In this work we concentrate in developing a non-
invasive device suitable to carotid APW
measurements and to further processing, from which
a great deal of clinically relevant information can be
derived. The resulting instrument assumes the shape
of a real time system, autonomous, with minimal
human intervention, capable to respond to the time
variations of the physiological signals.
Real time embedded systems using digital signal
processors (DSP) in biomedical applications
assumed, over the last years, an increasing
importance due to the enhanced functionalities that
they are capable of imparting. The development of
this technology has enabled significant
improvements in speed of analysis, accuracy, noise
immunity, programmability, size reduction and, in
addition, a decrease in cost.
Numerous cardiovascular applications have been
reported in the literature: Klig et al. (1978) uses
these systems for monitoring blood pressure and
ECG signals. Bing-Nan et al. (2004) proposes an
embedded medical advisory system for mobile
cardiovascular monitoring devices that provides
microcirculation information. Germano et al. (2009)
introduces a generic architecture for developing
biomedical embedded systems with special
application for clinical analysis and for patient
The Explorer 16 development board with its
attached microcontroller is used with some
additional hardware in order to configure a fully
operational system.
The real time operating system is discussed
along the paper, as well as the details of data
acquisition, data pre-processing and data
transmission to the host computer. In Section 2 a
general embedded system design is briefly
introduced while the software parts are described in
Section 3. In Section 4, experimental results are
shown demonstrating a very good overall
performance in an almost autonomous (minimum
human intervention) mode of operation.
The microcontroller (µC) was selected from the
Microchip PIC family due to its features and
embedded resources. These µCs are widely available
on the market at relatively affordable prices.
Moreover, a wide range of programming tools are
also available (Bansal et al, 2009, Smolnikar and
Mohorcic 2008).
The dsPICs are a hybrid solution that combines
the processing power of a DSP with the functionality
of a microcontroller, which includes fast interrupt
vectors, control of peripherals, general purpose I/O
and can run compact code.
The dsPIC33 family, in particular, employs a
powerful 16-bit architecture that integrates the
control features of a microcontroller with the
computational capabilities of a DSP. The
dsPIC33FJ256GP710 was chosen due to its
characteristics: 40 MIPS processor speed, 256 kbyte
program memory and 30 kbyte of RAM.
The Explorer 16 development board (figure 1 a)
is a low cost, efficient development board to
evaluate the features and performance of
Microchip's Microcontrollers, in particular the
PIC24FJ128GA010 and the dsPIC33FJ256GP710.
Top and bottom views of a piezoelectric (PZ)
probe responsible for capturing the APW at the
carotid artery site, are shown in figure 1 b) and c).
The architecture of the system is
diagrammatically represented in figure 2.
Figure 1: a) Explore 16 development board (a) and PZ
probe, top and bottom views, respectively b) and c).
The signal acquisition/processing block is
responsible for amplifying the sensor signal and
identifying the positive peak (one of the prominent
points of the APW).
The signal conditioning block has the function of
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems