Adaptivity Extends Conventional School Books with Digital Media
e Schulz and Merlin Becker
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT, Children’s Media, Hirschlachufer 7, 99084 Erfurt, Germany
Adaptivity, e-Learning, Educational media, Evaluation, School, School book, Teaching, Textbook.
The school book as the traditional learning medium is still going strong. The mere use of digital media is
no guarantee for the improvement of learning. In this paper, the project Adaptive School Book” (ASB, for
short) is presented. The focus is on the combination of printed school books with digital media (media mix).
This approach is extended to the adaptive deployment of digital media. The overall objective is the optimal
support of the processes of teaching and learning. Therefore the authors developed an approach based on
the analysis of adaptivity and the detailed discussion of the conditions of the application domain (focussing
learning in school). The variety of the influencing factors, the open issues and the risks of uncertain decisions
in the adaptation process show the need of a well-considered procedure of development. Therefore, four major
steps of development have been proposed. The implementation of the first step of development is shown in a
demonstrator. The evaluation of the demonstrator in the context of expert interviews and qualitative studies in
school lessons provides important criteria and requirements for the future development of the approach.
Since decades the printed school book is the dominat-
ing media in school lessons. But, considering the fact
that digital media has a lot of advantages, is that still
Nearly all schools have access to the internet, are
equipped with computers for the lessons, or offer even
lessons in so-called notebook classes. Nevertheless, it
has shown itself that the introduction of digital teach-
ing media and learning media in the school lessons is
a very sensitive field. The initial hype seems to fail
because of the real circumstances. A result from the
attempts to the mediasation of the schools is, that only
digital media does not guarantee an improvement of
the teaching and learning. Rather a mix of different
media and its meaningful didactic usage is looked as
1.1 State of the Art
For quite some time school book publishers offer var-
ious contents in digitally processed form.
These complementary or additional digital mate-
rials can be accessed by data carriers attached to the
school books or via internet (Wicke and Baumann,
2007; Brameier and Kreus, 2009; Diehl, 2008). Strik-
ing in these approaches is that they are tailored to only
one book, at best, to the offer of a publishing house.
In spite of the high relevance for pupils, teach-
ers and parents the scientific debate about the subject
“school book” is strongly neglected. General and ac-
tual considerations to school books as media and the
influence of the digital educational media appear ex-
tremely seldom. There is a clear need for research.
It is indisputable that the potential of digital or
computer-based media goes far beyond the potential
of traditional media. However, the numerous empiric
studies on learning with digital or computer-based
media (Wiggenhorn and Vorndran, 2003; Herzig and
Grafe, 2006; Schaumburg et al., 2007; Hoppe et al.,
2011) partly come to very contradictory results. Ac-
cording to Gerhard Tulodziecki (2004) the consider-
ation of learning-relevant conditions as well as the
choice of suitable teaching concepts are essential for
the use of digital media.
To sum up, is to be found out that the print me-
dia (printed school book) and the digital media (dig-
ital school book) shows in each case specific advan-
tages and disadvantages. This is reflected, inter alia,
Schulz A. and Becker M..
OLD SCHOOL MEETS NEW SCHOOL: THE ADAPTIVE SCHOOL BOOK APPROACH - Adaptivity Extends Conventional School Books with Digital
DOI: 10.5220/0003346601300139
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 130-139
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in studies on the comparison of traditional print me-
dia and digital media (Eveland and Dunwoody, 2001).
The combination of both types of media, as in the
above introduced approaches, therefore has a high po-
1.2 Problems and Lacks
However, the usage in schools and the expected high
economic success of the media mix products is miss-
ing, at least in Germany. From the perspective of
the authors the essential problems lie in the fact that
the approaches are mostly only insular solutions. The
complementary digital media are offered just at book
level or publishing company level using a uniform
platform. These are often merely media collections
which are not tailored to specific learning-related con-
ditions such as exist for example in school lessons.
Besides, individual needs of teachers and learners of-
ten remain disregarded.
1.3 Motivation
The potential which lies in the combination of differ-
ent types of media should be used. Besides, an univer-
sally applicable solution to the connection of the ad-
vantages of print media and digital media offers many
farther fields of application.
Learning processes and learning strategies are in-
dividually and will usually be caused by a huge num-
ber of factors. The adaptation of teaching methods
and teaching contents to learning-relevant conditions
can indeed be regarded as a central component of suc-
cessful teaching and learning. The supply of digital
school book lessons by taking into account such adap-
tive methods would show not only an added value, but
could increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of
the learning as well as the practical suitability of the
digital media.
1.4 Purpose
The increase of the efficiency and effectiveness of
learning is regarded as a fundamental objective of the
proposed project. Besides, the investigation and de-
velopment of processes for the adaptive supply of dig-
ital school book contents as an extension of the media
mix approach forms the central purpose.
Within the scope of a generic process of develop-
ment a universal system which combines the advan-
tages of print media and digital media is realised. The
objective of the system development is the adapted
supply of digital media by taking into account indi-
vidual needs. Besides, the arrangement of methods
with the focus on the school environment stands in
the foreground of the considerations.
Beside the connection of printed school books and
digital media the essential objective of this work is
the development and implementation of models and
methods to support the decision-making ability of
a computer system - an adaptive system. But the
authors want to go beyond the common approaches
of adaptivity. The overall objective (considering the
adaptivity) is to implement reflective adaptivity which
was introduced by Klaus P. Jantke (2010).
In order to achieve increased efficiency and effective-
ness of learning, it is considered an art of the teacher
to adapt itself to the individual needs of its pupils. Al-
ready Burrhus F. Skinner (1954) emphasised the im-
portance of adaptation of the support offering pro-
vided by the teacher. In a narrower sense, the ex-
cessive demand or unterdemand of learners can be
counteracted by measures of individualisation (Heck-
hausen and Heckhausen, 2006; Heckhausen, 1968).
The associated extreme workload for teachers predes-
tines the use of software systems.
In the present paper the very different under-
standing of the term Adaptation” is considered as
a functional property of a software system. Basi-
cally it is distinguished between adaptivity and adapt-
ability. While adaptability means the customisation
of system-parameters by the user itself, adaptivity
stands for an automatic, system-controlled adaptation
to users according to changing conditions. An adap-
tive computer system uses information about its users,
their tasks and their goals to adapt itself to the user
(Leutner, 1995; Blank, 1996).
2.1 Adaptive Systems
The basic functionality of adaptive software systems
follows a uniform structure. Figure 1 illustrates the
essential elements and relationships of adaptive sys-
tems. There are essentially three phases of the adap-
tation process to highlight: diagnosis, modeling and
adaptation. An adaptive system automatically initi-
ates an adaptation due to the diagnosed and modeled
data. Accordingly, the content or the User Interface is
Basically all dimensions of adaptive methods
must be considered. “To increase the quality of tech-
nology enhanced learning it is important to distin-
guish what should be adapted, to what features should
Conventional School Books with Digital Media
Figure 1: The Basic functionality of adaptive software sys-
tems modified according to (Brusilovsky, 1996).
it be adapted and how should it be adapted” (Specht,
1998). Besides, the diagnosis and the modeling earns
a central position in the functionality of adaptive sys-
tems. They put the points for the actual adaptation
2.2 An Examination of Adaptivity
In practice, the illustrated theoretical aspects are asso-
ciated with many open questions, problems and even
dangers (Jameson and Schwarzkopf, 2002; Kobsa,
1990). The biggest difficulty arise in the necessary
diagnosis of valid data as well as the adequate mod-
eling. The inconsistent learning behaviour
, the per-
manently changing contexts and tasks are only some
of the effective interference. An incomplete and er-
roneous diagnosis of data is the result. The hy-
potheses based on these data (modeling process) fi-
nally admits merly uncertain decisions. This may
be one reason why there are considerable disagree-
ments about the methods for diagnosis and model-
ing, in the research (Jameson, 1996; Brusilovsky and
an, 2007; Greer, 1994).
Especially the user-adaptive systems, where the
adaptation process is based on interests and prefer-
ences, are at risk to succumb the problem of “self-
fulfilling prophecy” named by Robert King Merton
(1948). The systems providing content adaptive alone
with the help of the history of the use, influence the
choice of the user. This creates a circuit of limited
provision, limited choice and therefore limited diag-
nosis of the contents chosen by the user.
Another problem arises by the reduction of the
control over the system. As long as the decisions of
the adaptive system are understandable for or hit re-
quirements of the user this is absolutely unproblem-
atic. But if the adaptations do not correspond to the
requirements this leads to problems, mistakes or irri-
tations with the user. These problems correlate with
Due to loss of concentration, tiredness, dynamic and
non-monotonic nature of human learning, ambiguity and
vagueness of answers.
the question of the balance between adaptivity and
adaptibility of a system which is often discussed the
literature (Lohman, 1986; Clark, 1987).
But why adaptivity in other systems has been so
successful? The answer to this question is relatively
simple: As much factors of influence as possible need
to be excluded. Specifically, this is expressed by the
very exact definition of the application domain.
However, the objective of the system development
treated here is not just aimed at a certain application
domain. The system should be universally applicable.
It must be clarified, what factors are critical for the
optimal use of digital media at school.
2.3 Conditions of the Application
As mentioned (see chapter 1.1), the optimal use of
digital media is characterised by partially very differ-
ent approaches and results of the research. In general,
the situation and the task determine their suitability,
or how Gerhard Tulodziecki (2004) formulates it, the
consideration of learning-relevant conditions .
On account of the lack knowledge about the use
of software systems for the realisation of the combi-
nation of print media and digital media (media mix)
the basic factors of influence of learning at school are
to be considered. This opens an almost unmanageable
number of issues.
The school system of Germany is characterised by
a high degree of heterogeneity. This shows itself in
the varied country-specific arrangement in the numer-
ous types of schools and in the different possibilities
of courses of education. Besides, no teaching and
learning materials are prescribed in Germany. As a re-
sult, a wide variety of different teaching and learning
materials (including school books) are used. Conse-
quently, software systems for educational use (espe-
cially at school) should have a correspondingly high
degree of flexibility and universality.
The design of the school curriculum and lesson is
customised depending on the school and the teacher.
A consideration of the respective situation becomes
clear once more. Considering a school lesson, the fol-
lowing key dimensions can be identified: class level,
duration, content, teaching method and location.
While the content is given by the appropriate sub-
ject of a lesson, the lesson goes through different
phases of education, which in turn are influenced by
the use of different teaching methods, social forms,
instructional materials and so on. It is again clear, that
software systems must have a high degree of flexibil-
ity and universal applicability.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Besides, the very differently distinctive media liter-
acy of pupils and teachers plays an essential role for
the use of software. In the consequence the usability
should be marked by simplicity, faithful to the princi-
ple “Less is more”.
To sum up, digital media must show a high degree
of universality, flexibility and simplicity of use. These
three key aspects are essential to guarantee the prac-
tical suitability of digital media for educational use
(especially at school).
2.4 Development Steps of the Adaptivity
The huge number of external factors of influence, the
high relevance of the applicability or practical suit-
ability and, finally, the lack of valid requirements
for the application domains considered here compli-
cates the priorisation of suitable adaptive methods. To
counteract against the raised risk of wrong decisions
of the adaptive system, the development of the system
should, according to the authors point of view, run
through the following four stages of development:
1. Implementation of the base system and ensure the
practicality of access to the digital media and their
2. Implementation of models and methods of situa-
tional adaptive supply of digital media.
3. Implementation of models and methods for the
task-based adaptive supply of digital media.
4. Implementation of models and methods for the
user-adaptive supply of digital media.
Figure 2: Development steps of the adaptivity.
In other words a gradual realisation of the adap-
tivity is proposed (see figure 2). In addition, suitable
decisions are to be made in each of the phases to the
possible or necessary implementation of adaptable el-
ements. Besides, an accompanying evaluation of the
results of the developments serves the iterative adap-
tation and optimisation of the system.
Based on the results of the previous chapters, and by
taking into account the approaches from (Vogler et al.,
2010) the concept for the first stage of development,
is presented in the following. The scenario (Figure 3)
illustrates the underlying idea.
Figure 3: The Concept of the ASB-Approach.
The school book (A) serves the pupil (B) as a guide-
line through the lesson (1). Under use of a suitable
terminal equipment, for example, a notebook (C), the
complementary digital media (D) are available. De-
fined references allow the unequivocal access (2) on
the school book lessons.
A software system, in the following designated
as ASB-System”, serves as a interface between the
printed school book (A) and the digital media (D). By
input the references using the integrated user interface
(3), the ASB-System can provide the information that
is requested.
This requires a system-understandable representa-
tion (4) of the digital media and (the structure) of the
printed school book in digital form.
The ASB-System selects the digital media with
the help of defined criteria (situation, duties, user’s
signs, etc.), ensures an accordingly adapted adaptive
provision (5) and displays this to the pupils in the
form of a suitable presentation (6).
The proposed approach is based on a software tool
to support the learning process. The combination
of the printed school book and digital media should
produce a balance between the solid structure of the
printed school book and the free, flexible, adaptable
and adaptive information variety of digital media.
The outlined concept raises many questions. In
the following chapters approaches to access, user in-
terface, representation, delivery and presentation are
3.1 Access
The combination of print media with digital media re-
quires interfaces defined in terms of unequivocal ref-
erences. The possible detail of a reference is deter-
mined by the granularity of the book to be described.
A present key aspect is that the book content can
not be considered or referenced without the book it-
self. Therefore the reference of a book element, in the
following designated as MediaID, consists of at least
two components: a book identificator (BookID) and a
identificator for the suitable element (ObjectID).
The objective is to create a referencing that is suit-
Conventional School Books with Digital Media
able for practical use (short, intuitive, easy to remem-
Figure 4: An exemplary MediaID.
ber, etc.) and universally usable (also books without
specially printed identification). Figure 4 illustrates
the structure used in the present work. As BookID a
combination of initials for the suitable school subject
(e.g. PH for physics) and class layer (e.g. 08 for class
layer 8) is used. The ObjectID consists of a marking
for the respective chapter (e.g. K01 for chapter 1) and
a page number (e.g. S08 for page 8).
The use of unambiguous identifiers such as the
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or the
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) are not suitable for the
input. Alternatively, the input of textual issues is con-
ceivable to access Media. However, on this occasion,
the relation to the book structure would get lost.
The suitability, universality and practical suitabil-
ity of the proposed MediaID should be checked in an
evaluation accompanying the process of development.
There may be other options prove to be suitable in ev-
eryday use.
3.2 User-interface
The graphical user interface (GUI) is the interface be-
tween the user and the system. The design of dialog
orientates itself by ergonomic points of view and the
principle “Less is more”.
Figure 5: The Basic Design of the Graphical User Interface.
Figure 5 shows the basic design of the graphical
user interface of the ASB system. This GUI forms
the primary dialog to the access to digital school book
elements. The minimalistic design ensures a function-
oriented, easy and intuitive usability.
In addition to design aspects the GUI includes
three dialog elements. An input field (2) allows the
entry of MediaID. By triggering the ok-button (3) the
request is executed. In addition, window controls and
help functions (1) are available.
3.3 Digital Representation
There is a need for a system-understandable (digital)
representation of the book structure. This allows the
allocation of digital media to the content structure of
the printed school book.
The IMS Content Packaging Specification is well
established in the field of e-Learning and offers a
very good basis. This specification enables the in-
teroperable exchange of multimedia (learning) con-
tent, by providing standardised data structures. As it
is shown in figure 6 it consists of a special XML file,
called IMS manifest file (imsmanifest.xml), and the
corresponding learning object files (resources). The
manifest file consists in the essentials of four XML
elements: Meta-Data, Organizations, Resources and
(sub)Manifest(s). At this point the Organizations- and
the Resources-container are particularly interesting.
Figure 6: The general structure of the IMS CP.
The Organizations-container is suitable for rep-
resenting the content structure (chapter, subchapter,
et cetera) of the printed school book. The <item>-
elements can be used to build a tree-like structure of
the printed book (see Figure 6). Each element can be
extended with metadata and references to resources.
The Resources-container contains references to
all resources and media elements required for the
manifesto. This encloses their description by means
of meta-data and references to other external files.
Therefore the complementary digital media can be de-
scribed in an adequate data structure.
The Meta-Data set is based on the IMS Meta-Data
(IMS MD) specification, which is in turn based on
the IEEE standard 1484.12.1 - 2002 IEEE Standard
for Learning Object Metadata (LOM). So described
data offer a high potential for the automated analy-
sis and processing. Especially for adaptive processes
they provide a determining basis.
The IMS CP serves as the basis of numerous
other specifications, such as the Content Aggregation
Model of the ADL Sharable Content Object Refer-
ence Model (ADL SCORM), which is considered by a
huge number of actual e-Learning systems. The IMS
CP provides therefore an excellent basis for the coop-
eration with LMS/LCMS as for example Moodle
3.4 LCMS Cooperation
The ASB system was designed to act as an interface
between users and existing e-learning platforms. The
See http://www.moodle.org.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
user can login the LCMS by using the ASB-System
and interact with it. Thus, for example, a LCMS like
Moodle can serve as a digital repository.
Figure 7: The ASB system to interface with the LCMS
3.5 Provision and Presentation
The process of the provision can be initialised, for ex-
ample, by selecting a certain page of a school book
(e.g. entering a MediaID). In the simplest case a
suitable search algorithm determines the manifest file
belonging to the contained BookID and the suitable
<organization>-Container. Using the Object ID,
the concerning <item>-element can be determined,
its (meta-) data can be read and referenced resources
can be identified.
Figure 8: Advanced user interface for selection and presen-
tation of digital media.
The presentation of the provided digital media
needs the extension of a secondary GUI dialog. In
general, more than one digital asset is provided. This
requires a specific (user-controlled) choice. Therefore
a Media list (secondary dialog) as is shown in figure
8 is proposed.
To promote the pupils media literacy and involv-
ing the individual work environment the standard ap-
plication of the student will be used for the represen-
A first demonstrator of the ASB System was devel-
oped for illustration and evaluation purposes.
To guarantee platform independency and maxi-
mum flexibility during the development process, the
system was written in the Java programming lan-
guage. The access and processing of the XML struc-
ture was implemented using the Document Object
Model (DOM) techniques.
4.1 Simple Use Case
From a user’s point of view, the demonstrator offers
access to and representation of digital school book
lessons. Besides, teachers can extend the already de-
posited contents by own, individual content.
Figure 9: Simple Use Case for the ASB demonstrator.
4.2 Specification
In the first version, the demonstrator is limited to the
following basic functionalities:
1. Access to digital media (for example, as a supple-
ment to a textbook) by entering the MediaID or
by navigating through a structured list.
2. Presentation of selected digital media assets with
applications that are already installed on the sys-
tem of the user.
3. Drag&Drop Authoring functionalities for the easy
extension of existing content with individual dig-
ital materials.
4. Adjustment of system parameters, such as the in-
dividualization of the user interface.
5. Tracking the usage, so that the system store inputs
(such as the MediaID) and system settings, to be
quickly available again after a restart.
6. Support the usage by, for example, auto-
completion, feedback dialogues and offline help.
4.3 Architecture
Due to the fact that the demonstrator is the basis for
further development, the architecture of the system
Conventional School Books with Digital Media
was strictly designed with the help of the Model-
View-Controller Pattern.
Figure 10: Class diagram of the demonstrator.
This may appear overdimensioned for the de-
scribed use case, but it offers the essentiel flexibility
and extensibility for future functionalities.
Because of the modularisation and the strict sep-
aration of the components (user interface, data ac-
cess and data processing) future requirements like
LCMS connection and providing the ASB System as
offline and webbased application can be realised sub-
With regard to the implementation of adaptive
methods and taking into account a maximum interop-
erability, make appropriate frameworks and reference
models a good basis. According to the authors of the
present paper, the Adaptive Hypermedia Application
Model (AHAM) by Paul de Bra et al. (1999) and the
Munich Reference Model (MRM) developed by Nora
Parcus Koch (2000) form an appropriate basis for the
presented approach.
4.4 Interim Conclusion
To achieve the global objectives, the feasibility and
functionality of the first stage of development of the
concept, raised in a demonstrator to prove. It is char-
acterised by a high degree of universality and flexibil-
ity. For example, it is not bound to a specific school
book and can be linked with different books. Besides,
it was taken care of platform independence, as well as
adaptable changeability and extensibility of the con-
tents. The simplicity of the user interface guarantees
an intuitive use and requires a minimum of media lit-
To sum up, this Demonstrator is able to clear the
open questions. It can be used as a basis for evalua-
tions, to gather empiric results.
As a matter of fact, practical suitability of a system
is highly important in an enviroment of learning and
teaching in school. For that purpose, feedback given
by experts and users was included quite early in the
concept phase and development stage of the ASB Sys-
tem. The tool and his respective level of development
was introduced and discussed in numerous expert’s
rounds. In addition, the described demonstrator was
used and evaluated in two lessons by pupils and teach-
ers of a ninth grade in college. The results of the eval-
uation can be used to shape clearly defined technical
situations and requirements, which are all-important
for the further development of the system.
5.1 Evaluation Setup
It was extremely important to get a first impression of
realistic and sensible application scenarios while de-
veloping the system. For that purpose the draught of
the adaptive school book and the existing demonstra-
tor was introduced to experts of a thuringian institu-
tion for teacher advanced training and new media.
In four successive meetings the system was pre-
sented and discussed in different focus groups. These
groups consisted in each case of up to ten teachers,
who besides, act as multipliers for new technologies
in politics and their own schools. Because of the dif-
ferent technical alignment of the experts (content de-
velopment, digital whiteboards, eLearning and Moo-
dle integration at schools) a huge number of require-
ments were determined for a system to fit into a real
teaching and learning environment. These require-
ments reach from aspects of privacy, copyright and
security issues, to the authoring of content and finally
to the direct application in lessons.
To get a detailed impression of practical use cases
in lessons, the system was tested in cooperation with
a Thuringian media school. Therefore, a ninth grade
was chosen consisting of 25 pupils. Each of them was
equipped with a notebook on which they started the
ASB system from an USB stick. The teacher demon-
strated media access on a digital whiteboard, where
the system was also running.
During the lessons, the teacher used the ASB sys-
tem as a media container to show short movies and
illustrations. Later, the pupils retrieved media from
ASB with which they completed given tasks. They
worked with the system in two lessons on a single
day. The lessons were geography (topic: continen-
tal drift) and history (french revolution). The contents
were taken over in cooperation with the teacher from
an already available course in moodle.
5.2 Technical Parameters
Embedding the ASB System into the already exist-
ing technical infrastructure of school is mandatory for
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ensuring practical suitability. During the discussion
with experts the following technical parameters were
1. Already available e-learning systems still require
a very high training and administration expendi-
ture which stands in no relation to the benefit of
the use of digital media.
2. Missing education and experience in newer tech-
nologies deter many teachers from using digital
media. The introduction and use of an LCMS
proceeds mostly slowly and is dependent from the
motivation of the teacher.
3. Digital content, as it is offered at the moment
by publishing companies for teaching, is mostly
packed into isolated applications and can only
heavily be integrated in a school course.
4. Although most schools are equipped with a good
connection to the Internet, mostly administrative
security issues prevent the unlimited access to all
functionalities which the network can offer.
5. It can not always be ensured that pupils and teach-
ers fit the nessessary technical requirements when
they want to work with digital material at home.
The experts see the main advantage of the ASB Sys-
tem in its simplicity and clarity. From their point of
view the system could serve as an interface between
users and a complicated LCMS. It can simply be inte-
grated into the school courses and also can take care
of technical processes running in the background, hid-
den from the pupils and teachers.
As a result of the discussions and the evaluation,
several application scenarios were defined. They will
be briefly described in the following.
5.3 Use Cases
The system’s ability to let the user extend the existing
content with own, new digital content via drag&drop
authoring seems to be an optimal solution for teach-
ers in the eyes of the experts. So they are able to eas-
ily deposit content for pupils and to prepare and give
the lessons. Connected to a LCMS, which contains
a rights management for every user, the teacher can
systematical provide content, which he would like to
show to the pupils in the respective phase of a lesson.
The compact and simple graphical user interface can
be used as a container for media to present it on a dig-
ital whiteboard.
Structuring the content with the help of specific
Media Ids allows the teacher to granulary organize
digital material. The ASB System can also be used
to divide the class into workgroups or to assign indi-
vidual content to specific pupils.
Figure 11: Usage of the ASB System during a lesson.
Because of the permanent synchronsiation of ev-
ery instance of the ASB system with the LCMS, the
teacher can toggle the visibility of every single media
for the pupils.
The platform independency of the java-based
application makes the ASB System suitable as a
portable application, which can be stored on an USB
sticks for the use at home or on private laptops. The
experts see here the imbedding in a so-called ”digi-
tal schoolbag”, a collection of portable applications
which can perform the most common tasks on a USB
stick as very sensible.
Figure 12: ASB System as a portable application.
The functionality of the system to hold data in a
temporary local repository enable the offline usage of
the application. A synchronisation with the LCMS
can then be done, whenever a connection to the net-
work is re-established.
5.4 Interim Conclusion
The results of the discussions in the expert’s rounds,
as well as the evaluation of the demonstrator in the
lessons permit the formulation of a requirement cata-
logue for the integration of the ASB Sytems in the en-
vironment of school. Additionally, technical param-
eters were defined, which can describe the different
situations where the system is used in. These input
parameters can now be used to design a model for the
implementation of situation adaptiveness.
Conventional School Books with Digital Media
The results from the expert’s discussions and the eval-
uations justify the suggested iterative realisation of
adaptivity as described in 2.4. It is mandatory to em-
bed the system into an existing situation in the envi-
ronment of school in order to ensure practical suitabil-
ity and a real benefit in the use. This realisation can
only be achieved with appropriate adaptive methods.
6.1 Modeling and Implementation of
Situational Adaptivity
The next work package in the ASB project is about
implementing the defined use cases, as well as model-
ing and realising methods for situation adaptivity. Re-
alising the Use Cases implements the technical con-
nection and communication with the LCMS Moodle
and the realisation of a suitable synchronisation strat-
egy for the off-line use of the ASB System.
Furthermore, the defined input parameters can be
used to model technical situations, to which the sys-
tem has to adapt automatically. An adaptation con-
troler module will be developed for the ASB System.
It will be embedded between the modules data access
and processing data, to control the data transfer be-
tween the repository and the user interface.
Figure 13: Roadmap for future development.
The goal is to realise a demonstrator, which en-
sures practical suitability and can directly be used in
school lessons. Then this demonstrator can be used
in further evaluations to determine results, which can
define requirements for modeling and implementing
of further adaptive methods.
The fundamental concept and the theoretical basis of
the present contribution was developed in the diploma
thesis of Andr
e Schulz (2010). The thorough devel-
opment based on the results and experiences of the re-
search project of our colleagues Hoppe et al. (2011).
Their research focused, among other priorities, the
impact of the processes of digitisation on the exam-
ple of a laptop class. This was essential to get im-
portant requirements and conditions of the application
Previous work like (Vogler et al., 2010) stated
main approaches to the use and combination of exist-
ing software systems in the school environment. Fo-
cussing the development and implementation of the
adaptivity in the presented project, the contribution
about reflective adaptivity of our colleague and friend
Klaus P. Jantke (2010) provides the mainly forward-
looking goal. The developments of adaptivity in
LCMS, as presented in (Jantke and Schulz, 2011) of-
fer important insights for the implementation.
The entire related work, however, combines the
importance of a differentiated and interdisciplinary
perspective on the methods and approaches to make
a truly useful solution possible.
The conventional school book is not lost. In this paper
it was shown that there is still big potential in printed
media when it is mixed with the new opportunities
that digital media can bring into the classrooms. In
bringing these worlds together teachers and pupils can
benefit from the advantages of both kinds of media.
The adaptive provision of digital media guarantees
an optimal support of the teaching trials and learning
processes. To be able to realize the necessary limita-
tions in the application domain specific requirements
must be defined. The huge number of influence fac-
tors, the high importance of practical suitability and
the lack of valid requirements are complicating the
definition of adequate choice of adaptive methods.
For that purpose a gradual development of adap-
tive methods and definition of influence-taking crite-
ria was developed . Accordingly a concept for the first
stage of development was designed. The basis system
described in it was implemented in a demonstrator.
The approach introduced in this paper was ap-
proved with positive feedback in several evaluations,
interviews and discussions with experts. As an essen-
tial result well defined Use Cases could be developed.
Besides, the high relevance of the practical suitability
of digital media was confirmed.
A system used by teachers and pupils can only be
a benefit, if it is embedded into the existing techni-
cal and social situation of the environment of school.
This goal can only be achieved if the system fits ex-
actly the requirements teachers and pupils have in
their daily work. The system is confronted with dif-
ferent technical situations when fulfilling the desired
tasks. So it is mandatory that this system is able to
adapt these situations. The further development of the
ASB System designates the consecutive implementa-
tion of these adaptive mechanisms.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This work has been supported by the Thuringian Min-
istry for Education, Science, and Culture within the
project iCycle under contract PE-004-2-1 and partly
by the European Project N
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