They propose a ground truth based evaluation
methodology using a statistical significance test
combined with a greedy clustering to rank stereo
algorithms. In this way, algorithms of statistically
similar performance are assigned to the same rank.
On the other hand, a prediction error evaluation
approach can be used in the lack of disparity ground
truth data. It relies on measuring prediction errors of
a rendered view against a real image (Szeliski, 1999;
Szeliski and Zabih, 2000). There are two alternatives
to generate such a view: forward and inverse
predictions. However, in both cases, error measures
will reflect not only quality of disparity estimation
but also quality of a rendered view. Moreover, this
evaluation approach is related to specific application
domains on which the output is a rendered view and
there are human observers as final users. In this
scenario, the capability of bringing a visual comfort
sensation to observers turns out to be more
important than the accuracy of the estimation.
The prediction error evaluation approach
proposed in (Leclerc et al., 2000) relies on
measuring 3D reconstruction errors computed
independently from multiple views. That approach
defines a self-consistency property as a 3D
triangulation agreement. However, a precise
estimation of intrinsic and extrinsic camera
parameters is assumed. Moreover, a stereo algorithm
may be self-consistent but inaccurate, since self-
consistency is a necessary but not a sufficient
condition (Szeliski and Zabih, 2000).
Summarising, both evaluation approaches are
based on linear functions and rely on the use of a
single value as an indicator of comparative
performance. However, realistic camera models as
well as image formation process are of non-linear
nature. This fact rise concerns about validity –or
convenience– of performing a linear evaluation in a
non-linear process.
In this paper a non-linear quantitative evaluation
approach is introduced. It is formalised based on
Pareto dominance relation and Pareto optimal set
(Veldhuizen and Lamont, 1999). It can be used with
or without disparity ground truth data, also by
integrating ground truth and rendered views. An
advantage of the proposed approach relies on that it
allows a clear and concise interpretation of
evaluation results. The experimental evaluation
shows alternative compositions of Middlebury’s top
performer algorithms set under different evaluation
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
contains a general description of an evaluation
methodology. In Section 3 the proposed approach is
formalised. Experimental evaluation is presented
and discussed in Section 4. Final remarks and future
work are stated in Section 5.
A quantitative evaluation methodology for disparity
estimation may involve different elements such, as:
an imagery test bed, a set of error measures, a set of
error criteria, and an evaluation model. It is depicted
in Figure 1. The evaluation model is a relevant
element, and is the focus of the proposed approach.
Some of the elements involved in an evaluation
methodology are briefly described below.
Figure 1: Process diagram of an evaluation methodology
for disparity estimation.
2.1 Imagery Test Bed
In ground truth based approaches, an imagery test
bed is a set of stereo images –
– and disparity
ground truth data –
. Where
contains high
accuracy disparity information. In prediction error
based approaches, an imagery test bed is a set of real
images –
It should be highlighted that, the selection of test
bed images is not a trivial step during the evaluation
process. Aspects such as, image content, image
quality, or test bed cardinality, have an impact on the
performance of algorithms under evaluation.
(Hirschmüller and Scharstein, 2009). For instance, if
the test bed is too short, algorithm parameters may
be specifically tuned to obtain a superior
performance. However, this superiority lacks of a
real significance. On the other hand, different
applications domains are related to different image
content, and in a same domain may exist several
image acquisition conditions.
Applied in Stereo Vision