Bill Karakostas
Centre for HCI Design, School of Informatics, City University, London, U.K.
Takis Katsoulakos
Inlecom Ltd., Rotherfield, U.K.
Keywords: REST services, Web oriented architecture, Collaborative cloud, Single window.
Abstract: Collaborative Cloud is the set of Cloud infrastructure, processes and standards, that allows companies to
expose data and information as virtual resources, and manage them in collaboration with their partners and
customers. The concept of Collaborative Cloud is realised with technologies such as global identifiers, data
oriented services and content based messaging. The paper illustrates the application of Collaborative Cloud
to a shipping logistics business to government (B2G) scenario called Single Window.
In today’s IT, the Cloud is better known as a
paradigm for utilising distributed computing
resources to meet elastic demand (Armbrust et al,
A less well understood application of Cloud is as
a tool for collaboration between organisations
through the sharing of Cloud based resources. The
Cloud, thanks to its elastic capacity allows
companies to share resources while controlling what
and with whom it will be shared, at the same time
without worrying about the up or down-scaling of
the shared resources availability, as this is taken care
by the Cloud infrastructure.
Sharing of resources first requires the ability to
locate them. Unlike with older Web based
collaboration approaches, in Cloud based
collaboration, shared resources do not ‘live’ in a
particular Web address or server, i.e. their location is
virtualised. Thus, resources need to be referenced in
a location independent way, using methods such as
universal identifiers (UUIDs) and symbolic URIS
that do not necessarily resolve to a network address .
In this paper we consider the problem of
independent entities (business organisations and
government authorities) that use the collaborative
Cloud to carry out business transactions. Previously,
such business to business (B2B) and business to
government (B2G) interactions were described using
sequences (or choreographies) of message
exchanges. Messages are typically described in an
XML based language such as OASIS ebXML, while
the choreographies of messages in a web service
language such as BPEL. Such approaches however,
requires tight integration between the two
transacting parties, in the sense that the different
parties not only must agree on the messages that will
be exchanged, but also on the sequence of such
Our approach has been influenced by web based
architectural concepts and styles such as WOA
(Hinchcliff, 2008) and REST (Fielding, 2000).
In the remaining of this paper we illustrate our
collaborative Cloud approach, by first introducing its
main concepts and features. Next, we demonstrate
the application of the approach in a transport
logistics Business to Government (B2G) scenario
called Single Window. Finally, we analyse the cost
and other benefits of the proposed approach and
identify areas for future research.
Karakostas B. and Katsoulakos T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003372301410144
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 141-144
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Cloud has recently started to move from its original
purpose as a vehicle for sharing computing resources
to a platform for collaboration. For example, Cloud
as a technology for supply chain management has
started to emerge in many industries (Gardner,
The Collaborative Cloud shares its foundations
with other service computing paradigms such as
REST (Fielding, 2000) and WOA (Hinchcliff,
2008). Both REST and WOA put emphasis on
services as resources not as computation.
2.1 Accessing and Manipulating
Resources on the Cloud
To be uniquely identifiable, Cloud resources have
globally unique identifiers (UUIDs). A resource
factory is responsible for generating a UUID upon
request from a client to create a resource. Below is a
UUID for a business resource of type Shipping
As proposed by the REST approach, resource
representations can be manipulated using standard
HTTP commands. In short, the HTTP set of
operations: PUT, DELETE, POST, GET is used for
retrieving and manipulating resource information.
Resources can be updated using HTTP POST
commands and created using PUT. The following
HTTP operation updates the property Estimated
Time of Arrival (ETA) for a resource of type
shipping notice with unique
POST ShippingNotice6E09886B-DC6E-439F-
82D1-7C83746352B?{“ETA” :
The above operation may require authorisation;
if the client was not authorised, a
‘not authorised
error (like HTTP 401) would be produced upon
issuing the above command.
Logistics companies are tasked with transporting
shipments (cargo) between locations by air, sea or
land. Movements of vehicles and cargo are restricted
by international and national rules and legislations
that specify the documents that need to be submitted
at the different legs of the journey depending on the
type of cargo, arrival and departure points and so on.
The single Window concept refers to the ability
of a logistics company to submit a single document
regarding a voyage, to a single authority that
receives information, either on paper or
electronically, disseminates this information to all
relevant governmental authorities, and co-ordinates
interactions. The traditional approach to the
International Trade Single Window has been to think
of it as a centralised IT application, capable of
accepting single submissions from industry users
and then distributing them to all Government
agencies concerned. This would be in conformance
with UN/CEFACT Recommendation 33 on Single
Windows (UN/CEFACT, 2004).
However, there are several practical problems
with this approach, especially in countries where
already many different systems are in existence. The
cost of integrating such systems is likely to be
greater than the resulting benefits. There are also
technical obstacles with the timing of submissions
relative to the availability of data, and the sheer
scope and transaction volumes. Also, reporting
regulations change quite frequently, making the
updating a centralised system a daunting task.
Figure 1: Cloud for single window concept.
We propose therefore, that the concept of Single
Window can be better realised by a distributed
collaborative Cloud approach. The shared Cloud
resource in this context corresponds to the multiple
physical documents that a ship needs to submit to
various authorities as it approaches or departs from
ports. We call this resource Single Window
Document (SWD), as in Figure 1.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
SWD is created prior to, or upon the start of a
voyage and shared from then on amongst the ship
and the various authorities and agencies. A SWD is
a resource that has several properties describing the
ship, voyage and cargo. It is important to ensure that
the properties values are described according to
particular reporting requirements
Currently, as a ship enters different national
waters in its voyage, it typically has to prepare and
submit several documents for each different country
or authority it approaches. In the Cloud approach,
the ship master or other agent creates a new single
SWD resource that contains information meeting all
reporting requirements.
A Cloud notification service then informs the
different authorities/agencies that are interested in
this resource. Validation services assist the ship
users in complying with the different reporting
To achieve that, a Cloud service analyses the
ship’s voyage plan (a property of SWD) and
identifies the calling ports. This is possible because
names of ports is standardised using the
UN/LOCODE (Code for Ports and other Locations)
recommendation. For each port of call the reporting
requirements can be established.
For example, the above structure states that the next
leg of the journey is from Abu Dhabi (“AEAUH”) to
Zeebruge, with an estimated time of arrival 21.40 on
21/1/10. Based on the ETA and the port of arrival,
the Cloud service establishes the reporting
requirements for Zeebruge Port Authority, as well as
for other related authorities (e.g. Customs). A
validation function is carried out by the Cloud on the
submitted SWD. The validation function compares
the value of the document properties with the
expected value of the property based on the schema
of the report expected by the relevant authority, The
validation returns the list of properties that do not
meet the reporting criteria, as well as missing
Missing properties from SWD needs to be added,
by perhaps inferring them from other available
information. If, for example, hazardous information
needs to be notified (see Figure 2), it can be inferred
from the goods description property of SWD. If
some goods carried are defined as belonging to
Class 2.1 (flammable gases) of the International
Maritime code (IMO) then hazardous cargo report
must be submitted. If the goods status cannot be
inferred from existing data, this will get flagged and
notified to a human operator for further action.
3.1 Push vs. Pull Mode of
The Cloud approach described here allows a mixed
push/pull approach where the different parties take
the initiative to submit and validate documents. A
ship can operate a monitoring application that
checks if its submitted documents are in a valid state
(e,g “approved”, or “submitted for approval”). The
authority or agency can employ monitoring
applications that check new ship documents as they
are submitted and validate or reject them. A ship can
proactively check the validity of a document by
accessing the validation functions of the different
ports and authorities it plans to visit. If a port or
other authority provides online schemas for the
various reports it requires, the whole reporting
process can be automated. A Cloud service can
access the port report schema(s) and modify parts of
the SWD, based on the schema, to create a port
compliant report. For example, If the next port of
call is Antwerp (unique identifier: BEANR) a Cloud
service will get information about port arrival notice
resource schema by
GET BEANR\port-arrival-notices
A comparison service can compare the current port
arrival notices with the ship’s current SWD
(SWDxxxx ) and return any discrepancies as
Periodic updates to the status of the journey must
be made available to different parties. These updates
can be in pull or push mode. Pull can be based on
periodic requests initiated by various participants
requesting updates about the transport progress. Pull
notifications can use resource filtering however,
because of latency issues it is best not to be used for
time sensitive notifications.
The Cloud can provide an ideal platform for online
collaboration, as it allows resources to be totally
validate? SWD=SWDxxxx&port-arrival-
notices= BEANR\port-arrival-notices
“movement” : [{“from” : {“UNLOCODE”:
“AEAUH”}, {“to” : {“UNLOCODE”:
“BEZEE”}}, {“ETA” :
virtualised both in terms of ownership, content as
well as in terms of location. A Cloud infrastructure
can allow resources to be referenced using virtual
names and addresses and to be manipulated using a
small and universal set of operators. Finally,
resources can be collaboratively edited without
reference to an underlying physical infrastructure,
such as server address or names of the physical
databases that contain the resources. Thus, the idea
of collaborative Cloud as described in this paper is
summarised as follows:
Reporting procedures can be streamlined;
documents can be submitted once
documents can be automatically modified
to comply with reporting requirements
once a document is submitted the decision
of who needs to be notified lies with the
Cloud than the sender (client). This
simplifies the need to maintain business
logic to support different applications and
There is a minimum set of requirement for
coordination between the different parties. A
minimum requirement, Is to maintain a set of
common names for the different business documents
and their properties.
A rough estimation of the cost advantages of this
approach, can be gained by considering the annual
traffic of about 70000 ship calls to Finnish ports
(UN/CEFACT, 2005). If we put the cost of filling in
and submitting a single form at 1 person-hour, and
by assuming an average of 10 forms per ship per
voyage, this can amount to 700000 hours or
approximately 120000 working days or 400 person
years of effort. If the number of forms is reduced to
a single document, there can be savings of 90% or
up to 360 person years, just in a single country.
Also, these savings represents only the ship side and
does not take into account any savings made in the
administrative (port and agencies) side.
In addition to cost, there are other types of
benefits for government agencies such as more
effective and efficient deployment of resources,
correct and increased revenue yield , Improved
compliance, enhanced security and Increased
integrity and transparency
From the users perspective, apart from the
financial (cost cutting) benefits
, the Single Window
can realise benefits such as faster clearance and
release for entering and leaving ports, easier
compliance with rules and regulations and more
effective and efficient deployment of resources and
Increased transparency.
Work reported in this paper was supported in part by
the Project e-Freight (European e-Freight
capabilities for Co-modal transport) under Grant
agreement no.: 233758, as part of the Seventh
Framework Programme SST–2008–TREN–1
(SST.2008. 2.1.5)
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Fielding, RT (2000) Architectural Styles and the Design of
Network-based Software Architectures PhD Thesis,
University of California, Irvine.
Gardner, D. (2009). How the Cloud Aids Supply Chain
Recalls Cloud computing uniquely enables product
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Computing Journal AUGUST 25, 2009
Hinchcliff, D (2008). What Is WOA? It's The Future of
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UN/CEFACT (2004). United Nations Centre for Trade
Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)
Recommendation and Guidelines on Establishing a
Single Window, ECE/TRADE/352.
UN/CEFACT (2005). United Nations Centre for Trade
Facilitation and Electronic Business Case Studies on
Implementing a Single Window to enhance the
efficient exchange of information between trade and
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science