Figure 9 shows the configuration strategies for
given by our approach under low, middle and
high budget constraints. From this figure we can see
that our approach is adaptive enough to resource
requirements of workloads.
In this paper, we propose an approach for flexible
control of performance and expenses in IaaS cloud
environments with different requirements of
customers. We focus on the workloads with mixed
types of queries in database applications. Based on a
fine-grained charging model and a normalized
performance model, we build a model of multiple
objective optimization, which covers different
aspects cloud customers care about, such as
expenses, performance, the compromise between
performance and expenses, the performance tradeoff
of applications on different VMs, etc. Under this
model, these complicated problems are turned into
an optimization problem, which can be addressed by
a genetic algorithm we have implemented. And from
the results of some experiments, it can be seen that
the effectiveness of our approach is significant.
There is also some work to do in the future, such
as building a more comprehensive charging model
considering I/O performance and network bandwidth,
and exploring more delicate performance model
considering database concurrency control.
The work is funded by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (61073004) and Chinese Major
State Basic Research Development 973 Program
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science