Hamza Hamdi
, Paul Richard
, Aymeric Suteau
and Mehdi Saleh
Laboratoire d’Ing
enierie des Syst
emes Automatis
es (LISA), Universit
e d’Angers, 62 Avenue ND du Lac, Angers, France
I-MAGINER, 8 rue Monteil, Nantes, France
Virtual reality, Human-computer interaction, Emotion recognition, Affective computing, Job interview.
We present a multi-modal affective virtual environment (VE) for job interview training. The proposed platform
aims to support real-time emotion-based simulations between an ECA and a human. The first goal is to train
candidates (students, job hunters, etc.) to better master their emotional states and behavioral skills. The users’
emotional and behavior states will be assessed using different human-machine interfaces and biofeedback
sensors. Collected data will be processed in real-time by a behavioral engine. A preliminary experiment was
carried out to analyze the correspondence between the users’ perceived emotional states and the collected data.
Participants were instructed to look at a series of sixty IAPS pictures and rate each picture on the following
dimensions : joy, anger, surprise, disgust, fear and sadness.
There is an increasing interest in developing intel-
ligent human-computer interaction systems that can
recognize user affective states. Affective Comput-
ing (AC) aspires to narrow the communicative gap
between humans and computers by developing com-
putational systems that recognize and respond to the
user’s affective states. Emotions constitute a priv-
ileged support to model Embodied Conversational
Agents (ECAs) that are able to communicate ver-
bally but also through gestures, facial expressions,
postures, and speech. Different systems have been
developed in the last decade using ECAs (Woolf
et al., 2009) (Helmut et al., 2005). However, none of
these systems allow realistic immersive multi-modal
emotion-based dialogue between an ECA and a hu-
In this paper, we describe a multi-modal affective
virtual environment (VE) for job interview training.
The proposed platform aims to train candidates (stu-
dents, job hunters, etc.) to better master their emo-
tional states and behavioral skills using an Embodied
Conversational Agent (ECA).
In the next section, we survey the related work
concerning the classification and the recognition of
human emotions. In section three, we present the plat-
form architecture and the human-machine interfaces.
In section four, we describe a preliminary experiment
based on IAPS protocol.
Emotions are recognized as involving components
such as cognitive and physiological changes, trends in
the action and motor expressions. Darwin postulated
the existence of a finite number of emotions present in
all cultures and having a function of adaptation (Dar-
win, 1872). This postulate was subsequently con-
firmed by Ekman which divided the emotions into two
classes: the primary emotions (joy, sadness, anger,
fear, disgust, surprise) which are natural responses to
a given stimuli, and secondary emotions that evoke
a mental image which correlates with the memory of
a primary emotion (Ekman, 1999). Emotions can be
represented by discrete categories (e.g. ”anger”) or
defined by continuous dimensions such as ”Valence”,
”Activation”, or ”Dominance”. These three dimen-
sions were combined in a space called PAD (Pleasure,
Arousal, Dominance) originally defined by Mehra-
bian (Mehrabian, 1996).
2.1 Emotion Recognition
Several approaches based on facial expression
recognition have been proposed to classify human
Hamza H., Richard P., Suteau A. and Saleh M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003377203570360
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2011), pages 357-360
ISBN: 978-989-8425-45-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
emotional states (Pantic and Rothkrantz, 2003).
Tian (Tian et al., 2000) has attempted to recognize
Action Units (AU), developed by Ekman and Friesen
in 1978 (Ekman and Friesen, 1978) using permanent
and transient features of the face and lips, the na-
solabial fold and wrinkles. Hammal proposed an ap-
proach based on the combination of two models for
segmentation of emotions and dynamic recognition of
facial expressions (Hammal and Massot, 2010).
Several approaches aimed to recognize emotions
from speech (Pantic and Rothkrantz, 2003) (Scherer,
2003). For example, Roy and Pentland classified the
emotions by using a Fisher linear classifier (Roy and
Pentland, 1996). Using short sentences, they have
recognized two kinds of emotions: approval and dis-
approval. They conducted several experiments with
characteristics extracted from measurements of height
and power, obtaining a precision going from 65% to
The analysis of physiological signals is another
possible approach for emotion recognition (Healey
and Picard, 2000) (Picard et al., 2001). Several types
of physiological signals can be used to recognize
emotions. For example, heart rate, skin conductance,
muscle activity (EMG), temperature variations of the
skin, variation of blood pressure are signals regularly
used in this context (Lisetti and Nasoz, 2004) (Villon,
2.2 Multi-modal Approaches
Multi-modal emotion recognition requires the fu-
sion of the collected data. Physiological signals
are then mixed with other signals collected through
human-machine interfaces such as video or in-
frared cameras (gestures, etc.), microphones (speech),
brain computer interfaces (BCIs) (Lisetti and Nasoz,
2004) (Sebe et al., 2005) (Busso et al., 2004). Multi-
modal information fusion may be performed at dif-
ferent levels. Usually the three following levels are
considered : Signal level, Feature level, and Decision
or Conceptual level.
Fusing information at the signal level actually
means to mix two or more signals before extracting
features required by the decision maker (Paleari and
Lisetti, 2006). Fusing information at the feature level
means to mix together the features issued from differ-
ent signal processors. Features extracted from each
modality are fused before being transmitted to the de-
cision maker module (Pantic and Rothkrantz, 2003).
Combining information at the conceptual level does
not mean mixing together features or signals but di-
rectly the extracted semantic information. Decision
level fusion of multi-modal information is preferred
by most researchers. Busso (Busso et al., 2004) com-
pared the feature level and the decision level fusion
techniques, observing that the overall performance of
the two approaches is the same.
Our goal is to propose a model allowing to ana-
lyze the behavior of the various signals and to build a
system of emotion detection in real-time using multi-
modal fusion. We aim to identify the six universal
emotions listed by Ekman and Friesen (Ekman and
Friesen, 1978) (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sad-
ness and joy), to which we add despise, stress, con-
centration and excitation (Calvo and D’Mello, 2010).
2.3 International Affective Picture
System (IAPS)
Different methods have been used to investigate hu-
man emotions, ranging from imagery inductions to
film clips and static pictures. The International Affec-
tive Picture System (IAPS) is one of the most widely
used stimulus sets (Lang et al., 1999). This set of
static images is based on a dimensional model of emo-
tion. It contains various pictures depicting mutila-
tions, insects, attack scenes, snakes, accidents, etc.
IAPS based experiments have also shown that discrete
emotions (disgust, sadness, fear, etc.) have different
valence and arousal ratings, and can be distinguished
by facial electromyography, heart rate, and electro-
dermal measures (Bradley et al., 2001).
Figure 1: Snapshot of interview simulation.
3.1 System Architecture
The proposed platform aims to support real-time sim-
ulations (Fig. 1) that allow emotion-based face-to-
face dialogue between an ECA and a human. The
GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
ECA can have specific personality and behavior (gen-
tle, aggressive, passive, etc.).
3.2 Human Computer Interfaces
The main challenge is to identify and classify be-
havioral and emotional states of the participant using
non-intrusive human-computer interfaces :
Brain computer interface: Emotiv EPOC (Fig. 2
Biofeedback sensor: Nonin (Fig. 2 (b));
Speech and facial recognition devices: micro-
phone, webcam.
Figure 2: Human-machine interfaces: (a) Emotiv EPOC,
(b) Nonin.
Different signals and input modalities are been con-
1. Physiological signals:
Facial Electromyography (EMG) ;
Electrocardiogram (ECG) ;
Electroencephalography (EEG) ;
The galvanic skin response (GSR) ;
2. Speech:
The user’s emotional state is estimated through
speech analysis (pitch, tone, speed).
3. Text:
The user’s emotional state is estimated through
textual content.
4. Gestures:
The user’s emotional state is estimated through
static and dynamic gestures.
In order to allow the development and the integration
of behavioral and emotional models in the platform,
we carried out a preliminary experiment. We seek
to analyze the correspondence between the users
perceived emotional states and the data collected
from the biofeedback sensor (Nonin Oxymeter)
and the brain-computer interface (Emotiv EPOC).
Participants were instructed to look at a series of
sixty IAPS pictures and rate each picture on the
following dimensions: joy, anger, surprise, disgust,
fear, sadness. They were all equipped with Nonin
Oxymeter and Emotiv EPOC as illustrated in Fig-
ure 3. Furthermore, a camera was used during the
experiment to take some snapshots of the participants.
Figure 3: Subject during the preliminary experiment.
A multi-modal affective virtual environment (VE) has
been presented, aiming to support real-time emotion-
based simulations between an ECA and a human.
The first goal is to train candidates to better master
their emotional states and behavioral skills. Human-
machine interfaces and biofeedback sensors are used
to assess users’ emotional and behavior states. A pre-
liminary experiment was carried out. The goal was to
analyze the correspondence between the users’ per-
ceived emotional states and the collected data. Partic-
ipants were instructed to look at a series of sixty IAPS
pictures and rate each picture on the following dimen-
sion : joy, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, sadness.This
work opens the way to new possibilities in different
areas such as professional or medical applications and
contributes to the democratization of emotion-based
human-machine interfaces for face-to-face communi-
cation and interaction.
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GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications