Christian Saul, Felix Dürrwald
Fraunhofer Institute Digital Media Technology, Business Area Data Representation & Interfaces, Ilmenau, Germany
Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke
Faculty Informatics and Automation, Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
Keywords: Adaptive Assessment Systems, Learning Environments, Integration, Interoperability.
Abstract: Personalization is becoming a crucial factor in many areas of life including education. Currently, a learning
environment (LE) such as moodle, ILIAS, OLAT and dotLRN is far from being able to adapt the
assessment to the students’ individual context, prior knowledge and preferences, because personalization is
still insufficiently implemented or even not addressed in this system. In contrast, an adaptive assessment
system (AAS) takes the students’ characteristics into account in order to personalize the assessment, which
may result in more objective assessment findings. This paper analyzes how current open standards and
specifications can be used to achieve integration between LEs and AASs seamlessly, so that they can profit
from each other. For that reason, both LEs and AASs requirements are analyzed, because they have great
influence on the further considerations. LEs require control information as well as assessment information
from the AASs, which in turn require student as well as assessment information from the LEs. As a result of
the paper, an interworking of several standards and specifications (OPAQUE, IEEE LTSC PAPI, IMS LIP,
IMS QTI, etc.) is proposed, which can be used to achieve integration between LEs and AASs.
Assessment in the educational settings is defined as
classifying, usually in measurable terms, knowledge,
skills, attitudes and beliefs of a student.
The functionalities to be provided by an
assessment system are: (1) identify students and
define which students have to take which tests at
what times and which questions make up each test,
(2) record the scores and other information that
result from students attempting the test and provide
reporting facilities for this information, (3) display
questions to students and process the responses to
generate scores and feedback and (4) allow authors
to create and configure the questions.
Currently, a learning environment (LE), also
known as learning management system (LMS), such
as moodle (, ILIAS
(, OLAT (
and dotLRN ( realizes
number 1 and 2 almost satisfying (Wuttke et al.,
2008). LEs usually have facilities to administrate
and support students during assessment, but they are
relatively weak in addressing functionalities 3 and 4.
Moreover, they are limited in posing question types
and using algorithms to analyze and process
students’ responses. In addition, if authors want to
create advanced questions and tests or content with
high levels of interaction, they are limited to the
tools provided by individual environments, which, in
turn, restrict the reusability and interoperability of
the created content. This often leads to an “one-size-
fits-all” approach, where all students are presented
the same questions. From a pedagogical point of
view, however, personalization support is crucial to
keep up the motivation and interests of the students,
which are critical success factors in the assessment
An adaptive assessment system (AAS) poses a
better alternative. It takes the students’ individual
context, prior knowledge and preferences into
account in order to personalize the assessment,
which may result in more objective assessment
findings. The benefit of integrating LEs and AASs
Saul C., Dürrwald F. and Wuttke H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003344001170122
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 117-122
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
lies in combining the strengths of both systems. LEs
provide administration, learning and support
capabilities, while AASs provide personalized
assessment to students.
The focus of this paper is to analyze, how current
open standards and specifications can be used to
achieve integration of LEs and AASs. The work
presented in this paper is part of an overall project
aiming at implementing a new AAS (Saul et al.,
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: The second and third chapters describe LEs
and their requirements, which an AAS should meet
as well as AASs and their information requirements.
The fourth chapter deals with current standards and
specifications, which can be used to integrate LEs
and AASs. Chapter five proposes solutions, which
are discussed in chapter six. Concluding remarks
and references complete the paper.
LEs such as moodle, ILIAS, OLAT and dotLRN are
designed to support and enhance learning and
training in educational settings.
Generally, many LEs intersperse content with
assessments. The questions and tests, which make up
the assessments, are mostly created by tools
provided by the specific LE. The functionalities
provided by these tools encompass simple
monitoring mechanisms often used to unlock further
content. However, they do not provide sophisticated
control mechanisms, able to realize any kind of
individualization or personalization. In addition, the
lack of standardization on how these simple control
mechanisms are represented faces the authors of
questions and tests with the decision whether they
define control rules for a specific LE or not.
However, LEs generally offer extensive
management facilities to the authors such as student
and class management, course assembly and
publishing as well as student tracking across
courses. Therefore, LEs can offer student
management facilities to the AASs. In order to
enable a successfully integration of LEs with AASs,
the LEs require control information as well as
assessment information from the AASs.
2.1 Control Information
If a student executes a test, the LE needs to be
informed when the student has finished the test.
These control information can be used by the LE to
determine the state in the learning process, for
example, to lock further content or to start the test
environment again upon logging into the LE for the
next time. This will happen until the LE has received
the information from the AAS that the student has
taken the test completely. In addition, the AAS
should provide mechanisms to resume the
assessment in case the connection is interrupted or
2.2 Assessment Information
The LE needs to be informed about the results
achieved after the student has finished answering the
questions. This information encompass the question
that was asked, the final answer, the reached scores
for the answer and attempts the student took in
getting the final answer. The assessment information
can be used by the LE to report and compute overall
test scores.
AASs such as SIETTE (Conejo et al., 2004), PASS
(Gouli et al., 2002), CosyQTI (Lalos et al., 2005)
and iAdaptTest (Lazarinis et al., 2009) take into
account the students’ individual context, prior
knowledge and preferences in order to personalize
the assessment. Although these systems adapt the
assessment process of each student resulting in
presenting different questions, they still enable a
better comparability between different individuals.
Moreover, they reveal the current areas of strength
and weakness of the students more precisely.
In order to seamlessly launch the AAS by any
LE, the AAS require student as well as assessment
information from the LE.
3.1 Student Information
Due to the fact that AASs personalize the
assessment, they need to be informed about learning
aspects of the student, such as prior knowledge,
learning preferences, etc. This, in turn, causes
several problems. The first is how to present the
information in a way that all LEs and AASs are able
to understand. Another problem arises, if the LEs are
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
not able to provide learning information about the
student to the AASs. In such cases, the AAS is
responsible to pre-test the student to obtain this
information. When the student launches the AAS
again, the AAS uses the previously determined
information and a new pre-test can be avoided.
Moreover, the information gathered during the
assessment process can also be used to determine
and refine the student information. A further
requirement of the AAS is to uniquely identify
3.2 Assessment Information
When the LE asks the AAS to launch a particular
test, it needs to uniquely identify that test. The
required information encompasses the location of
the questions, the test identification and possibly the
version of the test.
The following standards and specifications can be
used to enable the integration of AASs with LEs.
4.1 Student -Modeling
The IMS Learner Information Package (LIP)
specification (2005) addresses interoperability
between internet-based LEs. It holds, maintains and
manages student information in XML documents.
Moreover the specifications records metadata such
as timestamp, source and privacy information.
The IEEE LTSC Public and Private Information
(PAPI) specification (2002) is a standard to
exchange student data between different systems. It
represents the students’ knowledge by specifying the
As there are disjoint attributes in both
specifications, for example, privacy and security
issues, there are often combinations of elements of
both specifications used (Lalos et al., 2005;
Lazarinis et al., 2006).
4.2 Domain-Modeling
The XML Topic Maps (XTM) specification (2001)
defines a grammar for representing the structure of
information resources. XTM describe relations as
associations, mentioned in addressable information
resources (occurrences).
4.3 Questions and Tests
The IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI)
specification (2006) describes a data model for
representing question and test data and their
corresponding results supporting the exchange of
this material between authoring and delivery
systems. It structures material into assessments,
sections, and items.
4.4 Interworking
RQP (Remote Question Protocol) (Delius, 2005) is a
Web Service protocol based on SOAP (2007) and
has been developed by the Serving Mathematics
project (
aiming at developing assessment tools in
mathematics education. Although RQP looked very
promising, the effort ran out of resources and the
protocol has never been finished. Conceptually
similar to RQP and in a working state is OPAQUE.
OPAQUE (Open Protocol for Accessing
QUestion Engines) (Hunt, 2008) is also based on
SOAP and allows LEs to delegate the presentation
of questions, the scoring of responses and the
generation of feedback to a remote question engine.
However, the LE takes full responsibility for
authenticating students and asks an appropriate
question engine to render each question. The
question engine will then process the request and
pass a response back to the calling LE. Although
OPAQUE has been implemented into the LE moodle
as well as into the question engines OpenMark
( and STACK 2.0
(, it is designed to allow
interoperability between arbitrary different types of
LEs and question engines.
In this chapter a data structure and an interworking
of open standards and specifications is proposed to
achieve a seamless communication between LEs and
AASs. The proposed solution facilitates the
communication of control, student and assessment
information and thus enables personalized
assessment. The interworking includes the following
Launching the test
Communicating between AAS and LE
Completing the test
5.1 Launching the Test
When the test is launched from the LE, it needs to
initialize its connection with the AAS. OPAQUE
defines the following Web Service message to
initiate a connection request between a LE and a
question engine. Please notice that AASs can simply
be referred to as question engines, although they do
much more than rendering questions.
<wsdl:message name="startRequest">
<wsdl:part name="questionID"
<wsdl:part name="questionVersion"
<wsdl:part name="questionBaseURL"
<wsdl:part name="initialParamNames
<wsdl:part name="initialParamValues"
The message parts questionID and
questionVersion can be used to identify the adaptive
test, whereas questionBaseURL can be used to
define where the adaptive test resides. As mentioned
earlier, AASs not only require assessment
information, but also need student information. This
information can be submitted from the LE to the
AAS using IEEE LTSC PAPI/IMS LIP within the
message parts initialParamNames and
initialParamValues. After the AAS has received the
connection request, it will fetch the test, establish a
test session and return the corresponding session
5.2 Communicating between AAS
and LE
When the LE has established a connection with the
AAS and has got its session identifier, the exchange
of data can be started. Independent of the internal
representation of the questions and tests and
processes taking place, each AAS has to render and
return questions in a format, which is generally
known by the LE. Due to the fact that almost all LEs
are web-based, the AAS should return data
conforming to established web standards. In
OPAQUE, the Web Service message, containing a
question, is defined as follows:
<wsdl:message name="processResponse">
<wsdl:part name="XHTML"
<wsdl:part name="CSS"
<wsdl:part name="resources"
<wsdl:part name="progressInfo"
<wsdl:part name="questionEnd"
<wsdl:part name="results" type="
The message parts XHTML and CSS are
predestined to accommodate the HTML and the CSS
representation of the question, respectively. Further
needed resources like JavaScript libraries or the like
can be included using the resources message part.
Now, the LE can compile the question using the
several message parts and present it to the student.
After the student has answered the question, the LE
forwards the answer(s) to the AAS. In the following,
the Web Service message used to return the
answer(s) to the AAS for further processing are
described: The message part questionSession is
purposed to accommodate the session identifier of
the assessment. The proper answer(s) can be
included in the second and third message part.
Afterwards, the AAS has to compare the received
answer(s) with the correct answer(s) and decide how
to proceed. In case of a correct answer, the AAS has
to return the next question included in the test. In
case of an incorrect answer, however, the AAS has
to start its working. For example, personalized
feedback could be used to guide the student to the
correct solution or a slightly easier question
addressing the same topic.
5.3 Completing the Test
Finally, the student answers all questions of a test
and the test will be finished. Now, the AAS has to
inform the LE about the results achieved by the
student. This information is used by the LE for
reporting and computing overall test scores. In order
to inform the LE that the test is completely
answered, t
he AAS can use the questionEnd message part
included in every processResponse message (see
5.2). In this case the AAS simply has to set the value
to true and the LE knows that there are no questions
left and that the results of the test are included into
the results message part dedicated to hold this
information. Developed by the authors, a concluding
sequence diagram of the interworking of student, LE
and AAS is presented in Figure 1.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In the previous chapter several open standards and
specifications and their interworking were presented
aiming at realizing integration of AASs in LEs. By
analyzing LEs and AASs important requirements
could be extracted, which had great influence on the
design of the interworking.
LEs require control information to determine the
state of the student in the learning process. Thus, the
interworking needs to be based on a session
management, which enables pausing and resuming
in case the student interrupts the assessment session
or lost the connection to the LE. OPAQUE uses a
session identifier to identify the requesting LE and
provides control messages to start, process, and stop
the assessment process. Among others, these are
reasons why we propose to use OPAQUE as general
interworking protocol. Moreover, although the LE
passes the assessment responsibilities to the AAS, it
needs to be informed how the student has performed
in the assessments completed. Based on this
information, the LE decides how to proceed in the
learning process. Although OPAQUE only presents
a structure dedicated to hold this information for one
question, it is flexible enough to accommodate the
student’s result of an entire test. IMS QTI was also
investigated to communicate of student results. It not
only defines a format for representing and
exchanging assessment content like questions and
tests, but also for assessment results (IMS QTI
Results Reporting package). The underlying data
structure is similar to the one provided by OPAQUE,
but the uncertainty as to whether an LE is able to
process this response could become a problem.
AASs require student information from the LEs.
This includes learning aspects, such as prior
knowledge, learning preferences, learning styles or
lifelong learning goals (i.e. career path). In chapter
4.1 candidate specifications including IEEE LTSC
PAPI and IMS LIP were presented, which aims at
presenting student information in a way that all LEs
and AASs can understand. Although there are some
standards for presenting this information, there is no
common vocabulary, which enables a common
understanding. Almost all AASs have their own
mechanisms and vocabularies for storing student
information. CosyQTI (Lazarinis et al., 2006), for
example, uses the IEEE/ACM vocabulary to
facilitate a common understanding. Such a
vocabulary combined with a unified domain-
modeling (see chapter 4.2) enables the AAS to
derive information about the current level of
knowledge of the student with respect to a specific
Figure 1: Sequence Diagram of Student, LE and AAS
topic. Based on this understanding, efficient
personalization by the AAS is possible. Moreover,
after the test is taken, the results can be returned to
the student-model by updating the competencies
included. As presented in chapter 5.1, OPAQUE
defines a message part to exchange student
information between LEs and AASs. The returning
session identifier can be regarded as key for further
communication and identifies the assessment
session. Another requirement is the uniform
identification of the student. OPAQUE does not
explicitly define a message part to identify the
specific student. In the IMS LIP specification it is
argued, that the source of the information record is
responsible for the uniqueness of the student
identifier. That would mean that the LE is
responsible to uniquely identify the student, in order
to track the learning process of the student. But, the
AAS has also an interest in identifying the
individuals, because it has to adapt the assessment
process accordingly. For that reason, the LE is
required to identify the student and to pass the
student information to the AAS (see chapter 5.1). In
addition, the AASs require assessment information
from the LEs in order to identify the specific test.
This includes the location of the questions, the test
identification and possibly the version of the test. As
presented in chapter 5.1, OPAQUE defines a Web
Service message to initiate a connection request
between LEs and AASs. Usually, questions are
defined according to the IMS QTI specification and
deposited in question banks.
The objective of this paper was to analyze how
current open standards and specifications can be
used to achieve integration between LEs and AASs
seamlessly so that they can profit from each other.
The analysis was caused by an understanding of the
need of assessment adapted to the students’
individual context, prior knowledge and preferences
as well as the understanding that current LEs lack
possibilities to provide personalized assessment to
students. For that reason, both LEs and AASs were
subject of a requirement analysis. The results of the
analysis pointed out that LEs require control and
assessment information from the AASs, which in
turn require student and assessment information
from the LEs. After having analyzed the
requirements of both sides, related standards and
specifications were studied in detail and matched
against the requirements. As a result, an
interworking of several standards and specifications
were proposed, which could well be used to achieve
integration between LEs and AASs.
Future work of the institution of the main author
will implement a new AAS providing personalized
assessment. The system not only selects and presents
questions individually, but also takes sophisticated
feedback techniques and methods resulting in
providing feedback that is appropriate for the
students’ context, knowledge level, individual
characteristics and preferences into account. The
work provided in this paper helps integrating this
system in established LEs, which, in turn, can
contribute to a prompt and widespread adoption.
This work in this paper has partly been supported by
the European Project Nº 216746 PReservation
Organizations using Tools in Agent Environments
(PROTAGE) and by the Fraunhofer Institute for
Digital Media Technology, Ilmenau, Germany.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education