A Case Study of blended Learning Experiences in Health Science Education
Miriam Struchiner, Taís Rabetti Giannella
Núcleo de Tecnologia Educacional para a Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Marina Bazzo de Espíndola
Departamento de Metodologia de Ensino, Centro de Ciências da Educação
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Course
Management System, Science and Health Education.
Abstract: This paper is an analysis of cases of university professors’ incorporation of information and communication
technology (ICT) in their instruction in terms of their expression of their pedagogical, technological and
content knowledge. Our analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with nine professors who used a
web-based authoring tool to build virtual learning environments (VLEs) to support their classroom courses.
Results show that the manner in which professors incorporate ICT in their classrooms is expressed in terms
of the specifics of the field of Health and Science education, with regards to the nature of both teaching
content and teaching strategy. Thus, much focus was given to the use of resources that enabled visualization
of abstract phenomena, the use of primary sources of information, the development of new ways to carry out
practical activities, and communication tools that broadened the space for solving cases and problems.
Generating tools for easy use on the Internet, like
course management systems and authoring tools, has
enabled professors in various fields to experience
building and publishing their own educational
material according to their educational interests,
needs, and approaches (Giannella and Struchiner,
Harris et al (2007) describe teaching as an
activity that is strongly dependent on context,
covering a wide variety of learning environments,
situations, and connections between theory and
practice. They suggest that the integration of
technology in teaching needs new knowledge in this
area. Teachers’ great challenge in adopting
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
is developing pedagogical creative opportunities to
use educational technology based on an integrated
knowledge structure for teaching their specific
contents (Niess, 2005).
Recent literature in the field of educational
technology addresses the need to investigate
relationships among different pedagogical,
technological, and content knowledge of professors
when incorporating ICT in education (Mishra and
Koheler, 2005 and 2005, Niess, 2005, Lee and Tsai,
2008). The objective of this study is to present the
analysis of a group of nine University Health and
Science professors’ experiences with ICT in
teaching. We focused our analyses especially with
respect to professors’ content, pedagogical, and
technological knowledge involved in the process of
adopting innovations in their teaching practices.
Struchiner M., Rabetti Giannella T. and Bazzo de Espíndola M..
IN THEIR EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES - A Case Study of blended Learning Experiences in Health Science Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0003340100560064
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 56-64
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The incorporation of ICT in teaching is a complex
process that involves the interaction of multiple
factors composing each educational scenario.
Traditionally, the field of educational technology
combined efforts to study technological,
pedagogical, social, and institutional factors that
influenced the process of incorporating ICT
(Moersch, 1995; Hooper & Rieber, 1995; Stoner,
1996; Sherry et al, 2000; Lim and Khine, 2006).
Recently, this field has grown wider on account of
studies that have emphasized the importance of
including context characteristics of each teaching
content in order to find effective ways of using ICT
(Mishra and Khoeler, 2005; Kanuka, 2006).
Based on their experiences in training professors
to use ICT, Mishra and Koehler (2005) observed that
the ways in which professors pedagogically used
technology were intimately related to the nature of
teaching problems faced by each academic
discipline, to specific elements of the subject matter,
and to the culture of professors' field of knowledge.
The authors thus showed that the aspects of
pedagogical content knowledge proposed by
Schulman (1986) were fundamental for
understanding the strategies of ICT utilization
adopted by the professors. Based on this, Mishra and
Khoeler (2006) proposed a conceptual system of
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
(TPCK), including technology-related knowledge in
the construct previously proposed by Schulman
(1986). TPCK thus seeks to express pedagogical,
content, and technological knowledge with strategies
chosen by professors for the incorporation of ICT in
their teaching practices.
Content knowledge (CK) refers to knowledge
harnessed for teaching, including the identification
of central aspects to the content, concepts, theories,
procedures, and methodologies in the academic field
as well as knowledge of organizational models. It
further involves an understanding of the nature of
the field and respective research methodologies.
Kennedy (1990) proposes the elements that
comprise CK: 1. the content area itself, i.e. the facts,
concepts, principles, and laws; 2. the organization
and structure of the content, where facts and ideas
interact; 3. the research methods in the specific field
of knowledge; 4. the field’s social norms; 5. how the
topic relates to social questions; 6. how students
value the topic in their every day life, and 7. the
nature of the field and the teaching problems it
Pedagogical knowledge (PK) is the knowledge of
teaching processes, practices, and methods, and how
these relate to educational values and objectives
(Mishra and Khoeler, 2006). It is a knowledge based
on epistemological concepts regarding education
that include student learning, class management,
planning, evaluation, and assessment (Harris et al,
Technological knowledge (TK) involves the
knowledge of information and communication
technology to be productively applied in one’s work
and daily life (Mishra and Khoeler, 2006). Cox
(2008) defines TK as the knowledge of ways to use
emerging technologies, focusing on the discussion of
technology whose use is yet uncommon or
infrequent in the learning context.
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is
pedagogical knowledge applied to the teaching of a
specific content. It refers to an understanding of
which approaches, representations, and expressions
of pedagogical concepts and strategies best adapt to
teaching a particular subject matter, and how to
organize topics in such a way as to be better
understood. It also includes knowledge of students’
prior ideas of the subject matter and knowledge of
what makes a topic difficult or easily understandable
for students.
Finally, it includes knowledge of teaching
strategies that incorporate appropriate
representations of content to help overcome student
difficulties (Shulman, 1986; Mishra and Khoeler,
Technological pedagogical content knowledge
(TPCK) is an emerging knowledge that goes beyond
the sum of the three basic components. Upon
reviewing studies referring to TPCK and upon
interviewing each study author, Cox (2008)
synthesized the definition of TPCK as the
knowledge of activities that are specific to a given
content or topic, and their representations using
technology. Thus, this element refers to the
understanding of pedagogical strategies that apply
ICT to teach content in different manners according
to students’ learning needs (Harris et al, 2007).
Recent research has incorporated the concept of
TPCK to investigate how and why professors
integrate technology into their teaching practices,
and where they encounter difficulties in this process
(Niess, 2005, Lee and Tsai, 2008, Tondeur et al,
2008). Tondeur et al (2008) analyzed the ways
professors teaching conceptions affected the
incorporation of ICT. They related traditional and
Experiences in Health Science Education
constructivist teaching approaches to the different
types of educational computer use. The results of
their study suggest that professors with traditional
teaching views generally emphasize guided self-
instruction, while those with constructivist views
lead to the use of computers as tools for seeking
information and for communication. The authors
conclude that teaching conceptions strongly
influence the ways computers are used in professors’
educational contexts. Nevertheless, they also stress
that seemingly opposing views are not exclusive
and, often, reflections of both conceptions are found
within the practices of a single professor.
Niess (2005) used the theoretical bases of TPCK
to evaluate the development of in training teachers'
use of ICT in the context of Science and
Mathematics education. The author investigated
teachers' characteristics on the following aspects: 1.
conceptions of teaching Science and Mathematics
with technology; 2. pedagogic strategies and
representations for teaching, using technology; 3.
student content learning with technology, and 4.
curriculum and curricular materials.
Among the conclusions presented in Niess’
research was the predominance of the use of ICT for
demonstration and for carrying out laboratory
activities, which are traditional practices in Science
The TPCK approach is compatible with our
perspective about the integration of ICT in
education, since we seek to understand ICT use in
natural educational contexts, where this knowledge
is in play and shapes educational practices.
3.1 Study Participants
The study was conducted with nine Science and
Health professors at a public university in Rio de
Janeiro. They are pioneers in the use of the
Constructore authoring tool for the development of
virtual learning environments to complement
classroom education.
These professors, in general, are PhDs and full
professors working exclusively for the university,
three of whom work in the Department of
Biomedical Engineering, two in the Biophysics
Institute, two in the Institute of Psychiatry, one in the
Center for Educational Technology for Health, and
one in the Institute for Medical Biochemistry.
3.2 Description of the Constructore
Authoring Tool
“Constructore” (
is an authoring tool developed to provide university
professors with resources to easily build, publish,
and manage educational activities and/or material on
the Internet, without the need of any prior
programming knowledge. Constructore was
conceived with a flexible structure that allows users
to develop activities and materials based on different
learning approaches and strategies.
Constructore’s interface encompasses three main
working areas: 1) The “teachers space” is a personal
management area where the author has different
ways of accessing all courses s/he has developed as
well as the course development area; 2) The “course
creation environment” is where the professor begins
authoring the course: (a) defining basic information
(name of the course or activity, target students,
course outline, etc); (b) identifying the number and
name of the course modules, and (c) selecting the
resources that will be made available to students
(consultation and communication resources, etc);
once these initial parameters are defined, users may
access the 3) “course environment” (Figure 1), an
area that provides facilities for users to built course
contents and activities (inserting learning objects,
reading and consultation material, and
communication resources) on a “what you see is
what you get” basis. It is in this environment where
the learning process ultimately takes place.
