Applying TermPedia to Information Retrieval Knowledge Domain
Proscovia Olango, Gosse Bouma
The Center for Language and Cognition Groningen, The University of Groningen
Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26, Groningen, The Netherlands
Henny Klein
Department of Information Science, The University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Document enrichment, Term extraction, Term definition, Term disambiguation, Hyperlink generation, Docu-
ment comprehension, e-Learning.
This paper provides a detailed description of how TermPedia which is a document enrichment tool, is applied
to educational literature in order to help students easily understand their reading material. The paper assumes
that technical terms are one of the major hindrances to document content comprehension. TermPedia has the
ability to extract, define, and link technical terms to Wikipedia. It is expected that relevant term definitions
and explanations will ease the comprehension of educational documents by students and thereby improve their
reading speed and shorten the time they needed for knowledge acquisition.
Easy document comprehension can be defined as the
ability to read and understand the concepts discussed
in a document without spending much time and brain
effort. In cognitive science, comprehension is often
characterised as the construction of a mental model
that represents the objects and semantic relations de-
scribed in a text (Thuring et al., 1995). This implies
that if a reader spends little effort in the construction
process, then the document is easily comprehensible.
The field of document comprehension is widely
studied with reference to reading levels indicating
that persons who are not reading at a college level
or higher, have a low reading level and therefore do
not clearly understand the concepts of the documents
they read (Young et al., 1990). These studies indicate
that education plays an important role in vocabulary
level building which in turn eases understanding of
semantically related documents.
As an implementation of research findings based
on reading levels, vocabularies (or technical terms)
that occur in documents are substituted with sim-
pler words or word phrases that have similar seman-
tics (Graves and Graves, 2003). If the substitution is
done without considering word context, this venture
may not only distort document content meaning but
also limit the possibility for students to build their vo-
cabulary level. By technical term we refer to anything
that is a word, a group of words, an acronym, or an ab-
breviation which designates a special meaning in text
context. Although the meaning of technical terms is
often clear from context (Kate, 2007), it is also true
that technical terms are often used without proper def-
inition. However, human languages more especially
English constantly change by borrowing, coining, and
combining words to represent new ideas, [technol-
ogy,] and development (Engineer, 2005). Thereby vo-
cabulary level building becomes a lifetime obligation.
In 2009 the verb twitter was
borrowed as trade mark of a
social network that provides
microblogging services, enabling
its users to send and read messages
called tweets.
The example above presents three technical terms
that were borrowed or coined in the recent years to ex-
press ideas related to Short Message Services (SMS)
and Internet technology. For a person who is not fa-
miliar with these technologies the semantics of the
terms twitter, and tweet may be conspicuously re-
Olango P., Bouma G. and Klein H..
EASY EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE COMPREHENSION - Applying TermPedia to Information Retrieval Knowledge Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0003346504270432
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 427-432
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
vealed by considering them in context. On the con-
trary the meaning of the term microblogging may not
be that obvious from this sentence context.
Technical terms occur in almost all reading ma-
terial especially those intended for an audience at
higher institutions of learning like universities and
they may hinder content comprehension if they are in-
troduced without definitions and/or explanations. We
assume that easy access to context related definitions
and explanations of technical terms found in a docu-
ment will simplify document comprehension for read-
ers of all levels without depriving them the oppor-
tunity to build their vocabulary levels. Therefore,
TermPedia was designed with an objective to provide
easy access to contextually relevant definition of tech-
nical terms that are embedded in documents. In case
a technical term definition is obscure, TermPedia con-
tains an option for the reader to obtain additional ex-
planation on the defined technical term by linking to
an article that discusses it explicitly.
1.1 TermPedia Technologies
TermPedia is a document enrichment tool that uses
Human Language Technologies (HLTs) to provide
contextually relevant information for technical terms
that are embedded in documents. TermPedia was de-
signed to define technical terms by extracting their
meaning from Wikipedia. Although Wikipedia offers
multilingual documents, we only utilize the English
content. Defined technical terms are linked to con-
textually relevant Wikipedia articles so that in cases
where a term definition does not provide sufficient in-
formation for content comprehension, a reader may
navigate to the Wikipedia article for additional expla-
nation. The HLTs used in TermPedia include semi-
automatic technical term extraction, automatic term
definition and automatic hyperlink generation.
Much as document enrichment [that is to say,
incorporation of contextually relevant information
into existing text] is the fundamental technology of
TermPedia, the tool uses document extraction tech-
niques for semi-automatic term extraction. In addi-
tion a simple string look-up algorithm is used for au-
tomatic term definition and a frequency based algo-
rithm is used to generate automatic hyperlinks. For
details on TermPedia technologies please see (Olango
et al., 2009) section III.
See http://en.wikipedia.org for the English Wikipedia.
Work that has been done in relation to document
enrichment and eLearning, term and definition ex-
traction, and automatic hyper-link generation, is dis-
cussed in this section with a focus on their importance
to improving educational literature comprehension.
2.1 Document Enrichment and
With an intention to simplify document comprehen-
sion by artificial extension of a reader’s knowledge-
base on a per-need basis (Csomai and Mihalcea,
2007), presented Wikify! A system that can im-
prove educational materials by automatically extract-
ing keywords, technical terms and other key concepts
and linking them to appropriate Wikipedia articles (a
concept they referred to as “text wikification”). Af-
ter carrying out a test by selecting 14 quiz questions
from an on-line history course taught at the Univer-
sity of North Texas, the test results showed that bring-
ing information relevant to the topic of student’s study
within their easy reach through hyperlinking is a suc-
cessful strategy for increased effectiveness in peda-
gogical tasks. Technically, Wikify! is a document
enrichment tool that has shown basic success in im-
proving educational literature comprehension by use
of technical terms. Nowhere though does Wikify!
consider automatic term definition which TermPedia
proposes as a key for improving educational literature
comprehension. The time required to acquire knowl-
edge may be reduced since a student does not need to
link to an external source if the term definition pro-
vides adequate information for comprehension.
(Monachesi and Westerhout, 2008) worked on a
Language Technology for eLearning (LT4eL) project
where they adapted results from Natural Language
Processing (NLP) to eLearning context by using sta-
tistical measures in combination with linguistic pro-
cessing to detect keyword candidates. The key words
where then used as glossary candidates which allowed
for the creation of glossaries based on definition of
the relevant terms, to be linked to learning objects.
Whereas these authors focused on how to find def-
initions of terms, we concentrate on integrating the
links to definitions, and on context-dependent disam-
biguation to provide relevant information for content
2.2 Term Extraction and Definition
Linguistic patterns, statistical methods, tf-idf (term
frequency-inverse document frequency) weight, term
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
co-occurrence, and concept identification using
Wikipedia are methods that have been used in term
extraction (Fahmi et al., 2007; Medelyan et al.,
2008; Aguilar et al., 2010). The latter considers
Wikipedia page articles as terms and these are in turn
used to extract terms in other documents. (Medelyan
et al., 2008) reported that the Wikipedia technique
was significantly more effective than the other tech-
niques, this report reinforced our motivation for using
Wikipedia titles and links for term detection. The re-
port also mentions that tasks such as word sense dis-
ambiguation and word similarity could be automati-
cally addressed by exploiting Wikipedia’s unique fea-
tures. A technique that TermPedia exploits.
2.3 Automatic Hyperlink Generation
Relative effectiveness of link generation based on
Wikipedia article names or titles was investigated
by (Fachry et al., 2008). After experimenting with
Vector Space Model (VSM) and sub-string match for
detecting missing links in Wikipedia, they showed
that exact sub-string matching indicates an improve-
ment in finding the missing links. This investigation
performs a filtering which considers sub-strings that
only match Wikipedia article title but, we consider
all sub-strings as potential candidates. In addition to
link generation, we also provide relevant definitions
for the sub-strings used in the link creation with and
objective of reducing the time for information search
and improving document comprehension.
This section discusses the application of TermPedia at
the University of Groningen in the Netherlands with
the prospects of surveying the tool’s usefulness. It is
worth mentioning that the user survey was in progress
at the time this paper was submitted to the conference
for review. In the mean time, the survey was com-
pleted and a brief discussion of the results is presented
in section 4. Students of information retrieval were
selected as users for this survey because TermPedia
is a practical application of information retrieval and
also because the textbook for this course is available
in soft copy
See, http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/information-
3.1 Creation of Information Retrival
(IR) Data for Annotation
We exported Wikipedia pages wrapped in XML in
the category of information retrieval and other re-
lated fields like computer science and computational
linguistics by using the “Export pages” feature of
Wikipedia. The exported pages were stored in a file
of 135 megabytes large and contained 18,685 arti-
cles. By extracting Wikipedia internal, and related
links from these articles, we were able to obtain ap-
proximately 166,974 terms which in turn referred to
159,507 Wikipedia articles. This shows that each of
the exported Wikipedia articles contained at least 9
links and each link could possibly refer to more than
one Wikipedia page. Since the links refer to more
than one Wikipedia page this shows that the links are
ambiguous and should be disambiguated in reference
to text context while using them for generating anno-
tations in the information retrieval textbook.
Table 1 below shows the possible ambiguity in
the term tables. We see that this term could refer
to a mathematical table or a database table. Which
meaning is relevant can only be determined in rela-
tion to text context and the TermPedia feature of au-
tomatic link generation helps to reduce this ambigu-
ity. In the table we also see an advantage of using
Wikipedia links to represent terms that the abbrevi-
ation IR is linked to the page with title Information
Retrieval. Notice that all possible definitions of each
technical term are extracted along with the Wikipedia
article to which that term refers. All this informa-
tion is stored in a database which makes TermPedia
a relatively fast tool for extraction and definition of
technical terms and automatic hyperlink generation.
3.2 Annotation of IR Book
As mentioned in section 1.1, a string look-up algo-
rithm is used to extract technical terms embedded in
the information retrieval text book. The string look-
up algorithm matches sub-strings from the database
that contains technical terms to sub-strings from the
information retrieval textbook. Each strict match in
the textbook is then annotated as a technical term and
provided with a definition. The annotation is then
transformed into an automatic html hyperlink by us-
ing the matched sub-string as an anchor text and pro-
viding a contextually relevant Wikipedia article as a
value for the href attribute. Manual correction was
done to make sure that each annotated technical term
(matched sub-string) referred to a contextually rele-
vant Wikipedia article.
- Applying TermPedia to Information Retrieval Knowledge Domain
Table 1: Random selection of Terms and name of Wikipedia
articles to which they link.
Terms Title of Wikipedia
IR IR Information retrieval (IR) is the sci-
ence of searching for documents, for
information within documents, and
for metadata about documents, as
well as that of searching relational
databases and the World Wide Web...
tables Mathematical table Before calculators were cheap and
plentiful, people would use mathe-
matical tables -lists of numbers show-
ing the results of calculation with
varying arguments? to simplify and
drastically speed up computation...
mathematical table -do-
Table (database) In relational databases and flat file
databases, a table is a set of data ele-
ments (values) that is organized using
a model of vertical columns (which
are identified by their name) and hor-
izontal rows...
database table -do-
3.3 Integration of Annotated IR Book
into Electronic Content
In order to present TermPedia to the information re-
trieval students we designed a web-based user inter-
face that integrated the annotated book into Nestor.
Nestor is the digital learning environment of the Uni-
versity of Groningen. A screen shot of the demonstra-
tion web-based user interface is given in figure 1.
The user interface
allows a student to read an an-
notated HTML version of the information retrieval
textbook with specific emphasis on chapters six to
nine. Each automatically created hyperlink has an
added [javascript] functionality, that allows defini-
tions of the link (i.e. the first paragraph of the
corresponding wikipedia page) to show in a pop-
up window, as soon as a students moves a mouse
over the link (mouse hovering action). Definitions
are retrieved in real-time from the current version of
Wikipedia with an excellent speed. In addition, all
existing generated hyperlinks on the page are turned
into links which point to the system, so that any new
page accessed by the student is also enriched.
On-line at http://www.let.rug.nl/ olango/TermPedia/
Figure 1: Screen Sorts of TermPedia User Interface.
After the students had used TermPedia for one month
they answered a quantitative questionnaire that inves-
tigated the usefulness of the tool. This part of the user
survey constituted a manual method of data collection
and analysis. An automatic method of data collection
and analysis was also done using Google Analytics, a
free web analytics tool offering detailed visitor statis-
tics (MAS11, 2011). Just before introducing TermPe-
dia to the students, they were given terminology exer-
cises in order to prepare them for the possible advan-
tages of the tool in identifying, defining and explain-
ing difficult terms.
4.1 Automatic Data Collection and
Analysis for TermPedia User Survey
The automatic collection and analysis of TermPedia
survey data was done using Google Analytics to pro-
vide proof that the students actually used TermPedia,
therefore their responses to the quantitative question-
naire could be trusted. The advantage of using Google
Analytics is that detailed visitor statistics are automat-
ically generated. From figure 2 we see that there were
a total of 68 visitors during the one month of TermPe-
dia usage by Information Retrieval students. The fig-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Statistics for TermPedia Site Usage.
ure also reveals that 48 visitors out of the 68 (i.e.
70.6%) of the visits to TermPedia web-based user in-
terface was from nestor.rug.nl, the server on which
TermPedia was integrated into the students electronic
content. Thus we can confidently say that the students
used TermPedia with a pick of 10 visit a day during
the month of November, 2010.
4.2 Manual Data Collection and
Analysis for TermPedia User Survey
As mentioned above, a quantitative questionnaire was
used in the manual collection of data during the
TermPedia user survey. The questionnaire was di-
vided into three sections that surveyed difficulty of
the information retrieval textbook, the possibility that
TermPedia is a useful tool for easy educational ma-
terial comprehension and design of TermPedia user
interface. The questionnaire demanded ranked re-
sponses from 0 to 4 as indicated in table 2.
Table 2: Ranks of answers to survey questionnaire.
Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree
4 3 2 1 0
Questions in the textbook difficulty section con-
centrated on whether the students found technical
terms that they could not easily understand without
the help of additional explanation and if these terms
hindered their understanding of the textbook content.
The section which surveyed the possibility that
TermPedia is a useful tool for easy educational liter-
ature comprehension included questions on whether
the tool was able to identify technical terms from the
textbook correctly and accurately provide their defini-
tions and external link to a relevant Wikipedia article.
The section also included questions on whether the
students were able to easily understand the content of
the textbook after accessing the definition of technical
terms or rather if they needed additional explanation
of the terms in addition to their definition.
The last section of the questionnaire on TermPedia
user interface asked questions on whether it was easy
to find information on the user interface, easily nav-
igate through the interface and also if the font sizes,
colours, and formats where legible.
Five (5) questions were selected from each sec-
tion for analysis of the survey results. We received 8
responses out of 13 students who attended the Infor-
mation Retrieval class. Cronbach’s alpha reliability
coefficient was used to determine if the users’ ranks
were internally consistent. Alpha was calculated us-
ing the following formula:
α =
[1 + (k 1)r]
Where: k = number of items considered
and r = mean of the inter-items correlations
Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient normally
ranges between 0 and 1. The closer it is to 1 the
greater the internal consistency of the items in the
scale (Gliem and Gliem, 2003). Hypothesis for Cron-
bach’s alpha reliability coefficient were set as follows:
α 6= 0 i.e. Internal consistency of user ranks
in this scale.
α = 0 i.e. No internal consistency of user
ranks in this scale.
Table 3: Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient.
Survey Items Mean Scores α Interpretation
Book difficulty 5 2.4 0.3 Poor /
5 2.7 0.6 Questionable
user interface
5 2.5 0.7 Acceptable
Table 3 indicates alpha values for the three sec-
tions of the quantitative questionnaire along with their
mean ranks as answered by 8 students following the
Information Retrieval class. Although the mean rank
of the Information Retrieval book difficulty section is
slightly above average (i.e. 2.4 > 2.0), the students’
ranks for this section are inconsistent since α = 0.3.
It can therefore be said that the level to which each
student found the information retrieval book difficult
was subjective to that particular student. An expla-
nation for the students’ inconsistency in interpreting
the book difficulty could be that they are at different
vocabulary levels of Information Science knowledge
domain. Since a total of 8 respondents is rather small,
- Applying TermPedia to Information Retrieval Knowledge Domain
it can be said that α = 0.6 is acceptable for internal
consistency of students ranks for questions in the sec-
tion of TermPedia usefulness. The mean rank of 2.7
for this section shows that the students consistently
agree that the tool is useful for easy comprehension
of educational material. The web-based user interface
section gave the best results for α with α = 0.7 and
rank mean of 2.5 indicating that the students unani-
mously agreed that it was easy to access information
from and navigate through TermPedia user interface.
We have shown that TermPedia can be successfully
integrated into electronic content of educational liter-
ature. By use of TermPedia students can easily ac-
cess the definition of technical terms that occur in
educational literature and link to Wikipedia for fur-
ther explanation on the terms if the definitions do not
provide adequate information for content comprehen-
sion. Since TermPedia takes care of term ambigu-
ity, students are brought closer to accurate informa-
tion, this is expected to reduce the time required for
knowledge acquisition and understanding. The auto-
matic hyperlinking feature of Termpedia also reduces
the cost of maintaining unstructured information.
In future work, an experiment will be carried out
to verify if TermPedia actually reduces the time for
knowledge acquisition. In addition, frequency counts
of activated links in annotated text to Wikipedia ar-
ticles can reveal a patterns in the terms that students
often look-up. It is possible that the pattern in user
preferences shall expose technical terms that the stu-
dents find difficult to understand. This information
shall also highlight which technical terms could not
be understood by the students through their defini-
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education