Percy Igei, Carlos E. Cugnasca, Fabrício Junqueira, Paulo E. Miyagi
Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
José I. García
Mechanical Engineering School, University of Valle, Cali, Colombia
Keywords: Production system, Publish/Subscribe, Collaborative production system model, Coloured Petri Net.
Abstract: Production Systems are undergoing continuous changes in order to be more competitive in a globalized
market. In this scenario, there is a tendency to geographically distribute the production process to reduce
development and production costs. The interaction between these components is characterized by the
presence of a high number of concurrent and asynchronous processes. As a result, the development of
production systems is a complex and difficult task. To cope with this complexity, this paper proposes a
systematic approach for the modeling of collaborative production systems. This approach explores the
potential of formal modeling language such as Colored Petri net to represent and analyze the dynamic
behavior of the system. Additionally, the publish/subscribe paradigm is introduced to establish the
communication in the coordination process of the system.
Production systems (PS) perform a process using
materials, equipment, human resources and other
physical entities so as to produce goods or services
(Villani et al., 2007). Increased competition in
productive organizations triggered the development
of different approaches in order to conceive new
kinds of PS. In this sense, initially, a change from a
PS centralized structure to a distributed structure
was stimulated by economic factors, in which a
displacement of manufacturing plants was made to
countries with reduced operating costs (Shah, 2005).
However, nowadays, the paradigm changes are
more stimulated by strategic parameters, seeking a
quick production response, focused on the demand
for customized products (Grefen et al., 2009,
Shimizu et al., 2007). In this scenario, according to
Ko and Nof (2010), recent and emerging advances in
hardware (e.g., pervasive computing devices,
wireless sensor networks, nano-electronics) and
software (e.g., multi-agent systems, artificial
intelligence, workflow and information integration)
enables to a new class of PS, called Collaborative
Production System (CPS).
The CPS has a distributed structure with a high
degree of flexibility, in which customers, suppliers,
operators and production facilities are
geographically dispersed, interacting with the intent
to develop a customized product. The CPS integrates
new information technologies and controller devices
in order to reach a flexible structure (Godara, 2010).
The structural flexibility permits the expansion of
the CPS and allows rapid reconfiguration to produce
a wide range of products (Leitao and Colombo,
The distributed structure of the CPS makes
necessary the use of flexible communication
paradigms that address the dynamic and decoupled
nature of these applications. The publish/subscribe
paradigm is receiving increasing attention and is
claimed to provide the loosely coupled form of
interaction required in large distributed systems
(Schneider and Farabaugh, 2004, Eugster et al.,
The design and implementation of the CPS are
complex tasks. In this sense, several approaches
were proposed for modeling CPS. In Matsusaki and
Igei P., E. Cugnasca C., Junqueira F., E. Miyagi P. and I. García J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003353302570260
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Santos Filho (2006), a multifaceted decomposition
of a system was introduced in order to meet the CPS
requirements of CPS. Thus, the logic control of the
system is classified according to the semantics and
functionality. In Junqueira and Miyagi (2009), a
framework for distributed simulation was defined
which the Petri net is used as a tool to model large
and geographically dispersed PS. In Garcia et al.
(2009), a characterization of a framework was
presented for integration and coordination of
services provided by components of a
geographically dispersed PS. However, although
these studies address the issue of distributed and
dispersed PS from different points of view, they do
not approach adequately the complexity of the
communication process in terms of their dynamic
and quantity of components that are involved in the
coordination process.
Motivated by these facts, a systematic approach is
introduced here for the modeling of CPS. To
represent the behavior of the CPS, the use of two
abstraction models is proposed. Initially, Message
Sequence Chart (MSC) is used to represent the
interaction between the components in different
operation scenarios. Then, the functionality of each
component is modeled by CPN. Finally, the
components are integrated into a single model to
analyze the properties and behavior of the overall
system by means of CPNTools (Jensen et al., 2007).
The text is organized as follows: section 2 presents
the fundamental concepts that support the work.
Section 3 presents the architecture of the distributed
SP. The 4
section presents a systematic approach
for modeling and analysis based on CPN. Finally, in
section 5 are the main conclusions obtained in this
2.1 Publish/Subscribe Paradigm
In the last years, this paradigm of communication
has gained importance in the design and
development of different class systems like stock
exchange systems, air traffic control systems,
defense systems and CPS and pervasive computing
applications (Abawajy, 2009). This is due to the
capacity of the publish/subscribe paradigm to
completely decouple communication participants,
allowing the development of applications with a
high degree of flexibility (Ryll and Ratchev, 2008).
This is one of the motivations for the use of this
paradigm in this work.
In the publish/subscribe paradigm, communication
can be anonymous, asynchronous and multicasting.
The combination of these characteristics makes the
publish/subscribe paradigm well suited to a variety
of application areas, allowing the development of
systems with a high degree of flexibility. However,
this advantage is counterbalanced by increased
complexity in the sense of understanding the
functioning of the system as a whole. Furthermore,
although the components of a collaborative system
can work properly when examined individually, they
may have an inappropriate behavior when working
in a cooperative manner (Baresi et al., 2005).
2.2 Coloured Petri Net (CPN)
The Coloured Petri net (CPN) is a graphical
language that combines the capabilities of PN with
the capabilities of a high-level programming
language, in which the PN provides a graphical
environment and supports the formal description of
the system and the programming language facilitates
the definition of data types (Jensen and Kristensen,
2009). Thus, a compact and parametric model can be
created. This type of PN allows the construction of
hierarchical models that facilitate the description of
the system. The CPN models can be hierarchically
structured as a collection of small connected
components in which each component corresponds
to a model in CPN. This model structuring can be
performed by replacing substitution transitions
(specific terms of Petri net are in Arial Narrow). A
substitution transition is a special type of transition used
in the CPN to represent an instance of another
model. This feature of the CPN allows the reuse of
components already built, reducing the time and cost
of development (Jensen et al., 2007). A more
detailed description about the elements of CPN can
be found in (Jensen and Kristensen, 2009).
The proposed architecture of the CPS considers that
the dynamic evolution of the states is performed
concurrently. Thus, CPS performs tasks in a parallel
and independent way. Fig. 1 shows the architecture
of the CPS.
The communication between the components that
integrates the CPS is performed by exchanging
asynchronous messages according to the
publish/subscribe paradigm. The messages are
grouped into topics. The applications are not
directly coupled to each other and communication is
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 1: Proposed architecture of CPS.
carried out through the publication and subscription
of data topics. The term component represents an
independent unit that is functionally autonomous,
which encapsulates its internal state and behavior
(Szyperski, 2002). The proposed architecture is
characterized by the composition of reusable
components that are developed independently and
are integrated to achieve a final goal.
The CPS applications are composed of
components that can be reused to build other
applications. Thus, a reduction of cost and time is
achieved (Sommerville, 2007). Fig. 1 shows the
utilization of “Component 1” in the construction of
three others components. The models of the
components are developed using the CPN. The input
and output interfaces of the component are
represented by places and the data are modeled by
colored tokens. Once the models of the components
are constructed, they can be simulated and analyzed
in CPNTools to verify their static and dynamic
One of the main features of the CPN is the
possibility to assign attributes to the tokens, in order
to differentiate one token from another. This feature
is used to perform the communication component
model. Thus, a message can be modeled as a colored
token that identifies the data type (topic) and the data
value (content).
A modular approach based on CPN is adopted here,
and the complete system is divided into functional
independent modules, which interact by exchanging
messages via a communication network. This
modeling procedure allows identifying each
functional independent module, with different
degree of detailing (i.e. assembly system, robot,
actuator, sensor, etc.), which can be divided into
reusable components. The behavior of these
components and their interaction with the others is
represented by CPN models. Hence, it is possible to
represent the whole system in a computational
model that can be used to perform different kinds of
analysis (Jensen et al., 2007). The proposed
modeling procedure comprises six steps, briefly
described as follows:
Step 1: The scope and the main functionalities of the
CPS are identified and delimited. At this stage, the
stakeholders involved in the project discuss the CPS
objectives and requirements.
Step 2: The topics of data are defined in order to
establish the communication between the functional
independent modules. This stage uses the
publish/subscribe paradigm to perform the
communication process.
Step 3: The message sequence chart (MSC) is used
to model the interaction of the CPS. Thus, the
behavior of the system can be represented by the
interaction of the components in different scenarios.
Step 4: The basic components of the CPS are
identified. The components are constructed
considering the reuse of these models to develop
others CPS.
Step 5: This step consists of the integration of the
components in order to obtain the complete model of
each CPS.
Step 6: The CPS is integrated into a single model
that can be simulated. The simulation of the
computational model allows the designer to refine or
to create new strategies or specifications of the
system, detecting errors and mistakes before the
CPS implementation (Junqueira and Miyagi, 2009).
Although the use of distributed and intelligent
components facilitates the production process, it
introduces difficulties in the design of the control
system, making the understanding of the overall
CPS process a complex task. In this sense, this paper
presents a systematic procedure for specifying the
CPS. The approach proposes the use of the
publish/subscribe paradigm to establish the
communication between the components of the
distributed system. This approach aims to facilitate
the understanding of the communication process in
systems that are complex in terms of their dynamic
and number of components. In order to validate the
proposed procedure, it is been applied in the
modeling of a manufacturing system that emulates a
dispersed CPS. This system is installed at the
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic
Engineering at the University of São Paulo
(Junqueira and Miyagi, 2009).
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian
governmental agencies CAPES, CNPq and FAPESP
for their partial support to this work.
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