Beyond that, interesting art or augmented real-
ity projects are conceivable, like virtual art projec-
tions (Seales and Landon, 2005) or projections onto
buildings (UrbanScreen, 2009). The latter can be uti-
lized as a connection between past, present and fu-
ture. A building can also be “x-rayed” or it can be il-
luminated for entertainment purposes or aesthetic rea-
sons. Augmented projections can also be used in fu-
ture shopping scenarios in which the projection has to
be aligned with respect to the shelves.
Regarding the two methods presented last, eye
catchers are not a nemesis for calibrators anymore.
Such eye catchers can have interesting 3D shapes and
are imaginable at fairs, in entrance halls but also in
art exhibitions or for advertising reasons. More prac-
tical applications like immersive cylindrical displays
or CAVEs are also realizable. The latter can be cal-
ibrated with a divide and conquer strategy with the
described methods.
As one can see there are many exciting applica-
tions. It is also up to the reader to define new applica-
tion areas beyond the ones described here.
In this paper we have presented general aspects, fac-
tors of influence, algorithms, and problems that have
to be dealt with when setting up multi-projector in-
stallations. Often these problems are so multi fold
that expert knowledge is required. In most cases
this is lacking for non-experienced or untrained users.
Within this context we therefore focused on auto-
matic calibration. There is no general recipe for cre-
ating such an installation, requiring again a certain
amount of insight for these non-experienced or un-
trained users. This paper contributes an abstraction of
the main principles and delivers a guide for both expe-
rienced and inexperienced users willing to set up such
a system or improve their methods. It can be applied
in development of multi-projection systems for indus-
try, research, art and culture, or teaching and should
help making the best choice for a specific calibration
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GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications