Acquisition of Scientific Information from the Internet:
The PASSIM Project Concept
Piotr Gawrysiak and Dominik Ry
Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology
Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-655 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract. The paper describes the concept of automated acquisition of scientific
information from the Internet. The work is part of PASSIM project a strategic
initiative of the Polish Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. Different
methods like web mining, data mining and other techniques of Artificial Intel-
ligence will be applied in order to harvest, extract, classify and store science
oriented information form the Web.
1 Introduction
Rapid advancements in computing and networking technology that took place during
the last two decades transformed the nature of scientific research. Nowadays it is diffi-
cult to even imagine conducting a successful research project - both in humanities and
in engineering - without exploiting vast knowledge resources provided by the global
Internet, and without using the same network to disseminate research results.
The nature of contemporary Internet, used as a research tool, is however drastically
different from what was envisioned in the 90-ties. The Internet is just a haphazard col-
lection of non-coordinated knowledge sources. Most valuable repositories are not even
centrally controlled. It is sometimes very difficult to evaluate quality of data contained
in non-professional source, such as some Open Access journals [9]. The situation de-
scribed above basically means that the concept of Semantic Web [7], promising the
coordinated global network of information, failed to materialize. One of the primary
reasons for this failure is the difficulty of creating and maintaining useful ontologies,
that would drive exchange of information in the Semantic Web [5]. The main reason
for this is a state of ontology engineering, which is still mostly a manual process, very
time-consuming, expensive and error prone. While some automated - or at least semi-
automated - ontology building methods, that are able to leverage the amount of infor-
mation present in ever growing repositories of text data (e.g. obtainable via the Internet)
have been created [4], their quality is still vastly inadequate.
In this position paper we argue that the Semantic Web strategy, especially as applied
to scientific data and scientific communities, simply does not make sense. However we
believe that using contemporary knowledge discovery and natural language processing
algorithms and methods, we can achieve much of goals (as seen from an end user per-
spective) of the Semantic Web vision.
In this paper we describe the design principles of the PASSIM project. PASSIM is
Gawrysiak P. and Ry
zko D..
Acquisition of Scientific Information from the Internet: The PASSIM Project Concept.
DOI: 10.5220/0003352700820087
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI-2011), pages 82-87
ISBN: 978-989-8425-43-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a strategic initiative of the Polish Ministry of Education and Scientific Research aim-
ing to create regional ICT infrastructure supporting storing, processing and sharing of
scientific research data and results.
This paper is structured as follows. Chapter 2 describes challenges targeted by the
project and existing research results which can be used to solve them. In Chapter 3
requirements for the PASSIM project are listed. In Chapter 4 solutions for system im-
plementation are proposed. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the results.
2 Challenges and Existing Solutions
As mentioned in the introduction, one of the main challenges in PASSIM is automated
acquisition of knowledge from various structured and unstructured sources. Among
these sources the Internet will play a major role. Despite the overwhelming amount
of irrelevant and low quality data, there are several useful resources. This includes
researchers’ homepages and blogs, homepages of research and open source projects,
emerging open access journals, university tutorials, software and hardware documenta-
tion, conference and workshop information etc. Finding, evaluating and harvesting such
information is a complex task but nevertheless it has to be taken up in order to provide
PASSIM users with a wide range of up to date resources regarding science as well as
past and ongoing research activities.
Several approaches to harvesting information form the Internet have been proposed
in the past. The most popular approach nowadays is the use of search engines. The
improvement in search quality caused that a vast majority of users say the Internet is
a good place to go for getting everyday information [6]. Sites like, Ya-, provide tools for ad-hoc queries based on the keywords and page
rankings. This approach, while very helpful on the day to day basis, is not sufficient
to search for large amounts of specialized information. General purpose search engines
harvest any type of information regardless of their relevance, which reduces efficiency
and quality of the process. Another, even more important drawback for scientists is that
they constitute only a tiny fraction of the population generating web traffic and really
valuable pages constitute only a fraction of the entire web. Page ranks built by general
purpose solutions, suited for general public will not satisfy quality demands of a scien-
tist. One can use Google Scholar, Citeseer or other sites to get more science-oriented
search solutions. Although this may work for scientific papers and some other types of
resources, still countless potentially valuable resources remain difficult to discover.
Another approach to the problem is web harvesting, based on creating crawlers,
which search the Internet for pages related to a predefined subject. This part of infor-
mation retrieval is done for us if we use search engines. However, if we want to have
some influence on the process and impose some constraints on the document selection
or the depth of the search, we have to perform the process by ourselves. A special case
of web harvesting is focused crawling. This method introduced by Chakrabarti et al. [3]
uses some labeled examples of relevant documents, which serve as a starting point in
the search for new resources.
The task of retrieving scientific information form the web has already been ap-
proached. In [8] it is proposed to use meta-search enhanced focused crawling, which
allows to overcome some of the problems of the local search algorithms, which can be
trapped in some sub-graph of the Internet.
The main motivation for the work envisaged in the PASSIM project is to create a
comprehensive solution for retrieval of scientific information from the heterogeneous
resources including the web. This complex task will involve incorporating several tech-
niques and approaches. Search engines can be used to find most popular resources with
high ranks, while focused crawling can be responsible for harvesting additional knowl-
edge in the relevant subjects. Additional techniques will have to be used to classify and
process discovered resources.
Since several users will use the system simultaneously, a distributed architecture
will be required. While this has several benefits regarding system performance, addi-
tional measures have to taken in order to avoid overlap in the search process [2]. Various
parallel techniques for searching the web have already been proposed [1]. In the PAS-
SIM project multi-agent paradigms will be used, which propose intelligent, autonomous
and proactive agents to solve tasks in a distributed environment.
3 Project Requirements
The system to be developed in the PASSIM project is thought to be a heterogeneous
repository of data from various structured and unstructured sources. This means, that
acquired data can contain missing information, errors or overlaps. In order to address
these issues, methods for data cleansing will have to be introduced. To this end NLP
(Natural Language Processing), text mining, data mining and other methods will be
applied. As a result, the system should be able to: identify duplicates, merge partly
overlaping objects, identify object versions, verify completeness of data objects (e.g.
bibliography items), identify key words and proper names etc.
Before cleansing, the data has to be discovered and harvested. In the search pro-
cess several classes of resources have to be discovered for various fields of science.
Therefore, the data has to be properly classified according to the type of information it
represents (e.g. scientific paper, blog, conference information etc.).
Once the appropriate class is identified, its structure has to be decomposed. For
example the system should know how a scientific paper is structured (title, author, affil-
iation, abstract etc.), what are the roles related to a scientific conference (general chair,
organizing chair, program committee member etc.) and so on.
It is required that the system will be able to perform search for new resources,
especially in the areas heavily searched by the end users. The user should also be able
to start an off-line search process in order to discover resources according to specific
requirements. Once discovered, sources of data have to be monitored in order to track
any changes to their contents.
The data harvesting process will involve a feedback loop. A user will be able to rate
relevance of the resources found. This information will be used to improve the search
process as well as classification of documents.
4 Envisaged Solution
The requirements described in the previous chapter indicate an explicit distributed na-
ture of the problems to be addressed. On the data acquisition side, the Internet is a
network of loosely connected sources, which can be processed more or less in parallel.
On the end user side, each one of them can generate concurrent requests for informa-
tion. At the same time these parallelisms do not forbid overlap or contradiction. All of
the above calls for a highly distributed architecture, with autonomy of its components,
yet efficient communication and synchronization of actions between them. The high
level architecture of the system has been shown in Figure 1 below.
Fig. 1. System architecture.
The envisaged approach is based on multi-agent paradigms, which introduce a con-
cept of an intelligent, autonomous and proactive agent. Various agent roles will be de-
signed and developed. Personal agents will be responsible for interaction with end users.
They will receive queries, preprocess them, pass to the knowledge layer and present re-
sults returned from the system. User feedback will also be collected here. Personal
agents will store history of user queries and maintain a profile of interests to improve
results and proactively inform the user about new relevant resources.
The main data acquisition process will be performed by specialized harvesting
agents. Their task will be twofold. Firstly, they will perform a continuous search for new
relevant resources. Secondly, they will perform special searches for specific queries or
groups of queries. The main task of harvesting agents will be to manage a group of web
crawlers to perform the physical acquisition of data.
Special agents should be dedicated to the process of managing data already incor-
porated into the system. They will be responsible for finding missing data, inconsisten-
cies, duplicates etc. Finding such situations will result in appropriate action e.g. starting
a new discovery process to find new information, deletion of some data, marking for
review by administrator etc.
The bottom layer of the system will consist of a group of web crawlers. They will
search the Internet for relevant resources and pass the data to appropriate agents re-
sponsible for its further processing. The crawlers will use various heuristics to perform
focused crawling for new documents based on classified examples.
An important part of the knowledge acquisition process will be the classification
of documents. Each document after being discovered and preprocessed needs to be
properly labeled. Such classification is non-trivial and can be done along various di-
mensions. One aspect is what kind of information has been found e.g. scientific paper,
science funding scheme etc. Another dimension is the field of science which is being
referred in the particular document. To address all these aspects, a multi-step classifica-
tion will be performed.
When harvesting a new piece of knowledge from the web the system must know its
semantics. Unless it is stated explicitly what is a scientific conference, how is it related
to papers, sessions, chairman etc., it is not possible to extract automatically any useful
information. To allow this task special ontologies will be built. They will define most
important terms and their respective relation. This step will be performed manually or
5 Conclusions
In the paper the concept of scientific knowledge acquisition from the internet in the
PASSIM project has been presented. It has been shown shown why special approach
is needed here and how semantic technologies play a crucial role in the process. The
requirements for the system have been listed and problems to be faced have been out-
lined. The paper describes also envisaged solution and a general architecture of the
system to be developed. The most important technologies selected to achieve the task
are multi-agent systems and ontologies.
In the next stages of the project specific algorithms will be selected and imple-
mented. It is important to verify system performance and usability across various branches
of science and with large amounts of data. From the point of view of semantic technolo-
gies, the important question to be answered is how complex ontologies will be sufficient
to allow retrieval of interesting information.
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