Eddie Walsh, Alexander O’Connor and Vincent Wade
Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
Keywords: Interoperability, Mapping, Educational web systems, Learner models, Adaptivity.
Abstract: The heterogeneity of learner models in structure, syntax and semantics makes sharing them a significant
challenge for existing educational web systems. Creating mappings between the different types of learner
models is one technique that is used when attempting to overcome these issues. This paper presents an
overview of research currently being conducted in the area of learner model exchange and defines a
categorization, derived from existing educational web systems, of the different mapping types that are
required for learner model mapping. Following this, a framework is presented that supports the creation and
validation of these different mapping types and the exchange of learner information between multiple
heterogeneous educational web systems.
Providing advanced levels of learner model
interoperability between different educational web
systems, learning management systems, learner
databases and educational administration systems is
a very difficult challenge due to high levels of data
heterogeneity at the structural, syntactic and
semantic levels (Cena & Furnari 2008). The
emergence of adaptive educational web systems that
often require rich forms of learner information to
support their personalization functionality further
complicates these issues.
Many different approaches have attempted to
provide learner model interoperability. However,
achieving a high level of interoperability between
learner models can result in very complex
integrations which currently cannot be fully
automated (Falconer, Noy & Storey 2007). One
method that is commonly used in data integration is
the creation of mappings. Mappings are associations
between equivalent data from different data model
representations. In educational web systems, the
mapping approach can be used to perform
translations of heterogeneous learner data between
independent educational web systems.
This paper presents an overview of the current
research in the field of learner exchange and defines
a categorization of different mapping types that
facilitate sharing between existing learner models.
These mappings are derived from the analysis of
learner information in a variety of educational web
systems including the two main open source learning
management systems; Sakai (Sakai 2010) and
Moodle (Moodle 2010), and a number of adaptive
educational web systems such as AHA! (De Bra et
al. 1998), APeLS (Conlan & Wade 2004),
CUMULATE (Brusilovsky, Sosnovsky &
Shcherbinina 2005).
Subsequently, a framework for the creation and
validation of these mappings and the automated, on-
demand exchange of learner information between
heterogeneous educational web systems is presented.
This framework, called FUMES, incorporates web-
based, domain-specific tools designed to aid the
administrator in carrying out the necessary
interoperability tasks, in particular, the creation of
mappings between heterogeneous learner data.
A case study to test the validity of FUMES in a
practical learner exchange setting has also been
performed. This scenario demonstrates the
application of FUMES in the domain of database
and SQL education.
Walsh E., O’Connor A. and Wade V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003348403460351
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 346-351
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
There has been considerable effort put towards the
development of a standardized learner model, for
example IMS LIP (IMS 2010). However,
standardized learner models have failed to gain
widespread adoption due to the diversity of
educational web systems and their resulting learner
representations. This has led to significant research
into the field of learner model interoperability.
A variety of approaches to learner model
interoperability have been attempted. The most
common current implementations are hybrid
approaches that take aspects of both the centralized
and distributed methods of learner model
interoperability (Van Der Sluijs & Houben 2006)
(Bielikova & Kuruc 2005).
At the syntactic level, the use of a standard
language representation such as XML (De Bra et al.
1998) (Conlan & Wade 2004) is the most common
with some approaches now adopting semantic web
technologies such as RDF or OWL (Van Der Sluijs
& Houben 2006) (Bielikova & Kuruc 2005) (Dolog
& Schäfer 2005). A standard transfer protocol, such
as web services, is also widely used (Bielikova &
Kuruc 2005) (Cena & Furnari 2008).
At the semantic level, some approaches have
attempted to adopt compliance with a common
canonical learner model or learner model server
across all integrated systems (Heckmann et al. 2005)
(Dolog & Schäfer 2005). Other approaches have
attempted to reconcile heterogeneous learner models
by using mapping or mediation techniques (Van Der
Sluijs & Houben 2006) (Bielikova & Kuruc 2005).
The mapping approach, which has been used
extensively for interoperability in many other related
fields such as databases (Sheth & Larson 1990) and
more recently ontologies (Kalfoglou & Schorlemmer
2003), provides significant potential for learner
model interoperability. However, in many cases
mappings are provided manually without tool
support or by employing one of the current generic
schema or ontology mapping tools available such as
COMA++ (Aumueller et al. 2005). These mapping
tools cannot provide a systematic approach to
learner model mapping and many have been found
to be too general, built without domain-specific
mechanisms, lacking in visual displays or easy to
use components and not allowing for expressive
enough mappings (Falconer, Noy & Storey 2007).
To execute an exchange of learner data, some
approaches offer a pre-runtime, administrator-
initialized process (Dolog & Schäfer 2005) while
others can perform the exchange in a runtime, on-
demand process (Heckmann et al. 2005) (Van Der
Sluijs & Houben 2006) (Vassileva, McCalla &
Greer 2003). Most approaches provide support for
multiple learner models interoperability scenarios.
However, only a few of the approaches reviewed
provided details on how they reconcile conflicting
and incomplete learner data (Van Der Sluijs &
Houben 2006) (Bielikova & Kuruc 2005).
From examining sample learner information from a
variety of educational web systems such as Sakai
(Sakai 2010), Moodle (Moodle 2010), AHA! (De
Bra et al. 1998), CUMULATE (Brusilovsky,
Sosnovsky & Shcherbinina 2005) and APeLS
(Conlan & Wade 2004) a set of required learner
mapping types have been derived and categorized.
These learner mappings consist of core generic
mapping types that are combined as needed to allow
the exchange of heterogeneous learner information.
In the following sections, these mapping types are
explained and examples of each, in the domain of
database and SQL education, are given in table 1.
3.1 Core Generic Mapping Types
Equivalence schema mappings are the most basic
form of mapping and are created between the
equivalent schema elements of learner models. Two
extensions of this type of mapping are the join
schema mapping, where multiple schema elements
from one learner model are equivalent to one
schema element in another learner model, and
separation schema mapping, where one schema
element is equivalent to multiple schema elements.
Building on the schema mapping, functional
mappings allow generic manipulation of instance
data in an exchange between learner model schema
elements. Types include numeric mappings which
allow mathematical manipulation of numerical data,
format conversions which allow manipulation of
data types such as dates, and interval mappings
which allow manipulation of data that requires the
use of intervals, for example, learner grades.
Next, equivalence instance mappings allow more
complex mapping of specific instance data from
learner model schema elements. An example would
be the matching of equivalent user IDs that are
represented differently in heterogeneous systems.
Table 1: Examples of Mapping Types.
Mapping Type Example Mapping
Equivalence Schema Autho
= Creator
Join Schema FirstName & LastNam
= FullName
Separation Schema Addres
= Street & City
Numeric Score[0.8]*10
= Result[80]
Format Conversion Date[2010-03-29] = Date[29/03/2010]
Interval Grade[A] = Percentage[90-100%]
Equivalence Instance UserID[jsmith] = UserID[06125]
Equivalence Domain Instance Concept[SQL_A] = Concept[SQL1]
Join Domain Instance Concept[SQL_A] & Concept[SQL_B] = Concept[SQL1]
Separation Domain Instance Concept[SQL_A] = Concept[SQL1] & Concept[SQL2]
Competency Concept[SQL_A] & (Score[0.8]*100
Concept[SQL1] & Progress[80]
Separation Competency Concept[SQL_A] & (Score[0.8]*100
(Concept[SQL1] & Progress[80]) &
(Concept[SQL2] & Progress[80])
Cross-category Assessment[SQL_Quiz1] & (Score[8]*10
= Concept[SQL1] & Progress[80]
Separation Cross-category Assessment[SQL_Quiz1] & (Score[8]*10
(Concept[SQL1] & Progress[80]) &
(Concept[SQL2] & Progress[80])
Instance mappings can also be created using a
predefined set of possible instance values, for
example, domain concepts retrieved from domain
models. Again, extensions of the instance mapping
type can include joining and separating.
3.2 Composite Learner Mapping Types
Individually, the generic mapping types are not
sufficient to map complex learner model data.
However, they can be combined to create mappings
between different categories of learner information.
The categories of learner information used in this
analysis are based on the IMS LIP specification
(IMS 2010). They are (i) Identification, (ii) Goals,
(iii) Interests, (iv) Assessments, (v) Competencies,
(vi) Activities, (vii) Qualifications, (viii)
Affiliations, (ix) Accessibility, (x) Security.
An example of a mapping in the competencies
category would be the instance mapping of a domain
concept in conjunction with the numeric mapping of
the learner’s knowledge of that concept. Join and
separation extensions also apply at this higher level
of learner mapping types, for example, exchanging
one competency from a learner model into two
competencies in another learner model.
Mappings can also be created between the
different categories of learner information. These
cross-category mappings allow for very expressive
exchange of learner data. An example is equating an
assessment in one learner model to a competency in
another learner model. In cross-category learner
mappings, join and separation extensions are also
possible. For example, separation of an assessment
in one learner model into two competencies in
another learner model.
In summary, these learner mappings are a core
set identified using an evidence-based approach
where existing learner representations were analyzed
for potentially shareable information. The selected
systems are a representative sample of typical
educational web systems and use many common
user modeling techniques, such as the overlay
approach in adaptive systems (Brusilovsky & Millán
2007), that would likely be present in other systems’
learner models. However, there are potentially other
mappings to be found in learner data that is more
complex and less suitable for sharing such as in
event-driven user data or where there is
interdependency of data within a learner model.
Providing a means to validate the identified learner
mappings has led to the development of an
interoperability system called FUMES. FUMES
allows the creation of the various learner mappings
types and acts as a mapping execution environment
for the automatic exchange of learner information
between educational web systems. The FUMES
approach to interoperability consists of a pre-
runtime, administrator-led mapping process and a
runtime, automatic exchange process.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: FUMES Architecture.
The mapping process has led to the development
of the Learner Mapping Web Application; a
graphical tool for the manual creation of mappings
between learner models. After receiving sufficient
training, the administrator can used this tool to
perform a number of tasks as shown in figure 1.
(1a) The administrator uses the Learner Mapping
Web Application to import learner model schemas
from educational web systems.
(2a) The administrator uses the Learner Mapping
Web Application to create mappings between each
learner model and the FUMES canonical model,
which is based on IMS LIP (IMS 2010). Equivalent
selections are made from each model and the
mapping type is specified.
(3a) The Learner Mapping Web Application
automatically generates XQuery versions of these
graphical mappings which can be tested using
sample learner model instance data. When the
mappings have been verified they are stored in the
FUMES database for use at runtime.
When the administrator-led mapping process has
been completed for a number of systems, FUMES
can perform an automatic exchange of learner
information between those systems. FUMES uses
web services to allow access to heterogeneous
learner models and provides a means to transfer
them between different systems using a common
standard protocol. Currently, FUMES supports
learner models represented in XML; the most
commonly used format in existing educational web
systems. In the future, it may be extended to include
semantic web technologies such as RDF and OWL.
Within the FUMES framework, the central point
for exchange is the Learner Translation Web
Service. This service handles the management of the
learner model interchange and translates between the
various learner model representations. Again, figure
1 shows the stages in the exchange process.
(1b) The end-users access one of potentially many
educational web systems that retain learner
information about them.
(2b) Each system can request updates of its learner
model instances from the Learner Translation Web
Service. The Learner Translation Web Service
retrieves suitable learner model instances from other
educational web systems.
(3b) The retrieved learner models are each translated
and merged into the FUMES canonical model form
by executing the XQuery mappings in the database.
Finally, this canonical learner model representing
the various source learner models is translated into
the appropriate learner model form and returned to
the target educational web system.
A case study has been conducted using FUMES to
demonstrate the exchange of learner information in
the practical learning setting of database and SQL
education. The case study incorporates the two main
open source learning management systems; Sakai
and Moodle, the adaptive educational web system
APeLS and the learner modeling system
Table 2: Case Study Results.
Source Target Mapping Types Mappings
Moodle (Learning
Accessibility Learner Mapping
(Equivalence Instance & Equivalence Numeric)
Assessment Learner Mapping
(Equivalence Instance & Equivalence Numeric)
FUMES (Cognition)
Cognition Learner Mapping
(Equivalence, Join, Separation Domain Instance & Numeric)
(Learning Styles)
Accessibility Learner Mapping
(Equivalence Instance & Equivalence Numeric)
Cross-category Learner Mapping
(Separation Instance & Separation Numeric)
Cognition Learner Mapping
(Equivalence, Join, Separation Domain Instance & Numeric)
Total Number of Mappings
Total Mapping Execution
Time (ms)
APeLS Initialization Time
(No Integration) (ms)
APeLS Initialization Time
(FUMES Integration) (ms)
36 581 502 1669
The learning management systems were chosen as
they are often the central point for online learning
and are extensively used by many institutions. The
adaptive system and learner modeling system were
chosen as they retain more complex learner
information to provide personalization to learners.
The case study consisted of sample learner
information from Sakai, Moodle and CUMULATE
being supplied to an APeLS-based adaptive web
course used to teach SQL. The adaptivity within the
SQL web course is supported by a learner model
generated from prior knowledge and learning style
questionnaires that new students complete before
using the system. The goal of this case study was to
identify if FUMES could support the necessary
mappings to allow the alternative retrieval of prior
knowledge and learning styles from Sakai, Moodle
and CUMULATE learner representations.
5.1 Implementation
To achieve the integration, the FUMES Learner
Mapping Web Application was used to identify
suitable mappings from the source learner
representations to the FUMES canonical model.
Mappings were then identified from the FUMES
canonical model to the APeLS learner model. The
mappings allowed the exchange of competencies
from CUMULATE, assessments from Sakai and
learning style information from Moodle. These
mappings were then stored for execution at runtime.
To execute the exchange of learner data, the SQL
web course was set up to request new learner models
from the FUMES Learner Translation Web Service.
When a request was received by FUMES, the
mappings were executed and a new learner model
was generated based on the competencies found in
CUMULATE, the assessments found Sakai and the
learning style information found in Moodle. This
learner model was translated into an APeLS learner
model representation and returned to initialize an
adaptive learning session for the learner.
5.2 Performance
An analysis of this case study was carried out to
examine the types of mappings required and the
performance of those mappings when executed to
exchange learner information.
Table 2 shows the results of mapping the
individual source learner models to the FUMES
canonical model and the FUMES canonical model to
the target learner model in the APeLS-based SQL
web course. Table 2 also shows the overall
performance results for the full integration of
Moodle, Sakai, CUMULATE and APeLS using
FUMES. The total number of mappings created in
this case study using the canonical model approach
was 36 and the total execution time for all the
mappings was 581ms. The key result of this case
study is the time taken by the APeLS-based SQL
course to receive its updated learner model from the
FUMES Translation Service and instantiate a new
learning session for the learner. If this task is slow
there will be a negative impact on the usability of
the SQL web course.
Table 2 shows that the use of FUMES to retrieve
updated learner models adds just over one second to
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the initialization time of the APeLS-based SQL web
course. This should not impact greatly on the
usability of the system. Another major benefit of
using FUMES is the removal of the prior knowledge
questionnaires for first-time learners if that prior
knowledge can be retrieved from other systems. This
could potentially save significant time previously
spent completing extensive questionnaires.
In summary, this was an initial case study to test
FUMES in a practical learner exchange scenario. It
demonstrates that FUMES can successfully support
multiple integrations between heterogeneous
educational web systems. It has also shown that the
shared learner information can be used successfully
by the target system, in this case, to automatically
personalize content for new learners. The
performance results indicate that, in this case study,
the mapping approach is viable and does not
significantly decrease the responsiveness and
usability of the integrated systems. However, further
research will be required into the scalability of this
approach for larger numbers of mappings.
This paper has given an overview of current research
in the area of learner model interoperability and has
defined an evidence-based categorization, based on
existing learner models, of mapping types that are
required to perform learner model mapping.
To validate these mappings, an interoperability
system was implemented to support the sharing of
heterogeneous learner information. FUMES allows
the creation of complex relationships between
multiple learner models, using a visual approach to
resolve domain-specific mapping problems.
Finally, a case study demonstrated FUMES
supporting the mapping and exchange of learner
information between multiple existing educational
web systems with minimal impact on usability.
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