order to reconstruct the denoised image. Moreover,
we introduced a new patch similarity measure invari-
ant to transformation and robust to noise. Experimen-
tal results show the good quality of PDC-RS denoised
images w.r.t. state of the art denoising techniques es-
pecially for high level of noise. In particular, denoised
images have a very natural appearance. Image details
are well preserved and there is no cartoon effect even
in high levels of noise. PDC-RS has also been tested
on a professional DxO Labs benchmark image giv-
ing very good and promising result. As mentioned
in Section 5.3, digital cameras image denoising is a
challenging task since noise variance is function of
the signal.
Concerning the future works, let us mention the
measure used to search for similar patches in the im-
age. Currently, this search is done in the L
Certainly, a better notion of visual similarity such as
the SSIM (Wang et al., 2004) could be used instead.
The authors would like to thank DxO Labs for provid-
ing the raw test image of Fig. 6 and the demosaicing
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SIMILARITY - Exploring Ways to Improve Patch Synchronous Summation