V. Javier Traver
Dep. Computer Languages and Systems, Institute of New Imaging Technologies
Universitat Jaume I, Castell
on, Spain
Visual salience, Visual attention, Interest-point detection, Image segmentation.
In the field of computer vision, the term “salience” is being used with different or ambiguous meanings in a va-
riety of contexts. This abuse of terminology contributes to create some confusion or misunderstanding among
practitioners in computer vision, a situation which is particularly inconvenient to less experienced researchers
in the field. The contribution of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, by providing a categorization of
some different usages of the concept of salience, its possible meanings will be clarified. On the other hand, by
providing a common framework to understand and conceptualize those different meanings, the commonalities
emerge and these analogies might serve to relate the ideas and techniques across usages.
In everyday language, something is said to be salient
if it stands out, attracts attention, or is of notable
. But, what about the use of the term
“salience” in literature of computer vision or image
processing? Do all the usages in these fields refer to
the same meaning of salience? Actually, it can be
found that different authors use the term to denote
something similar, but not always the same, or they
may even be referring to quite different concepts, but
this distinction is, at best, implicit, and often rather
unclear. This situation is certainly not desirable, since
readership, particularly newcomers to the field, may
be confused by this lack of consistency.
This position paper is aimed at gaining some in-
sight and perspective, so that confusion is reduced
or removed among researchers, by those employing
the terminology for those reading and learning about
it. It is important to note that the paper is not in-
tended to be a review work about the salience prob-
lem. Firstly, some representative works that use the
term salience are mentioned and classified into a few
categories 2). Then, a tentative framework is pro-
posed as an aid in thinking about current and potential
research on salience-based problems 3). Some re-
marks are finally provided (§ 4).
Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary,
Among the works about salience, we identified four
broad meanings for it: perceptual, uniqueness, like-
lihood, and semantics-based salience, which are pre-
sented in the following paragraphs. This categoriza-
tion is not claimed to be unique or exhaustive, but
rather, illustrative of the significantly different uses of
the term and that should not be mistaken.
2.1 Perceptual Salience
The perceptual meaning of salience is probably the
most widely known and, therefore, what most re-
searchers understand by the term. Computation of
visual salience tend to get a lot of inspiration in bio-
logical visual system, and how animals rely on salient
cues to act in their environment.
The work by Itti and Koch (Itti et al., 1998) is a
good representative example of this category. Fig. 1
illustrates some results of their original model. Sig-
nificant research has been developed on visual at-
tention by Itti and collaborators (iLab, 2000). An-
other more recent example is the work by (Meur
et al., 2006), which models additional features of the
bottom-up visual attention of the human visual sys-
Visual salience is just one element of the very
broad discipline of visual attention. There are many
issues in the literature of visual attention, such as
Javier Traver V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003356803400345
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2011), pages 340-345
ISBN: 978-989-8425-47-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: The model by (Itti and Koch, 2000) allows to predict the visual prominence of the bar with (a) different color and
(b) different orientation Its performance in a natural scene is shown in (c), where a car within a forest is signaled as salient.
[Source: Reprinted from Vision Research, Vol. 40, numbers 10–12, L. Itti and C. Koch, A saliency-based search mechanism
for overt and covert shifts of visual attention, Pages 1489–1506 , Copyright (2000), with permission from Elsevier.] (Note:
this and Figures 3 and 4 in this paper should be viewed in color).
the bottom-up vs. top-down attention, or overt vs.
covert attention (Sun and Fisher, 2003). These as-
pects, while important, are not actually relevant to
the purpose of this paper and, therefore, are not con-
sidered here. However, some discussion related to
object-based and space-based visual attention is in-
cluded below (§ 2.4, § 3).
2.2 Uniqueness
Another use of salience is as a synonym of “informa-
tion of great importance or interest”, where the se-
mantics of importance or interest depends on the tar-
get application, but this is only rarely or vaguely ex-
plained. Usually, in these problems, the sought points
or regions should be highly discriminative and repeat-
able when viewing or photometric conditions change.
Detecting these image locations is therefore helpful
in image matching and object recognition. Under this
meaning, the salience of a point, a feature or a re-
gion may refer to the extent to which they facilitate
the matching or recognition tasks.
Works of key points or interest point detec-
tors (Schmid et al., 2000; Mikolajczyk and Schmid,
2004), as well as transformation-invariant fea-
tures (Lowe, 2004) would be included in this cate-
gory. While most of these examples do not explic-
itly use the term salience, others do (Kadir and Brady,
2001), which adds a lot of confusion for two reasons.
On the one hand, from the point of view of key points,
they are using different terminology to mean the same
thing. On the other hand, from the point of view
of salience (in the perceptual meaning), they use the
same terminology to mean different things. As a re-
sult, some readers may infer the perceptual meaning
when the authors meant the uniqueness meaning, and
other readers interested in the uniqueness meaning
may skip works whose title or abstract may wrongly
imply the perceptual meaning.
Examples of regions or points detected within im-
ages using these kind of approaches are shown in
Fig. 2. These detectors can be very powerful for
matching or recognizing objects or scenes even under
affine or perspective distortions. However, they may
(and usually do) detect many points within a same im-
age, without much or any concern on their local or
global distribution. As a result, they do not straight-
forwardly lend themselves to detect salience in the
perceptual sense.
Another set of approaches that would lie in this
category are those based on traditional basic features,
such as edges, but in these cases they are aimed
at finding the “salient” ones, mostly assuming that
“there are significant edges that characterize the ob-
jects in images” (Han and Guo, 2003).
2.3 Probability
A third usage of salience is simply a means to denote
how likely a given pixel or image region is of contain-
ing or representing some information which is rele-
vant to the task at hand. Works with this “probability”
meaning would include those of object categoriza-
tion (Moosmann et al., 2006) or those aimed at detect-
ing irregular, unlikely or suspicious contents (Boiman
and Irani, 2007).
With respect to the first example (Moosmann
et al., 2006), object categories can be inferred by ap-
propriate learning algorithms, some of whose results
are illustrated in Fig. 3.
On the other hand, the definition of salience by Itti
et al. (who use the perceptual meaning, § 2.1) is criti-
h Please, refer to Fig. 14(b) in http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:VISI.0000027790.02288.f2 i
(a) scale and affine interest point detector (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2004)
h Please, refer to Fig. 5 (bottom) in http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1012460413855 i
(b) multi-scale saliency (Kadir and Brady, 2001)
Figure 2: Some results of two different key-points detectors. [We regret that some original figures from other papers could
not be included in this paper since permission for reproducing them were not available at the time to submit the camera-
ready paper. As a replacement, we provide a clickable link for an easy access to an electronic version of the paper to see
corresponding figures].
h Please, refer to Fig. 3 in http://eprints.pascal-network.org/archive/00002435/01/MLJ06.pdf i
Figure 3: Salience maps understood as likelihood of object presence (Moosmann et al., 2006).
cized in (Boiman and Irani, 2007) since, according to
these authors, distinctiveness within a neighborhood
is not always the proper measure for salience, because
many local saliences within an image do not yield per-
ceptual conspicuity. Therefore, they propose to take a
more global perspective:
An image region will be detected as
salient if it cannot be explained by anything
similar in other portions of the image. Simi-
larly, given a single video sequence (with no
prior knowledge of what is a normal behav-
ior), we can detect salient behaviors as behav-
iors which cannot be supported by any other
dynamic phenomena occurring at the same
time in the video.” (Boiman and Irani, 2007)
However, their algorithm does not seem either to
be necessarily consistent with human perception, not
only because several (many) regions can be detected
as salient, but also because it is difficult to imagine
that humans can be effective in quickly spotting the ir-
regularities resulting by their algorithm. For instance,
by looking at the image of the cards on the cluttered
background on the left of Fig. 4a, no image region
stands out to immediately capture the visual attention
of a human observer. The card which is different to
the rest four cards and to the background may become
salient only after a while, in particular if the human
subject wants (or is asked) to find out what is differ-
ent. And the performance of the algorithm is really
good in this sense, as it is in contexts such as detecting
some defects in fruits (Fig. 4b), or identifying abnor-
mal behaviors in video sequences (Fig. 4c). There-
fore, the main attractiveness of this approach may lie
in its power and generality, not in being faithful to
the human visual system (HVS). And given that the
latter (faithfulness to the HVS) seems not to be the
authors’ goal, their criticism to the perceptual mean-
ing of salience as used in (Itti and Koch, 2000) seems
inappropriate, mostly because of the confusing effects
on the readership: in our view, they are wrongly merg-
ing two different meanings of salience (the probabil-
ity and the perceptual meanings) into one.
2.4 Semantics
Finally, a few other authors may refer to salient re-
gions to mean regions that may correspond to se-
mantically meaningful real-world objects, found af-
ter some segmentation or clustering process (Pauwels
and Frederix, 1999).
This last meaning may be somehow related to
object-based visual attention (Sun et al., 2008) which,
in contrast to spatial-based visual attention, hypothe-
sizes that it is the real-world objects, rather than arbi-
trary spatial locations, that draws our visual attention.
However, results, as shown in Fig. 5, do not directly
identify which of the detected regions are salient, or
how salient each of them is.
2.5 Relationship between Meanings
Some of the different meanings that salience has been
given in the computer vision literature have been illus-
trated above. Despite the differences in those mean-
ings, it can be seen that some of them may overlap
slightly and, more importantly, the different perspec-
tives may enrich one another, and some definitions of
salience may be inspiring for solving other problems,
perhaps by suggesting new fresh approaches to solve
old problems.
For instance, the uniqueness/distinctiveness ap-
proaches could be reworked to yield perceptually
VISAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
h Please, refer to Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(c) in http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11263-006-0009-9 i
(a) Detecting a “significant” region roughly corresponding to a different card
h Please, refer to Fig. 10(b) in http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11263-006-0009-9 i
(b) Finding defects in fruits
h Please, refer to Fig. 8(b) in http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11263-006-0009-9 i
(c) Inferring abnormal dynamics in video contents
Figure 4: Some results and applications of detecting salience as understood by (Boiman and Irani, 2007).
