Emily Bagarukayo, Theo P. van der Weide
Faculty of Computing & IT, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Jude Lubega
Department of IT, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Keywords: Learning Environment, Blooms Digital Taxonomy, Moodle, Higher Order Cognitive Skills.
Abstract: Learning environments are based on core foundations, describing how knowledge is acquired and used, the
underlying pedagogical philosophy, the supported learning process, the role of technique and culture, and
related pragmatics. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy (BDT) describes the various thinking skills, ranging from
low to high order thinking skills. We relate the learning environment Moodle to BDT by relating the core
foundations with the thinking skills. We evaluate Moodle from different points of views: - methods,
effectiveness and comparison with the existing learning environments.
A Learning Environment (LE) is the setting where
learning occurs, and maybe virtual or physical.
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
Environment (Moodle) is an open source e-learning
platform, using sound pedagogical principles, to
help educators create effective online learning
communities with a focus on interaction and
collaboration content construction (Dougiamas,
2004). The creator believes that a LE should be
created by an educator (Dougiamas and Taylor,
2002). Moodle presents a platform for resources and
communication tools with basic features of a
filtering system, tools for creating resources and
activities, which provide various options for the
tutor. It contains tools and techniques distilled from
the educators’ experiences to make the processes
easy, flexible and provide a variety of activity
modules like forums, chat rooms, assignments,
quizzes, surveys, workshops, lessons, glossary,
database, choice, SCORM, and the wiki.
In this paper we evaluate Moodle based on BDT.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 1 we
discuss the presentation of the information. Section
2 focuses on Blooms Taxonomy. In section 3 we
discuss the effect of ICTs on Higher Order
Cognitive Skills (HOCS) attainment. In section 4 we
discuss the effectiveness of Moodle in relation to
BDT. Finally, section 5 derives some conclusions
and future research.
Bloom, (1956) developed the taxonomy of
Educational Objectives, a key tool in structuring and
understanding the learning process. The taxonomy is
a classification for different objectives and skills that
are necessary for learners in various curricula
(Bloom, 1956; Forehand, 2005). Bloom’s Taxonomy
identifies a hierarchical progression to categorize
lower to higher order levels of cognitive processing.
The main objective of the learning process is to
create a holistic learner. The elements of the original
domain cover many classroom activities and
objectives; however they do not make use of the new
objectives presented by the emergence and
integration of ICTs into the classroom and the lives
of students. Bloom identified three overlapping
domains, each with various levels to be addressed,
Bagarukayo E., P. van der Weide T. and Lubega J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003342004220426
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 422-426
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and proposed that learning fits into one of three
psychological domains.
Cognitive domain: 'what we know ' –
processing information, knowledge and
mental skills (knowledge)
Psychomotor domain: 'how we do' –
manipulative, manual or physical skills
Affective domain: 'how we feel' – attitudes
and feelings, growth in feelings or emotional
Ball and Garton, (2005) show the concept of Higher
Order Cognitive Skills (HOCS) was derived from
Blooms Taxonomy. Bagarukayo and Mbarika,
(2008) highlight the search by educators for new
approaches to enhance HOCS. The authors further
acknowledge the need to create active customized
LEs for learner motivation and continuous learning
desire. ICT provides better options to present
learning material and enables effective
communication between those involved in the
learning process, thereby promoting collaborative
3.1 Cognitive Domain: BDT
BDT is an update to BRT to account for the new
behaviors, actions and learning opportunities
emerging as technology advances and includes
digital technologies and digital cognitive objectives
(Anderson and Krathwol, 2001). BDT aims at
addressing the advances in technology, insights and
their applications in the field of academia. In order
to let the learning process benefit from modern
technology and new insights, BDT uses tools to
facilitate learning.
Table 1: Cognitive Domain in a Digital Context.
Cognitive Domain
Level Definition Digital Support
designing, constructing,
lanning, producing, inventing,
devising, making,
rogramming, filming,
animating, Blogging,
mind maps,
checking, hypothesising,
critiquing, experimenting,
judging, testing commenting,
reviewing, posting,
moderating, collaborating,
wikipedia, google
forums, chat
journals, vlog
Comparing, organizing,
deconstructing, attributing,
outline, finding, structuring,
google docs, CC
mindomo, remix,
blogs, glossary,
implementing,u sing,
executing, running, loading,
laying, operating, hacking,
uploading, sharing, editing.
go2web2.0, voki,
odcasts, flash
Interpreting, Summarizing,
inferring, paraphrasing,
classifying, comparing,
explaining, exemplifying
Advanced searching,
Ted, skype,
twitter, journal,
log, glossary,
database, RSS
Recognising, listing,
describing, identifying,
retrieving, naming, Bullet
ointing, highlighting,
bookmarking, social
networking, searching
youtube, yahoo,
google, blogs,
wikis, quizzes,
lesson (flash
3.2 Affective Domain in a Digital
The various skill levels of the affective domain may
also benefit from modern ICTs, as summarized in
table 2:
Table 2: Affective Domain in a Digital Context.
Affective Domain
Level Definition Digital Support
The lowest level where
assively pay
presentation tools,
Notice boards,
Discussion boards
Attending to stimulus,
leading to some type of
reaction from them.
tools- email chat
Assign some value to an
object, phenomenon or piece
of information.
White boards,
editting tools
putting together different
values, information, ideas
accommodating them with
own knowledge
Graphical tools /
figures, calenders
have a particular value or
belief that now influences
their behavior becomes a
Personalised content
presentation tools
3.3 Psychomotor Domain in a Digital
The digital techniques provide better options for
monitoring the acquiring of skills in the
psychomotor domain. ICT techniques as shown in
table 3 are less prominent, since skill development
requires specialized techniques to support the
training of the skill under consideration.
Table 3: Psychomotor Domain in a Digital Context.
Psychomotor Domain
Level Definition Digital support
1. Observing
Active mental
attending of a
physical event.
software agents
2. Imitating
Attempted copying of
a physical behavior.
Virtualization, simulation
3. Practicing
Trying a specific
hysical activity over
and over.
Multimedia, video games,
4. Adapting
Fine tuning. Making
minor adjustments in
the physical activity
in order to perfect it.
video games
4.1 Methodological Evaluation
An analysis of Moodle was conducted using a
framework developed by (Land and Hannafin,
2000), designed as a guide for developing
constructivist LEs. According to (Land and
Hannafin, 1997), “LEs, directed as well as
constructivist, are rooted in five core foundations:
psychological, pedagogical, technological, cultural,
and pragmatic”. We introduce a methodology
framework as systems of aspect for characterizing
and comparing methodologies (Proper, 1994), based
on a model of Seligmann (Figure 4.1). The figure
illustrates the aspects:
Figure 1: Matching Core Foundations to Methodology.
We interpret the core foundations of LEs within
this methodology framework. The psychological
foundations are all LEs, which explicitly or tacitly,
reflect underlying beliefs about how knowledge is
acquired and used. Psychological foundations reflect
views about how individuals acquire, organize, and
deploy knowledge and skills.
Figure 2: Core Foundations of Moodle.
The pedagogical foundation influences focus on the
activities, methods, and structures of the LE, and
emphasizes how an environment is designed. The
technological foundation is related to the way of
supporting and represents how the capabilities and
limitations of technologies can be optimized.
Technological capabilities suggest what is possible
through advances in technology. The cultural
foundation reflects prevailing beliefs about
education, values of a culture, and roles of
individuals in society. The pragmatic foundation
bridges the gap between theory and reality by
emphasizing the practical reasons an approach can
or cannot be used in a given LE. This foundation is
related to the way of conceiving and working. The
core foundations for LEs benefit by two extra core
foundations of the way of learning and controlling.
4.2 Moodle Effectiveness based on BRT
We discuss the effectiveness of the Moodle LE in
terms of BDT. If we focus at the way of supporting
aspect of Moodle, then we see that each skill level
has a number of techniques to allow effective
support for the activities at that level. The activities
highly supported by Web 2.0 applications available
in Moodle are summarized in table 4 (Dougiamas,
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Moodle and BDT Relationship.
Cognitive Level
Moodle Support
Collaborative wikis, blogs, workshop,
assignment based uploads, mind maps,
upload video, pod casts, publish documents,
lesson plan
Discussion forums, collaborative wikis,
blogs, chat rooms, forum with peer
evaluation, assignment based uploads,
journal for reviewing own learning,
assessment viewing
Survey & choices within moodle, database,
glossary creation, wikis, blogs, assignment
uploads (MS word, Excel)
Use of SCORM e.g. NLN, upload screen
capture, upload slide share, audio / video
podcasts, play embedded flash games,
collaborative moodle wikis (editing),
assignment upload
blogs, journal, collaborative wiki, glossary,
database, RSS feeder (masgables e.g. voice
Moodle glossary, blogs, wikis, moodle
quizzes, moodle lesson (flash card),
complete search activity
4.3 Evaluation of Moodle Functionality
Putting into perspective what Moodle can offer in
relation to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (BRT),
an evaluation of Moodle functionality was done with
a randomly selected students’ group that accessed it.
The information was analyzed (figure 4) and
presents Moodle as the central technology that can
uphold the BRT levels through its functionality
associations. The six functionalities (Camilleri,
2009) Moodle presents in perspective of the BRT for
evaluating LEs include Tutor support, Peer Support,
Interpretation, Relevance, Reflection and
interactivity. The functionalities are embedded in
Moodle tools and closely linked to the BRT. From
the figure, we note that there is association between
the functionalities and BRT:
Tutor Support looks at adequately supporting
the entire learning process by the tutors. It is
observed that there is an association between
creating, applying, remembering and evaluating
levels of BRT. The tools that are associated
with these levels aid in providing effective
Tutor Support.
The Peer Support looks at how peers within the
learning technology support each other to
achieve learning objectives. It associates with
applying, remembering and evaluating levels of
BRT. Through the tools peers can effectively
evaluate what support to provide after
remembering, and then applying what they
know through peer support.
Interpretation is closely linked to Moodle’s
ability to allow users interpret information
before using it. BRT levels that closely
associate with this functionality include
analyzing, understanding and applying. Users
first analyze information, understand and apply
what is relevant in different contexts.
Relevance focuses on the ability to select a tool
that adheres to the appropriate learning style to
undertake an effective learning process.
Relevance associates with the analyzing,
understanding and evaluation BRT levels.
Being able to use the appropriate tool involves
the user analyzing what works best for them in
their state and having good understanding of
the learning process. If learning occurs the tool
can be evaluated for effectiveness. Moodle is
relevant coz it enables students to use critical
thinking, on the highest level of BRT
Figure 3: Moodle Functionality Benchmark in Relation to
Reflection addresses the users’ ability to think
and understand what is presented to them. After
reflection they can use their understanding to
carry out other learning activities. The BRT
levels associated with this functionality include
evaluation, understanding and remembering.
When a user interacts with the functionality,
they are interested in evaluating what will lead
to understanding and storing that knowledge.
Interactivity allows the use of Moodle in
different ways depending on the different
learning styles. This contributes to the biggest
percentage of usage and is associated with the
creating and remembering BRT levels. Users
can utilize the available tools to create learning
activities through which they can have a good
understanding of the entire learning process.
These skills are relevant to the students’
professional practices because they prepare
them for the work force where they are part of
discussions before problem solving, decision
making, and critical reflection for improving
their HOCS.
4.4 Moodle & Learning Environments
Moodle is free, can be modified anytime, designed
to take large numbers of students and has a vast
array of interactive tools (Camilleri, 2009). He
suggests that Moodle does not time out when not in
use, is not limited to a whiteboard tool, and has more
than one type of forum depending on particular
needs. With Blackboard, one is immediately notified
of any announcements and an icon, indicating what
new material is available. First Class Navigation is
simple to use, emails, features a Bulletin Board
System and online conferencing, and allows for
synchronous and asynchronous communication.
However, new content or mail have to be searched
for manually in the various folders on the home page
and it has a very outdated welcome screen which
contains a clutter of folders, not suitable to use with
large groups simultaneously. Moodle’s shortcoming
is that it lacks modern Synchronous e-learning
features like hosting virtual classrooms (Lalos et al.,
2009). The authors emphasize the need to provide
synchronous learning features for successful e-
learning program implementation. We conclude that
Moodle offers an impressive set of tools to support a
DPL environment as compared to other LEs.
We discussed Moodle in terms of the
methodological framework, and its effectiveness
based on BRT. Furthermore we discussed Moodle in
comparison to other LEs. Our main conclusion is
that a recursive approach can be beneficial, leading
to an unbounded depth in its approach. We would
expect and propose a two-dimensional support
approach in which the development of learning
material is seen as the creative process to disclose a
knowledge domain, that requires the core
dimensions to be offered as a basic part of the LE.
We acknowledge that the revised taxonomy is not a
cumulative hierarchy as the original. The revised
taxonomy also identifies four general types of
knowledge: factual, conceptual, procedural and meta
cognitve which make up knowledge dimension. We
shall integrate these into our evaluation for future
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education