
of Moodle without Sloodle support.
MUVE chat channels to publish student
compositions in Moodle forum, glossary and wiki,
can be a question as those entries are supposed to
feature rich text and content, which cannot be
supported through 3D MUVE chat or IM channels,
at present. Furthermore, asking students to
participate in quizzes, assignments and text based
learning activities in 3D MUVE instead of Moodle
can introduce further difficulties to student work. In
most of the instances, students require re-login to
Moodle afterwards of their initial submission, to
enrich the entries that have been done through raw
chat interfaces while they were inside 3D MUVE.
By accessing Moodle through in-world media
browser directly would allow a certain level of rich
text support as shown in Figure 4. However, due to
JavaScript support issues with the present in-world
media browsers, students can try external browsers
of their systems for advanced text compositions
while being inside the 3D MUVE.
Another important fact to consider is the
accurate map of user collaboration facilities
provided in 3D MUVE with the e-Learning
environment. Specially, Web based learning
activities by their nature are not designed for rich
collaboration in real time, but a user session based
individual browsing. Some argue that confining
certain 3D virtual world learning activities to the in-
world browser, would eventually hinder the
advantages of 3D MUVE for collaborative learning.
A collaborative web browsing (‘co-browsing’) tool
support is being developed as an extension to the
Sloodle system (Crowe and Livingstone 2009).
However, it is too early to evaluate such a tool for
seamless web browsing on serious learning activities
with 3D MUVE. For the time being, accessing
textual content through the in-world browser or
external browsers (Firefox, Safari, IE, etc.) would be
advised, and it provides better results for rich and
comprehensive composition tasks (Figures, 5 and 6).
Moreover, Sloodle mediation only supports MCQ
TOWARDS EFFECTIVE BLENDED LEARNING WITH 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D
MUVE Learning
questions! Therefore, accessing Moodle directly in
2D form is essential for formal assessment and
Figure 5: Attempting a quiz, published on a Moodle
course, in OpenSim with Sloodle mediation through in-
world Note-cards.
Figure 6: Attempting the same quiz mentioned in fig. 5,
through the OpenSim in-world media browser. Here the
avatar accesses the quiz directly without Sloodle support.
However, when it comes to mediating the 3D
content ownerships, their associations and avatar
identity registration with Moodle course modules,
Sloodle does reasonably well through its tools. ‘Prim
drop’ and ‘Vending machine’ are important tools for
this purpose and unarguably implements essential
use cases for 3D MUVE integration with e-
Learning. Moreover, ‘Registration Booth’, ‘Access
Checker’ and ‘Login Zone’ functions are effective
for platform integration with accurate identity and
access control mapping between 3D MUVE and
Therefore, trying to achieve all learning use
cases of e-Learning systems in 3D MUVE is not
advised for serious learning requirements. With the
case study, we have identified that the textual and
2D based learning content and activities are not yet
fully supported for effective use in 3D MUVE.
Educationalists should rationally decide appropriate
learning use case implementations according to the
learning domain requirements. We have further
studied on such a specific implementation of a
domain requirement and will be discussed in the
next section. Moreover, students should be
encouraged to use the e-Learning environment for its
competent functions while the 3D MUVE for its
best, in a mutually independent manner. The system
infrastructure should ensure the seamless data
integration between the environments underneath for
a smooth learning experience, without forceful
implementations of inappropriate practices.
For this, we have selected to compare two distinctive
implementations of the link state protocol OSPF
(Open Short Path First) simulations as learning aids.
OSPF uses Dijkstra’s Shortest Path algorithm as its
mechanism to build and calculate the distances to all
known destinations. Importantly, understanding
Dijkstra’s Shortest Path algorithm can be a
challenging task for an unaided student due to its
complex nature. Like many algorithms, it can leave
some students bored and disengaged, so the goal was
to demonstrate a user-friendly learning resource to
help students who would otherwise lose interest.
The first attempt was to implement a Web based
public accessible learning resource with animation
support to indicate the algorithm behaviour. Also
this implementation facilitated a certain level of
interactivity with feedback to self assess user’s
understanding on the algorithm behaviour. A
working instance of the Dijkstra’s algorithm
animation with highlighting the relevant step is
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: An operational instance of the interactive Web
based OSPF algorithm simulation learning resource.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Although this Web based OSPF learning
resource was a better alternative to the static textual
explanations of OSPF algorithm, we have identified
several obstacles associated with its domain
limitations, which are challenging to overcome for
an engaged and collaborative learning participation.
Moreover, the Web based OSPF learning aid could
only provide the dynamism within a pre arranged set
of graph topologies to indicate the algorithm
behaviour. If a student wants to practice own
network topology with varying constraints to
examine the algorithm, it is not possible with this.
However, with the intrinsic support for textual
content of the platform, this version of OSPF
animation provides usable text based learning
content and dynamic activities such as formatted
routing table, node – arc summary at each step and
textual user input and feedback for self assessments.
It also provides additional resources (external) for an
enthusiastic student to refer and further study.
Alternatively, an OSPF simulation learning
resource has been developed in a locally installed
OpenSim island (McCaffery, Miller et al. 2010).
The Web based OSPF learning resource
demonstration has been replicated with the 3D
content and scripting for the required animation (Fig
8). Further extensions and attractive learning use
cases have been associated with this learning aid
beyond the basic preset algorithm simulation.
Figure 8: An avatar observes the Dijkstra’s algorithm
simulation example.
The implementation of OSPF algorithm
simulation in OpenSim has several additional
functions when compared with its Web based
predecessor. Importantly, one of the key use cases of
this learning resource is the truly dynamic network
topology creation at students’ preference. Student
avatars can create various complex network
architectures using routers and end nodes as they
wish (Fig. 9). This is an excellent opportunity for
students to reflect on what they have learnt and to
self examine individual concerns to overcome
liminal spaces related to a threshold concept of their
learning. A threshold concept lets students into
transformational liminal states(Meyer and Land
2005). Indeed a complex algorithm related concept
such as OSPF can be a threshold concept for some
students, in which if we could not provide adequate
dynamic learning aids as liminal states emerge when
students are in the process of understanding, they
easily tend to mimicry the algorithm flow shown in
the static demonstrations, without a thorough
knowledge. While creating their own desired
network topologies, it is obvious that students think
a shortest path by reflecting their knowledge.
However, instantaneous observation of the correct
answer through intuitive simulation would help
students to reinforce their learning accurately. Had
they anticipated an erroneous answer, their curiosity
would let them reinvestigate their answers once the
simulation indicated the correct path of the packet
flow, as shown in the figure 10.
Figure 9: A student avatar creating a dynamic network
topology with routers and end nodes.
Figure 10: Observing the packet flow in the shortest path
of the user created network topology.
Another important advantage with this
implementation is the extensive facilitation for
collaborative group activities. Certainly, it is due to
the intrinsic trait of the 3D MUVE platforms; the
TOWARDS EFFECTIVE BLENDED LEARNING WITH 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D
MUVE Learning
learning resources should be carefully designed to
exploit it, however. Students’ collaboration on
network topology creation, setting various weights
and resources, and observing and commenting
others’ use of the learning aid are new use cases that
have been introduced compared to 2D Web version.
In fact, these use cases of learner collaboration are
essential for a broader understanding of a complex
concept, which would otherwise be limited with
individual insights. User collaboration occurs
through interaction between learners while
interacting with the 3D MUVE, through the learning
interface that provides supports rather than barriers
to learning (Girvan and Savage 2010). Students have
been given the opportunity to use 3D MUVE
communication channels (chat, voice, IM) to share
their ideas while being engaged with their learning.
This was not possible with the previous Web based
animation, either.
The main emphasis given on this OSPF
simulation implementation was to depict the
associated concepts in 3D visuals as much as
possible instead of the textual alternatives. Although
the learning experience could be implemented on
other platforms without 3D MUVE support, the
learner experience would be lost, and users feel
contrived (Girvan and Savage 2010). Therefore, a
reasonable amount of textual content and activities
have been appropriately redesigned and mapped to
3D content to exploit the 3D MUVE benefits to the
fullest. By doing so, however, certain learning use
cases that are primarily associated with the textual
contents and could not completely mapped to 3D
content, seem to be deprived when observed along
with the rich 3D visuals. Using 3D MUVE raw text
channels to display routing information or algorithm
simulation updates may not be aesthetic without rich
formatting. Indeed, this strengthens our argument of
using complement systems for a blended learning on
what they are competent of. An appropriately
designed Web based e-Learning resource to provide
rich textual content and user activities would
complement the 3D MUVE with sufficient
integration. Moreover, as we discussed in the
previous section, such a resource could be accessed
interactively through the in-world or external
browsers, while participating in the 3D MUVE
learning activities.
Another challenge, with 3D MUVE learning
resources, is the provision of external resources of
the same calibre for further studies. Being a novel
and growing technology for learning, 3D MUVE do
not yet possess a reasonable amount of 3D learning
resources to be referred for a particular area of
study. Even if there are 3D contents available from
external sources, accessing and execution of those
content objects is not a straightforward activity, as
we access Web based public resources. This is
primarily due to the heterogeneous content
ownership management policies and platform
constraints. However, we can expect for a brighter
future as 3D MUVE systems further develop and are
widely used in blended learning environments.
This paper has rationalized the use case issues
associated with learning in 3D virtual worlds, when
users expect identical use cases as they practice with
e-Learning activities. Either the situational
approaches for utilizing 3D MUVE for learning, or
forceful integrations of inappropriate use cases of e-
Learning systems with 3D MUVE, would not
furnish sustainable solutions; this paper has
introduced a strategic model to analyze these issues
considering prime aspects. The analysis on use case
implementations and selected case studies in this
research would only guide the pathway, but further
research is encouraged for standardising and
applying productive use cases for various blended
learning requirements with 3D MUVE.
3D virtual worlds have a great potential for
engaging students in innovative, immersive learning
environments. Identifying appropriate use cases for
learning in 3D MUVE will facilitate the future work
of this research. With this research, we are looking
forward to provide comprehensive security
management policies for generic learning
requirements in 3D MUVE. For a sustainable
security management policy definition on 3D
MUVE learning, it is essential to consider every
associated main platform of blended learning. Not
only it allows us to develop policy models for 3D
MUVE learning in a holistic manner, but also
provides an efficient set of complimentary learning
use cases that has been already filtered for
redundancies from other platforms. The proposed
security policy models will then be implemented as
prototypes to evaluate and optimize for large scale
deployments. These will be done at the application
level, independent of the underlying platform
constraints to ensure seamless customization and
reuse, as required.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This research is supported by the UK
Commonwealth Scholarship programme and the
Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance
(SICSA). Second Life region rental was supported in
part by the University of St Andrews Fund for
Innovations in Learning, Teaching and Assessment
(FILTA). The Higher Education Academy for
Information and Computer Sciences (HEA ICS)
supported part of the work on OpenSim.
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TOWARDS EFFECTIVE BLENDED LEARNING WITH 3D MUVE - An Analysis of Use Case Implementations for 3D
MUVE Learning