Rafael Lima and Adriano Pereira
Dept. of Computer Engineering (DECOM), Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG)
Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
Web applications, Credibility, Ranking, Trust, e-Markets, Web 2.0.
The popularization of the World Wide Web (WWW) has given rise to new services every day, demanding
mechanisms to ensure the credibility of these online services. Since now, little has been done to measure
and understand the credibility of this complex Web environment, which itself is a major research challenge.
In this work, we use logistic regression to design and evaluate the credibility of a Web application. We call
a credibility model a function capable of assigning a credibility value to transaction of a Web application,
considering different criteria of this service and its supplier. In order to validate our proposed methodology,
we perform experiments using an actual dataset, from which we evaluated different credibility models using
distinct types of information sources, and it allows to compare and evaluate these credibility models. The
obtained results are very good, showing representative gains, when compared to a baseline. The results show
that the proposed methodology are promising and can be used to enforce trust to users of services on the Web.
The popularization of Web 2.0 applications, where
users can interact more, creating and sharing a diver-
sity of content, trading products and establishing new
communities, represents a major revolution in how
users and corporations use the Web. This revolution
has brought challenges related to credibility, pertain-
ing to the usage of these Web applications or services.
Thus, mechanisms that help users to evaluate credibil-
ity, when using these services, has become essential.
Digital libraries, e-markets, user-generated con-
tent and sharing systems are examples of Web appli-
cations that require mechanisms for assessing cred-
ibility. Many of these applications already provide
systems to deal with this, such as reputation systems.
Evaluating and quantifying credibility in a Web
application represents the major challenge of this re-
search. Among the main difficulties of this task, we
can highlight the large number of variables involved
and the low reliability of the information available.
Models of credibility differ from reputation mod-
els, which are widely studied in the literature (Jøsang
et al., 2007; Sabater and Sierra, 2005),because they
not only consider feedback from users, but also a set
of attributes, which can be related to the service pro-
vided and its supplier, as a way to get a more complete
and effective evaluation of a given service available
on the Web.
It is important to explain that, despite the prob-
lems of reputation systems (Resnick et al., 2000), it
is necessary to use feedback information to measure
the user opinion of a service that can be described by
different characteristics that we denote credibility at-
tributes in our model. Moreover, there are specific
works that deal with improving the quality of reputa-
tion systems, such as the identification of fraudsters
of these systems (Maranzato et al., 2010), which was
also used in the real application used in this research.
In this work, we use logistic regression to design
and evaluate the credibility of a Web application. This
evaluation is based on a representative sample of ser-
vices that have user feedbacks and a ranking that rep-
resent a scale of credibility generated by the model.
The greater the capacity of the model to position ven-
dors that offer satisfactory services (which are quali-
fied as such from the feedbacks) in the top positions
on this scale, the higher its quality. We perform exper-
iments using an actual dataset of an electronic market,
from which we evaluate the logistic regression model
using different types of information sources, such as
attributes related to offer’s characteristics, seller’s ex-
pertise and qualification. The results show that our
approach can be very useful and promising. The ob-
Lima R. and Pereira A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003345104800485
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 480-485
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tained results were very good, showing representative
gains, when compared to a baseline.
In the recent years, the concept of credibility has be-
gun to be studied on the Web, in order to measure
whether a user relies on a service or information avail-
able. It is a consensus in the literature that credi-
bility can be subjective to the user, but it also de-
pends on objective measures. The credibility of Web
applications has become a multidisciplinary subject,
where researchers from communication have been fo-
cusing on a more qualitative (and subjective) analy-
sis of credibility (Flanagin and Metzger, 2007), while
the area of computer science has focused on more ob-
jective metrics. The methods proposed in the area of
computer science are strongly based on trust and rep-
utation (Guha et al., 2004), and credibility rankings
that take into account the source of information (Amin
et al., 2009) and its content (Juffinger et al., 2009).
Reputation mechanisms are based on virtual opin-
ions, given by people who generally do not know each
other personally. Therefore, electronic trust is more
difficult to be established if compared to real world
trust. Taking a broad view, in these marketplaces a
buyer’s reputation represents the probability of pay-
ment and a seller’s reputation represents the probabil-
ity of delivering the advertised item (product that has
been bought) after the payment (Houser and Wooders,
2006). These probabilities are related to trust (Melnik
and Alm, 2002).
Electronic markets are getting more popular each
day. Several works investigate reputation systems and
how they induce cooperative behavior in strategic set-
tings. Dellarocas (Dellarocas, 2006) has done a thor-
ough review on this topic. While providing incentive
to good behavior, reputation systems may also help
eliciting deceptive behavior.
Klos et. al (Klos and Alkemade, 2005) ana-
lyze the effect of trust and reputation over the profits
obtained by intermediaries in electronic commercial
connections. Different trust and distrust propagation
schemes in e-commerce negotiations are studied and
evaluated in Guha et. al (Guha et al., 2004).
Resnick et al. (Resnick et al., 2000) say that these
reputation systems have three main problems: (i) buy-
ers have little motivation to provide feedback to sell-
ers; (ii) it is difficult to elicit negative feedback be-
cause it is common that people negotiate and solve
problems before filling the evaluation in the system;
(iii) it is difficult to assure honest reports. Since it is
very simple to register in such systems, it is very easy
to create a false identity that can be used to trade with
other users and distort the reputation system.
The researches that we describe in this section
suggests the increasing need of providing new cred-
ibility models that provide subsidies to users of on-
line services in order to allow them to act with more
confidence an trust in the Web.
Logistic regression is a statistical technique that pro-
duces from a set explanatory variables, a model that
can predict values taken by a categorical dependent
variable. Thus, a regression model is able to calculate
the probability of an event, through the link function
described by the following Equation:
π(x) =
1 + e
, (1)
where π(x) is the probability of success when the
value of the predictive variable is x. β
is a con-
stant used for adjustment and β
are the coefficients
of the predictive variables (Hosmer, 2000). To find
the estimation of coefficients beta in Equation 1, the
maximum likelihood technique is used. This max-
imizes the probability of obtaining the data group
observed through estimated model. In logistic re-
gression this technique can be resolved by Newton-
Raphson method (Casella and Berger, 2002).
The regression model can be of ordinal or nomi-
nal nature,depending on the values that the dependent
variable can assume (Agresti, 1996). In this project,
the nominal logistic regression will be used because
there is no order between the categories of the vari-
able. In this project, the dependent variable contains
two categories (Dichotomous variable). Therefore,
we used a binary regression logistic model with multi-
variable,i.e., more than one independent variable.
In order perform the logistic regression,it is im-
portant to explain the concept of generalized linear
models (GLM). This consists of three components:
A random component, which contains the proba-
bility distribution of the dependent variable (Y).
A systematic component, which corresponds to a
linear function between the independent variables.
A link function, that is responsible for describing
the mathematical relationship between the sys-
tematic component and random component.
There are two classes of link function, log-linear and
logit. In logistic regression, the function logit is used.
(Dobson, 1990) .
The binary logistic regression model is a special
case of the GLM model with the logit function. This
function is used to get the estimation of coefficients of
the Equation 1 (Venables et al., 2009). Thus, is possi-
ble to obtain a logistic regression model. Moreover, it
is necessary to check which variables are most signif-
icant for the model, since models with many variables
show a correlation between the variables and large
variation in estimation of the parameters.
We use stepwise technique to reduce the model,
which allows the selection and removal of variables,
that are less significant for the model (Mccullagh and
Nelder, 1989).Finally it is possible to find the proba-
bility of success,using the values of estimated coeffi-
cients in Equation1.
The use of logistic regression to create a credibility
rank initiate with the pre-process of the dataset, which
will be described in Section 5.1. In this dataset, each
transaction has its respective response variable and
other independent attributes. The attributes are nor-
malized in order to make easier the data analysis.
We use R software tool (Version, 2009) to build
the logistic regression model, which is a free software
that has several statistical packages. In order to ap-
ply the binary logistic regression the GLM (general-
ized linear models) package was used. One attribute
was defined as the response variable and the other at-
tributes as independent variables. It is important to
explain that this response variable is the feedback of
a transaction. The configuration field FAMILY was set
as binomial and the LINK as logit.
In order to find the best model, the less significant
independent variables were removed. The best model
has the lowest Akaike(AIC). We use the Stepwise
technique to perform this optimization. After defining
the best model, it was possible to get the estimation of
coefficients for the independent attributes. This way,
the odds (chance) of a transaction to achieve positive
feedback is calculated using Equation 1.
The methodology used in our work can be better
understood by the workflow described in Figure 1.
To build the credibility rank, the odds calculated
by models were sorted in descending order. Thus, at
the bottom of the ranking are the smallest odds of get-
ting positive feedback. By contrast, the records with
highest odds are located on the top of ranking.
In order to verify the quality of the prediction’s
models, we choose the 1,000 records from the top and
the bottom of the ranking, since these are the most
relevant parts of it (where would be located the most
and the least trustable transactions, respectively).
Each credibility model will produce a ranking,
where each position of the ranking is a transaction that
has a probability of getting a positive feedback and
Figure 1: Credibility Rank- Definition process.
the real feedback that represents the response variable.
It is expected that the highest probability values are
located at the top of the ranking. Moreover, analo-
gously, at the bottom of the ranking, it is expected to
find the smallest probability values. Thus, we can ob-
tain the precision of each model evaluating different
ranges of the ranking, comparing the estimated and
actual values.
The technique of K-fold cross-validation was used
for testing the quality of each credibility model. We
define as ve the number of subsamples (K). Thus,
the dataset was divided in 5 uniform parts, where each
part was used as a validation data, that is, to find the
coefficients of the model. The other four sub-samples
were used as training data, where the model was ap-
plied. The precision is calculated in each of the sub-
samples following the same method explained for the
whole dataset. The final value is calculated through
an arithmetic mean of each set of values.
This section presents our case study where we apply
our methodology to evaluate some credibility models
using actual data from an electronic market. First we
briefly describe the dataset in Section 5.1, presenting
the results in Section 5.2.
5.1 Dataset Overview
(Pereira et al., 2009), which is a mar-
ketplace developed by the largest Latin America In-
ternet Service Provider, named Universo Online Inc.
, is a website for buying and selling products
and services through the Web.
Table 1 shows a short summary of the TodaOferta
dataset. It embeds a significant sample of users, list-
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ings, and negotiations. Due to a confidentiality agree-
ment, the quantitative information about this dataset
can not be presented. The subset of this dataset that
we have used in this research comprises some tens of
thousands of transactions.
Table 1: TodaOferta Dataset - Summary.
Coverage (time) Jul/2007 to Jul/2009
#categories (top-level) 32
#sub-categories 2,189
Average listings per seller 42.48
Negotiation options Fixed Price and Auction
In TodaOferta, buyers are users, listings are ser-
vices, and sellers are service providers. The To-
daOferta marketplace employs a quite simple repu-
tation mechanism. After each negotiation, buyers and
sellers qualify each other with a rate of value 1 (posi-
tive), 0 (neutral), or -1 (negative). User’s reputation
is defined as the sum of all qualifications received
by him/her. Feedbacks from a same user are consid-
ered only once when computing the reputation score.
Reputation systems are useful to communicate trust
in electronic commerce applications. However, To-
daOferta provides other information about sellers and
buyers that can be as well used to identify trustful and
distrustful users (e.g., time since the user is registered,
comments left by users who negotiated with him/her).
Listings are created by sellers to advertise prod-
ucts or services. Listings can be offered at a fixed-
price or as an auction. When a buyer is interested
in a listing he/she starts a negotiation. In the case
of a fixed-price listing, the negotiation automatically
generates a transaction, meaning that buyer and seller
should transact the good at the advertised price. If the
listing is an auction, the winning bid will become a
transaction when the auction finishes. Unlike eBay,
where auctions generate almost 50% of all transac-
tions (Holahan, 2008), in TodaOferta auctions repre-
sent less than 2% of all transactions, since the vast
majority of listings are fixed-price.
There are 32 top-level categories in TodaOferta,
which include 2,189 sub-categories providing a vari-
ety of distinct products and services, from collectibles
to electronics. The current top sales sub-categories
are cell phones, MP3 players and pen drives.
From the this dataset we select 15 attributes to be
used as candidates for the logistic regression model:
Price: price of the product/service being offered.
Duration: duration of the listing (product ad) set
by the seller(in days).
Highlight: indicates whether the listing is set to
be advertised with highlight (some special adver-
tisement package).
Views: the number of visualizations of the listing.
Offer with SafePayment: indicates whether a
listing or offer has the option of using a safe pay-
ment mechanism provided by the e-market.
Safe Transaction: identifies a transaction that is
performed adopting the safe payment mechanism.
Sold Items: the amount of items the seller has
already sold in the e-market.
Registration Time: how long the seller has been
registered in the e-market.
Positive Qualifications: the amount of positive
qualifications a user (seller) has received.
Percentage Positive Qualifications: the relative
amount of positive qualifications a user (seller)
has received.
Global Score: the seller reputation rating score,
considering the different score types.
Total Negotiated Value: the total amount of
money negotiated by the seller in the e-market.
Average Negotiated Value: the average price per
transaction performed by the seller.
Retailer: indicates whether the user is considered
a powerful seller by TodaOferta.
Certified: denotes the seller who has a certifica-
tion of quality, which is provided by a third party
5.2 Results
The optimization using Stepwise technique to build
a best logistic regression model results in different
models, some of them more suitable for the top of
the ranking and other ones for the bottom of the rank-
ing. Below we present the models, where each model
is composed by attributes that showed greatest influ-
ence on the value of feedback.
The Baseline model is formed by the attributes
Percentage Positive Qualifications and Global Score,
which are considered the most significant variables to
generate the basic Feedback of the e-market we used
as case study. To improve this model, new attributes
were added, preserving and improving the value of
Akaike. Thus, four new models were built.
Model A consists of variables of the Baseline
model and the attribute Highlight. Model B was gen-
erated by adding variable Retailer to Baseline model.
Model C consists of attributes of the model A, adding
the variable Views. Model D was created from the at-
tributes of model B with addiction of variables Sold
Items, Registration Time and Offer with SafePayment.
Besides the logistic regression models, a random
model was created to make easier the comparison and
analysis with other models. The random model ex-
presses the probability of finding a record with suit-
able feedback(positive or negative) to scale of the
ranking (top or bottom), regardless of the variables
used. In other words, this model indicates the per-
centages of positive and negative feedback that are
observed in the dataset.
Figure 2: Credibility models - Precision at bottom.
Figure 3: Credibility models - Precision at top.
Evaluating the models, it was possible to calculate
the precision at different parts of the ranking, where
we focus on the top and bottom, as we have already
explained. The Baseline model was more accurate
than the random model in all evaluated intervals of
the ranking. However, the Baseline model presented
smaller precision values in intermediate positions of
the ranking. A similar behavior was observed for the
bottom of it.
Models A and C were not accurate in predicting
values of probability for the top of the ranking. How-
ever, they obtained a good precision at the extreme
end (bottom) of the ranking, surpassing the Baseline
model in most of the scales of the rank.
Models B and D have presented higher accuracy
in predicting values of probability for the top of the
ranking positions. These models were better that the
Baseline in most parts of the ranking.
In order to evaluate the models we create two
graphs (Figures 2 and 3) of precision x ranking, each
one with focus on these 1,000 top or bottom posi-
tions of the ranking. These results were built from
data analysis generated by the K-fold-Cross Valida-
tion technique. The graphs compare the accuracy of
the models created using logistic regression with the
random model.
Analyzing the graph of precision at the bottom of
the ranking (Figure 2), we can observe that the model
A is the best one for the end of the ranking (that is,
the last 180 records). The maximum improvement ob-
tained by the model, in comparison with the baseline,
was 2.3% of accuracy, under a maximum of 7.6%.
The C model is the best one after the position 220 of
records of the ranking. The maximum improvement
obtained by this model, in comparison to the baseline,
was 38.2% of accuracy, under a maximum of 78.0%.
We can observe that the baseline model was the best
one in the range from 180 to 220 of the ranking.
In the graph of precision for top (Figure 3), we can
see that model D was more effective than the base-
line model in the 600 first positions of the ranking,
showing more probability to get positive Feedback.
This model achieved 99.6% of accuracy for the 60
first records and showed a maximum improvement of
4.6%, in comparison to baseline, under a maximum of
5%. The model B was the best one after the 250 initial
positions of the ranking. In these interval from 250
to 1,000, it was more accurate than D and Baseline
models. The maximum improvement obtained by this
model was 1.5% of accuracy, under a maximum of
4.3%. Therefore, considering the top of the ranking,
our new credibility models overcome the accuracy of
baseline model in all ranges of the ranking, indicating
a higher probability of positive feedback for transac-
tions at the top of these ranking models.
The next section presents the conclusions of our
work and future directions for this research.
The popularization of Web has given rise to new ser-
vices every day, demanding mechanisms to ensure the
credibility of these services. Since now, little has been
done to measure and understand the credibility of this
complex Web environment, which itself is a major re-
search challenge.
E-markets constitute an important research sce-
nario due to their popularity and revenues over the
last years. In this scenario, reputation plays an impor-
tant role, mainly for protecting buyers from fraudu-
lent sellers. A reputation mechanism tries to provide
an indication of how trustworthy a user is, based on
his/her performance in previous transactions.
In this work, we use logistic regression to design
and evaluate the credibility of a Web application. This
evaluation is based on a representative sample of ser-
vices that have user feedbacks and a ranking that rep-
resent a scale of credibility generated by the model.
We call a credibility model a function capable of as-
signing a credibility value to transaction of a Web
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
application, considering different criteria of this ser-
vice and its supplier. The greater the capacity of the
model to position vendors that offer satisfactory ser-
vices (which are qualified as such from the feedbacks)
in the top positions on this scale, the higher its quality.
We perform experiments using an actual dataset
of an electronic market, from which we evaluate the
logistic regression model using different types of in-
formation sources, such as attributes related to of-
fer’s characteristics, seller’s expertise and qualifica-
tion. The results show that our approach can be very
useful and promising. The obtained results were very
good, showing representative gains, when compared
to a baseline. We observe that there are different mod-
els for the top and the bottom of the ranking, thus we
perform a different analysis in order to identify the
best solutions obtained to rank the online transactions
in these both scenarios.
These results motivate further work, showing
there are much more to analyze and conclude about
these credibility models and how to combine even bet-
ter these models to generate other ones that can be
more reliable and that can help users to perform safe
transactions on the Web.
As future work we want to improve the evaluation
and analysis of the credibility models that we have
presented in this work. Moreover, we want to imple-
ment new credibility models based on techniques of
machine learning and genetic algorithms.
This work was partially sponsored by Universo On-
Line S. A. - UOL ( and partially
supported by the Brazilian National Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology for the Web (CNPq grant
no. 573871/2008-6), CAPES, CNPq, Finep, and
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