Document Clustering using Multi-objective Genetic
Algorithm with Different Feature Selection Methods
Jung Song Lee, Lim Cheon Choi and Soon Cheol Park
Division of Electronics and Information Engineering
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea
Abstract. Multi-objective genetic algorithm for the document clustering is pro-
posed in this paper. The researches of the document clustering using k-means
and genetic algorithm are much in progress. k-means is easy to be implemented
but its performance much depends on the first stage centroid values. Genetic
algorithm may improve the clustering performance but it has the disadvantage
to trap in the local minimum value easily. However, Multi-objective genetic al-
gorithm is stable for the performances and avoids the disadvantage of genetic
algorithms in our experiments. The several feature selection methods are ap-
plied to and compared with those clustering algorithms. Consequently, Multi-
objective genetic algorithms showed about 20% higher performance than oth-
1 Introduction
Recently the document clustering draws attention to the information retrieval field
since large amounts of documents are presented. One of the good ways to handle the
large amount of documents is to make clusters by the similar ones. It is called the
document clustering [1, 2]. In that area the research using k-means and genetic algo-
rithms has been well known.
k-means algorithm [3] which was studied by MacQueen [4] is the simplest method
starting with the first stage centroid values. The similarity of documents is calculated
either by the euclidean distance or the cosine similarity. The newly produced clus-
tered documents redefine the cluster centroid and then make another set of new clus-
ters. This process repeats itself until the algorithm is terminated. This algorithm is
easy to implement and its process is fast so that it is widely used not only in the in-
formation retrieval but also many academic fields. However, it has the problem in
which its performance much depends on the first stage centroid values.
Another document clustering algorithm is genetic algorithm. It is now actively
studied [5]. The document clustering using genetic algorithm adopts the concept of
genetic evolution by which the elements requiring for clustering correspond to the
individual, chromosome, and gene respectively. As the generation evolves repetitive-
ly, it produces the suitable document cluster through objective function. The perfor-
mance of genetic algorithm exceeds that of k-means algorithm. However, the genetic
algorithm has some problems to define objective function evaluating a generation. If
Lee J., Choi L. and Park S..
Document Clustering using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Different Feature Selection Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0003351401010110
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI-2011), pages 101-110
ISBN: 978-989-8425-43-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the inappropriate objective function is used it has the disadvantage of trapping into
the local minimum value easily in the algorithm.
In this paper, Multi-objective genetic algorithm is applied to the document cluster-
ing in order to solve the problems of both k-means and genetic algorithms. In addtion,
various feature selection methods are applied in order to reduce the number of execu-
tion time and to enhance the accuracy of the clustering.
This paper is organized as follows. The next section describes the method solving
the Multi-objective optimization problem by using the genetic algorithm. Section 3
shows about the document clustering using the Multiple-objective genetic algorithm
proposed in this paper. Section 4 explains experimental results. Section 5 concludes
and discusses future work.
2 Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
2.1 Multi-objective Optimization Problem
There exist more problems which should satisfy several objective functions than
those satisfying a single objective function in the many fields [6]. Multi-objective
optimization problem is to find the solution optimizing several objective functions
and it is defined as (1).
min / max ( ) { ( ), ( ), ... , ( ) }
, ( , , ... , )
FX f X f X f X
XSX xx x
where F(X) is set of the objective function and X indicates n variables for the optimi-
zation on the variable space S. As shown in Fig. 1, X=(x
, x
) on the variable space S
can be changed into f
(X) and f
(X) expressed in the object function set F(X) on the
objective function space Y [7]. The objective function space Y has the following prob-
lems: First, each objective function is difficult to be compared. Second, each objec-
tive function has close relationship with others. So, as one function is improved better
the other becomes worse. That is, generally it is impossible to optimize all objective
functions at the same time. To avoid these problems, the non-dominance relation is
used to get the proper solution and this solution is called as the Pareto optimal solu-
tion [8].
Fig. 1. Variable Space and Objective Function Space.
2.2 Pareto Optimal Solution
Most excellent solution among all candidate solutions can be called as the optimal
solution in the single objective optimization problem. However, in the Multi-
objective optimization problem, as for the solution of one any kind of the optimal
solution cannot become to all objective functions. For this, the Pareto optimal solu-
tion is used [9]. The Pareto optimal solution can be obtained using the non-
dominance relation as in (2). If (2) is satisfied for a minimization problem the solu-
tion x is better than the solution y and it is expressed as x > y. It calls that x dominates
y and x is the non-dominate solution. These non-dominate solutions are called as the
Pareto optimal solution or the Pareto front and expressed as P in Fig. 1.
)()(:}, ... ,2 ,1{ and
)()(:}, ... ,2 ,1{
For example, in Fig. 2, A ~ J represent the solutions at the objective space trans-
formed from the variable space by F(X). A is clearly superior to H when assuming to
the minimization problem. In addition, A can refer to dominate H. If this relation is
applied, it is shown that A,B,C,D and E are superior to the others solutions and
A,B,C,D and E are the Pareto optimal solutions.
Fig. 2. Pareto optimal solutions according to the non-dominate relation.
2.3 Genetic Algorithm
Genetic algorithm proposed by the Holland [10] and Goldberg [11] is the algorithm
modeling the principles of the natural environments that is the dominant gene has
more chance to be selected for next generation [12]. Genetic algorithm searches out
the more suitable solution as the generation evolves by using evolution operators such
as selection, crossover and mutation.
Fitness function is the important factor to determine the convergence speed of the
algorithm and the accuracy of its solution, judging the overall performance [13].
However the algorithm may have the problem to trap in local minimum value easily
according to the improper fitness function. In order to avoid this problem of genetic
algorithms, Multi-objective genetic algorithm is applied to the document clustering in
this paper which is one of Multi-objective optimization problems.
2.4 Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms
There are two main algorithms to solve the Multi-objective optimization problem.
One is the method to use the incline of the objective function space, the other to con-
vert the several objective functions to the one objective function using the weighted
value. However, these methods have some disadvantages. First, they are dependent
on the initial search space. Second, they are unable to deviate from the local mini-
mum value and multiple solutions are unable to be found. It is genetic algorithm to be
paid attention to solve this disadvantage.
Multi-objective genetic algorithm can make multiple solutions which are close to
the Pareto optimal solutions [14]. The algorithms proposed till present for this pur-
pose are use to Pareto ranking evaluation method or Weighted-sum approach. Pareto
ranking evaluation method is the technique which determines the ranks based on the
superiority or inferiority relation of the solutions. Weighted-sum Approach is the
technique is to convert Multi-objective function with the weighted value to the single
Recently, NSGA-II expanding Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
(NSGA) is preferred among the methods using the Pareto ranking evaluation. NSGA-
II minimizes the complicated computational complexity and maximizes the diversity
of the solutions. Moreover the elite preserve strategy has been introduced to separate-
ly manage the optimal solution discovered in the evolutionary process. It makes Mul-
ti-objective optimization process rapid and reduces the loss of the optimal solutions
[15, 16].
The operation process of Multi-objective genetic algorithm is identical with genet-
ic algorithm. However, it is different in that the candidate solution of next generation
is produced by using the non-dominate relation.
3 Document Clustering using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms
In this paper, the document clustering based on Multi-objective genetic algorithm
employs in order to reduce the inclination of local minimum value. In addition, per-
formances of the algorithms are compared, applying the various objective functions to
the document clustering.
3.1 Chromosome Encoding
In order to get the optimal solutions for the document clustering, data should be close
to gene structure through the encoding process. In the previous research the cluster
centroid vector has been widely used as the gene [5].
In this paper a chromosome as shown in (3). It is defined as the combination of
the genes that corresponds to the document index number d of a document. Each gene
is encoded by the integer of K (number of the cluster group) range in the first stage as
shown in (3).
= { g
, g
, g
, . . . , g
= { 1 ~ K }
Each gene indicates the cluster group. For example, assuming that the initial cluster
group number K is 3, as shown in (4) the first document is allocated to the second
cluster, the second document to the third cluster and the third document to the first
cluster, and so on.
= { 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1} (4)
3.2 Evolution Operators
In this paper the evolution operators used in Multi-objective genetic algorithms is as
Selection: NSGA-II which offers one of the Pareto optimal solutions is used. NSGA-
II choosing the elite preserve strategy basically executes the tournament selection
Crossover: The multi-point crossover is used. The multi-point crossover expanded
through the two-point crossover produces the child nodes out of the parent combina-
tion as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Multi-point crossover.
Mutation: The mutation uses the probability mutation computation. A probability is
given to each gene of the entity which is selected and mated. A gene less than a cer-
tain arbitrary value is randomly changed. The new entity is then created.
3.3 Fitness Function
The objective function controls the overall performance of genetic algorithm as the
standard which can determine how the present generation comes close to a solution.
In this paper, the various objective functions are applied to solve the document clus-
Clustering validity index is used as the objective function. This index is an evalua-
tion standard in order to appraise the results of the clustering validity, showing either
the minimum value or the maximum value when the optimum clusters are generated.
The clustering validity indexes used in this paper are CH (Calinski and Harabasz)
index [17] and DB (Davis and Bouldin) index [18].
The CH index is appropriate to cluster documents as the maximum value is
searched by using inter-group variance and between-group variance. It is shown in
where BGSS stands for Between Group Sum of Squares and WGSS stands for Within
Group Sum of Squares. n is the number of documents, k is the number of clusters.
The DB index is a function of the ratio of the sum of within-cluster scatter and in-
ter-cluster separation. Its maximum value is considered as the proper condition when
evaluating the cluster with the euclidean distance, while its minimum value with the
cosine similarity. It is as shown in (6).
max( )
where n
is number of clusters. S
and S
are the average similarities of documents in
cluster centroids, i and j respectively. M
is the similarity between the cluster centro-
ids, i and j.
3.4 Feature Selection
One of the main problems of the document clustering is that the dimension of the
document by term matrix increases as the number of documents increases. This caus-
es that the computational complexity increases and the execution time grows longer
drastically. There are many features, in which an influence writes on all document set
that is, a term and the clustering accuracy falls [19].
In this paper, 3 feature selection methods are applied and they are as follows.
Document Frequency: Document Frequency(DF) means the frequency in which one
term appears in all document set. In this method, the terms with higher DF values are
counted as the test terms and it reduces the number of dimensions. This method is
simple and shows the good performance.
Term Contribution: Term Contribution(TC) is the similarity of the all documents
for one term t. It is defined as shown in (7) [20].
where f (t,d) is the tf *idf value of term t in document d.
Term Frequency Variance: The quality of the term t can be defined as TfV(Term
Frequency Variance). It is defined in (8) [21].
where tf
is the frequency of the term t in the document d
, n is the number of docu-
4 Experimental Results
Three algorithms, k-means, genetic algorithm and Multi-objective genetic algorithm
are tested and evaluated their performances for document clustering.
The Reuters-21578 text collection is used as an experimental dataset. 200 docu-
ments are chosen from 4 topics (coffee, trade, crude, and sugar) of the dataset. F-
measure is used to determine the accuracy of the clustering results and it is defined as
shown in (9).
The number of population in our GA and MOGA are 300. The algorithms are termi-
nated when the number of generations reaches to 600 or when the iterations without
improvement reach consecutive 30.
In our experiments, three feature selection methods are used in order to reduce the
number of dimensions of terms. The feature selection methods are document frequen-
cy (DF) like in (6), Term Contribution (TC) like in (7) and Term Frequency Variance
(TfV) like in (8).
1000 2000
No. Of Dimensions Of Terms
F - Measre
Fig. 4. Clustering results with DF.
Fig. 4 is the document clustering performance results with DF. The performances
of all algorithms are highest when the number of dimensions of terms is 100.
larly MOGA(DBC-CH) where DBC is stands for DB index with cosine simility and
CH is stands for CH index shows the highest performance among the algorithms.
MOGA (DB-CH) shows the performance about 16% better than k-means, 24% than
GA(DBC), and 25% than MOGA(DBC-DBE) where DBE is stands for DB index
with euclidean distance.
Fig. 5 is the document clustering performance results with TC. The algorithms ex-
cept MOGA(DBC-DBE) have the highest performances when the number of dimen-
sions of a term is 100. MOGA (DBC-CH) shows the performance about 10% higher
than k-means, 21% than GA(DBC), and 22% than MOGA(DBC-DBE).
1000 2000
No. Of Dimensions Of Terms
F - Measure
Fig. 5. Clustering results with TC.
0 1000 2000
No. Of Dimensions Of Terms (TfV)
F - Measure
Fig. 6. Clustering results with TfV.
Fig. 6 is the document clustering performance results with TfV. The performances
of the algorithms are highest when the number of dimensions of a term is 100.
MOGA (DBC-CH) shows higher performance than the others. The performance
of MOGA (DBC-CH) is about 17% higher than k-means, 26% than GA(DBC) and
28% than MOGA(DBC-DBE).
Table 1 presents the clustering algorithm performances according to the different
feature selection methods. The performances of GA(DBC) and MOGA(DBC-DBE)
show lower than k-means for all of the feature selection methods. Because the genetic
algorithms often trap in the local minimum value, it makes the performances worse.
All the cases of our experiments, it has best performances when TfV is used for fea-
ture selection method and when the number of dimensions of a term is 100.
Table 1. Performances of the algorithms according to the different feature selection methods.
100 500 1000 2000 100 500 1000 2000 100 500 1000 2000
K-means 0.68 0.60 0.55 0.51
0.64 0.60 0.57 0.72 0.65 0.60 0.55
GA(DBC) 0.64 0.44 0.50 0.47
0.45 0.45 0.46 0.80 0.46 0.45 0.45
0.58 0.48 0.47 0.51
0.57 0.47 0.43 0.57 0.53 0.51 0.49
0.86 0.76 0.73 0.68
0.71 0.71 0.71 0.90 0.80 0.73 0.77
5 Conclusions and Future Works
In this paper, we introduce Multi-objective genetic algorithm for the document clus-
tering and show its higher performances comparing others. Multi-objective genetic
algorithm shows higher performance than k-means and genetic algorithms. The algo-
rithm using the DB index and the CH index with the cosine similarity as the objective
function has superior results to the other algorithms. In addition, when applying the
feature selection methods to the algorithm, the performances are much improved.
Especially the TfV method shows the highest performance improving about 19%
more than others.
The document clustering using Multi-objective genetic algorithm isn't still discov-
ered in our knowledge. More various cluster indices will be tried as objective func-
tions to prove the high performance of the algorithm in near future. Also, we would
like to find the elements to make high performance in the document clustering keep-
ing studying the relationship between cluster indices.
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the Nation-
al Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science
and Technology (2010-0011997).
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