needs. AAL is one of the most viable and promising solutions to bridge the lack of tools
for assisting and enhancing the quality of life of the elderly population.
In this article we presented a wireless and portable system for long-term monitoring
in long term physiological parameters, adapted to people who have special needs.The
system allows to monitor HR, SpO2 and activity level through wearable sensor nodes.
This feature together with wireless communication and miniaturization makes the sys-
tem comfortable for the patient and easy to carry with him/her during the normal day-
life. aal@home’s main feature is the safety tool which provides caregivers with an
easy-to-use resource to closely follow up the users at distance, this way creating the
conditions for a faster and more effective assistance to the patient in case of emergency.
Despite the fact that the system is still in pilot phase, the results so far are very
positive and demonstrate that according to the requirements, it has a good usability
and portability and is able to enhance the caregivers’ quality of work. Moreover, pa-
tients have been feeling comfortable and safe since they are continuously monitored.
For caregivers, aal@home is being a good tool for a closer monitoring process and for
customizing the assistance to each patient. Additionally, the pilot tests are showing that
the number of visits of the patients to the hospital can be decreased with aal@home.
This fact will certainly have a strong impact not only at social levels but also at eco-
nomic level because aal@home can provide a mean for decreasing the costs of the visits
as well as the number of people in the hospitals.
This work was partially supported by the National Strategic Reference Framework
(NSRF-QREN) program under contracts n 4329 and 7900 (respectively: Internation-
alization and Living Usability Lab for Next Generation Networks), and by Fundac¸˜ao
para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia (FCT) under grant SFRG/BD/65248/2009, whose support
the authors gratefully acknowledge.
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