Klaus P. Jantke and Andr´e Schulz
Fraunhofer IDMT, Childrens Media Dept., Hirschlachufer 7, 99084 Erfurt, Germany
Technology enhanced learning, e-Learning, Didactics, Learning management systems, Moodle, Adaptivity.
Learning management systems (LMS, for short) have meanwhile gained an enormous practical relevance.
Nevertheless, the quality of service offered is, at least in some respect, astonishingly behind the state of the
art. Adaptivity of system behavior is such a field in which we confine ourselves to much less than we can
afford. The authors develop an original approach, demonstrate an implementation, and discuss the benefits
for learning of an adaptivity approach which is integrated into the LMS moodle although it apparently goes
beyond the limits of moodle. The approach is sufficiently generic to be carried over to other LMSs.
As early as in 1957, Cronbach has directed the atten-
tion of educators to adaptivity in setting the goal “not
to fit the average person, but to fit groups of students
with particular aptitude patterns” (Cronbach, 1957).
In harsh contrast, half a century later the state of
affair in technology enhanced learning is still rather
Beyond the horizons of contemporary computer-
supported education, the personalization of products
and services is a quite obvious tendency permeating
nearly all domains of the modern industrial society.
For already a few decades we all are used to the
configurability of products and services. When you
buy a new car, for instance, you are facing almost un-
countably many decisions about details you can con-
figure according to your wishes and desires. When
you book your holiday trip, e.g., you can change and
expand the program in numerous ways. This type of
configuration is usually decided about quite a long
time before you get your product or service. As soon
as the product or service, respectively, relies on some
computerized system at your fingertips, usually, you
can set up details immediately prior to usage. Setting
the level of difficulty when playing a digital game or
choosing your seat when checking in online or at a
self-checkin terminal in the airport are just two almost
trivial examples of adaptability. But we all know that
we can go even further–computerized systems bear
the potentials of doing the adaptation for us. Instead
of tuning a system according to our needs and desires,
a computerized systemcan tune itself, i.e. be adaptive.
Adaptivity is an established field of research and
applications in Artificial intelligence (AI).
So far, what the authors have been summarizing
above applies to products and to services, in general.
And what about technology enhanced learning ... ?
In proprietary e-learning systems such as the data
mining tutor DaMiT which has been implemented and
used around the turn of the millennium–adaptivity is
well established and has been proven to be effective
(Jantke et al., 2004a; Jantke et al., 2004b).
But as soon as we must rely on standardized
and widely used platforms such as the LMS moodle,
e.g., our dreams about adaptivity and personalization
rarely come true. Those systems are much too rigid.
There are a few obvious reasons for the current
state of affair. Adaptivity requires a finer granularity
of learning objects, a larger number of variants, and
suitable object annotations (Memmel et al., 2007).
To say it briefly, adaptivity is demanding and costly.
These difficulties have been recognized and, in re-
sponse, elaborate endeavors such as the GRAPPLE
have been launched. In contrast, the present
paper is aiming at a generic light-weight approach.
P. Jantke K. and Schulz A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003341904180421
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 418-421
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The authors expect the whole CSEDU audience to be
knowledgeable in the problem area of adaptivity and
personalization. Consequently, the introduction may
be kept short.
Figure 1: Two alternative variants of a definition as they are
in use in the data mining tutor DaMiT (Jantke et al., 2004a).
The two frames on display in figure 1 show two
variants of defining the quite involved concept of a
“decision tree on regular patterns” within the data
mining tutoring system DaMiT–a proprietary system
for technology enhanced learning that does not rely
on any prefabricated platform software.
The upper variant of the definition is seen as the
informal one which is quite wordy and contains only
those formal symbols that are inevitable.
The other variant is seen as the more formal one
which offers more concise definitions and abandons
the appearance of continual text.
The expectation of an adaptive system in the field
of technology enhanced learning is to present the one
or the other variant autonomously in accordance to a
human learner’s needs, desires, and wishes.
An implementation of adaptivity requires, at least,
three things:
the acquisition of knowledge, i.e. modeling
about the pecularities of an individual human
learner (see (Brusilovsky, 2001), in particular),
content which is prepared for varying system be-
havior as described in (Memmel et al., 2007), e.g.,
functionalities implementing adaptivity.
The authors support the trend from proprietary
systems such as DaMiT (see above) toward standard-
ized systems used world-wide such as moodle, e.g.
This perspective has been motivating their research
and development reported in this paper.
There is a whole journal named “User Modeling and
User-Adapted Interaction” providing paramount sources:
The authors are employing the LMS moodle for
courses on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) and
on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
These particular courses have the peculiarity of
incorporating rather new and advanced technologies
such as so-called Webbles as described and discussed
in recent publications such as (Fujima et al., 2010)
and (Jantke and Fujima, 2010).
In the TCS course, webbles are used to model
rules of formal language grammars (“rubble” is short
for rule webble). The derivations of formal language
expressions are realized by plugging webbles together
as shown in figure 2. When webbles are plugged to-
gether, they perform the derivation by themselves.
Figure 2: Screenshot of moodle at work; rubbles are used as
building blocks for formal grammars `a la Noam Chomsky.
Figure 3: Cutout of a particular moodle group database.
To novice learners, Webble technology, in general,
and rubbles, in particular, are unfamiliar. There is a
need to enrich moodle content by guiding texts which
explain how to operate the objects on the screen.
However, guiding text next to the work space has
also several, at least, potential disadvantages such as
occupying space which is always scarce,
extending the cognitive load on the learner,
diverting the learner’s attention, and
Figure 4: Change of the visibility attribute (see last row in every table) in response to a learner’s interaction with the system.
hindering the learners to memorize essentials.
It is ultimately desirable to interact with a work
space as in figure 2 where text is suppressed as much
as possible (for a debate, see (Kirschner et al., 2006)
and (Kuhn, 2007)).
The two authors’ didactic approach is as follows.
Guiding text shall be available as long as necessary
and appreciated by the learner. As soon as the learners
can manage to complete their tasks without looking
for and at the guiding text, the text shall be dropped.
If necessary lateron, learners shall get guidance back.
But unfortunately, such a dynamic, i.e. adaptive,
behavior is far beyond the limits of moodle.
The authors have been pondering ways of going with
moodle beyond the limits of moodle. The title of the
paper shall shade some light at the intended quality:
to provide adaptivity by means of moodle which goes
beyond what moodle has been designed for.
Different from the ambitious GRAPPLE approach
(Abel et al., 2009; van der Sluijs and H¨over, 2009),
the authors aim at a light-weight solution which may
be realized by means of a few lines of code.
A first idea is to use the grouping functionalities
of the LMS moodle to implement adaptivity (fig. 3).
In detail, this works as follows. In dependence
on a learner’s activities when using the system, a
script writes into the group database and changes the
learner’s group membership dynamically.
The underlying didactic principle is quite obvious.
One assumes that, at least for the concrete course and
for the audience under consideration, it makes sense
to determine learner stereotypes. One may follow
David A. Kolb’s learner types, for instance, (consult
(Kolb and Fry, 1975) and (Kolb, 1984)).
Under the assumption that some learner model has
been chosen, one may group the content variants for
every stereotype appropriately. Learners who belong
to a particular group get content provided in a related
form assumed to be suitable for this learner type.
The art of adaptivity is now to reassign learners
to groups in response to their individual behavior and
success in the course of learning. This is the authors’
first approach to adaptivity introduced in the present
The second idea is to change the content available
to particular learners or learner groups dynamically.
For this purpose, visibility attributes are set as shown
in figure 4.
Seen from a more general point of view, the two
authors’ idea is to slightly expand the operational
interpretation of some learner activities in different
ways. Basically, particular activities of the human
learner trigger scripts that write into the one or the
other databases of the moodle system as visualized in
the figures 3 and 4. PHP scripts such as the one on
display in figure 5 are invoked to update database en-
tries such as group membership attributes or visibility
attributes of learning objects, e.g.
Figure 5: Cutout of a PHP script to implement adaptivity.
The reader may imagine some link which in re-
sponse to a learners click does not only, as before,
opens a new page or loads some file, but sets some
attribute in a certain database, additionally. The script
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
syntax is quite lucid and uniform, thus, being generic.
Based on those simple ideas, even the extremely
rigid moodle system can be made to appear adaptive.
According to Cronbach (Cronbach, 1957), it is old
hat that good didactics necessarily include efforts of
adaptation to the human learners’ peculiarities (see
also (Salomon, 1972)). This is sound with numer-
ous contemporary insights into technology enhanced
learning and its foundations (see, e.g., (Davis et al.,
2000), (Flechsig, 1996), and (Jank and Meyer, 2002)).
But the opinions about the appropriate degree of
learner guidance–and, thus, of adaptation–are divided
(Kirschner et al., 2006; Sweller et al., 2006).
The Webbles in use within the authors’ courses on
TCS and AI, respectively, have been provided by their
colleague and friend Jun Fujima.
The underlying Webble technology is a certain
contemporary version of Meme Media as introduced
and developed by Yuzuru Tanaka (Tanaka, 2003).
This work has been supported by the Thuringian
Ministry for Education, Science, and Culture within
the project iCycle under contract PE-004-2-1.
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