computer classroom. In addition to our electronic
teaching tools we provide a skeleton for every
student, in order to make possible the relationships
between the image and the actual anatomical
Figure 6: Practical skill lessons in a computer classroom.
Our teaching design aims at providing courses in
human anatomy to undergraduate students,
kinesiology, physical and psychomotor education,
occupational therapy and kinesiotherapy.
Our main aim is to help students at better
understanding the verbal and graphical knowledge
of human anatomy. As all scientific fields, human
anatomy requires learning a specific vocabulary and
competence. Although, teaching this vocabulary and
enhancing these specific competences in novice
students is not systematically included in official
teaching programs nor in the instruction methods
used by lecturers.
Furthermore, the new students’ generation is
being more and more reluctant to human anatomy.
On the other hand, they are accustomed to using
digital technologies in daily life activities. The
French Ministry of National Education noticed that
if marketing, advertising, gaming and cinema are at
the edge of social manners, education will stay
Using a specific vocabulary, human anatomy
describes geometrical shapes in a three-dimensional
space. These are often described statically or
dynamically. Thus, ownership of such knowledge
requires creating mental images based on a well
structured space perception. In France, learning
anatomy is not however preceded by specific spatial
ability training, thus making anatomy a highly
theoretical discipline, requiring a lot of memory.
Even though, the difficulties encountered by
students are well known, the number of lectures,
teaching tools and equipment are still reduced.
We assume that our 3D instructional tools may in
different ways help the students facing their
difficulties by providing:
- A better understanding of spatial organization
and mental rotation (the ability to imagine an
anatomical structure turning in space): Vivid mental
images of anatomical structures. This process may
start by a simple mental image that is progressively
- A video screenplay adapted to students’
difficulties and constructed upon the student’s,
expectations and level.
Thus, for novices in anatomy learning, the 3D
images can replace the complex verbal vocabulary
and make the information smoother to understand.
Figures 7, 8 and 9: Mental rotation (a bone, the femur).
Figures 10, 11 and 12: Simple mental image progressively
complicated (coxal bone).
The first arguments in favor of these hypotheses
were mainly mentioned in the doctoral thesis of the
first author and the supervisor of this project
(Thiriet, 1982). He stated that students having bad
scores in human anatomy examination had low
abilities in spatial representation. He thus concluded
that 3D images should take place of verbal
explanation. Therefore a research group of the
University focused on studying the relationships
between spatial orientation and learning anatomy.
The studies were conducted in collaboration with the
“ICAP” department specialized in 3D technologies,
web-based and computer supported education. All
our 3D based teaching tools were developed by
ICAP team.
Our first experimental results confirmed the main
conclusions underlined in the thesis by P. Thiriet.
Several publications showed that scores in human
anatomy is correlated with scores on spatial tasks on
the one hand (mental rotation, field dependence…)
and that training in mental rotation may enhance
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education