Figure 1: Example of a Constructore based VLE.
Figure 1 shows a typical page of a course
environment. Constructore allows for the planning
and development of the following elements: the
course’s front page (a page with the course
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Categories of analysis and elements analyzed.
Categories Elements analyzed
Content knowledge
Content knowledge harnessed for teaching, including the identification of professors’ main concerns
regarding teaching content.
Pedagogical knowledge Involves professors’ teaching views and conceptions of the teaching-learning process.
Technological knowledge Cases of ICT use and views of its use in the educational context.
Pedagogical content
Pedagogical strategies that professors considered most adequate to teaching content.
Technological pedagogical
content knowledge
Expression of each professors specific course content with pedagogical opportunities to incorporate
ICT and the use of the Constructore tool
presentation), modules (where learning objects,
activities, and exercise forms are inserted and
organized; a presentation of the objectives, and
activities, etc. are offered on each module’s initial
page), communication (announcements, forums,
frequently asked questions, and emails), consultation
(glossaries, links, and bibliography), participants (a
list of all participants, with access to their personal
pages), personal page (user page), and management
page (resources for monitoring the course, such as
user administration, grades, course navigation,
analysis, and usage statistics). Constructore enables
available resources to be associated and linked. In
other words, the professor is able to indicate the
resources that in some way relate to or are associated
with others. This can be done with all consultation
and communication resources, learning objects,
activities, and exercise forms. In addition, another
element considered when designing the authoring
tool was to provide professors with the choice of
defining users (students, tutors, and monitors)
permissions to insert and/or to edit content
(consultation resources, communication, learning
objects, activities and forms).
3.3 Procedure for Collecting
and Analyzing Data
In an attempt to understand how different knowledge
is expressed and influences the process of
incorporating virtual learning environments (VLEs)
in teaching, we conducted semi-structured
interviews with the nine professors. We collected
information on the profile of these professors, their
expectations, their views of the teaching-learning
process, and the use of ICT; their experience in
building and implementing their courses with the
support of the Constructore tool, and the strategies
they used; their central needs with respect to course
content, and the role of technology in their practices.
The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and
analyzed using the method of content analysis
(Minayo, 2003), using the proposed TPCK
categories. In this process we sought to identify
which aspects related to content, pedagogy, and
technology the professors deemed significant and
how these aspects interacted in the context of ICT
integration. The elements analyzed within each
category are included in Table 1.
All participating professors developed their course
VLE as a complementary space to provide resources
and/or engage students in learning activities (Table
In some cases, the VLE involved mandatory
activities, such as the submission of guided studies,
uploading notes from weekly readings, reports with
problem-solving steps submitted by students, online
group work, and discussion forums.
The following describes the results of our
analysis of interviews with professors. In this
analysis, we attempt to approach the knowledge
involved in the use of ICT and subsequently we seek
to understand how such is incorporated to comprise
TPCK, which served as the bases for the professors’
pedagogical online experiences with the use of the
Constructore authoring tool.
4.1 Content Knowledge
The professors refer to the content of their courses as
extensive, complex, and dynamic. Scientific
knowledge is constantly evolving, and many fields
involve a high degree of abstraction (P4, P7, P9).
“The course has such a heavy information
load that a class period becomes very short to
provide time for student reflexion and
discussion.” (P3)
“I teach a highly abstract content, which deals
with abstract concepts such as molecules and
energy, which are really difficult to observe, and
therefore to mentally represent.” (P9)
Experiences in Health Science Education
Table 2: Description of VLE classes implemented by professors.
Prof Courses Course objective and manner in which VLE is used Target Audience
Curriculum Planning and
Teaching in the Health Field
To analyze health from the point of view of integral care; to
grasp teaching aspects in the field of Health through the
discussion of texts in forums and the preparation of electronic
reports with steps for resolving the problem presented
Graduate students in Health
P2 Computational Methods
To provide the bases for basic programming of digital
computers with an emphasis on applications in Biomedical
Engineering, providing exercises and resource materials for
Graduate students in Health
P3 Mathematical Methods
To provide the Mathematical bases for Biomedical Engineering
by making software files available so that students can do
Mathematical modeling exercises
Graduate students in Health
Physiology - Neurophysiology
To understand the organization of the nervous system; to
analyze neural activities at the different neural-axis levels under
a functional-anatomical lens. To facilitate visualization of the
organization and functioning of the nervous system by making
available different materials in different formats for representing
Undergraduate students in
Physical Education
P5 General Psychopathology
To introduce the field of Psychopathology and to enable the
student to use this knowledge as a clinical tool, making leaning
resources available, including texts, slides and statements by
psychiatric patients
Undergraduate students in
P6 Special Psychopathology I
To provide a practical and theoretical introduction to the main
clinical diagnoses in psychiatry, making psychiatric patient
statements available
Undergraduate students in
General Physiology 1 –
Biophysics (Neurophysiology
To provide an overall understanding of organization of the
nervous system by offering reliable sources that can be
consulted with various means of representing the content. To
encourage scientific questioning in the field of Neuroscience
and to enable a critical view of practical activities
Undergraduate students in
Medical Biology
Measuring Biological
To impart notions of transductors used in Biomedical
instrumentation by offering resources and exercises online to
apply the concepts taught
Graduate students in health
Biochemistry M1 –
Compementary activities
To offer the student the opportunity to deepen his/her
knowledge of metabolic integration through guided online
studies based on scientific articles
Undergraduate students in
One recurring issue posed by the professors
when delimiting their teaching topics is the need to
deepen the content while applying this knowledge in
the specific area in which the students will act (P2,
P3, P4), given that some students show preconceived
notions in terms of course contents (P5) or they
consider it extremely difficult to learn (P3, P8).
“The student starts the course with
preconceptions … he believes we will only focus
on the biological foundations (basic science
versus clinical science)”. (P5)
“I already knew that course contents would
be considered by students the most difficult
among all semester courses.”(P8)
Another concern is the integration of the
traditionally fragmented knowledge that comprises
the content of their classes (P4, P5, P6, P7, P9). The
integration of knowledge is the focus of the classes
taught by professors P4, P7, and P9, who teach
physiological or biochemical functioning in the
4.2 Pedagogical Knowledge
The majority of the professors reported that their
pedagogical knowledge was built on the very
practice of teaching and from the examples of other
teachers, especially academic research advisors with
whom they shared a classroom. Professors P1, P3,
and P6 were the only professors who participated in
institutional teacher-training initiatives, and
professor P8 reported dissatisfaction with the lack of
teacher training.
In their interviews, the professors spoke both of
their concern with the development of students who
are critical thinkers (P1, P2, P9), reflective (P9),
capable of making autonomous decisions (P9), who
value collaborative learning opportunities based on
discussions (P1, P5, P6, P7, P9), and the
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
development of a habit of studying (P2, P3, P8)
through individualized learning activities (P2, P3,
“I hope students become able to develop
critical sense and autonomy to make decisions,
and not to become robots... they need to be
critical with regard to new information because
the world is changing every second, and they
need to be prepared to deal with those changes.”
“I avoid giving lectures, I adopt study groups,
the classroom layout is always a circle. Let's say
that it is a dialogical lecture.” (P1)
“The most common students' difficulties are
not perceiving and not believing that it is
necessary continuing training to be able to
computer programming. Working in groups,
students have the unreal feelings that they know
the contents and are able to complete tasks.” (P2)
Some professors valued flexible study hours (P2,
P3, P8, P9), respecting student preferences.
Moreover, the professors expressed different views
of their role in teaching students. Some of the duties
highlighted were: provide learning resources (P9),
evaluate and assess what students have learned (P3),
teach cases and the reasoning and logic in the field
(P5, P6, P9), and question learning topics (P1). All
professors also considered their role of motivating
students an important one.
“Teach student how to think. It is not
necessary that the professor keeps talking and
transferring information that can be accessed in a
book. The point is that the professor has years of
experience and he is able to support student
learning in a dynamic way, related with the way
things happen in real life.” (P6)
“I would say that my role is to complicate
students' minds... “ (P1)
4.3 Technological Knowledge
Professors expressed different views and
experiences regarding technology. Professors P2, P4,
and P8 reported using technology in all areas of their
lives, including teaching activities.
Prior to using Constructore, Professor P4 was
already adopting a CD-ROM with material in html
format, seeking to offer his students information in
various formats to facilitate visualization and
understanding of how the nervous system functions.
Professors P3, P5, P6, and P7 reported that they
use multimedia projector as their primary tool to
support their teaching activities; professors P5 and
P6 also seek to incorporate the use of audiovisuals in
their classes.
Since professor P9 does not feel comfortable
using technology for educational purposes, he
reported that he used just blackboard, books, and
articles in his classes, before adopting Constructore.
In turn, professor P1 expressed his concern with
the increased emphasis on technological devices and
the decreased focus on professors' pedagogical
attributes. We observed that many participating
professors consider the Internet to be a familiar
language for students (P2, P6, P7, P9), which can
serve to motivate student engagement in activities.
They emphasized universal access to information
(P4, P7) but were concerned with unreliable
information and with students merely copying
information available online during learning
activities (P2, P4, P7, P9).
4.4 Pedagogical Content Knowledge
In general, professors’ choices of teaching strategies
are focused on contextualizing Science and Health
content in students' future professional practice,
decreasing the abstraction of basic content and, thus,
motivating students to become engaged in activities,
as can be noted in the following statement:
“We tried to select motivating articles.
Therefore we used clinical based published
articles because students show high expectations
on this kind information, as they want to link
learning with their future professional practices.
They are not interested in knowledge by itself
but they are eager to understand knowledge
application. “ (P9)
The diversification of information sources is a
frequent concern in professors’ discourse, due to the
following factors: lack of uniformity in text books
and didactic material (P7); difficulty in visualizing
phenomena and representing problems in text format
(P2, P4, P8); need to include updated information
(P9, P7), and need to bring students closer to patient
experiences (P5, P6).
“In my course, content problems are best
represented with sketches, graphics, or circuits
… merely using text turns out to be
inappropriate.” (P8)
“Some students are afraid of having close
contacts with psychiatric patients, so this is also
a difficulty.” (P5)
According to professors (P1, P7, and P9),
scientific articles are used as a source of information
to bring students closer to scientific language and to
Experiences in Health Science Education
enable constant class content updating. The activities
proposed by professors P1 and P9 for their students
were based on journal article analysis and
Professor P9 develops activities based on the
rediscovery method, which consists of focusing
important findings in the history of knowledge
development in the field. Concerned about the
subjective nature of the diagnosis of psychiatric
patients, professors P5 and P6 adopted a strategy of
discussing clinical cases or vignettes. This strategy
seeks to situate students in the field of psychiatry
and to demonstrate how professionals in this field
view psychological changes, enabling learners to
make diagnoses in the future.
“Case based exercises are supposed to enable
students to recognize health problems described
in the textbooks.”(P6)
The focus of professor P1’s course is problem-
based learning (PBL) through group discussions, in
order to develop students’ critical and inquiry skills.
According to professor P1, this strategy requires
much students’ dedication, which represents a
challenge for the dynamics of the course.
“I choose a problematic situation covering all
course topics. Then we work together with
students to identify these problems. This turns
out to be the conceptual part of the course,
covering concepts about health, health care,
curriculum... the problem ends up taking a much
larger space in the course schedule …”(P1)
Those professors whose classes are based on
solving problems in Mathematics and Physics use
teaching strategies focused on establishing basic
content, wherein the students must solve various
exercises to better develop their reasoning in the
area; the process involves repetition and training.
Moreover, these professors look to practical
activities, whether in the programming laboratory
(P2) or by virtual simulators given the difficulty of
conducting real practices at the undergraduate level
4.5 Technological Pedagogical Content
All professors stressed the use of the Constructore
tool to facilitate student access to learning resources,
with an emphasis on facilitating access to materials
in different formats and to the large amount of
information needed for their classes.
The need to diversify the formats for
representing content led professors to use images
and animation to help visualize biological
phenomena (P4, P7, P9), to use films and audio
recordings to help bring students closer to
psychiatric patients’ experiences with illness (P5,
P6), and to use computer-graphics to represent
physics and mathematics concepts (P2, P3, P8). The
statement below provides and example of the use of
video in one professor's particular experience:
“Video is a way of bringing the voice of the
patient into the classroom without the need to
bring the actual patient in.” (P5)
Professors P1, P6, and P9 involved students with
active information search in texts and in scientific
articles available to resolve the problem studied or to
answer to clinical case situations presented.
“I give them a basic text, and the rest they
look for on the Internet. They look up these texts,
make note cards and upload them (onto the VLE
forum). The group leader is responsible for tying
these note cards together and preparing the
report.” (P1)
Understanding the need to involve students in
practical scientific activities led professor P8 to use
virtual simulators, as he explains in the following
“We are going to make a virtual thermometer,
so how is it that we design a thermometer? How
are the signs read? The objective is to transform
your PC into an instrument.” (P8)
Some professors who used group activities to
solve cases and problems sought the help of
Constructore to offer an additional space for
discussion and interaction (P1, P9).
“The purpose of using Constructore was
primarily to contribute to expanding the space
for discussing 'problem based learning' outside
the classroom.” (P1)
The integration of educational technology was
also viewed as enabling greater contact between
students and professors, allowing students to feel
more supported in the learning process, and to
become part of a learning community (P5, P6).
“I faced a challenge: I have seventy students;
how was I going to interact closely with them?
One student had the opportunity to bring me a
text he had found discussing a pathological issue;
the text was uploaded into the course VLE at
Constructore, and we discussed it. So, it also
allows for absorbing what the students bring to
me.” (P5)
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The analyses of pedagogical aspects, of the nature of
teaching concepts, and of experiences and views
concerning the use of ICT enable us to contextualize
and understand the ways Science and Health
professors incorporate ICT in the process of building
and implementing VLEs (Niess, 2005, 2006; Mishra
and Koheler, 2005; Tondeur et al, 2008).
The concern with bringing scientific content
closer to students’ reality, as noted in the interviews
with all the professors, constantly appears in
curricular and methodological proposals for teaching
Science, as it also does the involvement of students
in research practices (Krajeik, 2002; Laurillard,
2004; DeHaan, 2005; Schank & Cleary, 1995).
Based on concrete experiences, students develop
their reflexive and abstraction abilities (Kolb, 1984).
This is considered to be a crucial procedural step in
developing scientific reasoning (DeHaan, 2005).
Professors of subjects with similar content and
teaching concepts tend to support ICT in a similar
manner. Professors with content based on Physics
and Math problems, for example, used teaching
strategies to train students through exercises to
reinforce basic content and student involvement in
practical laboratory classes. The statements by these
professors pointed to views of leaning that valued
individualized learning and instruction. These
professors explored the potential of ICT to make
materials and exercises available and to simulate
practical activities, which is consistent with other
Science and Mathematics professors described by
Niess (2005). Another pattern of ICT use was also
observed with Physiology and Biochemestry
professors. As their teaching needs necessarily
including the visualization of phenomena and
building student capacity to deal with the rapid
growth and constantly updating information in their
fields, they have harnessed the potential of ICT to
use images, audiovisuals, and scientific articles as
sources of information.
Health professors seek an approach to biological,
psychological, social, and cultural dimensions from
the perspective of integral healthcare (Kell, 2006).
Thus, they use pedagogic strategies in which the
student is encouraged to reflect and produce
knowledge based on practical situations, such as
case studies and PBL, which, according to Berbel
(1998), emerge from the field of Health education to
overcome fragmented and technical-based teaching.
These professors used Constructore as a space to
discuss problems and to access materials that enable
students to have contact with the different
dimensions and representations of class content.
Thus, we conclude that the approach to the
conceptual system of TPCK can contribute to
understanding the different roles attributed to ICT in
professors practices. There are many pedagogical
and resource possibilities based on ICT to be
explored by Science professors, but they will only be
incorporated to the extent that professors develop
their technological and pedagogical knowledge in an
articulated manner (Espíndola et al 2007, Mishra e
Khoeler, 2006). In this sense, the discussion
surrounding ICT in education should be focused on
the teaching role, investigating the challenges faced
by professors in the process of integrating material,
and in their needs for continuing education.
This research was conducted with the support of the
Brazilian Council of Research (CNPq), Ministry of
Science and Technology.
Berbel, N. A problematização e a aprendizagem baseada
em problemas. Interface - Comunicação, Saúde,
Educação, v. 2, n.2, 1998.
Cox, S. Conceptual Analysis of Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge. Brigham Young University,
Doctorate Thesis, 2008.
Dehaan, R. L. The Impending Revolution in
Undergraduate Science Education, Journal of Science
Education and Technology, 14, 253, 2005.
Espíndola, M. B., Giannella, T. R., Struchiner, M. 2007.
Análise de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem
Construídos por Professores Universitários da Área de
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education