cation with a small set of buttons which are assigned
in a uniform way across the different applications.
Furthermore, in order to ease the navigation even
more, multimodal interaction is supported. The Mul-
timodal Dialogue System (Schehl et al., 2008) al-
lows more intuitive control of the system by means
of speech and gestures and permits a natural dialogue
between man and machine. The user is able to issue
combined voice commands and gestures to modify
the performance of the 3D environment and to search
for information related to the objects or applications
in scene. The VITAL system consists of a number of
independent applications, each of which is controlled
by its unique set of gestures, voice commands and its
dialogue system.
2.2 URC Standards-based Middleware
The overall system architecture is based on two
standards: the ISO standard 24752 ’Universal
Remote Console’ (URC, see and and the CEA 2018 ’Task
Model Description’. The URC framework has been
developed to address the need for pluggable and per-
sonal user interfaces. The concept calls for a de-
coupling of the functionality of a device or service,
and its user interface (hence ’pluggable user inter-
face’). This relieves the developer from having to pro-
vide one user interface in a one-size-fits-all approach
which is not suitable, in particular for older users.
The URC technology allows for personal user inter-
faces that are tailored to a user’s controller, context
of uses, and their individual needs and preferences.
Pluggable user interfaces can use any user interface
technology, using any modality for input and output
(e.g. HTML, Web 2.0, Java, C#, VoiceXML, propri-
etary technologies, etc.). The technology allows for
hard-coded (’canned’) user interfaces (designed and
specified before runtime), and user interfaces that are
automatically generated and/or adapted at runtime.
Main part of the URC standard is a middleware,
the Universal Control Hub (see Figure 2), or UCH
that serves as ’user interface middleware’ between
on the one hand appliances and services (called ’Tar-
gets’) and on the other hand personal user inter-
faces implemented on some platform (called con-
trollers). The rendition of a Target’s user interface
is guided by ’Resources’ that the Universal Control
Hub (UCH) retrieves from Resource Servers on the
Internet. The URC standard implements an architec-
ture called pluggable user interfaces meaning that a
user interface can – even dynamically – plug into the
UCH which can serve multiple user interfaces. Im-
portant is also that the interaction in this architecture
is bi-directional, that is, the user is possibly informed
as the targets change their state. The UCH acts as
the central component, connecting TV, remote control
and microphone with the platform components (user
profile etc.) and to services available in the Web.
2.3 UiTV
The UiTV is the main user-interface integration
framework for TV used in the VITAL project, devel-
oped by CTU
. UiTV is capable of rendering user in-
terfaces described in CTU-UIProtocol. Applications
based on CTU-UIProtocol are nested to the UiTV
user interface. The UIProtocol provides a server-
side API for writing event handlers in both .NET and
JScript (Microsoft variant of JavaScript). The API
provides simple access to sockets and enables easy
updates for user interfaces of connected clients.
The VITAL Services are designed to address real
needs of the elderly population with the aim to im-
prove their quality of life, increase their cultural level,
fill in their leisure time, integrate the elderly popula-
tion into mainstream society and incorporate this sec-
tor of the population into the information technology
world. The applications highlight the social aspect of
the project objectives, especially those services which
involve two or even more users into an interaction.
The VITAL catalogue of services (see Figure 3)
includes the following facilities: communications, so-
cial interaction, entertainment, education and infor-
mation, involving full integration of services for el-
derly users and service providers, use of appropriate
terminals for each user profile (i.e. the TV or mobile),
use of natural language to communicate with the ma-
chine, strong emphasis on personalisation, carefully
designed interfaces and the use of existing infrastruc-
Based on the URC approach, it is possible to add
or remove applications / services from the system
without altering the basic system functionality. The
applications may run on themselves or may use the
support of the lower level services provided by the VI-
TAL Platform (i.e. information from the user profile,
location services, reminder service, etc). In addition,
the applications, through well-defined interfaces can
provide user information to the platform in order to
update the user profile.
Czech Technical University,
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies