Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Athanassios Liakopoulos
Greek Research & Technology Network, Av. Mesogion 56, 11527, Athens, Greece
Panagiotis Gouvas
Ubitech, Av. Mesogion 429, 15343, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Context model, Ad-hoc network, Autonomic management, Policies, Distributed repository.
Abstract: Management of next generation networks is challenging due to increased complexity imposed by their
dynamic and heterogeneous characteristics. The deployment of mesh wireless networking topologies, the
support of diverse networking functionalities and the existence of large number of heterogeneous devices
make traditional approaches inappropriate. In such environments, the description of the basic networking
entities and the interactions that are present, as well as the relationships among them, is crucial. Proper
representation may facilitate the operation and management of the network, as well as the optimal
adaptation to the current environmental conditions, and thus, optimise the performance of the network
mechanisms. In this paper, a context model is proposed for ad-hoc networks aiming to present in detail the
correlation among the network entities and interactions in dynamic environments. Specific functionalities
that may be designed taking in account the description of the context model are described and indicative
implementation scenarios are implemented and evaluated.
Next generation networks are becoming more
complex and dynamic through the interconnection of
large number of heterogeneous devices, the
deployment of mesh networking topologies and the
support of diverse networking functionalities.
Ad-hoc communication among independent nodes in
a network, frequent topology changes due to
inherent dynamic network characteristics, exchange
of roles among the nodes in a network and merging
or splitting of groups of nodes are expected to be
dominant characteristics of future networking
The Future Internet is envinsioned to become a
service-aware networking environment where each
node will be able to undertake the role of the service
or content provider. Services may be composed or
decomposed according to the availability of
resources and applied policies while, in addition,
provision of services have to be conducted in a
unified way.
By taking into account this evolution, there is a
necessity to design new paradigms to accomplish
efficient management of next generation networks.
The incorporation and combination of concepts like
self-adaptation, self-configuration, self-awareness
and self-healing to the current networking conditions
as well as the support of decentralized management
schemes is required. In this manner, high level goals
in the network may be achieved in an autonomous
manner without the need for predefined centralized
A promising method for the distributed and self-
management of next generation networks, as well as
the provision of advanced services in dynamic
environments, is the establishment of logical
overlays on top of existing physical networks. In an
overlay network, knowledge may be shared among
the network nodes and the network may be
re-organized according to the nodes’ content or the
supported functionalities. The underlying network
topology changes may be hidden and reliability in
the provision of services may be assured.
Zafeiropoulos A., Liakopoulos A. and Gouvas P. (2011).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, pages 74-82
DOI: 10.5220/0003368900740082
In addition to the establishment of overlay
networks, knowledge representation and proper
interpretation of the acquired context is crucial for
the support of complex management tasks. Through
appropriate context representation, each node in the
network may be able to efficiently sense its
environment through the establishment of interaction
with neighbouring nodes and extract knowledge
based on it (self-awareness). Moreover, concepts
like the quality of collected context (QoC)
(Buchholz, 2003) (Krause, 2005), the supported
functionalities and roles of each node, the scope of
the collected information (a.k.a. whether the
information is useful for neighbouring nodes or for
all the nodes in the network) and the node and
network temporal characteristics (e.g. mobility ratio,
location etc.) may be efficiently expressed and
combined for information fusion purposes. Ad-hoc
nodes may dynamically evaluate the acquired
context according to predefined rules and exchange
knowledge based on it, while knowledge of the
existing policies and conditions in the network may
facilitate the distributed decision making process.
Through proper allocation of roles within the
network, distributed reasoning may also be achieved
in local, cluster and network level.
In this paper, focus is given on the description of
a context model that describes the basic entities and
interactions that are present in dynamic networking
environments. The designed context model
expresses and correlates the networking entities in
an ad-hoc network, their environmental
characteristics and the imposed policies on the
network, aiming at facilitating the operation and
management of the network, as well as optimising
the performance of the network mechanisms. The
presented approach extends our previous work on
designing an architecture for autonomic services
provision in dynamic networks through the
establishment and maintenance of an overlay
network (Gouvas, 2010). An overlay network may
be used as distributed repository of context aware
information that can be shared among the participant
ad-hoc network nodes.
The paper is organized as follows; Section two
briefly presents the current work in the field of
context awareness support in dynamic
heterogeneous networks. Section three describes the
requirements that have to be fulfilled for the proper
design of a context model for ad-hoc networks,
details the proposed context model, as well as the
basic functionalities that may be supported. Section
four describes the emulation results based on the
optimisation of specific network mechanisms and,
finally, Section five concludes the paper with a short
summary of our work and a discussion of open
issues and future work.
Several approaches have been proposed for
autonomic management of ad-hoc networks. These
include techniques for distribution of functionalities
and roles in a dynamic environment, design of
context models for description of interactions within
an ad-hoc network as well as methodologies for
distributed processing and reasoning of context data.
The design and implementation of a system that
exploits context-awareness and couples it with
policy-based management in order to enable the self-
management of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs)
is presented in (Malatras, 2007). It is proposed that
management of MANETs has to be done in a
hierarchical but also distributed manner through a
dynamically constructed set of manager nodes.
Similarly, the vision of realizing the idea of a “self-
organized data ecosystem” by defining proper
models and tools to represent, analyze, self-organize,
and self-aggregate contextual information, so as to
form structured and meaningful collections of
related knowledge items is described in (Bicocchi,
2010). It is stated that the evolution must be from
models of context awareness in which the focus is to
provide services with simple interfaces to access
heterogeneous context providers, towards models of
situation awareness in which a middle layer is in
charge of organizing sparse pieces of information in
order to provide services with a pre-digested and
more comprehensive higher level knowledge.
A layered reference model that encapsulates
suitable abstractions to tackle the complexity of
context management in mobile ad-hoc networks is
proposed in (Dudkowski, 2008). The proposed
model comprises of three major layers, each of
which addresses a specific part of the overall
complexity of context management: core storage,
update processing, and context services.
Respectively, in (Christopoulou, 2010), focus is
given on the exploitation of context in ubiquitous
computing environments through its modelling using
ontologies and on the reasoning process based on
intelligent context and rules defined by the user.
Important effort is also dedicated on the
description of techniques for distributed data and
knowledge acquisition. Context data distribution is
defined as the capability to gather and timely deliver
relevant context data about the environment to all
interested entities in an ad-hoc network (van
Sinderen, 2006). A simple way to specify context
data distribution requirements is proposed in
(Corradi, 2010), along with an approach for quality-
aware context data distribution in mobile and
wireless wide-area environments. In (Macedo, 2009)
a distributed entity and an information schema is
described to store and disseminate information
concerning the network, its services and the
environment, orchestrating the collaboration among
cross-layer protocols, autonomic management
solutions and context-aware services. Moreover, in
(Rizou, 2010) the problem of designing a distributed
system for the detection of situations in highly
dynamic environments is addressed. An architecture
is introduced that enables the efficient distributed
processing of context data in large-scale overlay
2.1 Motivation & Contribution
Based on the already proposed approaches, it may be
argued that through the support of context awareness
in dynamic networking environments, self-
adaptability can be achieved in the supported
mechanisms and network nodes may fulfil network-
level goals that derive from high-level policies.
However, the description of a representative context
model for interactions in ad-hoc networks that
combines and presents the concepts of dynamicity,
distribution of roles and resources, knowledge
extraction through interaction of the ad-hoc network
nodes and adaptation to the existing mechanisms in
the network according to the imposed goals and
policies, need to be further investigated.
Furthermore, techniques that enable the distributed
storage and dissemination of knowledge in the
network are not analyzed in detail in the literature.
The motivation for the design of the context
model that is proposed in this paper is the
description of a reference model for the
implementation of context management in MANETs
that combines the above mentioned concepts. The
proposed context model is generic enough in order
to support diverse networking environments,
functionalities and deployment scenarios. The
description of the context model is based on an
already proposed architecture for providing
autonomous and decentralized services in dynamic
environments through the establishment and
maintenance of overlay networks, as it is described
in (Gouvas, 2010). Overlay networks may be used as
distributed repositories where context aware
information may be shared among the participant ad-
hoc network nodes and service development may be
realized independently from the underlying physical
network. Finally, mechanisms that may be applied in
large scale networks (e.g. clustering mechanisms in
wireless sensor networks (Zafeiropoulos, 2010)) are
also considered.
3.1 Requirements
An efficient context model for ad-hoc networks
should fulfil the following requirements (Malatras,
2007): a) be extensible in order to describe a rich set
of interactions, concepts and functionalities, b) be
interoperable with existing models, c) support
accurate descriptions and d) require limited memory
and processing power in order to be suitable for
resource constrained devices.
Proper representation and description of the
context information is important. Context
information is considered as incorrect if it fails to
reflect the true state of the world it models. It is also
regarded as inconsistent, if contains contradictory
information. Also, it is considered as incomplete if
some aspects of context are unknown (Henricksen,
2002). Thus, in order to accurately describe the
acquired context information, it is desirable to
achieve high Quality of Context (QoC) (Buchholz,
2003) (Krause, 2005). Various parameters may be
used to characterize the quality of (context)
information from different perspectives, such as
freshness (i.e. time passed since the creation of the
content), precision in the estimation, scope (e.g.
local, cluster or network level), trust-worthiness,
privacy, retrieval time from the content requestor,
replication degree, volatility, etc.
The context model should fulfil several
requirements imposed from the dynamicity of ad-
hoc networks. Different roles have to be supported
for the network nodes (e.g. router, gateway, cluster
head) since delegation of roles is a dynamic and
evolving process and depends on the nodes
capabilities and the overall network policies.
Moreover, concepts like mobility (e.g. frequency of
link breaks with neighbours), available energy and
network topology formation (e.g. size and degree of
the network) have to be expressed. The definition of
a hierarchical structure that the ad-hoc network
nodes may follow as well as the possible ways of
interaction among the network nodes during the
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
information flow procedure have also to be
described. The scope for each type of data (e.g.
local, cluster, global level) has to be defined and be
interconnected with the type of the repository that
will be used (e.g. distributed repository, centralized
Finally, the context model has to support
description of policies and available services in the
network. The definition of a policy has to be in a
suitable format, able to be correlated with the
represented context data. Policies definition has to
be conducted according to the high level goals that
are imposed by the network administrator and the
events that are extracted from the context model and
the services description.
3.2 Context Model Description
The proposed context model (Figure 1 – Figure 4)
aims at describing the existing entities and
interactions in an ad-hoc network as well as basic
functionalities that these entities may support. The
basic entities of the context model are the Node that
is able to proceed to Decisions, to undertake Actions
and to conduct proper Reasoning over the acquired
context. The Node supports specific Functionalities
(e.g routing, security, QoS protocols and
mechanisms, etc) and, through a decision making
process, is able to affect their Configuration
Parameters. This is necessary in order to support
self-optimisation and self-adaptation to the existing
conditions in the network. Furthermore, according to
the supported Functionalities, each Node may be
associated with specific Roles (e.g. cluster head in
case of application of clustering mechanisms)
(Figure 1).
The Node contains Monitoring/Sensory
Interfaces through which it senses specific Context
Parameters. Each Monitoring/Sensory Interface is
able to measure or sense networking parameters (e.g.
size and density of the network), mobility
parameters (e.g. percentage of dynamicity in the
network), connectivity parameters (e.g. list of
neighbours), environmental metrics (e.g. sensor
measurements) and the node status (e.g. available
energy). Each Context Parameter has specific
Parameter Attributes that express attributes related
with the QoC for this parameter. These attributes
include freshness, scope (local or global), volatility,
privacy, replication degree, confidence interval,
sampling frequency and user-related community,
etc. According to the scope of the acquired data, it
may be stored either at the Distributed Repository or
-centrally or locally- in specific Nodes (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Supported functionalities and roles by each
network node.
Figure 2: Node attributes and user profiles.
The Node has Node Attributes and Network
Attributes that may be constant or temporal. Node
Attributes include the available battery, storage and
memory, the CPU, the maximum forwarding
capacity and a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that
may be variable according to each application needs
(e.g. mainly computed based on available energy on
power-constrained nodes). Network Attributes
include connectivity attributes such as the current
location and the list of neighbours, mobility
attributes such as the number of link breaks with
neighbours in a specific time period, and
environmental metrics. The Node has also a global
identifier (e.g. IPv6 address), specific
communication capabilities and supports specific
User Profiles (Figure 2).
An important part of the model is the policy-
based decision making process description. The
description is based on the aim of fulfilment of the
specified Goals in the network that may be related
with the technical or business perspective. These
Goals are described through Policies based on the
selected policy description language (e.g. Common
Information Model Simplified Policy Language
CIM-SPL (DMTF CIM-SPL, 2010)). Each Policy
has a specific applicability scope since it may regard
a local or network wide decision and is comprised of
Rules. The Rules are based on combination of
Conditions and Events that are even described
including specific Context Parameters or combine
also Knowledge that is extracted based on the
Node’s Reasoning process. The advantage of this
definition is that Knowledge that is produced during
the network operation and evolution may be
exploited and specific Events and Context-aware
Parameters may be also used in the Rules definition
process. The Rules have applicability and storage
scope and may be stored either in the Distributed
Repository or -centrally or locally- in specific
Nodes. Depending on the network environment and
the supported services characteristics, Rules may be
preferable to be commonly accessible for all
network nodes including those that join currently the
network. In this case, their storage in a Distributed
Repository is recommended. Rules that reason on
decisions and actions based on global knowledge
may be similar with Rules that are based on local
knowledge. According to their applicability state,
they will be applied in the appropriate region (Figure
Figure 3: Network goals, policies and rules.
The imposed Policies are also associated with
the supported Services in the network that have
specific QoS characteristics and priorities. Each
Service may initiate several Flows in the network
that are established within end-to-end paths. The
Flows are characterized based on the source node,
the destination node, their priority and QoS
characteristics, the signalling information and maybe
from a flow record (e.g. as defined in IPFIX). The
context model is designed in order to be compatible
with existing models for description of policies,
services, monitoring and QoS characteristics (DMTF
CIM, 2010) (TMF, 2005) (Schmohl, 2008) (Ferreiro,
Another important aspect in the design of the
context model is the specification of the way that
information may be disseminated in the ad-hoc
network. This information regards the available data
in the network as well as the defined policies and
rules. As stated earlier, information may be stored
either in specific Nodes (locally or centrally) or in
the Distributed Repository. Information exchange
may be accomplished via interrupt based or polling
based techniques. In order to succeed distributed
storage and dissemination of information, the
approach proposed in (Gouvas, 2010) may be
followed or alternative methods and techniques may
be designed and developed.
Figure 4: Dissemination of information within the
3.3 Supported Functionalities
Several functionalities may be designed according to
the specified context model for improving the
operation and management of the ad-hoc network.
Indicatively, roles may be assigned in the network
nodes according to their capabilities based on the
definition of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
function. Similarly, according to the dynamicity that
is present in the network several actions may be
taken, such as a) increase in the data replication
degree in the overlay network in order to ensure that
valuable data will not be lost and b) re-initiation of
mechanisms for autonomic estimation of network
based parameters for acquiring an up-to-date view.
The percentage of dynamicity in the network may be
given by the ratio
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
mobility_ratio=link_breaks/neighbours (Buchholz,
2003) for a specific time period. Adaptations may
also be supported in the routing protocols applied in
the ad-hoc network. According to the levels of
dynamicity in the network, the use of proactive or
reactive routing protocols may be preferable (e.g. in
case of a highly dynamic environment, reactive
routing protocols have to be selected).
Furthermore, modifications and self-optimisation
actions may be supported in mechanisms that are
mostly applied in large scale networks (e.g. large
wireless sensor networks). An important
functionality in such networks is usually the
aggregation of data by special nodes and the
adaptation in the frequency of collecting data
according to the network conditions. Responsible
nodes for aggregation are defined taking in account
also the context scope. Threshold criteria may be
defined for specific actions according to the
collected data (e.g. when the available energy in the
cluster is low, reduce the frequency of data
sampling). Similarly, in case of application of
clustering mechanisms, if the cluster head (CH)
senses reduction in its available energy, it may quit
from this role and return to normal operation.
The context model may be used in various
network monitoring and management scenarios,
since interoperability with existing context models
related with traffic monitoring and QoS provision is
supported. Through interaction with the imposed
policies and the supported rules in the network, self-
optimisation and self-configuration decisions may be
taken. An indicative scenario for autonomic traffic
monitoring and management, based on the designed
context model is described in section 4.
The context model also supports information
regarding user profiling and preferences. This
information is usually proactive (known
beforehand). According to this information, the user
may be correlated with existing content in the
network (e.g. content characterized for this
community). Finally, security and privacy issues
declared by the user may impose specific
adaptations in the functionality of the supported
Two indicative scenarios are examined in this
section, in which the identified interactions are
described according to the proposed context model.
Based on tests results, we claim that significant
improvements may be achieved by dynamically
adapting a routing protocol or an application-level
mechanism in an ad-hoc network. Focus, though, is
given on the applicability of the context model in
diverse networking environments rather than on
optimising the selected protocol or mechanism.
The experiments are conducted in an emulation
environment where a wide set of topologies are
formed by initiating multiple mobile nodes. The
prototype implementation is developed in Java and
supports the bootstrapping of a (multi-hop) ad-hoc
network and the communication among the
participating nodes. A topology editor is also
implemented in order to examine the various
mechanisms in specific topologies.
Table 1: Description of scenario 1 according to the context
<goal name="reduce_Signaling_Overhead">
<ruleset name="reduce_Flooding">
<rule name="adapt_HTL">
<condition-set operator="and">
<operant name="Network_size"
scope=”global” value="N"/>
<operant name="Network_density"
scope=”global” value="d"/>
<action name="RoutingRegulation">
<config layer="Routing"
param_value="f(N,d)" />
<config layer="Routing"
param_value="f(N,d)" />
In the first scenario, a network with diverse size
and density bootstraps. It is assumed that the
network nodes are able to estimate the size and the
density of the network through the application of
gossiping techniques for estimation of network
based parameters (Gouvas-MONET, 2010). A
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) flow may be established
between any two nodes in the network and the
routing performance is estimated for the following
cases: i) the Hops-To-Live (HTL) parameter is
dynamically adapted according to the current size
and density of the network, and ii) the Hops-To-Live
(HTL) parameter is set to infinite.
In Table 1, the description of the Goals, the
Rules and the Actions for the realization of the
scenario is shown based on our proposed context
model. The Goal for the network is to reduce the
unnecessary flooding of messages. A Rule is defined
for specific Actions according to the values of the
size (N) and density (d) global parameters. The HTL
value for routing request (Route_Req_HTL) and
routing error messages (Route_Error_HTL) is
defined according to a function f(N,d). Thus, during
the network bootstrap or after a network topology
change, the Rule is executed and the HTL parameter
value is adapted accordingly. The total number of
messages exchanged in mesh and Barabasi-Albert
topologies is shown in Figure 5, where the size and
density of the network vary from 10 to 40 nodes and
from 2 to 4, accordingly.
Figure 5: Total number of messages exchanged in mesh
and Albert-Barabasi topologies.
In the second scenario, an Albert-Barabasi
network topology is established for various network
size and density. At specific time periods, traffic
flows are initiated among network nodes and a
specified sink node. There are two types of flows;
CBR flows with rate of 10Mbps, and monitoring
flows with rate of 1Mbps. For each CBR traffic
flow, a monitoring flow is initiated between the
same source and the destination node for
management purposes. The monitoring flow is able
to collect measurements and statistics for specific
traffic performance metrics, e.g. delay, jitter,
congestion, etc. According to the collected
measurements, distributed monitoring and
management may be performed in the ad-hoc
network, as it is described in (Liakopoulos, 2010).
The Goal in the network is to achieve high
monitoring accuracy without posing negative impact
in the generated traffic. According to the existing
policy, the monitoring accuracy is desired to be as
high as possible provided that there is no congestion.
In case of congestion, the monitoring accuracy
should be reduced to a minimum level in order to
free scarce resources. Therefore, in cases that the
generated traffic is increased significantly and
congestion may appear in the network, traffic
generated by monitoring flows is eliminated
(throttling). The following Rule is imposed for this
purpose: when a node serves traffic more than
30 Mbps, it drops the signalling (monitoring)
packets. If the served traffic goes again under
30 Mbps in the future, signalling packets are
forwarded. In Table 2, the description of the Goals,
the Rules and the Actions for the realization of the
scenario is shown based on the designed context
Table 2: Description of scenario 2 according to the context
<goal name="reduce_Signaling">
<rule name="regulate_Pkts">
<condition-set operator="and">
<operant name="link_Utilisation"
scope=”local” value="N"/>
<action name="regulate_Pkts">
<config layer="Application"
param_value="f(N)" />
Figure 6: Monitoring flow packets served.
The total number of messages for the monitoring
flows and the CBR traffic flows in case where the
traffic monitoring Rule is applied or not is depicted
in Figure 6 and Figure 7, accordingly. It is shown
that, in case of application of the defined Rule, the
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
number of served monitoring packets in the network
is reduced in case of high utilisation in comparison
with the case where no rule is imposed. Similarly,
the total number of messages served in the case
where the Rule is not applied is larger. However, in
case of congestion, the QoS provision could be
deteriorated in this case compared with the case
where the Rule is applied.
Figure 7: CBR flow packets served.
In this paper, a context model for ad-hoc networks is
proposed. The model takes in account the need for
proper representation of the network entities and
their interactions that are present in various dynamic
environments. It also aims to improve the context
awareness level in the network and, thus, facilitate
the realisation of autonomic management
mechanisms. In addition, the dynamic adaptation of
protocols to the current network conditions may also
enable the realisation of self-optimised functions
among independent nodes.
In our future work, we plan to design more
complex scenarios based on the proposed context
model and present the optimisation that may be
succeeded by allowing dynamic adaptation of
network protocols and mechanisms. Furthermore, an
important research issue is related with the design
and development of methods for providing
distributed reasoning functionalities in a dynamic
environment. Novel techniques for rules and policies
storage and distribution in the network, as well as
intelligent ways for autonomic and distributed
decision making mechanisms have to be further
This publication is based on work partially
performed in the framework of the European
Commission ICT/FP7 project EFIPSANS
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