structure of Switch1 and Switch2 is symmetrical, sit-
uations of (FCFS, SP, FCFS) and (SP, FCFS, SP) are
similar to that of (SP, FCFS, FCFS) and (FCFS, SP,
SP). Thus they are ignored in Figure 7.
The difference between actual measured values
and theoretical ones is mainly due to the fact that the-
oretical values are results of the worst case delay anal-
ysis which is obviously pessimistic. In network cal-
culus, the worst case scenario is considered on each
node visited by each VL and the maximal possible
latency of competition is taken into account. This ap-
proach always gives guaranteed upper bounds on the
end-to-end delay that usually can never happen and
leads to impossible scenarios. For example, virtual
link data are not always to be sent with the maximal
frame length. Although theoretical values are cer-
tainly larger than actual measured values, they could
well reflect the overall trend of the delay variation.
When takinginto account FCFS optimization, the-
oretical delay bounds with optimization are better
than that without optimization and closer to actual
values (shown in Figure 7). In (SP, SP, FCFS) and
(SP, FCFS, FCFS) configurations, the delay of VL1
has not been significantly improved, because VL1
shares an output port of S3 with VL4 and VL7, but
doesn’t share the physical link from S1 to S3. Ow-
ing to the fact that FCFS isn’t applied in (SP, SP, SP)-
configuration, no optimization is obtained in this case.
5 10 15 20 25
Number of influence virtual links
delay ( s)
Actual maximum value
Theoretical maximum value without optimization
Theoretical maximum value with optimization
Figure 8: VL3’s end-to-end delay with influence links.
In order to better show the effect of FCFS opti-
mization, more influence virtual links are introduced
in the physical link that VL3 passes through from S1
to S3, sharing an output port of S3 with VL3. The
variations of VL3’s end-to-end delay with the increas-
ing number of influence links are displayed in the Fig-
ure 8 in (FCFS, FCFS, FCFS)-configuration.
From Figure 8, we notice that simulation values
change a little(274µs ∼ 454µs) and theoretical values
without optimization vary greatly(407µs ∼ 793µs).
This is mainly due to the fact that virtual links share
the same physical link and data are transmitted in se-
rial. With optimization, theoretical delay varies in
359µs ∼ 553µs, which has been significantly reduced.
This paper presents a network calculus-based ap-
proach for the end-to-end delay analysis in multi-hop
AFDX networks. Using the service curve model to
describe the transmitting service, we obtain an ana-
lytical upper bound on the end-to-end delay of VL.
In order to derive the overall service curve offered by
the whole network, we model various AFDX network
nodes and study diverse scheduling disciplines. This
approach can analyze most VLs in an AFDX network
that consists of different nodes with common schedul-
ing disciplines. Additionally, a simulation platform is
conducted to verify the validity of our approach.
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems