Introducing Service Networks Performance Analytics
Noel Carroll, Ita Richardson
Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Eoin Whelan
Department of Management and Marketing, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Keywords: Service science, Service network, Actor network theory, Performance analytics.
Abstract: Although services are delivered across dispersed complex service eco-systems, monitoring performance
becomes a difficult task. This paper explores a number of areas to support the development of service
performance analytics within the discipline of service science. The paper provides a comprehensive account
for the need to introduce modelling techniques to address the significant research void and explains how
actor network theory (ANT) can be introduced as one of the core theories to examine service operations and
performance. ANT sets out to develop an understanding on both how and why networks exist and to
understand processes co-creation between human and non-human actors. By examining performance, this
paper draws our attention towards the need to formulate methods to examine service network key
performance indicators and the need to model service interaction, structure, and behaviour which impact on
performance and consequently on service evolution.
Nowadays, organisations are becoming increasingly
interested in understanding the operations of service
networks as a means to adapt to the ever-changing
business environment. However, as services are
delivered across dispersed complex service eco-
systems, monitoring performance becomes a
difficult task. Management must attempt to develop
a greater understanding of service processes to
identify where improvements may be made by
employing business process management (BPM).
We are often led to believe that we live in a ‘global
service network’, surrounded by networks of power,
influence, and relationships (for example, Law,
1999). Therefore, we can view a network as a
specific set of linkages among a defined set of
actors, whose properties can characterise the
linkages which influence service behaviour. The
critical problem here is the lack of research to bridge
service computing and service management
developments, for example, modelling service
operations and analytics to enhance service
requirements. The interaction patterns exhibited
within service environments (physical and virtual)
are of critical importance to performance analytics.
We adopt actor network theory (ANT) as one of core
theories upon which we can examine service
relations and their effects on service performance
between service actors (for example, people,
organisations, and IS). ANT was originally created
to understand processes of technological innovation
and scientific knowledge-creation between human
and non-human actors (Latour, 2005; Callon, 1986).
ANT is not typically concerned with why a
particular network exists but rather the infrastructure
which supports the network and understanding its
evolution, i.e. how the network exists. We discuss
how ANT offers us a scientific lens to view service
performance and supports our quest to develop
service performance analytics.
The service environment is comprised of complex
Carroll N., Richardson I. and Whelan E..
SERVICE SCIENCE - Introducing Service Networks Performance Analytics.
DOI: 10.5220/0003357002530259
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 253-259
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
business interactions often influenced by the
affordance of technology. The growth in ‘service
science’ as a discipline has underscored the need to
investigate the contributory value of business
processes and its influence on service performance.
Within organisational and technological
management theory, understanding and measuring
value (i.e. application of competences) of service
networks is considered one of the key problems
which prevent the sustainability of service growth.
Service science explores the value co-creation of
interactions between service systems (Vargo et al.,
2008). Modern service systems have become very
complex. Technological advances continue to act as
a driving force for ‘making new patterns and a new
elevated level of value creation possible (Normann,
2001; p. 8), which places greater emphasis on the
need to understand how process patterns influence
service performance.
Service science is an attempt to “study the
application of the resources of one or more systems
for the benefit of another system in economic
exchange” (Spohrer et al., 2007, p. 2). One of the
fundamental objectives of service science is to
understand the mechanics of service networks and
define how and why they generate value. As service
science undergoes numerous theoretical
developments it may be premature to expect that we
can define service science. However, Spohrer et al.,
(2007) identifies four key observations about these
1. Heavily resource dependent.
2. Tend to integrate or coordinate resources.
3. Measuring performance is very important.
4. Disciplines incorporate the word “service”, e.g.
service engineering.
Broadly speaking, services science may be described
as a discipline which sets out to develop methods to
extend the availability and accessibility of business
processes. It is also concerned with improving
manager’s ability to predict risk, estimate their
effects, and reduce uncertainty through modelling
the value-exchange which results from provider and
client interaction during intellectual, behavioural,
economic, and/or social activities.
3.1 Complexity of Service Networks
Technology is often referred to as the backbone to
many of the service providers. In addition, the
Internet has fuelled the expansion of a plethora of
services and service networks, for example, service
clouds. As the number of services and variety of
services continue to increase, so too will their
complex environments. However, the problem here
is understanding the dynamics and complexity of
service science: “powerful dynamics are in play
around the world when it comes to applying
resources effectively to solve problems and create
value” (Spohrer et al., 2007; p. 10). Therefore,
understanding the complexity of network structures,
process patterns, and methods to improve network
performance is critical to the success of service eco-
systems, for both the service provider and client.
Spohrer et al., (2007) identify five main criteria
within a service (summarised in table 1 below):
Table 1: Main Criteria within a Service.
Criteria Explanation
Resource Value of resources and how service interaction
behaviour influences value.
Entity The service system (or an actor; person,
organisation, information and technology or the
configuration of all four). It must dynamically adapt
the value proposition and evolve over time.
Service One or more entities must perform the application of
competencies and one or more entities must receive
the benefit and co-create value.
Interaction Interactions generate an outcome. Value is
determined whether it has been added or destroyed
through unique frames of reference. Four main
outcomes from interaction:
Win-win value co-creation
Lose-lose value co-destruction
One entity judges that value is created
One entity judges that value is destroyed
Assessment of value depends on the frame of
reference of the service system which may judge on
historical performance as well as expectations
(goals), quality, satisfaction of customer experience,
improved value, and agility.
What constitutes success? Calls for a rigorous
theory of
ervice systems to explore how entities
interact, how they persist, what value they co-create.
As identified above, service science plays a
central role in supporting our quest to learn how
service network and service exchange influence
service performance. We suggest that the application
of actor network theory (ANT) as a suitable theory
to understand the dynamics of service networks and
consequently, service network performance
Modern organisational structures promote flat hie-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
rarchies and more flexible structures, which are
fundamental characteristics of the modern
organisational architecture. To explore such network
architectures, there is a growing body of evidence
which suggests that actor network theory (ANT)
may assist us to gain a greater understanding of
networks within the IS discipline. ANT can provide
a deeper understanding about how and why
processes of ‘technological innovation and scientific
knowledge-creation’ and is not concerned with the
network per se, but rather the infrastructure which
supports the network’s evolution (Monteiro, 2000).
It examines the performance of network relations
and explores the influence of objects towards those
relations (Law, 1999; p. 7). ANT research examines
socio-technical influences and relational effects of
actor (i.e. human and non-human) interaction within
networks which support, for example, people,
organisations, and technology. ANT is based upon
three main principles. These are; agnosticism,
generalised symmetry, and free association (Callon,
1. Agnosticism: analytically impartiality is
demanded towards all the actors involved in the
2. Generalised symmetry: explains the conflicting
viewpoints of different actors in same terms by use
of an abstract and neutral vocabulary.
3. Free association: requires the elimination and
abandonment of all priori distinctions between the
technological, natural, and social factors.
ANT directs out attention towards networks, links,
interactions, assemblages, and associations and
presents questions such as, are the associations weak
or strong?; Is the network stable or unstable?; What
elements, if changed, would create new entities, and
both how and why are these created and supported?
4.1 Applying ANT to Service Networks
Service actors (organisations, people, IS) may be
viewed as representations of a networked effort to
deliver a service, while unfolding the meaning (or
value) of influential service actors. ANT may be
adopted as a research method for a soft case study
approach to examine the trajectories of service
networks and service actor interaction. The effects
of such interactions are of significant interest when
we examine service network interaction performance
or outcomes. Law (1999) refers to these interactions
as relational materiality and performativity which
examines the “consequence of the relations in which
they are located” (p. 4). Thus, ANT provides and
alternative view from management literature of
service management with a view to understand how
service systems and business strategies align. ANT
also presents a lens or a framework which provides a
detailed description of the underlying mechanics and
its infrastructure which support dynamic networks
and the unbiased viewpoint of the network actors
(Monteiro, 2000).
4.2 ANT and Service Analytics
ANT is essentially concerned with a bottom-up
concept of alignment and strategy formation, while
alignment is traditionally more concerned with a
top-down view on planning and decision-making
processes. Therefore ANT provides a theoretical
platform upon which we can begin to analyse the
implications of service relational structures on
performance analytics. This allows managers to
establish clearer facts, effects, beliefs or
technological solutions within service networks and
learn how IT enables and inhibits service
performance. Networks are considered to be
“processual, built activities, performed by the
actants out of which they are composed” (Crawford,
2005; p. 1). To summarise, the following list
summarises some of the key concepts within ANT
(Monteiro, 2000):
Actor/Actant: any element (human or non-human
– ‘black box’) that performs actions and influences
other elements it interacts with and whose patterns
are known as inscriptions.
Inscription: the behavioural pattern between the
actant and another element in the network, i.e.
interests are inscribed in written material (e.g.
service level agreements or SLA).
Translation: the process of aligning actors across
a specific network through the adaptation of the
inscriptions when a new actor is created.
Enrolment: process of becoming a member of a
stable network.
Alignment: result of the enrolment process when a
network becomes stable and unified through the
process of translation. Alignment must also ensure
the all inscriptions are agreed upon during the
process of enrolment.
Irreversibility: measures how difficult it is to undo
a decision and how to determine the subsequent
Black Boxing: an approach to analyse an ANT
network through the simplification of a network by
removing identities from actors. Black boxes may
always be reopened as networks demand continual
maintenance to order.
SERVICE SCIENCE - Introducing Service Networks Performance Analytics
As the list above suggests, actors are therefore
responsible for an action which supports the
evolution of a network.
Therefore ANT provides a
theoretical platform upon which we can begin to
analyse the implications of service relational
structures on performance analytics.
Reporting on the value of service network
relationships, especially from a business perspective
can prove to be extremely beneficial (Carroll et al.,
2010). In this sense, value may be referred to as “the
adaptability and survivability of the beneficiary
system” (Vargo et al., 2008; p.148). Service value
also refers to the relational exchanges and examines
how network interaction generates a value to satisfy
a service client’s need (i.e. value exchange). Thus,
the value of a service network is “a spontaneously
sensing and responding spatial and temporal
structure of largely loosely coupled value proposing
social and economic actors interacting through
institutions and technology, to: (1) co-produce
service offerings, (2) exchange service offerings, and
(3) co-create value” (Lusch et al., 2010). Within
service systems there is a large element of barter
(method of exchange) involved in the transactions
and it is often difficult to examine the
‘complementary resources’ which are exchanged
within a service system, for example, information
5.1 Our Approach towards
Service Analytics
We propose that one solution towards modelling
service performance analytics is to examine the
relational structures to support service networks.
Despite the volume of research which concentrates
on complex business applications and modelling
processes there are no research efforts to explore the
implications of relational structures on service
network performance. Thus the relational structure
of service networks shared amongst organisations to
support business operations may prove to be the key
to modelling service networks and their
performance. We identify the need to visualise and
understand the relational contributions of service
structures to further enhance decision making tasks
while restructuring service network business
processes (Carroll et al., 2010). We posit that the
implications of relational structures and service
behaviour allow us to develop service network
performance analytics.
A service network is a complex system which relies
on the harmonisation of numerous actors. Service
performance is often influence by external entities
causing structural variability across a service eco-
system which impacts of the networks
characteristics and ultimately, its performance.
Therefore, it is critical that we gain a thorough
understanding of what influence service
performance for two main reasons; firstly to enhance
service management decision-making tasks (service
management), and secondly, to feed this information
into service requirements engineering (service
computing). This is appropriate as the relationship
between service computing and service management
relies on the exchange of service resources to
support several key factors of service orientation:
organisation, people, and software. This view unites
two main disciplines of service computing and
service management. Figure 1 below illustrates six
main types of service relationships (Zhao et al.,
2008) where service computing is largely concerned
with software components, while service
management is mainly concerned with the people
although both service computing and management
are required to successfully deliver a service.
Figure 1 also illustrates the unification of these
broad concepts which makes communication
between engineers and managers more effective.
Figure 1: Service Orientation (Zhao et al., 2008).
Across business and IS research, there is a
significant gap in our ability to bridge and advance
our understanding of technology and management in
this so called ‘service-dominant’ business
environment (Normann, 2001).
Figure 2 above illustrates the five tiers which
form the service network anatomy; the human and
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
software infrastructure and the software and human
services governed by SLA and Quality of Service
(QoS); the atomic services monitored controlled by
process metrics; the service processes managed by
participant metrics; and the business transactions
managed by network key performance indicators
Figure 2: Service Network Anatomy (S-Cube, 2009).
Before we attempt to measure service network
though performance analytics, we are reminded of
Hubbard’s (2007) advice to first question how and
what gets measured as it has some conceivable
effect on decisions and behaviour (p. 43):
1. What decision is this supporting?
2. What really is the thing being measured?
3. Why does this thing matter to the decision being
4. What do you know about it now?
5. What is the value to measuring it further?
Managers must rethink (design, innovate, deliver,
and support) new strategies and possible structures
to transcend their competencies across service
networks. This includes technology, network
topology, human behaviour, business strategy,
service design, and economics. More specifically,
managers must pay close attention to how service
management is conceptualised (capabilities,
structures, and processes) and how behaviour is
orchestrated to interact and innovate service
Applying this business logic the service actors
and service competencies draws our attention
towards the relationship or tie which determines the
exchange patterns within a service network.
Therefore, service (actor) interaction patterns should
be possible to model and provide insight on how
specific actor relations enable or inhibit service
business processes. We can also categorise the type
of relationship within performance analytics and
KPIs. It can also provide greater insight within the
service exchange process and the ‘value’ of the
exchange, for example, information and financial
data. For example, there are three main types of
performance measures (table 2):
Table 2: Main Types of Performance Measures.
Key Result
Indicators (KRIs)
Determine how service has
performed in the past, for
example, sales last month.
indicators (PIs)
Inform what you ought to do.
Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs)
Prescribes what you ought to do
to increase performance.
As summarised above, performance measures
(KRIs, PIs, and KPIs) analyse how key activities
influence service performance e. Service delivery
systems also distinguish five main factors which are
invariably influenced by the physical setting of
technical tools to deliver a service: cost
rationalisation, quality enhancement, beneficial
customer linkages, behavioural implications, and
technology adaption.
The first question is where do you want to be
which suggests that organisation must be committed
to service transformation and cooperated to meet the
business objectives, mission, and vision. The
second question, “where are we now?” may be a
difficult question to answer but managers must
identify where changes are needed, for example,
people, process, practice, technology/technical
infrastructure, and data (i.e. metrics) to steer the
service towards the service vision. The third
question asks, “how do we get to where we want to
be?” which requires a more detailed plan including
a top-down (process-orientated technical
infrastructure) and bottom-up (influence the
development of processes) of a service system The
fourth and final question is “how do we know when
we have arrived?” This is a critical question as it
determines the success criteria (which are a major
factor within service science). One of the greatest
concerns within today’s service network landscape
is the inability of business models to cater for the
pace and dynamics of business. Failing to examine
the service network value increases the chances of
ignoring the spatial and temporal structure of largely
loosely coupled value proposing actors which
dynamically interact through ‘institutions and
technology’ offers little insights on service
performance (Lusch et al., 2010).
SERVICE SCIENCE - Introducing Service Networks Performance Analytics
6.1 Key Performance Indicators
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable
measures of organisations’ progress to meet specific
goals. KPIs also assist managers in decision making
to determine the right course of action. The level of
dimensional support across the process structures is
expressed in several forms including, structural,
functional, compositional, and behavioural. Often
these dimensions are taken for granted and
overlooked although this information provides both
tangible and intangible metrics on service network
performance. There are several reasons why service
metrics often fail, for example, service networks
may use incorrect metrics which do not measure the
business value of the network. Incorrect metrics may
also mean that the performance findings are not
actionable as probing for a complete analysis of the
network is more difficult to collect data. In other
cases, managers may set poor performance targets
and fail to implement incentives or penalties to
enhance the service performance. Another reason
may include the over emphasis on service cost over
business benefits.
Many services are exceedingly complex
phenomena which can be conceptualised in several
different ways. Taking a qualitative perspective and
trying to really understand primarily what relational
structures mean in service network, how they
evolve, and then try and address and look at how
they change with the impact of IT and service
performance. The relationships which exist between
these services can determine the service innovation
and operations efficiencies across networks. This
will also allow us to identify the critical success
factors (CSFs) which enable (KPI) or inhibit
business processes. Freeing up resources to develop
value-added information is critical to managerial
activities (e.g. rapid decision making and execution).
To address these issues we must uniquely define the
business KPIs. KPIs allow us to measure the
success of goal achievement and to generate insight
to discover how service performance and value may
be enhanced. Characteristically, service network
KPIs should be simple for decision making, relevant
to unique (service-dominant) business models,
present timely results, useful, and instant for
actionable insights. Here, one is reminded of
services seeking the right balance or requisite variety
between use, usage, and usability of their resources
and processes through service-oriented approaches.
We also encapsulate this when we refer to the notion
of ‘performance analytics’ within a service
environment (figure 3) as follows:
Figure 3: Service Network Performance Analytics.
Within a service environment, it is paramount to
begin the process of establishing performance
measures using the service mission, vision, and
values. Considering services are typically unique in
many ways, each service must determine their
mission, vision, and values. In addition, managers
must develop a vision (often an intangible or
philosophical view) on what they must achieve in
order to successfully meet their goals. Services must
also devise strategies to achieve their visions.
Within the service environment, managers need to
identify areas to introduce service innovation,
service initiatives, and identify issues which may
present opportunities or threaten service
sustainability. This may be achieved through a
SWOT-like analysis (strength, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats) of the service
environment while adopting the balanced scorecard
critical success factors; financial results, customer
satisfaction, learning and growth, internal processes,
staff satisfaction, and community and environment.
These may be adapted to suit a service environment
and identify KPIs to examine service competencies,
relations, and resource exchange. Freeing up
resources to develop value-added information is
critical to managerial activities (e.g. rapid decision
making and execution).
This paper presents a platform which introduces the
need to explore service network performance
analytics though the application of ANT. The focus
on service network relational structures
acknowledges the fundamental role on the
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
generation of value through the sustainability of
service network relationships and performance. As
part of other research work, we have incorporated
the use of social network analysis (SNA) to model
service performance and borrow SNA metrics
(Carroll et al., 2010) to examine service performance
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Communities Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant
agreement 215483 (S-Cube). For further information
please visit: This
work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation
Ireland grant 03/CE2/I303_1 to Lero - the Irish
Software Engineering Research Centre
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SERVICE SCIENCE - Introducing Service Networks Performance Analytics