number of served monitoring packets in the network
is reduced in case of high utilisation in comparison
with the case where no rule is imposed. Similarly,
the total number of messages served in the case
where the Rule is not applied is larger. However, in
case of congestion, the QoS provision could be
deteriorated in this case compared with the case
where the Rule is applied.
Figure 7: CBR flow packets served.
In this paper, a context model for ad-hoc networks is
proposed. The model takes in account the need for
proper representation of the network entities and
their interactions that are present in various dynamic
environments. It also aims to improve the context
awareness level in the network and, thus, facilitate
the realisation of autonomic management
mechanisms. In addition, the dynamic adaptation of
protocols to the current network conditions may also
enable the realisation of self-optimised functions
among independent nodes.
In our future work, we plan to design more
complex scenarios based on the proposed context
model and present the optimisation that may be
succeeded by allowing dynamic adaptation of
network protocols and mechanisms. Furthermore, an
important research issue is related with the design
and development of methods for providing
distributed reasoning functionalities in a dynamic
environment. Novel techniques for rules and policies
storage and distribution in the network, as well as
intelligent ways for autonomic and distributed
decision making mechanisms have to be further
This publication is based on work partially
performed in the framework of the European
Commission ICT/FP7 project EFIPSANS
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