Figure 5: Salience by segmentation (Pauwels and Frederix, 1999) may yield real-world meaningful regions [Source: Reprinted
from Computer Vision and Image Unerstanding, Vol. 75, numbers 1–2, E. J. Pauwels and G. Frederix, Nonparametric
Clustering for Image Segmentation and Grouping, Pages 73–85 , Copyright (1999), with permission from Elsevier].
salient images. Or, the other way around, perceptual-
based salience models might be revised for them to
function as key point/region detectors and descriptors.
As another example, the semantics-based segmenta-
tion may inspire an algorithm that assigns saliency
to the detected regions on the basis of their features
(shape, size, compactness, etc.), possibly by includ-
ing these features in a general framework such as that
by (Itti et al., 1998). Yet another possibility is to com-
bine ideas to get the best of all of them. An exam-
ple of this idea would be the work by (Ko and Nam,
2006), who exploit the complementary role of salient
regions (Itti’s model) and interest points (corner-like)
for object-of-interest segmentation.
To help discover similarities and differences among
the several approaches or meanings of salience, as
well as to guide the finding of new research problems,
it would be nice to have a common conceptual frame-
work that can be as complete and precise as possible.
An attempt for such formalization, which relies on
the dimensions that arise regarding the what, where,
when, why and how questions, is presented here:
What is being detected as salient?
Where the detected entity “lives in” that makes it
When does the detected entity becomes salient?
Why has the entity be signaled as salient?
How has been possible to find the salient entities?
Using this framework, a categorization of existing
and potential problems, approaches, or applications
can be done. For instance, the traditional perceptual
meaning of salience would basically be given by an-
swering “pixels” to the what question and “single im-
age” to the where question. On the other hand, object-
based and space-based visual attention could be dif-
ferentiated in the what question, since object-based
visual attention tries to find proto-objects (Sun and
Fisher, 2003; Walther and Koch, 2006) rather than
isolated meaningless spatial regions.
The where question is related to the context, which
is a key concept when defining salience, since it can
be studied within an image, between images, etc. The
where question is also related to what the “neighbor-
hood” of the salient entity is like that makes it salient.
For instance, in the perceptual meaning of salience,
the context is the part of the rest of the image that
has features different to those of the salient image
region. But in other meanings of salience, such as
the probability-based, the context does not necessar-
ily play such a role: bikes can be found next to each
other even if they do not visually protrude from the
The when question is relevant when the temporal
variable is included in the problem domain. This is
the case, for instance, of video sequences. However, if
a sequence is considered a 3D volume, then the when
would become the where. Therefore, depending on
its particular statement, a given problem may require
different questions or different answers to these ques-
The why question has to do with the interpreta-
tion of the results. As far as we know, this issue
has not been addressed up to now or, at least, has
not received significant research attention. While hu-
man observers might be able to report why something
has been detected as salient, it would be desirable to
work towards the automation of the explanation pro-
cess. Studies on how the task being undertaken might
influence the attention (Navalpakkam and Itti, 2005)
are partially related to this issue. However, generally
speaking, the why question is an open research issue.
The how question provides the opportunity to dis-
tinguish salience-based solutions depending on the
models, approaches, methodologies or even tech-
nologies being used. For instance, a biologically-
motivated visual attention model might be used in one
case, and a mathematically-based sound technique in
Besides being useful as a taxonomy tool, this
framework can be helpful in finding new problems,
in stating existing problems in new ways, etc., even
for problems outside the visual domain. For exam-
ple, feature selection is a traditional problem in Pat-
tern Recognition, but it can also be seen as a salience
problem, since discriminative features form patterns
within a same class which are different from those be-
longing to other classes. Thus, answers to the where
question could be, in these cases, the feature space for
feature selection, or the set of classes in classification.
The main goal of this position paper was to make
readers aware that the term salience is used with
different meanings in the computer vision literature.
This lack of agreement in the terminology may affect
practitioners, specially new ones, who may find dif-
ficult or confusing some usages of the salience con-
cept or, even worse, be confused without being aware
they are. To explore the implications of this situation,
possible meanings of salience have been grouped into
four categories, and illustrated with a few representa-
tive examples drawn from the literature.
However, besides the differences across these sev-
eral usages, some commonalities may also be identi-
fied. Because both, differences and similarities, can
be useful to find new problems, or new approaches to
solve old problems, a simple formal framework has
been suggested as a tool to (i) help use a consistent
vocabulary; (ii) avoid ambiguities in meanings; and
(iii) get inspiration to reuse concepts and ideas, even
in the case of problems not related to visual attention
but that could be conceptualized similarly.
It is our hope that this paper has helped to clarify
ideas on salience, motivated authors to use the term
unambiguously, and suggested scientists new research
avenues by exploring and exploiting similarities and
differences across the several usages of salience.
The authors acknowledge the funding from the Span-
ish research programme Consolider Ingenio-2010
CSD2007-00018, and from Fundaci
o Caixa-Castell
Bancaixa under project P1·1A2010-11.
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