and utilization improvement.
We discussed different policies. Policies are
rules that we define based on the real facts and they
optimize related metrics based on our needs. Since
OpenNebula as a Virtual Infrastructure Manager
(Sotomayor et al., 2009) is integrated with Haizea
as an advanced scheduling backend, and they are
complementary to each other, we plan to implement
different policies in OpenNebula and Haizea.
We believe energy efficient scheduling have to
be paradigms specific. Currently, we are exploring
consolidation based policies in HPC and cloud
paradigms in another work.
This work was supported by Ministry of University
and Research(MIUR) of Italy. We are grateful to
Borja Sotomayor for his support and help, develop-
ment of Haizea and his important contribution in the
field. Also, we gratefully acknowledge Ignacio Mar-
tin Llorente and Wolfgang Gentzsch for their insight-
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science