End-to-end Delay: We measure the end-to-end
delay regarding a transmission of data messages.
The end-to-end delay implies the time taken between
messages is submitted by the source and when it is
successfully received at the destination, and it
accounts for the sum of all components of the delay,
including queuing and the propagation delay of each
3.3 Data Processing Approaches
The overall objective of the Data Processing part is
to provide flexibility for users to configure
collection of data values in a way that brings traffic
into acceptable levels to offer timely delivery
guarantees for alarms and commands with end-to-
end acknowledgement.
Different strategies have been studied concerning
ways to extract useful data from the network, and
provide a compact delivery of that information to the
user. We consider three common types of in-
network processing (aggregation, merging and
compression), besides the basic alternative of sense-
and-send. Each of these alternatives fits into
different application needs – for instance, a sense-
and-react system may require frequent detailed
sensor data, while another application may tolerate a
larger delay or accept statistically-summarized data
every 2 seconds. Next we present some of the data
processing strategies included in our system:
Synchronous Delivery of Sensed Data (SD-
SD): this is the basic approach, where sensors
periodically gather and send sensor data values to
sink without further processing. Users can only
adjust the sampling rate.
The next in-network processing alternatives trade
information loss with delay: instead of reducing the
sampling rate, they merge, aggregate or summarize
several values into statistical measures.
Aggregated Delivery of Sensed Data (AD-SD):
this approach aggregates continuous data readings
within the sensor node (or at intermediate nodes),
and sends the aggregated data to the sink. The user
can configure the maximum delivery delay, which
internally is translated into an adjustment in the size
of the underlying window used to store the sensor
values before computing the statistical information.
Merged Delivery of Sensed Data (MD-SD):
this approach exploits the fact that in the basic
approach most data packets could be stuffed with
much more data. Ensuring that data packets
accommodate multiple samples before being sending
the packet reduces the overall number of in-network
exchanged packets. For a maximum packet size we
concatenate several consecutive sensor values
together, while there is space available in the packet
and a time limit is not met, thus sending a single
packet instead of one packet per reading. Internally,
we store sensor values into an array and only send
them when the data packet is full. The configuration
parameter for this is the window size.
Compressed Delivery of Sensed Data (CD-
SD): this approach compresses the sensed data into
an array to decrease the transmission rate. We
selected run-length encoding (RLE) because
introduces only a very low compression overhead to
the nodes. RLE is used to compress sequences of
values containing repetitions of the same value. The
idea is to replace repeating values with just an
instance of the value and a counter that counts the
number of repetitions. Compressed data only needs
to be sent to the sink when the array fills up or a
maximum delay time is reached. Since very small
signal variations may be insignificant for most
applications, we also added quantization to RLE in
our system, which increases compression rates in
some sensitive sensors. Users may define a
quantization interval so that similar values, within
the boundaries of the quantization level, are
considered equal (lossy compression). For instance,
for a quantization level of 0.5, the measure values
23.1 and 23.2 are considered equal because they are
within the same quantization level.
The workstation has to decompress the data
messages to reconstruct the sensor values from the
compressed stream. CD significantly reduces
network traffic in scenarios with low variation of
sensor readings. The configuration parameters are:
the window size, the maximum delay and the
quantization levels.
The objective of this section is threefold: to
characterize and compare alternative data processing
approaches and configurations under different traffic
conditions, to show that network status information
given by the Network Status manager (NSManager)
tests is useful to assess the processing status; and to
show that excessive traffic intensity is promptly
characterized by the tests.
The setup consists of a multi-hop network, as
illustrated in figure 2, where the leaf nodes are set to
collect sensor data with different sampling rates, and
then to send these data values to a sink node,
following a multi-hop path.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems