Adaptive Multimodal Output
António Teixeira, Carlos Pereira, Miguel Oliveira e Silva, Osvaldo Pacheco, António Neves
DETI/IEETA, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal
José Casimiro
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal
HCI, Multimodal output, Context-awareness, Universal access, User, Intelligent agents, Speech synthesis,
e-Health, Distributed systems, Smart environments.
Currently, most multimodal output mechanisms use a very centralized architecture in which the various output
modalities are completely devoid of any autonomy. Our proposal, AdaptO, uses an alternative approach,
proving output modalities with the capacity to make decisions, thus collaborating with the fission output
mechanism towards a more effective, modular, extensible and decentralized solution. In addition, our aim is to
provide the mechanisms for a highly adaptable and intelligent multimodal output system, able to adapt itself to
changing environment conditions (light, noise, distance, etc.) and to its users needs, limitations and personal
Multimodal interaction aims to improve the accessi-
bility of content. It allows an integrated use of var-
ious forms of interaction simultaneously(sound, ges-
ture, GUI, etc.). It also intends to create an environ-
ment where a user accesses, transparently, the same
content, regardless of the device (mobile phone, PDA,
computer, etc.).
Multimodality allows a user to interact with a
computer by using his or her own natural communica-
tion modalities, such as speech, touch and gestures, as
in human-to-human communication. Multimodal in-
teraction constitutes a key technology for intelligent
user interfaces (IUI).
Initially the interaction had to be adapted to a
given application and for a specific interaction con-
text. The present diversity of environments, systems
and user profiles leads to a need for contextualization
of the interaction. “Nowadays, the interaction has to
be adapted to different situations and to a context in
constant evolution” (Rousseau et al., 2005a).
This diversity of the interaction context empha-
sizes the complexity of a multimodal system design.
It requires the adaptation of the design process and,
more precisely, the implementation of a new gen-
eration of user interface tools. These tools should
help the designer and the system to make choices
on the interaction techniques to use in a given con-
text (Rousseau et al., 2005a).
Users have individual differences due to anatomi-
cal and physiological factors (eg, gender, brain dom-
inance, vision, hearing and mobility/motor skills),
psychological factors which are difficult to catego-
rize and quantify (eg, processes and cognitive styles,
skills, motivation, attention and concentration) and
cultural or environmental factors (eg, language, eth-
nicity or culture). Efficient multimodal interfaces
should also be able to take into account user’s require-
ments and needs. Fast automatic adaptation to the
user characteristics (ex: hearing abilities) is very im-
portant for usable multimodal systems (Karpov et al.,
As stated in (Dumas et al., 2008), “less research
has been done on multimodal fission than on fusion.
Most applications use few output modalities and,
consequently, employ straightforward fission mecha-
nisms. But the output modalities have the very im-
portant role of transmitting information to the user.
The relevance of improved fission and output is par-
ticularly relevant for groups of persons with some of
their senses affected, such as older adults, or com-
Teixeira A., Pereira C., Oliveira e Silva M., Pacheco O., Neves A. and Casimiro J. (2011).
AdaptO - Adaptive Multimodal Output.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, pages 91-100
DOI: 10.5220/0003372500910100
pletely compromised (ex: deaf people). There is a
need to create multimodal interaction with a more bal-
anced use and adaptation to user and context of input
and output modalities.
On the other hand, from the programmer and the
application builder point of view, modular and sim-
ple multimodal programming toolkits are required in
order to ease their adoption and to extend their use.
In this paper we present work on the output adap-
tation to users and context of an agent based multi-
modal system. Our aim is to provide the mechanisms
for a highly adaptable and intelligent multimodal out-
put system, able to adapt itself to changing envi-
ronment conditions (light, noise, distance, etc.) and
to its users needs, limitations and personal choices.
This multimodal system is aimed at being an essen-
tial part of a new telerehabilitation system in devel-
opment as part of the Living Usability Lab (LUL)
Project (, presently at the prototype
stage (Teixeira et al., 2011). LUL is a Portuguese
industry-academia collaborative R&D project, active
in the field of live usability testing, focusing on the
development of technologies and services to support
healthy, productive and active citizens. The project
adopts the principles of universal design and natural
user interfaces (speech, gesture) making use of the
benefits of next generation networks and distributed
The paper is structured as follows: section 2
presents the concept of a new telerehabilitation ser-
vice. Section 3 briefly presents, the most relevant re-
lated work. In section 4 we present the requirements
within our objectives for AdaptO. Section 5 presents
our proposal for adaptive multimodal output, includ-
ing architecture, adopted technologies and informa-
tion on the modules developed as proof of concept.
Section 6 shows some example scenarios of AdaptO
within the telerehabilitation service. Finally, sections
7 and 8 present a critical view of our work, showing
what is not yet done while drawing some conclusions
and future research.
In very general terms, the new telerehabilitation ser-
vice in development (Teixeira et al., 2011) aims
at providing supervised remote exercise sessions at
home or community centres, as a mean to maintain-
ing health and prevent illness. Table 1 presents some
additional information on the service.
The creation of a prototype for the service depends
on, amongst other things, the development of two ap-
plications with suitable Human Computer Interaction,
one for the elderly at home, other for the health pro-
fessional planning, monitoring and evaluating the ses-
sion (Fig. 1). The two applications use multimodal
input and output, with particular emphasis in the use
of speech and text. The use of speech derives from
its potential to be usable by visually disabled people
and to enable interaction hands free and at some dis-
tance from the devices. This capability of receiving
information and giving commands to a computer at
a couple of meters of the TV/computer display is es-
sential when the aim is making all body movement
Figure 1: General view of the Telerehabilitation service,
testbed for the multimodal output prototype presented in
this paper.
The most relevant work addressing more directly the
problem of adequate and adaptive multimodal output
are (Rousseau et al., 2005b; Rousseau et al., 2005a;
Rousseau et al., 2006; Coetzee et al., 2009).
Rousseau and coworkers (Rousseau et al., 2004;
Rousseau et al., 2005b), in 2004, proposed the
WWHT model, dividing the life cycle of a multi-
modal presentation in four steps:
1. What is the information to present?
2. Which modality(ies) should be used?
3. How to present the information using the modal-
ity(ies) selected?
4. and, Then, how to deal with the output results?
The first step, called the “semantic fission”, splits
the information provided by the dialog manager into
elementary information. The second step allocates
a modality for each piece of information. The third
step instantiates the selected modality with the in-
formation. These three steps are related to the con-
struction of a multimodal presentation. The last step
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Table 1: LUL Telerehabilitation Service with Multimodal Interaction.
Description Remote supervised exercise sessions at home or community centres, for maintaining health
and prevent illness. Sessions carried out concurrently at several sites via networked mul-
timodal applications. A health professional supervises everything from the training cen-
tre/hospital, including the biosensors signals captured remotely and the (multiple) cameras
images. The system also includes mechanisms to request and process information regarding
effort level from the user.
End user People taking rehabilitation sessions at home and people wanting to do exercise in case it is
just training sessions.
Stakeholders and Roles Health/Sport professionals (physiotherapists, gerontologists, etc.) who configures the ses-
sions and directs them. Healthcare services provider, which should install and maintain the
Technological description The main user interface is a large size computer monitor (acting as a large size TV) combined
with speakers and video cameras. In addition, it should be possible to use a set of biosensors.
Sensors gather the vital signals from the patient and send them to the health professional.
(Then), renders the multimodal presentation to users
(Rousseau et al., 2005a).
The same researchers also developed the MOSTe
tool (Rousseau et al., 2005a; Rousseau et al., 2005c)
which is intended to ease the specification of multi-
modal interfaces, realizing the first step of the WWHT
model. It is composed by four editors (component
editor, context editor, information editor and behav-
ior editor). They are all graphic tools and express
the behavior of the system by a set of rules. Each
rule is called an election rule and is based in the if-
then instruction. Each one belongs to one of three
types: contextual, composition and property. The
architectural model design at MOSTe is exported in
XML format and implemented by the MOST sys-
tem (Multimodal Output Simulation Tool). This sec-
ond tool is responsible for selecting the correct output
modalities, realizing the second and third steps of the
WWHT model. Figure 2 shows the MOST architec-
Figure 2: The MOST architecture, from (Rousseau et al.,
Coetzee, Viviers and Barnard (Coetzee et al.,
2009) proposed a model to determine the best possi-
ble combination of input and output modalities. This
model, designed Cost Model, is a mathematical tool
that takes in consideration the user’s profile and pref-
erences. The user profile is defined in terms of abil-
ities rather than disabilities. Preferences means how
the user uses his five senses to interact with the sys-
tem, and his literacy. The Cost Model takes in con-
sideration these factors, and defines a set of vectors to
determine the best solution for a specific user:
a vector p, of real values scaled between 0 and
1 of length n, where each element in the vector
represents the user’s abilities: can talk, can click,
can move pointer, can read, etc.;
a vector w, which represents an adjusted user pro-
file as based on his perceptual preferences. This
vector is defined by multiplying the S matrix by
the transposed vector p, where S is a diagonal ma-
trix of size n x n, containing real values scaled
between 0 and 1 to represent the perceptual user
a vector c, which represents a cost estimation of
suggested components to be used per adjusted
user. The cost vector is defined by multiplying
the D matrix by the transposed vector w, where D
is a matrix of size nxm (n is the number of mod-
eled user abilities and m the number of modeled
available input and output components). Matrix
D represents the relation between the user abili-
ties and the required modalities. A larger value in
c indicates which are the most important compo-
nents for a specific user profile.
From the identified problems and aims for our multi-
modal system, several requirements were identified:
Adaptability of the interaction according to the
user abilities, allowing equivalent utilizations pos-
sibly by means of different multimodal interac-
Information on user capabilities, preferences and
eventual historic usage information must be avail-
Information on context (ex: environment condi-
tions) must be available;
AdaptO - Adaptive Multimodal Output
Redundancy of modalities must be used in order
to increase the chances of message delivery ;
Based on the environment and user, output modal-
ities must have capabilities to decide to acti-
vate/deactivate themselves. Ex: there is no reason
to keep active a TTS output when the user is deaf;
Implementation of a registry upon which modal-
ities may inscribe themselves by category, sim-
plifying the search for possible modalities by the
Inclusion of Speech output (synthesized or not) to
enable use of the system by vision impaired per-
Use of several output modalities to enable use of
the system by speech and hearing impaired per-
Output characteristics, such as the volume of the
synthesized speech, must adjust themselves ac-
cording to user’s and environment (ex: distance
to speakers, noise level and users hearing acuity);
Speech rate must be adapted to listener and listen-
ing conditions (ex: distance, hearing abilities);
If possible, allow users to be informed through
their preferred modality(ies);
The system should be modular, that is, the future
inclusion of modalities should be as easy as pos-
sible, and without making changes to the core of
the system.
Fault-tolerance and extendibility should be taken
into account on the architecture design.
5.1 Rationale and Architecture
According to (Dumas et al., 2009a), “the generic
components for handling of multimodal integration
are: a fusion engine, a fission module, a dialog man-
ager and a context manager, which all together form
what is called the integration committee” (Fig. 3).
However, this architectural scheme implicitly as-
sumes that input and output devices are simple
dummy devices responsible only for sending input in-
formation to the system and to receive output mes-
sages already adapted to the context and user. In this
approach the fusion and fission coordination services,
are required to be very knowledgeable of all the avail-
able input and output devices, making it potentially
Figure 3: Architecture of a Multimodal System (Dumas
et al., 2009b).
very complex and more difficult to scale and extend
our applications with new input and outputs devices.
This problem is particularly important in the output
devices since they convey the information to the users,
closing the interaction loop with the application.
An alternative approach (Fig. 4), is to enhance the
intelligence of output devices, making them able to
adapt themselves to a dynamic context and to the user.
In this way the responsibility to ensure adaptability
in the applications is not centralized in a potentially
very complex and knowledgeable fission engine, but
is shared with the output devices themselves.
A higher degree of adaptability is achieved by sep-
arating two different aspects: a varying context envi-
ronment, and specific knowledge of each application
user. In the context adaptation the output interface of
the application may adapt itself to varying light, noise
conditions, the distance of the user, and other envi-
ronment conditions. When user aspects are taken into
consideration, output agents may adapt themselves to
different users, such as a speech synthesizer to be-
come disabled in the presence of a deaf user, or due
to expressed interface preferences by the user.
To show why such architectural choice might be
preferable, let’s consider the case of an application us-
ing a speech output device. In a centralized approach,
the fission engine would be required to know that a
noisy environment, or a deaf user, may invalidate this
type of output, and act accordingly. In our proposal,
the speech output device handler, would be the one re-
quired to have such knowledge, and the one responsi-
ble the notify the (simpler) fission engine that it could
not send the message to the user.
Considering that there could exist many different
output devices in a single application, the impact of
this architectural option on the system’s complexity
is expected to be very significant.
A collateral desirable side effect of this approach
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 4: AdaptO Architecture.
is the possibility to have a more abstract fission en-
gine. Output messages can became more abstract,
making it easier to implement fault tolerant redundant
output in applications, and also providing a simpler
programming context for our dialog manager. For ex-
ample, a textual message can be output either by a text
message graphical window, or by a speech synthe-
sizer. From the application point of view such detail
is not important (as long as the message is success-
fully transmitted), so the dialog manager should only
be knowledgeable of this more abstract type of out-
put message, delegating concrete output realizations
of it (text window or speech, in the example) to the
availability of autonomous output agents.
The fission engine would be responsible for re-
porting either a successful transmission of the mes-
sage, or its failure. In both situations, however, the
specific output devices involved are abstracted away
from the application.
5.2 Technologies Adopted:
SOA and Agents
A natural choice to achieve a more autonomous and
intelligent behavior in the output devices is to make
them JADE agents (JADE, 2010). The choice of us-
ing an agent based platform is one of the best avail-
able options, because it is a mature and quite stable
technology, able to provide us also with a solution for
a distributed heterogeneous system, supported on
a standard communication protocol (FIPA, 2010),
which may simplify future integration of third party
services supporting new input and output devices.
Agents also provided us a versatile solution for the
need of a decentralized, scalable, adaptable, and in-
telligent system.
Agents were also used to implement the other ser-
vices in our architecture: the input devices, the con-
text, user and history engines; and the fusion, fission
and dialog manager services.
To reduce the cohesion between all these services,
an event based communication scheme is used to sim-
plify and abstract away the knowledge required for
the system to operate. An output agent required to
know about the noise level of the environment, or the
user distance to the speakers, registers itself in the
context agent to receive this type of information, de-
coupling itself from specific input agents able to ex-
tract such information. It may also register itself in
the user model service to become aware of possible
hearing or comprehension user problems. With such
knowledge, this device may change the volume of the
sound, and the rate of the speech to maximize a suc-
cessful transmission of the messages.
All available output agents register themselves in
the fission agent for output message types they are
able to transmit, thus making the fission agent knowl-
edgeable of the available (abstract) output agents,
hence able to ensure fault tolerance.
AdaptO - Adaptive Multimodal Output
There are also two more important services (also
implemented as agents): a logger service able to reg-
ister all the relevant history information for latter use,
such as for the creation of user specific information
for the user model. A coordination fission service
able to ensure the reliability of the application as a
whole. This service would be able to ensure fault tol-
erance, notifying the application when an output was
not transmitted (for example, due to the unavailability
of proper output devices).
5.3 Environment Monitoring Agents
At the time of writing, three environment monitor-
ing agents are available: an environment background
“noise” level estimator; a light conditions estimator;
and a distance of the user to the screen/display esti-
The “noise” level is obtained by using an event of
the speech recognizer, AudioLevelUpdated. Based
on a given variable, the algorithm records a number
of values from the environment and makes an average
between them. Given the capabilities of the sound
recognizer, the interval defined is normally of 1 or 2
The light conditions are evaluated based on statis-
tical measures – Mean Sample Value (MSV) – of the
intensities histogram calculated on the acquired im-
The distance is obtained using algorithms based
on background subtraction to estimate the position of
the person in the image. Using the properties of the
vision system (position, camera and lens properties,
etc.), it is possible to estimate the position of the per-
son related to the camera.
5.4 Context and User models
The environment monitoring agents are all in commu-
nication with the context model. As mentioned ear-
lier, this service, implemented as an agent, is respon-
sible to register, in real-time, all the relevant environ-
ment conditions such as noise, light, distance of the
user to the output devices, etc.. The information for
this service comes from a set of specialized producer
agents that, in general, are connected, directly or indi-
rectly, to sensors, such as microphones and cameras.
When a change happens, for instance, on the dis-
tance agent, he alerts the context model which will
(if it perceives as necessary) alert other agents when
the distance parameter may influence their execution
state (a text synthesizer for instances). As such, the
context model functions as a gateway between envi-
ronment agents and application-derived agents.
A user model service is also provided, in order
to register and fetch specific user related capabili-
ties and preferences. Examples of capabilities are vi-
sion and hearing acuity, and mobility capabilities. As
preferences, we can have, for example, the personal
preference for receiving information visually or for a
specific color for text. In truth, this model may be
used for two things: one, to disambiguate possible in-
decisions (on fusion module); two, improve the com-
fort and usability for users when interacting with the
The user model differs from the context model in
that it can be used as a service. As such, the user
model was design as web service, allowing for several
systems to use its content. With it, it is our intention,
that in the future, statistical information may be de-
rived from the data enabling us to analyze the user’s
preferences and thus improving the system.
5.5 Synthesizers
The agents capable of transmitting information from
the system to the user named synthesizers in mul-
timodal interaction literature – include two important
mechanisms: The first is capable of deciding if in the
current environment conditions and taking in consid-
eration user capabilities it is in position to be active
and fulfill the request. The second changes how the
message is rendered, also based on contextual and
user information 5.
The text Output and Text-to-Speech capabilities
of the system were made available by a speech syn-
thesizer agent and a text synthesizer agent, the first
implemented using Microsoft’s Speech Platform (Mi-
crosoft, 2010) and the other using Java Swing.
Figure 5: AdaptO output.
Presently, and as proof of concept, the text syn-
thesizer varies, using simple heuristics, the font size
as a function of the user visual capacity, environment
lighting conditions and distance of the user to the
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
In general the process of adaptation of a parameter
from a synthesizer consists of 3 steps (Fig. 6):
1. calculation of individual gains/multiplication fac-
tors, k
, based on the factors chosen to affect the
2. combination of the gains to obtain an unique gain,
K =
3. transformation of K into the range accepted by the
Figure 6: Parameter adaptation process.
Distance is measured according to the meters that
separate the user from the output mechanism (for in-
stance, a monitor). Anything that exceeds a prede-
fined limit (10 meters in our first prototype) is ignored
by the system. The output agent synthesizers that are
dependent on the distance shutdown when the values
exceed this limit.
Vision acuity is in our first approach an “abstract”
value, from 0 to 10, where 0 represents a blind per-
son and 10 a person with perfect vision. We expect
in the near future to replace this by the use of the real
results from medical visual evaluation. Vision capa-
bilities below a threshold imply the shutdown of the
synthesizer dependent on this factor, thus giving pref-
erence to other output modalities.
Text size presently depends on two factors: dis-
tance of the user to output device and the vision ca-
pabilities of the user. This variation is shown by
Figure 7.
Figure 7: Text size variance according to the user’s distance
and vision capabilities.
The speech synthesizer is capable of varying both
volume and speech rate. This increases the chances
that the message is received and understood. The con-
text and user models are crucial to make these two
mechanisms possible. TTS volume uses a similar list
of factors, with the light information replaced by en-
vironmental noise information. For now the adapta-
tion of the TTS speech rate is only based on the user
age, with k
decreasing linearly starting at 40 years of
age (based on the results reported in (Gordon-Salant,
At the time of writing, the scales and the formulas
used are quite simple. We used linear functions in
order to test our ideas, but in the future we expect to
replace them by more realistic ones.
As stated before, contrary to other systems, the
synthesizers on our model are not mere output
providers. They analyze their environment. They
are capable of calculating critical parameters for their
functioning and determine whether they can or not
satisfy output requests.
As already mentioned, the testbed for AdaptO is a
new telerehabilitation service for the elderly. In this
section, we present some possible runtime scenarios
that occur in this application as well as some prelim-
inary results regarding output adaptation to context
and user constraints.
6.1 Examples of the Adaptation
Mechanism in Action
Serving as illustrative examples and also to better ex-
plain the system described above, three scenarios are
presented with different user and context adaptations.
6.1.1 Scenario 1: Choice of One Synthesizer
based on the User’s Preferences
The system intends to output a message to the user
and the user is close to the screen. The system reads
the modality-registry and gets the information that
both the text and the speech synthesizer are ready to
output the message. However, the system also knows,
by consulting the user model, that the user prefers to
be notified via text messages and as such the message
is transmitted via text. The sequence of actions and
the intervening agents are illustrated in Fig. 8.
6.1.2 Scenario 2: Synthesizer Becomes
Unavailable Due to Context
The system needs to transmit another message to
the user. Assume that initially, both synthesizers
were available and registered in the modality registry.
AdaptO - Adaptive Multimodal Output
Figure 8: Scenario 1.
Nonetheless it was detected that the user went beyond
the text synthesizer’s range. When this happens, and
since the text synthesizer is dependent from distance
parameters, the context model alerts the text synthe-
sizer to this fact. The text synthesizer recalculates its
parameters and sees that it cannot output messages
in these conditions and as such notifies the modality
registry that he is offline. So, the system only has
an option to provide the message and outputs it via
speech. Fig. 9 provides detailed information on the
actions and agents involved.
Figure 9: Scenario 2.
6.1.3 Scenario 3: Synthesizer Adjusts its
Parameters Due to Context
Another message is available to be transmitted to the
user. The user became once again in range of the text
output, but, this time, a high level of background noise
is present in the room. As such, following the same
pattern on previous scenario, the speech synthesizer
disconnects himself. The text synthesizer however
is online. Since the distance changed, the font size
also was recalculated proportionately. As the user is
in range, the system outputs the message.
These three scenarios illustrates the adaptive na-
ture of our proposal. In our view, the system gains in
Figure 10: Scenario 3.
usability and capability besides becoming more fault-
tolerant, critical in real-time systems.
6.2 Output Examples
To provide some information of the actual results ob-
tained with the present prototype, we present exam-
ples of the output created by the text synthesizer - the
one better suited for inclusion in a written document
as this paper - in response to combinations of groups
of factors. The combined effect of the user’s distance
to the output device and the vision capabilities of the
user are illustrated in Fig.11.
Figure 11: Combined effect on text size of vision capabili-
ties and user’s distance to the output device.
Included in the example are four pictures of the
system representing different distance values associ-
ated with different vision capabilities. It is possible to
observe that according to the distance of the user to
the output device, the font size dynamically changes.
Similarly, it is also possible to observe that the vi-
sual capabilities also influence the font size calcula-
tion which together with the distance determines the
font size.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Focus on the communication between the system and
the user – multimodal output is the main novelty of
our architecture and prototype. In general, systems
in this area of application incorporate various modali-
ties to communicate with the user (such as voice, text
or images) but they are completely devoid of any au-
tonomy, i.e. simply output the messages they receive
using default definitions. In the proposed model,
AdaptO, it is intended that these modalities have some
independence and self-adaptability to user and con-
text of use (ex: environment).
Another distinctive aspect of our proposal is the
delegation to the autonomous output agents of the re-
sponsibility for registering and, thereafter, of receiv-
ing the relevant user and context dynamic attributes
necessary for maximizing its adaptability to its desti-
nation users.
This design choice has several advantages: It sim-
plifies the fission coordination service, which is no
longer required to know everything about all the avail-
able output devices. It also easies the introduction of
new output agents, making it a more modular and ex-
tensible architecture.
However, there are some parts of the output prob-
lem that we do not yet address. First, nothing has
been done regarding the semantic fission. Second,
our user model service is yet a very simplified proof-
of-concept engine, composed only of a few user re-
lated attributes. Future versions will require not only
a strong database infrastructure but also the ability to
gather and to learn user related information, such as
to register its expressed preferences and to learn from
its historical usage patterns. Such historic informa-
tion is to be systematically registered by an history
agent service which is also missing from our current
A separation between styling and rendering is also
missing in out output agents making them less adapt-
able to different types of output devices (like when we
move from a large LCD device to a small smartphone
In short, in the WWHT model we have essen-
tially addressed the middle WT parts (“Which” and
The basis for an intelligent adaptation of output - that
we called AdaptO, a Portuguese word meaning (I)
adapt - was proposed and discussed. First versions of
the required services – context and user services and
of a few output agents for text and speech synthesiz-
ing are already implemented and are being used for
supporting a prototype remote telerehabilitation ap-
Ongoing and future work includes: first tests
with elderly users (the target for our work); re-
fining adaptation heuristics; use of more advanced
user models, possibly making use of ontologies such
as GUMO (Heckmann et al., 2005); and creating
new output agents such as 3D dynamic graphics and
This work is part of the Living Usability Lab
for Next Generation Networks (
project, a QREN project, co-funded by COMPETE
and FEDER.
Coetzee, L., Viviers, I., and Barnard, E. (2009). Model
based estimation for multi-modal user interface com-
ponent selection. In 20th Annual Symposium of
the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa
(PRASA 2009), pages 1–6.
Dumas, B., Ingold, R., and Lalanne, D. (2009a). Bench-
marking fusion engines of multimodal interactive sys-
tems. In ICMI-MLMI ’09: Proceedings of the 2009
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