Ismail Mansour, G´erard Chalhoub and Michel Misson
Clermont Universit´e/LIMOS CNRS, Complexe scientifique des C´ezeaux, 63177 Aubi`ere cedex, France
Wireless sensor network, Security, Permutation ciphering, Frequency hopping, Energy efficiency.
The security aspect of wireless sensor networks has taken the attention of numerous researchers in the past
several years. It has recently been proven that public keys are now feasible in wireless sensor networks but
still consume a lot of processing time and memory. In this paper we propose the use of public keys based on
ECC to exchange symmetric keys that will be used to encrypt critical information. In addition, we propose a
time segmentation approach that enables the use of frequency hopping time slotted communications. Nodes
secretly exchange frequency hopping sequences that enable them to fight against jamming and eavesdropping.
We use permutation ciphering technique to protect the information exchanged between nodes.
Wireless sensor networks are more and more de-
ployed for various applications including home moni-
toring, health, industrial, military, etc. It is known that
wireless networks are easy to attack because of the na-
ture of the shared medium which makes it relatively
easy for intruders to eavesdrop, tamper or inject data
into the network. Sensor nodes are known to have
limited computation, storage, power and transmission
capacities, but attackers are not necessarily using the
same technology to launch their attacks.
The security level required might vary from one
application to another according to the importance of
the information that is being exchanged. In this paper,
we present a security mechanism using Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) to establish a secured communi-
cation based on frequency hopping in an energy effi-
cient context. The main contribution of this paper is
the proposition of a secured protocolfor critical appli-
cations supporting a dynamic topology and hundreds
of nodes, and where security is a requirement and en-
ergy efficiency is a necessity. We present a crypto-
graphic system based on ECC that enables us to ex-
change secret frequency hopping sequences and en-
crypt exchanged data using a permutation ciphering
In this section, we go through the related work in the
field of security in wireless sensor networks including
key management and frequency hopping.
2.1 Key Management in Wireless
Sensor Networks
In order to provide security in wireless sensor net-
works, communication should be encrypted and au-
thenticated. The main issue is how to set up secret
keys between nodes to be used for the cryptographic
operations, which is known as the key agreement.
Cryptographic systems are generally based on two
techniques: symmetric keys and asymmetric keys.
In symmetric key systems, nodes encrypt and de-
crypt messages using the same cryptographic key.
These systems are known for their light weight cryp-
tographic operations compared to public key systems,
thus they were the first to be considered for wireless
sensor networks where computational resources are
scarce. One of the most known symmetric key sys-
tems that were proposed for wireless sensor networks
is SPINS (Perrig et al., 2002).
ZigBee is one of the most known standards for
wireless sensor networks. In the ZigBee-2007 spec-
ifications (Zigbee, 2008), the protocol proposes a
Mansour I., Chalhoub G. and Misson M. (2011).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, pages 277-282
DOI: 10.5220/0003371302770282
cryptographic mechanism based on 128-bit symmet-
ric keys to secure communications between devices.
The most common key agreement for these systems is
key pre-distribution prior to network deployment. Af-
ter deployment, only the nodes sharing the same key
are able to communicate. Most of the key manage-
ment protocols for symmetric systems, lack resilience
to an observer that is able to listen to the discovery
process during which shared keys are exchanged.
Public key systems use a pair of keys: a private
key which is kept private and a public key which is
known by anyone. Data encrypted with one key is de-
crypted with the other, which avoids sharing the same
key for encryption and decryption. The most com-
mon criticism on using public key cryptography in
sensor networks is its computational complexity and
communication overhead. Nevertheless, recent work
such in (Hong, 2008) has been done to provethat pub-
lic key systems are feasible for wireless sensor net-
works where authors prove that public-key cryptog-
raphy based on ECC is very viable on small wireless
devices. ECC is based on the problem of logarithm
discrete. The main attraction of ECC over compet-
ing technologies such as RSA and DSA is the use of
smaller parameters but with equivalent level of secu-
rity (Lopez and Dahab, 2000). For example, 160-bit
ECC key is equivalent to 1024-bit RSA key. The per-
formance of ECC depends mainly on the efficiency of
finite field computation and fast algorithms for elliptic
scalar multiplications.
2.2 Frequency Hopping as a Security
Frequency hopping is a known technique that en-
hances robustness against interferences in wireless
networks. By frequency hopping we mean the abil-
ity to change the frequency that is being used on the
physical layer from one transmission to another. Ben-
efits of this technique in wireless sensor networks
have been proven in (Watteyne et al., 2009). Fre-
quency hopping can also be used to hide the commu-
nication against eavesdropping and this by making it
difficult on an intruder to guess the frequency hopping
In (Jones et al., 2003), the authors propose a holis-
tic approach to secure wireless sensor network by us-
ing symmetric key encryption and secured frequency
hopping sequences to protect and hide the commu-
nications. Frequency hopping sequences are updated
every now and then in such a way that an intruder has
not the time to guess the sequence. A sink node di-
vides the network into sectors and wedges, allocating
each sector a frequency hopping sequence and an en-
cryption key. In this paper, the applications covered
are only sink oriented data collection, and the network
size depends on the coverage area of the sink node.
Standardizations tendency (ISA, 2009; HART,
2008) towards frequency hopping is a proof that it
is an important in wireless communication in order
to make links more robust to interferences. It is also a
proof that the time synchronization needed for the slot
allocation is feasible as discussed in (Kerkez et al.,
2009). By adopting a secret frequency hopping se-
quence like in (Jones et al., 2003), this mechanism
can enhance security for wireless sensor network.
A lot of attacks (Kavitha1 and Sridharan, 2010) like
sinkhole, black hole, spoofing and tampering can be
avoided using public key encryption infrastructure
that offers the means to ensure entity authentication,
source authentication, and data integrity and confi-
dentiality. Our proposition is based on ECC encryp-
tion, frequency hopping and permutation ciphering.
We use ECAES encryption for ensuring data in-
tegrity and authentication, and we use session keys
(symmetric keys) for data encryption in addition to
permutation ciphering. Session keys and permuta-
tion ciphers are exchanged using ECAES encryption.
To fight against jamming and interferences, we use
a frequency hopping mechanism based on shared se-
cret frequency hopping sequences. Each node in the
network negotiates, in a secured manner, a frequency
hopping sequence with all the nodes that it is allowed
to communicate with. This negotiation allows nodes
to choose the best frequencies as observed by the
We consider a hierarchical topology as depicted
on figure 1, where the node S is the sink of the topol-
ogy and the default destination for the traffic. We sup-
pose that the sink has more storage capacities than
other nodes. Hierarchical topologies are known to be
more convenient for energy efficiency in wireless sen-
sor networks (Akkaya and Younis, 2005). Nodes are
grouped into stars, each star has one central node that
we call router and several end-devices. Routers have
more processing and memory capacities then end-
devices and they constitute about 10 % of the network
size. End-devices represent the sensors and actuators
of the network. End-devices are only allowed to com-
municate with the router of the star to which they be-
long. The creation of stars is done during the net-
work deployment phase. Routers are allowed to com-
municate with each other but not with end-devices
that are not associated to them. This clustering tech-
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
nique is similar to the one used in IEEE 802.15.4 and
MaCARI (Chalhoub et al., 2008b). We suppose that
routers are able to aggregate data on the network layer
Figure 1: Network architecture. The network is decom-
posed in stars. Each star is under the control of one router.
Sensor and actors are associated to a router and belong to
only star.
3.1 Time Synchronization
for Frequency Hopping
and Energy Efficiency
As discussed earlier, frequency hopping helps against
interference and jamming attacks. In this paper, we
use a subset of the available frequencies to hop be-
tween them for two consecutive transmissions. In
order to establish a time synchronization that allows
nodes to hop from one frequency to another, we use
a synchronization mechanism based on beacon prop-
agation as used in the MaCARI protocol (Chalhoub
et al., 2008b; Chalhoub et al., 2008a).
Time is divided into cycles that start with a syn-
chronization period during which a beacon frame
containing synchronization information is propagated
along the topology by the routers. The propagation
starts at the sink and is done in a topological order in-
dicated inside the beacon to avoid collisions between
beacons. The sink allocates for each router a slot
in [T
] during which the beacon has to be propa-
gated to reach all the nodes of the network. This bea-
con contains time segmentation information allowing
nodes to know when to be active and when to save
Figure 2 depicts the time segmentation during a
cycle. In [T
], routers are allocated time intervals
during which they communicate with the end-devices
and then relays the collected data to the next router.
The time interval allocation is done during [T
by the sink according to the traffic size generated in
each star. Once information is collected from end-
devices, routersexchange messages until the informa-
tion reaches its final destination. Each router has to
keep track of the slots used for routing by neighbor
In order to allow new nodes to join the network in
a dynamic manner, we use CSMA/CA during [T
When a new node wants to join the network, it is not
yet known by the sink and does not have slots dur-
ing which it can communicate. This ensures a dy-
namic network where new nodes (cluster heads or
end-devices) are able to join even after the deploy-
ment phase. Nodes sends join request destined to the
sink during [T
]. Any router of the network is able
to receive the join request and relay it towards the sink
through other routers, this is explained in 3.2.
The cycle ends with an inactive period, [T
The duration of the inactive period depends on the
duty cycle of the nodes and the reactivity require-
ments of the application. This time segmentation al-
lows all the nodes of the network to save energy by
switching to sleep mode when they are not concerned
by the communication during a given time slot.
10 ms
Synchronization Period
Frequency Hopping Slots
Figure 2: Time segmentation for the frequency hopping
During the join phase (the phase during which
nodes are associated to the network), end-devices
and routers exchange the set of frequencies that they
would like to use for reception, they also inform the
sink of the traffic they will generate at the application
layer level. The traffic information enables the sink to
allocate enough time slots for the nodes. That is, ev-
ery entity is able to scan all possible frequencies and
decide which of these frequencies are less busy so it
is able to have a better reception rate using them. Fre-
quencies that seem good for the sender may not seem
good for the receiver.
At the end of the association phase, the router in-
dicates to the end-device the slots during which it will
communicate with it, the frequency to be used during
each slot and the communication direction (whether
it is a reception slot or a transmission slot). This ex-
change is encrypted using a session key created be-
tween the router and the end-device which is detailed
in 3.2. The duration of a communication slot is 10 ms,
which is enough time to send a frame of maximum
size and wait for its acknowledgment. This is the slot
duration of TSMP, WirelessHart and ISA100(Pister
and Lance, 2006; HART, 2008; ISA, 2009).
The order in which the frequency set is hopped is
specified by the router during the join phase. It is then
updated every l cycles, where l is maximum num-
ber of cycles tolerated before compromising the fre-
quency hopping order. So every l cycles, end-devices
receive a new order from the router encrypted using
the pairwise session key. l is a parameter that is spec-
ified by the router during the join phase and can be
modified by the router when it updates the frequency
hopping order. During the cycle number l, the fre-
quency hopping slots are used in reception mode by
the end-devices.
3.2 Key Management
Our key management is based on three phases: before
deployment phase, join phase and neighbordiscovery.
The objective is to generate a symmetric key with ev-
ery neighbor for the routers, and a symmetric key for
every router and each of its end-devices.
3.2.1 Pre-deployment Phase
Keys are generated and predistributed before deploy-
ment. Nodes in a wireless sensor network come
from the same manufacturer, unlike the internet where
nodes are very heterogeneous. This feature makes it
easier to be able to distribute keys to nodes in a con-
trolled manner. For each node in the network (routers
and end-devices) we generate a pair of asymmetric
keys (a public key and a private key). We install these
two keys in addition to the public key of the sink in
each node of the network.
3.2.2 Join Phase
First step after the deployment is joining phase. Let
us consider a new router R that wants to join the net-
work through the router F (see figure 1). R sends a
join request message (joinReq) to F containing fre-
quency hopping information (the set of frequencies
that R wants to use for reception) and its public key
). This join request message is encrypted with
the public key of S (P
) using ECAES as described
in (Lopez and Dahab, 2000). F receives the join re-
quest message and relays it to C in order to reach the
sink node S. S examines the join request and decide
whether to accept it or not. In case it is accepted, S
sends back a join response encrypted using the pri-
vate key of S (K
). When F receives the join response
encrypted with the private of S, it can be sure that
the sink has accepted that R joins the network. F de-
crypts the join response using the public key of S (P
and retrieves the public key of R. Then, F sends to
R the join response encrypted with the public key of
R. This join response includes the public key of F
) and a session key (SK
). The session key SK
is used to encrypt communication between F and R.
This communication is detailed on figure 3.
( joinReq)
( joinReq)
( joinReq)
( joinRes)
( joinRes)
( joinRes)
Figure 3: Join phase.
3.2.3 Neighbor Discovery
The sink plays a critical role in the join phase. It
needs to authenticate the public keys of every node
that wants to join the network. When this authentica-
tion fails, it sends back a reject message to that node.
Otherwise, it sends a join response. The sink saves
all the public keys of the nodes in the network. This
way, whenever a node wants to know the public key
of another node, it sends a public key request to the
sink with the identifier of the other node (the identi-
fier can be its physical address). The sink sends back
the public key encrypted using its private key.
Session key exchange is done with every neighbor
detected by the routing protocol. In the case of session
key creation between neighboring routers (for exam-
ple, routers A and B in figure 1), the node that creates
the session key is the node with the higher priority.
The priority of a node is derived from its identifier.
The node with the smaller identifier has the higher pri-
ority. When node A identifies node B as a neighbor,
it checks if it has a higher priority. If it is the case,
A sends a public key request (pkReq) to the sink to
obtain the public of node B (P
). S sends back a pub-
lic key response (pkRes) to A containing the public
key of B (P
). Then, A sends a session key establish-
ment (skEst) message to B encrypted with P
ing the frequency hopping information, a session key
B) and the public key of A (P
). B replies with an
acknowledgment (ACK) including its frequency hop-
ping information. Frequency hopping information in-
dicates the time slots used by a router to communicate
with other routers, the frequency and the permutation
cipher used in each slot. If B has the higher priority,
it is the other way around. This phase is represented
on figure 4.
Session keys are then updated every n cycles,
where n is the maximum number of cycles tolerated
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 4: Neighbor discovery phase.
before compromising the session key. In order to
make encrypted diffusion possible using symmetric
cryptography, the sink creates a global session key.
This session key is then propagated to all the routers
of the network in a hop by hop manner along the par-
ent child relationship starting from the sink. This ses-
sion key is used do encrypt diffused messages such
as the beacons of the synchronization period. The
global session key is updated every k cycle and dif-
fused in the beacon frame, where k is the maximum
number of cycles tolerated before the global session
key is compromised. The new global session key is
encrypted using the old session key. Local common
session keys could also be created for each star by the
router of the star. This local session key is used for
diffusion inside the star. Each router specifies a re-
served slot that is used for diffusion inside the star on
a certain frequency.
3.3 Permutation Ciphering
As cryptographic operations take a lot of time on sen-
sor nodes, we only encrypt critical information using
the session keys. To accelerate the data exchange,
we use permutation ciphering. Indeed, the frequency
hopping information contains, in addition to the fre-
quency used in each slot, a permutation cipher that
enables nodes to encrypt data that they exchange. We
suppose that the permutation should change from one
slot to another. So for each slot a node should specify
a permutation cipher and a frequency.
The permutation cipher is applied on words. Each
word is a group of 31 symbols (a symbol is a group
of 4 bits). The rationale behind this grouping is that
the IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer uses the O-QPSK
modulation were data is grouped in symbols (IEEE
802.15, 2006).
When a node has a data to transmit (whether its
an end-device or a router), it divides it into 8 words
composed of 31 symbols each as explained on figure
5. In this manner, we are able to apply a permutation
maximum frame size of 124 bytes of data on the MAC
level. When the data that a node needs to send is less
than 124 bytes, the frame is stuffed with bits of 0.
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
S244 S245
S240 S247
Word 1 Word 3 Word 5 Word 7
31 lines
Figure 5: Word permutation using the permutation cipher
(2, 7, 5, 0, 1, 4, 3, 6).
The transmitted data will be the concatenation of
the words. Hence, in the example shown on figure
5, the order in which the words are transmitted is the
following: word 3, word 4, word 0, word 6, word 5,
word 2, word 7, word 1.
In order to decipher the received frame, a node
needs to have the permutation cipher. The permu-
tation cipher is deduced from the frequency hopping
information exchanged either during the join phase or
the neighbor discovery phase. This information con-
tains the frequency used during each slot and the per-
mutation cipher associated to that slot.
In what follows we go through the different security
aspects that are taken into considerations in this archi-
Confidentiality. During the join phase after the de-
ployment, exchanges are encrypted using the ECAES
protocol. Once pairwise session keys are established
between nodes, data is exchanged and encrypted us-
ing a symmetric key using AES encryption for critical
data like frequency hopping information and beacons,
and application data is encrypted using the permuta-
tion cipher.
Source Authentication and Integrity. Message in-
tegrity and source authentication can be ensured using
ECDSA for generating the hash of the message and
signing it using the private key of the sender.
Availability. In our solution the intruder can only
paralyze the system by physically accessing the in-
dividual sensor nodes. Whereas our frequency hop-
ping mechanism is resilient against a denial of ser-
vice attack. It makes it hard on an attacker to jam
the network, it will need to jam over all the available
channels simultaneously. Even if it does so, when
the MAC layer is not able to find a free channel to
use, it will stop sending messages. By not sending
messages, the network supervisor is able to notice the
malfunction and suspect a jamming over all the avail-
able channels.
Energy-efficiency. The time segmentation ap-
proach allows nodes to save energy and sleep during
the time slots where they are not concerned by the
communication. End-devices are active only during
the time slots specified by the router to which they are
associated. A router is active during the time slots of
its end-devices, the time slots of its router neighbors
and [T
]. In addition, all nodes save energy during
In this paper we presented a energy-efficient security
management for wireless sensor networks based on
pre-distributing ECC public keys before deployment.
These public keys are then used to create session keys
to encrypt the exchanged critical information such as
frequency hopping information and permutation ci-
phers. In addition, we proposed to use frequency
hopping in a secure way by exchanging secret fre-
quency hopping sequences which enable nodes to re-
sist against deny of service attack and eavesdropping.
Since cryptographic operations are very expensive in
wireless sensor networks, we propose a permutation
ciphering technique to protect data.
Our solution is dynamic as it allows nodes to join
the network at any time after deployment given that
this node has a valid public key. In our proposition,
the sink node does not have to be in range of the
routers. The sink node can reach all the routers of
the network in a guarantees hop-by-hop manner. The
security aspect of our proposition is still in progress.
We are working on evaluations on telosB motes.
This work is partially funded by FEDER (Euro-
pean fund for regional development).
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems