A Practical Approach
T.Cerdeña Hernández, F. Fumero Batista, L. M. Moreno de Antonio
D. Pérez Barbudo and J. L. Roda García
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Keywords: Open government data, Gov 2.0. Transparency, Linked data, Innovative applications.
Abstract: Web 2.0 has changed the way that information is presented to people. Public administrations have an
important role to play in this new era. Global institutions, central, regional and local governments gather and
produce a wide variety of information that is potentially reusable by citizens and the digital content
industry. Gov 2.0 follows the approach of giving access to open public data to citizens. Open Government
Data (OGD) establishes the principles for providing public data to the public. The development of
innovative applications by companies or individuals from these public records, will meet the demand of
information from citizens, as well as developing the basic principles of transparency, publication and
reutilization. We present a local administration experience showing the steps to implement the OGD
strategy. Benefits and responsibilities of those involved in the full process are presented. We have
developed a real case of publicly available data from the population census of the municipality.
Authors are listed in alphabetical order. This work has been partially supported by the FEDER and the Agencia Canaria de Investigación,
Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI), Gobierno de Canarias (ProID20100252).
Public administrations gather and produce a wide
variety of information that is potentially reusable by
citizens and the digital content industry. Public
Sector Information (PSI) is a valuable resource for
the society (European Directive 2003/98/EC, 2003).
Web 2.0 (O'Reilly, 2005) has meant a significant
change in terms of individual and joint contributions
of the users: blogs, wikis, social networks, etc. We
can say that Government 2.0 or Gov 2.0 is the use of
technologies used in Web 2.0 to solve problems
collaboratively among citizens and institutions
(Lathrop and Ruma, 2010).
Every day, more websites offer OGD. Among
the most representative we can mention countries
like UK (, USA (, or
institutions like the United Nations ( or
the World Bank ( On the
website of the U.S. government (
gov/community) and the CTIC of Asturias, Spain
ed/) we can find information from the various
institutions that offer catalogues of public datasets. It
is important to consider that the institutions must
provide reliable, actual and robust data, so
companies and individuals can develop innovative
applications for the web or the mobiles.
In section 2, OGD is presented. The developing
experiences, the architectural structure and
technologies of the publication and reusable systems
are presented in Section 3. We finish with the
conclusions and the references.
In December 2007, different people and groups
interested in OGD met and postulated eight basic
principles for OGD (Open Government, 2007). The
data must be complete, primary, timely, accessible,
machine process, non-discriminatory, non-
proprietary and license-free.
OGD (Berners-Lee, 2010) is a strategy that
enables publicly available government information
to be easily accessible in order to develop new
innovative applications for the interest of citizens.
Cerdeña Hernández T., M. Moreno de Antonio L., Fumero Batista F., Pérez Barbudo D. and L. Roda García J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003353105470550
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 547-550
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This strategy must offer information in open and
free formats and with the security and trust needed.
The benefits and responsibilities of OGD
strategy can be seen from three role viewpoints:
citizens, administrations and infomediaries. Citizens
can obtain free and open access to information
collected and generated by the public sector, no
proprietary formats. Citizens can see institutions
more transparent, and therefore some control of
them. For the application developers (infomediaries)
they can develop new products and services,
promote new innovative solutions, and improve their
business. Public administrations can obtain citizens
feedback on the information they published, and
reduce time, costs and efforts to provide information
to the citizens.
Not only benefits but also responsibilities are
achieved for all the participants. Citizens primarily
must collaborate and offer feedback to
administrations. Infomediaries must use new
technologies that improve the way administration
workers and citizens’ access to data. The public
administration must provide transparency, must
provide a broad spectrum of data and must offer a
stable and robust platform for present and future.
Currently, one of the most important aspects in
OGD is the format of public data. There are two
main trends at least. On one side, public
administrations web sites offer great unlinked data
files in proprietary formats or open (Excel or
CSV). The principal problem is that integration with
other data and systems is no easy. On the other hand,
some institutions seek to use data linked through to
linked data-based formats such as RDF (RDF, 2010)
or ontologies (OWL, 2010).
There are several works that provide a set of
steps to develop OGD strategy (O’Reilly, 2010):
1. Develop the policy directive ((
2. Create a simple infrastructure, reliable and offer
publicly accessible public data.
3. Try to use open standards that allow
interoperability with other systems.
4. Create web sites that present the catalogue of
data and develop some applications.
5. Share API developed with citizens to gain access
to data without the direct intervention of the
6. Share work developed with institutions in other
countries, regions and Municipalities.
7. Create a list of applications that can be reused by
employees of the institution.
8. Create an app-store to accommodate all public or
private applications.
9. Encourage citizens and businesses to develop
10. Create communication channels that allow
citizens to make proposals for new applications from
the data shown publicly.
11. Instruct both employees of the institution and
There are different technical specifications related to
the Semantic Web that are used in OGD. The
Resource Description Framework specification,
RDF ( is a standard for
exchanging data on the Web. RDF allows the unique
resource description in the web space and establishes
relationships with other objects. You can execute
queries on these data through the SPARQL language
( We can find
different tools to convert from various formats to
RDF in (
3.1 Municipality Population Census
San Cristóbal de La Laguna is the third most
populated municipality in Canary Islands, Spain
( The Gerencia de
Urbanismo is an autonomous institution that
depends from the town hall and takes care of many
different services related to urbanistic issues. The
Population Census is one of the most important
sources of citizen’s information.
3.2 Requirements
The release of public information of interest for the
citizens is becoming a major concern for the IT
responsible at La Laguna local government. The
purpose of this experience is to prove the feasibility
of OGD implantation in this administration. Later
on, and based on the experience acquired while
developing this example, we would develop a well-
defined protocol to follow in order to extend the
release to other datasets. Besides this, there were
other ideas to take into account:
- Data to work with: use existing real data to face
real issues, and work with a small but representative
- Integration with existing systems: keep current
data stores isolated from the publication system for
safety and integraty, allow to publish from
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
heterogeneous data sources, and minimize the
impact on current data stores
- Reutilization: publish data in a format easy to use
for reutilization, and develop a sample application of
reutilization for the published data.
It is important to remark that the data provided was
clean of privacy personal information even before
we started working on it. The data consists on a list
of properties within the municipality boundaries.
Each property in the list has an address (in the street
system of the municipality), a location (latitude,
longitude) and the quantity of inhabitants (only those
registered in the census).
3.3 Proposed Architecture
Our proposal was to develop a system that fulfilled
the requirements of the administrators while
following the steps suggested in section 2.
Administrations store a huge amount of
information in many heterogeneous formats, such as
relational and non-relational databases from
different vendors, spreadsheets, documents, texts,
etc. Linked Data is the chosen solution in this
example to represent this information in a common
The designed architecture is showed in Figure 1
and Figure 2. It is composed of two main systems;
each of one is explained in the following sections.
Figure 1: The Publication System.
3.3.1 Publication System
The main component of the publication system
developed for this example is an instance of a D2R
server (
The D2R server allows publishing data from
relational databases as RDF. In this example the
source data from the census is stored in two tables in
a MySQL server instance, one for the properties and
one for the streets. The main task here is to define a
vocabulary to properly represent this data in RDF
and then create the corresponding mapping in the
D2R server. This way the data is immediately
exposed in an open reusable format.
D2R server also allows making SPARQL queries
to the database which improves the reutilization
3.3.2 Reutilization System
The reutilization system is built as a separate
instance to expose an example of reutilization of the
information published in RDF. This example is a
web application which displays census data
geolocalized as a layer on a map. It can display
population by property, by street and by selecting an
The application is composed by the core tier and
the frontend tier. The core tier consists of a servlet
written in Java which loads data from the
Publication System. To load the data it queries the
SPARQL API and retrieves the data using the Jena
library, transforming it into Java Objects. The
frontend tier is built with Google Web Toolkit and it
just composes the data on the web page that the user
can see. The Figure 3 shows an example of the web
Figure 2: The Reutilization System.
In this work we have presented a real case of OGD
with the collaboration of a municipal institution.
This example shows that the application not only
must have attractive user interfaces but data
analytics to transform data to valuable knowledge.
Open Government Data involves a diverse group
of technical and non-technical people to be thinking
around the strategy. It will take some time before
this new interaction of the OGD becomes a wide
reality, meanwhile citizens will demand public data
to be accessible in different formats and
The key to success of the OGD is that the three
stakeholders (citizens, administrations and
developers) will complement each other. Citizens
must collaborate and offer feedback to
administrations and developers to improve the
quality of the data and the applications. This impro-
Figure 3: Web application using reutilization of public data.
vement will return to citizens in the form of better
web or mobile applications. The public
administrations can benefit of the new applications
for their decision making at low or non-costs.
Governments are responsible for providing the
data in open formats such as RDF, and companies or
individual citizens will develop web and mobile
applications. However, it is not easy at all to share
data to the people because some concerns must be
considered (security, private information, trust).
We would like to thanks to Roberto Martín, Luis
López, Vicente Quilis and Javier Cabrera from the
Gerencia de Urbanismo, Ayuntamiento de La
Laguna, Canary Islands, Tenerife, Spain. Their
interest and support have made this project viable.
Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council, of 17 November 2003. On the re-use of
public sector information.
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O'Reilly, Tim. 2005. What Is Web 2.0.
Lathrop, D., Ruma, L.. 2010. Open Government.
Collaboration, transparency and participation in
practice. ISBN 978-0-596-80435-0. O'Reilly Media.
Open Government Working Group. 2007. Open
Government 8 principles
Berners-Lee, Tim. 2010. Putting Government Data Online
RDF. 2010. Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Model and Syntax Specification.
OWL. 2010. Web Ontology Language. http://
O'Reilly, Tim. 2010. Government as a Platform. http://
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies