application, considering different criteria of this ser-
vice and its supplier. The greater the capacity of the
model to position vendors that offer satisfactory ser-
vices (which are qualified as such from the feedbacks)
in the top positions on this scale, the higher its quality.
We perform experiments using an actual dataset
of an electronic market, from which we evaluate the
logistic regression model using different types of in-
formation sources, such as attributes related to of-
fer’s characteristics, seller’s expertise and qualifica-
tion. The results show that our approach can be very
useful and promising. The obtained results were very
good, showing representative gains, when compared
to a baseline. We observe that there are different mod-
els for the top and the bottom of the ranking, thus we
perform a different analysis in order to identify the
best solutions obtained to rank the online transactions
in these both scenarios.
These results motivate further work, showing
there are much more to analyze and conclude about
these credibility models and how to combine even bet-
ter these models to generate other ones that can be
more reliable and that can help users to perform safe
transactions on the Web.
As future work we want to improve the evaluation
and analysis of the credibility models that we have
presented in this work. Moreover, we want to imple-
ment new credibility models based on techniques of
machine learning and genetic algorithms.
This work was partially sponsored by Universo On-
Line S. A. - UOL (www.uol.com.br) and partially
supported by the Brazilian National Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology for the Web (CNPq grant
no. 573871/2008-6), CAPES, CNPq, Finep, and
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