static pages (e. g., information about seller) for which
the use of a CMS wastes time and resources.
Another problem is that modern CMSs often do
not generate accessible web pages. A web page is
accessible if all users can use it, despite their operat-
ing systems, browsers, devices and user capabilities.
Web Accessibility means that people with disabilities
can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with
the page. Accessibility does not benefits only people
with disabilities because search engines can be com-
pared to users visually impaired, therefore accessible
web pages usually obtain a better rank.
In this paper we discuss the problem of the effi-
cient use of CMSs, and propose a new approach to-
wards the creation of a Green Content Management
System (GCMS) which preserves CPU resources and
response time. Our GCMS allows to divide layout
from content structure in order to allow the easily
change of the shared components of a web site, but it
distinguishes between pages which contain dynamic
data and pages which are not supposed to change fre-
quently. This second kind of documents is generated,
off-line, every time that a change occurs and not ev-
ery time a user ask for it, thus avoiding waste of CPU
time, and improving the response time of pages with
static data. For this reason, we call our CMS “green”.
The GCMS in this paper is intended for expert
web designers and authors, therefore it does not pro-
vide a graphic interface to avoid writing XHTML
code, since many solutions to address accessibility is-
sues require the full control of the page code. Our
aims is to help this kind of users to divide the shared
parts of a web page from the real content of the page
to avoid data replication, but preserving efficiency.
This approach has been tested in the web site of
the first and second level degree in Computer Sci-
ence of the University of Padua in Italy (University
of Padua, 2010) with positive results.
Green computing, or Green IT, is a set of principles,
procedures and policies to improve the efficiency of
computing resources, in order to reduce the envi-
ronmental impact of their utilization (Rajguru et al.,
2010). Just as we need to plant a new tree for each cut
tree, power consumption strategies must maximize
the conservation of energy until renewable forms be-
come more readily available and the same for other
resources like network bandwidth, paper and so on.
Internet may help to reduce paper waste or people
movement, thus reducing air pollution, but its power
consumption for web sites is quickly increasing in
such a way that it is not clear whether energy sav-
ing through ICT overbalance its energy consumption,
or not (Coroama and Hilty, 2009). Therefore, it is an
important issue to enhance the energy efficiency of
Internet and in particular of the Web.
Many works address this problem. Dick et al de-
fine the Green Web Engineering as “. . . the art of de-
veloping, designing, maintaining, administrating, and
using a website in such a manner, that direct and indi-
rect energy consumption within the complete life cy-
cle of a website is reduced”. In (Dick et al., 2010) they
defined a framework with 12 web engineering princi-
ples which suggest, the use of virtualization strate-
gies, correct configuration of cache expiration, opti-
mization of CSS and a correct use of format and qual-
ity of multimedia elements.
One of the principles of green computing is the
so called “Re-duce, Re-use, Re-cycle” philosophy,
where the word “reduce” aims at minimizing the set
of needed resources. Abaza and Allemby (Abaza and
Allenby, 2009) explore the use of virtualization to du-
plicate hardware with software. They combined the
virtualization and green computing to develop a pro-
duction model for virtual desktop environments.
Among CMSs let us analyze a set of open source
solutions. Joomla! (, 2010) is an open
source CMS, based on Apache server. It provides
a WYSIWYG interface to edit web content, an ad-
vanced caching strategy, and partial support of UTF-8
charset. Moreover many predefined layout are avail-
able to easily create a web site from scratch. Unfortu-
nately, it neither produces a valid XHTML code, nor
supports the production of accessible web pages.
A step towards the realization of a CMS producing
XHTML-complaint web site is represented by Drupal
(, 2010). Drupal allows to realize valid web
pages. The produced code tends to remain clean and
light but it requires to install many plugins. Drupal is
intended for expert developers, and not for all the pos-
sible users. Unfortunately, the tests done show that its
support for accessibility is still limited.
TYPO3 (Typo3 Association, 2010) is an open
source CMS that declares to provide a full support for
the development of accessible web site. TYPO3 is a
user-friendly, intuitive tool, allowing content editors
to produce and maintain web pages, using sophisti-
cated functions. TYPO3 allows a complete separation
of design and content and does not limit the design
options expected by professional website designers.
Despite this CMS represents the first real tentative to
automatically create accessible web pages, the tests
done reported a set of bugs. As an example, TYPO3
does not allow to mark words in a language that is dif-
ferent from the one defined in the page header. More-