Kyohei Nomoto, Fumihiko Sakaue and Jun Sato
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
Auto-epipolar geometry, Spatiotemporal image, Image in-painting.
In this paper, we propose detection and complement of raindrops on mirrors and windows onto cars. Raindrops
on windows and mirrors disturb view of drivers. In general, they were removed using wiper and special
devices. However, the devices cannot be used for general case. In our proposed method, images of mirrors
and windows are taken by camera and raindrops are complemented on the images, virtually. The method is
based on auto-epipolar geometry and concept of spatiotemporal image. By using the method, we can observe
clear windows and mirrors only if we can take them by camera.
Recently, multiple cameras are equipped on vehicles
for various kinds of purposes. These vehicle cameras
obtain lots of information which can help drivers. The
extracted information is presented to drivers in var-
ious ways. For example, virtual dead angle images
of driver’s view can be synthesized by using multi-
ple vehicle cameras. From these images, drivers can
observe pedestrians and obstacles in dead angles, and
can avoid car accidents. Many other applications can
be considered for assisting vehicle drivers by using
vehicle cameras. In this paper, we consider a system
which supports drivers in rainy days by using vehicle
In rainy days, raindrops on side mirrors and win-
dows disturb drivers view as shown in Fig.1 (a). For
the safety driving, these raindrops should be removed
as shown in Fig.1 (b). Although the raindrops on front
windows can be removed by using wipers, there is no
wipers for raindropson side mirrors and side windows
in general. Thus, we in this paper propose a method
for removing these raindrops not in physical way but
in virtual way. The proposed method can be applied
to not only side mirrors and windows but also other
windows and mirrors to obtain clear views without
using wipers.
In our method, windows and mirrors are taken by
cameras equipped on vehicles, and raindrops in im-
ages are removed by using the image in-painting tech-
nique. By using the proposed method, images without
raindrops can be presented to vehicle drivers, and the
drivers can observe clear windows and mirrors.
In order to achieve raindrop removal, we have
to extract raindrop areas in images and complement
these areas. This is called image complement or im-
age in-painting, and various methods have been pro-
posed. Many others proposed image complement
methods for static scenes viewed from static cam-
eras (Efros and Freeman, 2001; Bertalmio et al.,
2000; Bertalmio et al., 2001; Kang et al., 2002;
Bertalmio et al., 2003; Matsushita et al., 2005; Shen
et al., 2006; Wexler et al., 2007; Hase et al., 1999).
However, these methods cannot be applied for vehicle
cameras, since vehicle cameras are moving rapidly,
and the scene changes continually. Furthermore,
these methods cannot recover large image lack such
as occlusions. Kuribayashi and others proposed im-
age in-painting methods for moving cameras (Kurib-
ayashi et al., 2009). However, these methods are lim-
ited to cameras whose motions are parallel to image
plains. In this case, image motions are constant, and
are parallel to each other. Thus, image in-painting is
rather simple. In our case, camera motions, i.e. mirror
motions, are not parallel to the image plane, and the
image motions are not constant and vary depending
on the 3D position of scene points.
To complement images taken under general trans-
lational cameras, we consider epipolar geometry in
sequential images. In particular we consider the auto
epipolar geometry, which provides us very strong
constraints for complimenting images properly by us-
ing past sequential images.
Nomoto K., Sakaue F. and Sato J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003375001750180
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2011), pages 175-180
ISBN: 978-989-8425-47-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)