Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers
Tanja Buttler, Stephan Lukosch and Alexander Verbraeck
Faculty of Technology Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology
P.O. box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Narratives, Storytelling, Project management, Knowledge management.
Learning from projects is one of the major challenges which appears to be critical to consistent success of
project-based organizations. To learn from past projects for current problem situations, knowledge and expe-
rience often has to be shared across time or space. However, while it seems to be possible to capture explicit
knowledge (e.g. about products and technical problems), softer types of knowledge (i.e. knowledge about the
processes that a team had deployed to achieve their goals and why these processes seemed to have worked
well or badly) are more difficult to retain. By observing how knowledge people like managers or engineers
communicate, we have found that they tell stories. Stories are an ancient way to communicate experiences
(i.e. direct observations of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge) and are used by todays engineers
to convey the challenges and solutions they encountered. Based on these grounds we propose an approach
to freeze stories of project managers by capturing (and processing) their stories and thereby opening up an
opportunity for sharing these stories across space and time. First trials of this approach are promising: it was
easy for project managers to share experiences resulting in rich accounts. In addition, we tested the acceptance
and applicability of frozen stories with apprentice project managers. We found that it reminded them of their
own experiences and of stories they have heard. Furthermore, it stimulated the exchange of experiences with
Within project based organizations there is some con-
cern over retaining the knowledge and experiences
gained in a project. Organizations fear to lose knowl-
edge and expertise needed for their next projects re-
sulting in reinventing the wheel and repeating mis-
takes. Knowledge people such as engineers or project
managers use their minds; this means they own their
means of production - when they leave, they take this
means of production with them (Stauffer, 1999). The
work of knowledge people is characterized by an em-
phasis on creativity, use of social and analytical skills
as well as theoretical knowledge (Newell et al., 2002).
Knowledge people apply their skills and experience to
identify and solve problems (Newell et al., 2002) or
to make decisions (e.g. Simon, 1977). With regard to
activities like decision making, innovation or problem
solving in projects their knowledge and experience is
invaluable. They contribute to these activities based
on their experience and vast knowledge base. We can
learn from past experiences and apply them in the cur-
rent situation. Sage and Armstrong (2000) argue for
example that information about past decisions should
inform present decisions. However, to apply knowl-
edge of knowledge people from one project within
new situations in another project, knowledge and ex-
perience often has to be shared across time or space.
This challenge has been tackled within the do-
main of knowledge management. Within this do-
main knowledge can be understood as something an
individual has learned through personal experiences
(Jashapara, 2004); it is shaped by the social reality
of the individual (Spender, 1996; Spender, 1998) and
partially tacit (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Knowl-
edge management is about creating new knowledge,
distributing existing knowledge and training (Jasha-
para, 2004; Newell et al., 2002); for some it means
codifying information in databases and distributing
it through the intranet (Hansen et al., 1999), for
others it means searching for and working with ex-
perts (Hansen et al., 1999), and for some it involves
mentoring and informal learning to develop expertise
(Newell et al., 2002).
Buttler T., Lukosch S. and Verbraeck A..
FROZEN STORIES - Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers.
DOI: 10.5220/0003344701200129
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 120-129
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Capturing the knowledge of knowledge people
working on a project and storing it in knowledge man-
agement systems is one of its core tasks. However,
past efforts to capture and reuse knowledge through
knowledge management systems are not as effective
as expected (see e.g. McDermott, 1999; Grant and
Qureshi, 2006). One reason for this lies in the tacit
nature of part of this knowledge. It is therefore diffi-
cult to capture and transfer (Neuweg, 2006).
For organizations relying on the execution of
projects this draws a bleak picture. Learning from
projects and exchanging both explicit and tacit knowl-
edge beyond the boundaries of a project has been
identified as one of the critical success factors for
projects (Cooke-Davies, 2002).
Stories are an ancient way to communicate ex-
periences (Totzke, 2005). Stories can be understood
as sequences of events, communicated verbally or in
written form (Valle et al., 2003). Within this research
we focus particularly on personal, verbally commu-
nicated stories. They are not just about an account
of events, but also also convey cultural aspects (val-
ues, beliefs, norms and cultural practices), personal
perceptions of circumstances or events, examples for
good and bad practices, as well as speculations about
what might have happened (Ochs and Capps, 2001;
Bruner, 1991; Orr, 1996). In addition, stories are
placed into context in order to improve understand-
ing of the audience (Bruner, 1991). When these nar-
ratives are told in a conversation, the teller can adapt
the narrative to the story listeners, e.g. by filling in the
blanks as necessary (Bruner, 1991; Ochs and Capps,
2001) or by responding to posed questions and chal-
lenges (Ochs and Capps, 2001). Therefore, the story
listeners act as interlocutors who shape the story to-
gether with the primary storyteller.
Under the designation of storytelling, stories are
already purposefully used to elicit written accounts
of experiences shared in a team (see e.g. Valle et al.,
2003; Perret et al., 2004).
Based on these grounds we propose an approach
to freeze stories of project managers, in order to share
experiences across time and space. This approach
consists of the two stages: capturing the experiences
in interviews and processing these interviews in or-
der to prepare the captured experiences for further
use in educational settings. Through this approach,
the storyteller cannot adapt the story to the audience
anymore, or complement the story with experiences
made in other projects. This is what we understand
under ”freezing” a story.
The capturing stage employs interviews (and
therefore an interviewer to interact with) for elicit-
ing the experiences. Another means to capture ex-
periences might be through the aid of a specialized
storytelling tool. This area of research is outside of
the scope of this paper, see e.g. (Lukosch et al., 2008;
Lukosch et al., in press) for some of our research in
this area.
We evaluated the capturing stage by observing
project managers who contributed their experiences
and by analyzing the captured experiences. Early re-
sults show that through the capturing stage it is easy
to share experiences resulting in rich accounts. In or-
der to evaluate the processing stage, stories containing
personal experiences and beliefs were selected and re-
constructed. Finally, we tested the acceptance and
applicability of frozen stories with apprentice project
managers in a field experiment. We found that it stim-
ulated them to share their own experiences as well as
stories they have heard.
Within the remainder of this paper we explore the
problem in more depth and present our approach in
using stories to capture experiences, followed by a
first exploratory study on how to capture stories in or-
der to get a sufficient result for utilizing the stories in
educational settings. Furthermore, we want to give a
first impression on how these stories are received by
apprentices in the area of project management.
Newell et al. (2006) have conducted interviews in
several organizations on the effectiveness of their
lessons learned efforts. Lessons learned are a com-
mon strategy to transfer knowledge between projects
by capturing lessons and storing these in a database
for others to use. The results of the interviews
are telling. While it seems to be possible to cap-
ture knowledge about products, technical issues and
achievements, softer types of knowledge (i.e. knowl-
edge about the processes that a team had deployed to
achieve their goals and why these processes seemed to
have worked well or badly) are not retained. Sharing
these softer types of knowledge still relied on people
to communicate it personally. Considering the issue
of experts leaving the organization this draws a bleak
picture. The softer types of knowledge are essential
for learning from past projects. However, sharing soft
knowledge through personal communication is not an
option - if people have left an organization for in-
stance, they are not available for this kind of com-
munication any more. Therefore, we have to capture
softer types of knowledge, in order to share it across
time and space.
Telling (and recording) stories might be a way to
address this challenge: Stories are an ancient way to
- Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers
share experiences. Taking a mainly historical per-
spective, we can observe that in societies where the
technologies of literacy (especially writing and print)
are unfamiliar to most of the population, experiences
and knowledge are shared in two ways: through
(guided) imitation or through verbal communication
- particularly through telling and retelling of stories
(Totzke, 2005). In our own experience, expert project
managers like to share the lessons they learned while
dealing with problems in a project through stories (see
also Section 4.1). Today, technical experts use sto-
ries to talk about their personal experiences, the chal-
lenges they encountered and the lessons they learned
(Orr, 1996). The everyday practice in informal knowl-
edge management further shows that softer kinds of
knowledge are usually communicated in the form of
stories (Brown and Duguid, 2000). This line of argu-
mentation allows us to specify the first requirement:
we have to elicit and record stories.
In addition, projects can be complex in them-
selves. Consider for example project managers doing
projects all over the world. They have to deal with
several cultural aspects: the culture at the target site,
the culture of the people working on the project as
well as the culture of the organization. New technolo-
gies or a big scope can add to the complexity of a
project. Every experience gained in such a complex
project is embedded in the context in which this expe-
rience was made. The necessity of providing context
within or together with a story has also been acknowl-
edged in literature, see e.g. (Perret et al., 2004; Valle
et al., 2003). Therefore, captured experiences should
refer to the context in which they occurred.
In capturing personal experiences we not only
have to take into account the needs of the target group
but also have to consider the needs of the experi-
enced project managers. Here, previous attempts to
gather similar experiences in written form have shown
that project managers have little time to write up the
lessons they learned (see e.g. Newell et al., 2006; Pelt,
2008). Therefore, we have to reduce the time a project
manager spends on the process.
2.1 Using Stories for Training of Adults
Stories are also used in educational settings. Within
goal-based scenarios cover stories (often in the form
of case studies) are used to frame authentic tasks de-
signed to acquire skills (Schank et al., 1994). Here,
stories are used to motivate student, not to share softer
types of knowledge across time and space.
McDrury and Alterio (2003) use a storytelling ap-
proach (rooted in constructivism) to reflect on and
learn from their own experiences. Their collaborative
approach consists of five phases: story finding, story
telling, story expanding, story processing and story
reconstructing. Within this approach learners tell and
listen to stories told by other learners in the same
group. This approach only works when the learners
have direct contact to each other.
There are several approaches using stories as
teaching material. The case method is a teaching
approach confronting students with real world prob-
lems. Argyris (1980) has identified key features of
this approach: Real world problems are used. The in-
volvement of the teacher is minimized, whereas the
involvement of the learners is maximized with re-
gard to stating their opinions, questioning the views
of others, and making decisions. Here, stories are one
means (among others) to provide information about
the case.
Rickert and Schnalzer (2005) have presented an
approach to use stories of master craftsmen in the field
of metalworking to teach journeymen in that field.
The stories are edited to fit into a didactic concept
(e.g. problem based learning or case based learning)
and presented in multimedia formats .
There has also been some research on how to
use stories for training firefighters: Joung, Hesketh
and Neal (2006) have compared stories of firefight-
ers about mistakes, some stories describing the worst
outcome, some stories containing near escapes. They
have presented these stories to firefighters and as-
sessed their ability to identify a range of problems
and possible actions before acting. They found that
stories describing the worst outcome had the greater
impact. The goal is to build up expertise of the fire-
fighters and improve their perception of a particular
situation. While all these research approaches pro-
vide some insights into how to use the stories (also
from a didactic point of view), they do not explore
how to get and modify the stories. Furthermore, they
do not focus on verbally told stories.
Gandelman and Santoro (2010a, 2010b) have pro-
posed an approach to capture stories from real world
situations in order to use them in training scenarios.
Their focuses on reports gathered from several people
involved in such a situation and editing the results to
merge them into a story. However, so far there has
been no research on actually using the resulting in a
training scenario.
All in all, stories are used to provide insights
into complex situations, help students to foster mean-
ing and provide motivation. We are of the opinion
that frozen stories are a vehicle to transfer experi-
ences from experienced project managers to appren-
tice project managers.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Our storytelling approach aims at supporting the elici-
tation of personal experiences within a project. It con-
sists of two stages: the elicitation of personal views
and experiences through interviews and the process-
ing of these interviews in order to prepare the elicited
stories for further use in educational settings. Further-
more, we have to provide technology support for both
3.1 Elicitation of Personal Experiences
In order to elicit personal experiences in an effi-
cient manner for the experts involved, we use semi-
structured interviews conducted by experienced inter-
Capturing experiences through interviews has sev-
eral advantages. First, interviews reduce the time
a project manager has to spent on telling her sto-
ries. Second, having a person guiding through the
storytelling provides additional motivation to actually
telling the stories. Third, we can build on some of the
characteristics of verbal communication. In short, the
interviews are about personal truth, not about absolute
An interview can be conducted in face to face set-
tings or via the telephone. In both cases the interview
is recorded resulting in an audio file. The general
question within the interview focuses on the major
lessons the interviewee has learned within the project,
supplemented by experiences of the interviewee on
some of the issues raised in previous interviews. The
interviewer should prompt for additional details to get
a richer picture, by asking several interviewees about
the same major issues we get multiple views on the
same issues.
Figure 1: Live tagging.
The interview is recorded as a spoken document.
However, while it is easy to scan a text to get an
overview over the content, spoken documents do not
support scanning (Barron, 2004). Therefore, we ask
the interviewer (or an additional observer) to tag the
interview while it takes place (see Figure 1); this tech-
nique is similar to live tagging (Kelkar et al., 2010).
A tag consists of a label and a time index and pro-
vides a rough indication of the topic or interaction
type (e.g. asking a question) within the interview at
a given time. In order to match the recording time
and the internal clock of the tag application we use
a load sound (beep) when we start the tagging appli-
cation (this is similar to the use of a clapperboard in
motion picture production to synchronize images and
3.2 Processing
Even though eliciting softer types of knowledge
through interviews aims to reduce the time and effort
a project manager spends on the process and provides
motivation to actually tell the stories, the one-by-one
interviews also require a story editor to analyze and
process the interviews. Consider the following exam-
The interviewees address multiple issues in one
interview which have to be separated and dis-
tributed to different recipients.
To highlight a particular connection within a
course it can be enough to use a couple of small
stories serving as examples.
For a more extensive documentation of one issue
within the project the views of several intervie-
wees have to be combined.
These examples show that there is a gap between the
elicitation of the experiences and the utilization of
these captured experiences—we can not just use the
raw interviews. Even though the exact purpose of us-
ing parts of the interviews differ, there are some com-
monalities when looking at the underlying activities:
the story editor identifies and labels interesting parts
(or segments) of the interviews, links different parts
of the interviews exports results as an audio file.
The processing phase supports these activities
through three steps:
1. Segmentation of the interviews.
2. Linking of the segments.
3. Merging different segments together.
To assist story editors in the execution of this
process we used the CASTing information system
(Lukosch et al., 2008). CASTing offers functionality
to collaboratively store, mark, tag, link, search, pub-
lish and reuse the audio material. The identification of
- Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers
Figure 2: CASTing (Lukosch et al., 2008).
interesting parts takes place during the segmentation
step. Story editors can segment the audio recordings
by setting marks; each mark is defined by a label and
a exact time position in the interview. In Figure 2 on
the left side you can see a list of audio files together
with their marks. Two marks within the same inter-
view define start and end of a segment. The marks
in an audio recording can be used to define links be-
tween interviews by serving as start or end point for a
link. Based on the marks that are associated with each
audio recording it is possible to link the original in-
terviews without modifying them. The links between
the different audio recordings form a directed graph
(see Figure 2, right side). The nodes in the graph rep-
resent the parts of the interviews, the directed edges
in the graph represent the links between these parts.
Each node is assigned to one audio recording. By us-
ing directed graphs we allow story editors to explore
several alternatives before committing to one of them.
Within the directed graph story editors can select a
single thread and export this threat as a single audio
The three steps of the processing stage may be ex-
ecuted in any non-sequential order. It is possible to
skip steps or to return to steps in the process. Thereby,
we support a free development of the story. When,
e.g. linking audio recordings the need for an addi-
tional example can become obvious. This example
can be identified and then directly be linked.
In order to test our approach we have employed it
in a major oil and gas company. In the following
we describe our experiences in capturing and pro-
cessing personal experiences of knowledge people in-
volved in the management and supervision of two ma-
jor projects within that company and derive some in-
sights into what went well and which points need im-
provement. Furthermore we report on using some of
the elicited stories as educational material in a formal
training environment.
4.1 Capturing of Personal Experiences
We have carried out the capturing phase within two
projects, one in Russia and one on the Arabian Penin-
sula. Both projects were already running for sev-
eral years and near completion at the time of the
interviews. Within these projects it was important
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to gather experiences in time (that is, before peo-
ple move onto the next project or leave the orga-
nization). The personal experiences were captured
through semi-structured interviews focusing on the
lessons learned within these projects. The lead ques-
tion in most interviews was
What are the three major lessons you learned
within this project?
The interviews were conducted by individuals or in
teams; for each of the two projects there was one lead
interviewer. Even though this lead interviewer had
prepared a list of topics he wanted to address most of
these topics were already addressed by answering this
simple question. If necessary, the interviewer would
use this list of topics to ask further questions. All in
all, it was remarkably easy to elicit the experiences of
the project managers through interviews.
Besides, there are other advantages that deserve
mentioning. The time an individual project manager
had to spent on the process lay between 40 minutes
and 2:30 hours (see Table 1), which is quite low com-
pared to the amount of information shared in that
time. For instance, the transcript of the longest inter-
view contained over 20,000 words. Therefore, with
the chosen approach we reach our goal to reduce the
time a project manager has to spent on the process.
We have to point out though, that the time needed
might depend on the interviewer as well. In Rus-
sia and on the Arabian Peninsula two different in-
terviewers were leading the interview. As shown in
Table 1 there is a difference of 20 minutes between
the mean lengths of the interviews and a consider-
able difference can also be noticed when looking at
the minimum (40 min versus 69 min) and maximum
lengths (95 min versus 148 min) of the interviews.
Differences between interviewers include the number
of questions asked in the interview and the number of
verbal supporting cues (like ”hm”).
However, two leading interviewers do not provide
us with sufficient data. Therefore these observations
have to be substantiated through further research.
Table 1: Interviews.
Location Russia Arabian
Number of Inter-
13 9
Length of inter-
views (Range)
40 min to
95 min
69 min to
148 min
Length of inter-
views (Mean)
69 min 89 min
Total interview
15 hours 13.5
Furthermore, our approach allows us to elicit sto-
ries (and not just facts) in an interactive way thereby
offering an easy way to share experiences. For ex-
ample, one project manager addressed the learning
aspects of stories as well as motivational aspects for
participating in our research:
I was keen to participate because I very
strongly believe in storytelling. Because sto-
ries they stick and if you can tell a story then
people will remember the story and if in that
story are some points that he can pick up,
which are applicable for their own knowing.
[...] The other element which is important is
that major project teams like mine, they are
isolated. They go on a journey and [...] in my
case it will be 8 years. [...] And the learn-
ing happens during those 8 years and yes at
a certain phase you write them down and - it
should be pulled. That’s why the storytelling
that you invited me to is pulling the informa-
tion and not waiting till the project team writes
it down.
Here the project manager points out that capturing ex-
periences through interviews has the additional ad-
vantage of pulling the experiences instead of just
waiting for them to be delivered.
Finally, during the interview the interviewees felt
free to address any issue they deemed important. Ma-
jor issues were addressed by several interviewees re-
sulting in a rich picture. The interviewees addressed
questions and opinions that are not part of the lessons
learned approach (within that company), e.g. they
highlighted drawbacks of solutions, they brought up
untried ideas, addressed unresolved problems and
highlighted connecting challenges.
We also identified additional challenges and lim-
itations: First, even though the interviewees shared
their experiences freely, they also asked the interview-
ers to limit access to some sensitive issues in their sto-
ries. Second, ethical issues are raised when the inter-
viewees share negative experiences they had with em-
ployees of the company. Third, capturing experiences
is not suitable for recreating past events, particularly
when these events had a huge impact on a project.
4.2 Processing
In order to evaluate our processing step, stories con-
taining personal experiences and beliefs regarding
contracting were selected and reconstructed with the
help of CASTing. Within the processing stage the
story editors were able to identify lessons learned,
heuristics, contextual information, how to do some-
thing and stories about particular incidents. These
- Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers
stories within stories were used as illustrations by the
interviewees and proved useful as examples for the
educational material.
Using CASTing the story editors marked small
parts of the interviews and rearranged these parts into
two narratives. These narratives were presented in a
course for novice project managers. The story editors
identified these parts with the help of the interview-
ers. Once the story editors identified the parts they
wanted to use, the CASTing support allowed them to
extract these parts, tag them and create a narrative out
of it. However, the identification itself proved to be
quite time consuming and cumbersome. This experi-
ence shows the need for suitable tool support: through
intense discussion with the story editors it became ev-
ident that, as a first step, the accessibility of spoken
documents needs to be improved.
4.3 Evaluation in a Training Program
for Project Managers
The stories were employed in a formal training envi-
ronment within the oil and gas company to test the ac-
ceptance and applicability of stories to convey knowl-
edge and to contribute to continuing professional de-
4.3.1 Educational Material
In order to evaluate the stories with regard to context
as well as technical quality we designed an interven-
tion utilizing selected story parts relating to contract-
ing issues (specifically remuneration schemes). The
stories were reconstructed from interviews with two
senior project managers each responsible for one sub-
project. For each project manager one file (3 min
and 1 min length respectively) was created, contain-
ing experiences within their own sub-project as well
as their personal views on the other sub-project, to-
gether with specific examples underlining their posi-
tion. When selecting the stories we paid special at-
tention to other topics relevant in project management
(e.g. safety, scope change). In addition to the stories
themselves we assembled contextual information on
the main project and on the project managers; this in-
formation was presented separately from the stories.
4.3.2 Setting and Participants
The reconstructed stories were employed in two con-
tinuing education courses for professionals within the
organization. The courses addresses beginners in
project management and took place in The Nether-
lands and in Brunei (see Table 2 for details about the
Table 2: Participants.
Location The Netherlands Brunei
Number of Partic-
23 24
Participants with
prior knowledge
about contracting
13 15
Age (Range) 27 - 49 24 - 52
Age (Mean) 35 35
4.3.3 Procedure
The overall intervention was divided into three parts
and took about 35 minutes. In the first part a course
facilitator gave a short introduction on the project.
The first audio file was introduced with some back-
ground information on the project manager and the
file was played back. The same procedure was fol-
lowed for the second audio file. Altogether, the
first part took 10 minutes. In the second part the
course participants discussed the advantages and dis-
advantages of various remuneration schemes in small
groups and captured their results on a flip chart. This
group discussion lasted about 15 minutes. In the fi-
nal part a plenary discussion was used to debrief the
course participants.
After the intervention we collected feedback from
the participants through a questionnaire containing
both qualitative and quantitative questions (using a 7
point Lickert scale). Here we were mainly interested
in the following two questions:
1. Do the participants perceive the use of frozen sto-
ries about real projects as interesting and relevant?
2. Do frozen stories remind participants of their
own first-hand experiences or of stories they have
heard from others?
We also asked the participants what they found good
and how we could improve the use of stories in an
educational setting.
4.3.4 Results
In both locations, we explored how the stories were
perceived as part of the course (see Table 3). The re-
sults show that while 71.1% of the participants sup-
port the use of stories in future courses, 60.0% of
the participants perceived the stories as interesting
and 91.3% perceived them as relevant for the course,
the implementation of using stories in an educational
settings needs improvement with regard to the au-
dio quality and the provided contextual information.
Only 46.8% of the participants considered the context
to be sufficient, and 71.7% found the audio quality
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
insufficient. We want to point out the discrepancy be-
tween the perception of the audio quality in Brunei
and The Netherlands: while 91.7% of the participants
in Brunei found the audio quality insufficient, only
50.0% of the participants in The Netherlands found
the quality insufficient. This discrepancy might be ex-
plained by the proficiency in English in both courses.
In Brunei, the qualitative results showed some support
for using audio or video aids (e.g. subtitles) which
supports this assumption. In addition, several par-
ticipants suggested replacing the audio material with
Table 3: Applicability of stories (The Netherlands and
Item Agree Neutral Disagree
Perceived as rele-
vant for the course
91.3 2.2 6.5
Perceived as inter-
60.9 28.3 10.9
More stories in fu-
ture courses
71.1 22.2 6.7
Sufficient contex-
tual information
46.8 27.7 25.5
Sufficient audio
10.9 17.4 71.7
In Brunei we added some questions, mainly to
follow up on issues raised during the course in The
Netherlands. We found that 81.8% of the participants
found the stories relevant for their peers, thereby sub-
stantiating the relevance of the stories for beginners in
project management.
Furthermore, we explored the issue of the contex-
tual information by splitting it up into information re-
lating to the narrators of the stories and information
relating to the project itself. While 45.8% of the par-
ticipants found the contextual information about the
persons sufficient, only 34.8% found the contextual
information from the project sufficient. In order to
improve the applicability of stories within educational
settings we therefore have to improve the contextual
information in both areas.
Some participants in The Netherlands observed
that they were reminded of their own experiences.
The results from Brunei show however, that 68% of
the participants are reminded of stories they had heard
before. Only 35.3% are reminded of their own expe-
riences. Even though, 83.3% of the partipants agreed
that their own experiences or that of their peers were
shared during the group discussion; and only 29.2%
found it difficult to share their own experiences. All in
all, this suggests that while experiences were shared
in the group discussion, sharing of own experiences
was somewhat limited. This conclusion is supported
through qualitative results. For instance, one partici-
pant stated
A good discussion amongst the team but
limited to what the team knows and what they
have experienced before. Discussion with a
wider group added more insight but still very
limited as not many of the participants have
encountered contracting strategy.
Table 4: Results Brunei.
Item Agree Neutral Disagree
The stories are rele-
vant for peers
81.8 18.2 0
Reminded of own
35.3 52.9 11.8
Reminded of stories
heard before
68.2 22.7 9.1
During discussion
own experiences
and that of peers
were shared
83.3 8.3 8.3
Difficult to share
experiences during
29.2 12.5 54.2
Sufficient back-
ground information
on project manager
45.8 29.2 25.0
Sufficient back-
ground information
on project
34.8 26.1 39.1
The qualitative results give some additional in-
sights into effects of the intervention. First, the par-
ticipants appreciate the real life experiences. For ex-
ample, one participant stated
We get to understand how method succeed or
failed in real life situation.
Second, the participants gained insights into the con-
tent. One participant stated:
It’s an eye-opener in some ways that reim-
are good in some situations.
With regard to the two questions posed above, we
can conclude that the course participants perceived
the use of frozen stories as interesting and relevant,
despite the insufficient audio quality. Furthermore,
they are often reminded of stories they have heard
from others, but they are rarely reminded of their own
first-hand experience.
Reimbursable is one of the remuneration schemes.
- Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers
In this paper, we presented an approach to support
the elicitation and processing of stories and experi-
ences of project managers, thereby allowing organi-
zations to share rich accounts of these experiences
across time and space. We employed our approach
in two projects of a major oil and gas company. Our
approach consists of two stages, the capturing of ex-
periences through semi-structured interviews and the
processing of these interviews. The capturing stage
allows project managers to freely communicate their
stories and experiences, while leaving room for the
elaboration of untested ideas, unresolved challenges
and drawbacks of tried solutions. The processing
stage builds on a process designed for collaborative
storytelling and features the segmentation of the in-
terviews, linking of various segments and the merging
of linked segments.
We extracted two stories about contracting and
employed these in a formal training environment to
test the acceptance and applicability of stories to con-
vey knowledge and to contribute to continuing profes-
sional development.
Even though our experiences with the approach
show promising results, we want to point out some
limitations and opportunities for future research.
First, it was easy to capture the experiences of project
managers. However, as the target group were project
managers, we might find it more difficult to capture
the experiences of other knowledge people like scien-
tists or engineers.
As discussed in section 4.2, the segmentation of
the interviews in the processing stage is still time con-
suming. Therefore, as a first step we want to improve
the accessibility of the spoken stories.
Furthermore, the qualitative results from the ed-
ucational setting showed that the exchange of own
experiences was limited during the group discussion.
Apprentice project managers do not have enough own
experiences to draw upon during discussion. In future
research, we intend to investigate approaches to pro-
vide novices and apprentices with a wider base for
discussion, e.g. by instructing participants of a course
to ask colleagues about their experiences in advance
of the course.
Finally, within the domain of knowledge manage-
ment the use of captured knowledge within an organi-
zation often poses a challenge. In our future work, we
will therefore use frozen stories not just in formal edu-
cational settings but also integrate them into the daily
work practices of project managers. We are currently
exploring possiblities to utilize frozen stories within
decision making and problem solving situations.
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- Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers