Navigation System for Smooth Rendezvous using Compass Interface
Ryutaro Motora
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Fumito Higuchi, Michiaki Yasumura
Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Location-based service, Navigation, Mobile, Rendezvous, Compass.
In the days before cellphones, we have to wait at a fixed point for the partner till he or she comes. But now it
does not matter where we spend a time till he or she comes, thanks for cellphones. Moreover we can leave a
friend who is late, because cellphones helps their catching us up. Therefore it saves our frustration for waiting
the partner and decreases a messy search for landmarks. But a new problem comes up. It is bothersome that
looking for the partner, who is in unknown position, using only by cellphone. In this research, we propose and
prototype a dynamic navigation system which leads directly from a movable user’s point to another movable
user’s point using HelloArrow, the intuitive compass interface for comfortable smooth meeting.
Cellphones have been indispensable for our ren-
dezvous today. Thanks for them, we do not have to
wait a partner at a fixed point. We can spend a time
wherever we want till he or she comes or depart little
earlier without waiting. Therefore it saves our frus-
tration for waiting and decreases a messy search for
landmarks (Hirano, 2004). However, it is tough to
find a partner by cellphone call. In this paper we
explain HelloArrow, a navigation system for smooth
In this chapter, we explain the dynamic navigation
system and the compass interface that are the char-
acteristic of this system, with comparing our system
with existing system.
2.1 The Dynamic Navigation
Most of existing systems lead users toward a fixed
point(Soga and Kakumoto, 2008). We call them the
indirectly navigation system. On the other hand, our
system leads users toward each users. We call this the
dynamic navigation system. It is possible to move
without depending on landmarks with this system.
Moreover, it is not necessary to make a database of
2.2 The Compass Interface
Most of existing system uses a map (Machi Pittan).
However it is difficult to read a map while looking
for a rendezvous partner and landmarks, and telling a
partner his or her own point. Especially in an unfamil-
iar place, it is tough to figure out the current position,
direction and distance. Therefore we propose the in-
terface consists of the compass which always points a
rendezvous partner.
We explain the prototyping of HelloArrow in the
3.1 Device
We use Nexus One which is a smartphone powered
by Google Android. We developed the system on the
Android SDK2.1 with JAVA1.6 and PHP5.2.
Motora R., Higuchi F. and Yasumura M. (2011).
HELLOARROW - A Navigation System for Smooth Rendezvous using Compass Interface.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, pages 273-276
DOI: 10.5220/0003366202730276
3.2 System Architecture
Each users have a smartphone for this system. Each
device gets the location and orientation. Then they
exchange data through the data server. After getting
the both own data and partner’s data, the system com-
putes the distance and angle for the target. Finally, it
shows the compass interface on the display.
3.3 User Interface
Figure 1 shows the interface of this system. There is
the compass on the center of the display and there is
the numerical value of distance above the compass. In
addition while the device is turning in a correct direc-
tion, the device vibrates.
Figure 1: User Interface
In this chapter, we explain about the two experiments
that we have done. We focused on the compass in-
terface in the Experiment 1. Then we focused on the
dynamic navigation in the Experiment 2.
4.1 Experiment 1: About Compass
Experiment Objective and Experimental Outline:
The goal of the Experiment 1 is figuring out the
effectiveness of the compass interface. In the first
part of the experiment, experimenter led examinee by
cellphone call, as the current rendezvous style. Then
in the latter part of the experiment experimenter led
him or her with our system HelloArrow, the style
we propose. After that we compared both result. In
addition we have done preliminary experiments and
questionary investigation to figure out locality and
a sense of direction of examinees. Details of each
experiment are described as follows.
Experimental Period: 12/5/2009 (Tue.) - 12/22/2009
(Fri.) (All days fine)
Experimental Area: The Shonaidai station,
Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
Examinee: 20-years-old from 23 twenty-four univer-
sity students (male:12 female:12)
(1) Experiment 1
: The goal of the Experiment 1
is figuring out the effectiveness of the compass
interface. In the first part of Experiment 1, the
experimenter led examinee by cellphone call, as the
current rendezvous style. While navigating examine
we show examinee only landmarks. If we were asked
the way, we tell him or her only landmarks to the
target. For the sake of expedience, after telling how
the experimenter walked behind the examinee to do
various measurements and the action observations. In
the latter part of Experiment 1 the experimenter led
examinee with HelloArrow, as the style we propose.
(2) Preliminary Experiments for Locality
: Every
examinee draws a map, range of 300m around the
Shonandai station, by surprise before starting the
main experiment to figure out his or her locality. We
count the number of road, landmark and mistake
on the map examinee had drawn in a 4 minute. We
considered that the examinee had sense of locality
with a good grade.
(3) Sub Experiments for Sense of Direction
: We did
sub experiments between the first part of experiment
and the latter part of experiment to figure out him or
her sense of direction. First we showed examinee
a white map of Shonandai(1/1500) and tell him or
her to point the current position on the map. Then
we showed him or her the display of HelloArrow
of which compass interface points the point and
tells him or her to point the point on the map. We
measured time and correction. We considered that the
examinee had sense of direction with a good grade.
(4) Questionary Investigation
: We did questionary
investigation after the experiments to figure out how
they felt about both navigation. The question was
prepared for each item and answers were collected
by five stage evaluation of ”Do not think very so” (1)
to ”Think very so” (5).
4.2 Result of the Experiment 1
In the navigation experiment of experiment 1, all of
the 24 examinee succeeded in the navigation by the
cellphone and the navigation by HelloArrow.In the
item of ”Were you able to walk a natural speed?”,
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
examinees who had answered as ”Thought very so”
and ”Think so” was 7% more abundant in the navi-
gation by HelloArrow. Then examinees who had an-
swered as ”Did not think very so” and ”Do not think
so” was 6% more abundant in the navigation by cell-
phone call.
Moreover, in the item of ”Did it become uneasy
in the direction on the way?”, examinees who had an-
swered as ”Did not think so” and ”Do not think very
so” exceeded 58% and the majorities by in the navi-
gation by HelloArrow. On the other hand, it was 46%
in the navigation by the cellphone call.
Figure 2: Were you able to walk a natural speed? (Top) Did
it become uneasy in the direction on the way? (Bottom).
4.3 Discussions of the Experiment 1
All 24 people succeed in walking, and we found that
the compass interface has potential. Though the navi-
gation by the cellphone call tends to be a little superior
in the walking rate and the item of ”Were you able to
walk a natural speed?” and ”Did it become uneasy
the direction?”, there are no significant differences.
The result of t-test (significance level 5%) were 0.17,
0.4 and 0.3. Therefore we compared the result of the
navigation by cellphone with the result of the navi-
gation by HelloArrow, in all result we had got, with
grouping sex, locality and sense of direction.
4.3.1 Comparison on Gender
At first, we calculated average value by Gender.
It has been understood that male’s walking rates
were faster in the navigation both by cellphone call
and HelloArrow. Female felt more uneasiness in
the navigation by the cellphone call compared with
male. In addition, among female examinees, the
average of the answer to ve stage of ”Did it become
uneasy the direction?” was 3.71 by cellphone and
2.86 by HelloArrow, ”Were you able to walk a
natural speed?” was 3.7 by cellphone and 3.86 by
HelloArrow. Navigation by HelloArrow was more
popular among the woman.
4.3.2 Comparison on Locality
Then we focused on a locality. We classified exami-
nees into higher group and lower group by using the
score of the preliminary experiment. Then we com-
pared the navigation by cellphone call and by Hel-
loArrow. However there are no significant differences
in t-test (significance level 5%). Therefore it has been
understood that locality does not influence walking.
According to the record of conversation in the
navigation by cellphone call, averages of the fre-
quency with the question are 2.8 times of the man,
and 4.3 times of female from the examinee side. And
averages of the number of landmarks, that appeared in
the conversation besides the experimenter prepared,
were 1.2 (males) and 2.1 (females). In the experi-
ment, the experimenter was perfect for the experimen-
tal area and lead examinees accurately. If both users
in a rendezvous do not have a locality, they can not
lead them each other and it may be smooth that using
4.3.3 Comparison on Sense of Direction
Lastly, we focused on a sense of direction. We clas-
sified examinees into higher group and lower group
by using the score of the sub experiment. Then com-
pare the them as preceding clause. As a result, it has
been understood that the higher group leaves a good
record and a popular value either in the navigation by
cellphone and HelloArrow.
4.4 The Experiment 2: About the
Dynamic Navigation System
Experiment Objective and Experimental Outline:
The goal of the Experiment 2 is figuring out the
effectiveness of the dynamic navigation system. We
have done experiments in 14 differently-structured
towns. In each town, two examinee had a rendezvous
using HelloArrow. While examinee tried to find a
rendezvous partner, we record their walking speed,
route, behavior, frequency and length in which screen
is seen. In addition we have done interview and
questionary investigation after each experiment.
Experimental Period: 6/28/2010(Fri.) 9.00 - 20:00
(It rained from afternoon to the evening)
Experimental Area: We took place experiments in
14 differently-structured towns in Tokyo. All experi-
mental areas are 500m range.
Examinee: It has been understood that a locality does
not influence the navigation by HelloArrow and ex-
HELLOARROW - A Navigation System for Smooth Rendezvous using Compass Interface
aminees who are in higher group of a sense of di-
rection or male examinees tend to leave higher score
both in the navigation by cellphone and HelloArrow.
Therefore we picked up two female examinees in the
lower group of a sense of direction.
4.5 Result of the Experiment 2
In the navigation experiment of Experiment 2, exam-
inee succeeded their rendezvous in all of the 14 areas.
4.6 Discussion on Second Experiment
4.6.1 About the Upskilling
We classified the results into the first half places and
the latter half places in order of the experiment. Then
we compare them with t-test (significance level 5%).
It has been understood that the ratio in which screen
was seen at walking time decrease 35.5% to16% (0.03
of significant difference) and time to put screen on
seeing once decrease 2.94 seconds to 1.75 seconds
(0.008 of significant difference) And, we got com-
ments: ”To take shortest route it is better to keep
walking straight till the angle of the compass indi-
cates 90., ”The best way is to see compass first then
see the value number to the target.We could see ex-
aminees gripped the knack of the system, and the ap-
pearance in which it was skilled.
4.6.2 About the Length in which Screen is Seen
Then we focused on the length in which screen is
seen. We classified the results of the second experi-
ment into the times felt uneasy and the times felt easy
by using the questionary investigation.
The average of the halt frequency has increased
from 0.4 times to 1.6 times. And the average of the
frequency of turning back increased from 0.1 times
to 1.1 times. Then the average of the frequency in
which the screen is seen has increased from 17.7 to
24.6 times. However, it has been understood that the
time spent to see the screen once is both 2.7 seconds
and it doesn’t change. Ratio in which screen was seen
while walking is 34% examinee A and 18% examinee
B. However time to put screen once on seeing was
2.5 seconds examinee A and 2.3 seconds examinee B.
This shows that the examinees is instantaneously ob-
taining information from the HelloArrow in any case.
Using HelloArrow, we do not have to consider the
route as a map.
In this research, we propose and prototype a dynamic
Navigation System called HelloArrow for smooth
rendezvous using compass Interface. It is bothersome
to have a rendezvous with partner only by cellphone
call. Therefore, we propose HelloArrow which has
two characteristic way. The first is the dynamic nav-
igation system that leads users toward a rendezvous
partner directly. The second is the compass inter-
face that consists of the compass which always point
a rendezvous partner. As the result of two experiment,
we conclude that HelloArrow is effective for our ren-
By the Experiment 1, we found two facts about
HelloArrow. The first one is that HelloArrow is supe-
rior in terms of a sense of ease than current style es-
pecially for female or examinees who does not have
sense of direction very much. the one second is that
HelloArrow does not need locality. By the Experi-
ment 2, we found three facts about HelloArrow. The
first one is that is possible to lead users in differently-
structured towns. The second one is that examinee
gain skills to find a rendezvouspartner. The last one is
that examinees understand information on the screen
instantaneously that they can walk smoothly.
We are now developing system for rendezvous
with three or more people with improving algorithm
and user interface. And we also contended with the
way not to make unease users where GPS is insensi-
tive. Now, we would like to release HelloArrow as
an Android application to get many feedbacks to im-
prove the system.
Hirano T., Ohmori N. and Harada N., 2004. Effects of Mo-
bile Phone Use on Meeting Appointment and Waiting
Behavior, JCSE vol.29
Soga M. and Kakumoto K., 2008. Proposal of Collaborative
Human Navigation for Support of Meeting, UBI
Machi Pittan. http://www.analog12.co.jp/news/
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems