Nicolas Liampotis, Nikos Kalatzis, Ioanna Roussaki, Efstathios Sykas and Miltiades Anagnostou
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Personal Smart Space, Context management, History of context, Context refinement, Community-
Abstract: Current research on pervasive computing is opening the way for convergence between mobile
telecommunications and the Future Internet. This paper introduces a novel approach to this convergence in
the form of the self-improving Personal Smart Spaces (PSSs). One of the core aspects that need to be
supported within PSSs is the management of the user related context information. This paper elaborates on
the mechanisms that have been designed and implemented in order to address the advanced requirements of
PSSs regarding the establishment of a robust distributed context management framework.
Pervasive computing (Schmidt, Spiekermann,
Gershman, and Michahelles, 2006) is a next
generation system paradigm that aims to assist users
in their everyday tasks in a seamless unobtrusive
manner. It assumes that users are surrounded by
numerous communication and computing devices of
various features, which interoperate and are capable
of capturing and processing information regarding
users, their behaviour and their environments. In this
framework, there have been various research
initiatives aiming towards the design and realisation
of smart spaces (Singh, Bhargava and Kain, 2006),
where various automation facilities support the
users. However, these are fixed spaces that provide
pervasive features and adapt to the user needs in a
static and geographically limited environment.
Nevertheless, when dealing with mobile users,
different and more challenging problems are
introduced and need to be resolved (Hansmann,
Merk, Nicklous and Stober, 2003; Huang and
Mangs, 2008). In this case, the users require the
same pervasive services wherever they are and
whatever devices they carry along.
Personal Smart Spaces (PSSs) (Roussaki et al.,
2009) aim to couple the facilities offered by next
generation mobile communications with the features
provided by the static smart spaces to support a more
ubiquitous and personalised smart space that is able
to follow the user wherever he/she goes. A PSS
provides to its owner multimodal intelligent
interfaces, via which he/she is able to access and
configure the various services and resources that are
available locally and remotely, even when limited or
even no network connectivity is available. PSSs are
able to discover other PSSs and interact with them in
order to create a richer and more flexible
environment for their owners. Each PSS consists of
multiple devices, both mobile and fixed, owned by a
single user. PSSs constantly monitor their owner’s
behaviour & environment and they exploit learning
techniques to further optimise the pervasive
experience perceived by their owners.
In PSSs, network operators, individual sensors,
sensor networks or even web and computing
resource managers capture valuable information
(e.g. device location/status, user profiles, movement
patterns, user activities, network performance) and
exploit them to provide enhanced services to users.
These are called context-aware services (Anhalt et
al., 2001; Loke, 2006) and are based on the
exploitation of context data such as the above.
The PSS Context Management (CM) framework
acts as an intermediate layer between PSS/3
context-aware services and the sources of context
information. The components comprising the CM
architecture are: Context Broker, Context
Refinement, Context History Management, Context
DB Management, and Context Source Management.
A description for each component is provided in
subsequent sections of this paper. Apart from the
components above, the CM architecture comprises a
Database Management System (DBMS) which
enables access to the actual context repositories, i.e.
the Context Database and the History of Context
Kalatzis N., Liampotis N., Roussaki I., Sykas E. and Anagnostou M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003374302880291
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Database (HoC DB). The former database is used for
current context information, while the latter stores
past data.
This paper briefly presents the functionality
offered by the components above. More specifically,
it is structured as follows. In Section 2, the features
implemented by the components that are responsible
for sensing, maintaining, managing and distributing
context information are descibed. In Section 3, the
historic context data management approach, as well
as the context refinement mechanisms are shortly
presented. Section 4 elaborates on the requirements
that need to be addressed to extend the PSS CM
framework so that community-related features are
supported. Finally, in Section 5, the paper
conclusions are drawn.
In this section, the functionality of the CM
components, which are responsible for sensing,
managing and distributing context information, is
briefly presented.
2.1 Context Broker
Access to context information is managed by the
Context Broker. This component provides a query
interface for retrieving, updating, adding or
removing context data. Context queries can be
classified as follows: (i) CtxIdentifier-based, where
Context consumers can specify context IDs in their
context queries in order to identify the data items
they are interested in; (ii) location-based, which is
actually a special use case for ID-based queries and
allows for discovering new context information
based on location hierarchies modelled by context
entities and their associations; (iii) temporal-based,
which provides context consumers with access to
past values of context data. The actual processing of
such data is managed by the ContextHistoryMgmt
component which is detailed in Subsection 3.1. It
should be noted that context retrieval queries can be
performed either synchronously or asynchronously.
Apart from context query handling, the Context
Broker supports a hybrid distributed-centralised
management of context data. The hybrid approach
was chosen over a centralised or full distributed one
in order to address scalability issues in terms of
processing, storage, remote communication and,
power consumption. More specifically, in this
approach, each PSS device contributes to collecting
context information and is assigned with a different
role based on its capabilities. Although every PSS
member hosts a context database, context
information is not replicated in all of them. There is,
however, a single device (master), typically one with
server capabilities, i.e. high processing power and
storage capacity, whose database contains every
piece of context information and is thus able to
handle all context queries. In addition, the master
device is responsible for maintaining historic context
data in order to support inference of current and
future context. Regarding the other (slave) devices
in the PSS, context queries cannot always he
handled locally and must therefore be forwarded to
the master device for further processing. If the
master device becomes unavailable, a slave one may
be elected in replacement.
2.2 Context DB Management
The PSS CM framework maintains two databases
for storing context information; one for current
values and the other for historical data. The scope of
the Context DB Management (CDBM) component is
to serve as an intermediate layer between the context
query interface provided by the Context Broker and
the underlying DBMS that actually controls the
storage, management and retrieval of data in these
two databases. Therefore, this intermediate layer is
responsible for translating context queries submitted
by platform and 3
party context-aware services via
the Context Broker component into standard SQL
queries that can be executed in the framework’s
DBMS. More specifically, the CDBM component
utilises Hibernate (Hibernate, 2010), an object-
relational mapping library, in order to map context
model objects, i.e. entities, attributes & associations,
to records in a traditional relational database.
2.3 Context Source Management
The Context Source Management (CSM) component
serves as an interface between a diversity of context
sources and the Context Database. These sources
include sensors, as well as, context-providing
services that are able to feed the CM framework
with context information following a source
registration process. Furthermore, the CSM is
responsible for monitoring the quality characteristics
of available context sources in order to be able to
select the most appropriate source in the presence of
multiple sources for the same type of context
information. This decision is based on the QoC
requirements posed by context consumers. Such
requirements may also lead to the re-configuration
of registered context sources.
The functionality of the CM components that are
responsible for managing historic context data, as
well as, refining context information is described in
the subsections that follow.
3.1 Context History Management
The main functionality of the Context History
Management component is to collect and manage
History of Context (HoC) data (Kalatzis et al.,
2008). Maintaining these data is of great importance
to the CM, as it enables the system to provide old
data that are no longer stored in the Context DB.
This is even more critical for other components of
the PSS architecture, as it supports the provision of
the necessary training data sets to the components
that facilitate the self-improving and pro-active
behaviour. As already stated, a PSS consists of
various devices, each of which hosts a CM system.
However, the HoC database is maintained only on
the master device of the PSS, which has rich storage
and processing resources. It should be pointed out
that the CM does not automatically monitor all types
of context information and store the respective past
values in the HoC database. Instead, the
services/components interested and/or the PSS
owner or a system administrator have to explicitly
specify the context types to be maintained in the
HoC database.
There are several components of the PSS
framework that make use of the stored historic data.
Such a component facilitates predictions of the
user’s next action regarding the usage of pervasive
services. Context history data sets are also used for
creating profiles of user’s preferences, for providing
recommendations regarding service usage and are
also used by context reasoning algorithms.
Retrieving historic data for a specific context
attribute is a straightforward process provided by
various methods of the Context History
Management interface. Those methods implement
standard SQL queries based on the attribute
CtxIdentifier in question and criteria related with the
timestamps or/and the values of the records.
However, there are cases where context history
consumers require data sets containing sequences of
context data escorted by other context values
occurred at the same time. For example, a sample
data set containing the values for a sequence of a
context attribute A escorted by the values of context
attributes B and C will form tuples, as follows:
<CtxAttrA=val1, CtxAttrB=val2, CtxAttrC=val3>
<CtxAttrA=val4, CtxAttrB=val5, CtxAttrC=val6>
<CtxAttrA=val1, CtxAttrB=val2, CtxAttrC=val8>
In order for the HoC component to support these
types of queries, an additional registration process is
required prior to the storage of the records. The
Context History Management provides methods
allowing the history consumer to specify the primary
attribute identifier to be monitored along with the
identifiers of the escorting attributes. After this
registration process, every update of the primary
attribute will trigger the storage of each of the
escorting attributes in the HoC DB along with the
primary attribute.
3.2 Context Refinement
Context refinement implies the processing of raw
context data captured by sensors and other sources,
in order to extract high level context information.
The overall context refinement process consists of
two main steps. The system initially extracts context
inference rules based on context history data. This
process takes place on the master device. The
inference rules are then distributed to all PSS
devices capable of performing context refinement.
When a context consumer submits a request for
context information that is neither available by
sensors, nor lies in the context database, the
refinement process is triggered automatically in an
attempt to provide the necessary results. The actual
inference takes place based on the distributed rules
that are used to process raw sensor data. Thus, even
the resource constrained devices are capable of
performing context refinement locally without
having to contact another system. The overall design
of the context refinement mechanisms and the
implemented inference algorithms are extensively
described in (Frank et al., 2009).
The described CM approach fulfils all the necessary
requirements in order to support context awareness
in mobile and fixed PSSs. However, as the focus of
PSS is the individual rather than the communities of
users, an important part of human behaviour is
neglected: socialising. Social computing, on the
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
other hand, has enjoyed meteoric success in bringing
people together online. The time is ripe for these two
paradigms to converge. But in order to extend the
PSS beyond the individual to dynamic communities
of users, the context management system described
in the previous sections needs to address additional
requirements, thus introducing several research
challenges. The new requirements that need to be
met include the following:
Community context modelling, management
and inference
Shared community context and inherited
context from hierarchical communities
Dynamic community creation and membership
based on context similarities
History of community context management and
Community enhanced locating of individuals
with user involvement in location tagging
All requirements above introduce new
promissing research fields that are currently being
investigated by the authors.
Personal Smart Spaces (PSSs) is a notion introduced
to bridge the gap between isolated fixed smart
spaces and eliminate the islands of pervasiveness
that may exist, where users have no access to
pervasive services while being disconnected from
fixed smart spaces. The delivery of pervasive
services in PSSs relies on the implementation of a
context management system that enables third party
and PSS services to utilise context data and interact
with the user at the appropriate time and in the
appropriate manner and get personalised and
adapted to the user's requirements and context. The
context management system collects & stores these
context data and maintains the history of context
information. It also provides context data to other
PSS components in support of the learning,
reasoning and self-improvement features of PSSs.
The CM framework presented in this paper is
extendible to address the needs not only of
individual users, but also of dynamic communities
of users. This extension introduces several research
challenges and new concepts, such as community
context, community-enhanced context handling and
inference, etc. The implementation of the PSS
context management system framework started in
the beginning of 2009. The first prototype has been
delivered in September 2009 and since then various
versions were released. The final and complete
version of the PSS framework was released on
September 2010
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community's Seventh
Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under
grant agreement n° 215098 of the PERSIST
(PERsonal Self-Improving SmarT spaces)
Collaborative Project, as well as under grant
agreement n° 257493 of the SOCIETIES (Self
Orchestrating CommunIty ambiEnT IntelligEnce
Spaces) Collaborative Project.
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