commercial history of the street in 19
century, it’s
current role in modern Kalamata. A group of
university students, exercising their role of future
educators, collaborate with them as tutors in order to
provide material from their inhabited town,
Kalamata, to search and propose references, to give
advice, etc. A Blended Learning initiative will take
place between persons of different age and
Will it enable the learning procedure? Can social
skills and teaching abilities be cultivated via long-
distance communication between strangers? Can
some tackling gender issues concerning female
teachers of philology and their skills in new
technologies, be reviewed? What are the motivating
elements for each group and is it possible for them
to evaluate their work?
The advantages of internet in education are of
unique significance. It allows the use and the
combination of a variety of Media in interaction, it
joins people world wide supporting synchronous and
a-synchronus communication, it can also be used to
provide education with material as a huge,
modifiable source (Federico, 2000). Lately the
possibilities of internet communication such as e-
mail, discussion forums, mailing lists and chat,
support the collaboration and human communication
in a frame of virtual class (Papanikolaou,
Grigoriadou, Gouli, 2005). In addition, school
population, as member of the information society,
“needs to get furnished not only with the basic but
the higher-order skills required to our digital
culture” (Pachler, 2001:15-23). ICT capability
therefore “involves an interaction between technical
facts and processes, strategic knowledge, meta-
cognitive self-knowledge and affective aspects of
mind including self-confidence and a disposition to
use technology” (Kennewell & als, 2000:19). All
these particularities of the internet use can be
considered as educational tasks. Loveless has
precised four aspects of ICT capability that should
be developed within the “wider context of a critical
evaluation of the impact of ICT on their own and
others lives: a. find things out from a variety of
sources, selecting and synthetising the information
to meet their needs, b. develop their ideas using ICT
tools to amend and refine their work and enhance its
quality and accuracy, c. exchange and share
information, both directly and through electronic
media, d. review, modify and evaluate their work,
reflecting critically on its quality, as it progresses”
(Loveless & als, 2001:68).
Internet courses usually apply four main
education models, -transmission model of teaching
and learning, constructivist model, socio-cultural
model, metacognitive model-, described by Rumble
(2001) who underlines that distance education
technology can influence in a serious way the
development of constructivist and socio-cultural
model. In fact the project described in this paper was
built to serve constructivist and social-cultural
models as learners follow interesting and important
work, not limited in the schoolbook, and interact
between the material and themselves in order to
establish knowledge. The “Aristomenous teaching
project”, by using educational material in on line
courses that are based in collaborative activities,
learning sources and group projects, follows the type
of the “Integrated Model”, among three categories of
distance education models (Content and Support
Model, Wrap Around Model, Integrated Model) as
described by Mason (1998). Online education is
mainly based in collaboration between tutors and
learners. Collaborative learning is an “umbrella
term” for a variety of educational approaches
involving joint intellectual effort by students, or
students and teachers together (Smith &
MacGregor,1992) and it is considered to achieve
several goals for education, such as social and
intellectual involvements, cooperation and teamwork
as well as civic responsibility. Such an educational
method enhances reposition from the typical
teacher-centered or lectured-centered classroom to a
profound research and cooperation between tutors
and learners who take responsibility of their personal
learning. Not only students receive information or
ideas but they are creating something new with
information ideas. In fact, on one hand, technology
in active learning allows the learner to be in control
of the learning by investigating information and
problems and on the other hand, technology in
interactive learning is mediating the interactions of
learners and allows learning to emerge (USDOE,
According to the above principles, students
participating in “Aristomenous project” are evolved
in a multiple research in order to represent the
history, the commercial value, the architecture of the
buildings of the street, serving to special commercial
and every day needs. Asynchronous communication
that strongly supports long-distance collaboration
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education