fillAttributes only ever appear as sub-rules in the
rule tree. They match source elements defined in the
first part of the rule. The third part defines the attribute
of the super-rule that will be filled (e.g., fullName in
Fig. 3).
dummy does not create or modify any objects but
instead narrows the search space for their sub-rules,
by selecting certain elements in the source tree and
ignoring others.
Our tool follows an interactive paradigm. Any
time a change to a transformation rule is done, the
transformation process is triggered and the resulting
facts tree is shown. This aids the user to deal with the
complexity of the transformation rules, preventing er-
rors or mistakes. In addition, the tool is ontology-
driven, meaning that possible post-condition types
and their attributes are selected from domain ontolo-
gies loaded in the system.
5.3 Generating the Service Wrapper
Once the wrapping of a service has been defined
and tested in the tool, we generate an implementa-
tion of the desired specification in XML, HTML, and
JavaScript, ready to be deployed and executed inside
a web gadget.
It has been argued that adopting web services stan-
dards helps enterprises to increase operational effi-
ciency, reduce costs and strengthen the relations with
partners. A range of WS standards help in this re-
gard. However, when dealing with end-users, the
process for publication and consumption is not well
supported. In a move towards improving this situa-
tion, the work presented in this paper empowers the
end-user with a platform (the catalogue) to easily se-
lect services based on functional behaviour (pre-/post-
conditions) and other metadata, being able to down-
load a so-called resource adapter allowing the con-
sumption of web services using standard languages
to execute within a web browser, and a tool to trans-
form, in an interactive manner, formal definitions of
web services into these resource adapters, ready for
being published into the catalogue.
As potential future work, we consider to in-
clude semantically enriched WSDL documents us-
ing SAWSDL, and to support other SWS approaches
such as WSMO-lite services, making the web service
wrapping a semi-automatic (or automatic) process.
As regards to the discovery, once the catalogue begins
to be populated, applying techniques such as frequent
itemset mining or collaborative filtering could be an
interesting way to offer better recommendations to the
This work is supported in part by the European Com-
mission under the first call of its Seventh Framework
Program (FAST, ICT-216048, and digital.me, ICT-
257787) and in part by Science Foundation Ireland
under Grant No. SFI/08/CE/I1380 (L
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