The paper presented a flexible solution for the
creation and management of context aware
pervasive and IoT-enabling applications. The
solution is based on a modular and extensible
platform, providing an effective support for context-
aware application deployment, from hardware to
network and middleware layers. The CA component
is given by a flexible framework that allows
integrating different reasoning methods (from the
semantic approach to event-processing techniques),
according to application needs.
A case study analysis highlighted the advantages
offered by the solution, which allows reducing the
context-aware application engineering effort and
complexity through the various provided methods
and instruments, which can be flexibly combined
according to application needs.
As a future work, we plan to further investigate
methods and tools for complex event processing
(e.g. for data streams, temporal reasoning, and
uncertain data management) and statistical analysis,
evaluating possible tools integration, e.g. complex
event processing engines (Esper, 2010)
(StreamInsight, 2009), and/or new techniques
development in our system.
The authors gratefully acknowledge partial funding
of this work by Regione Piemonte within the frame
of the research project “Piattaforma Tecnologica
Innovativa per l’Internet of Things”.
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