Mehdi Sheikhalishahi, Manoj Devare
Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences, University of Calabria, CS, Rende, Italy
Lucio Grandinetti, Demetrio Lagan
Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences, University of Calabria, CS, Rende, Italy
Green computing, Cloud computing, Scheduling, Energy, DVFS.
Green computing denotes energy efficiency in all components of computing systems i.e. hardware, software,
local area and etc. In this work, we explore software part of green computing in computing paradigms in
general. Energy efficient computing has to achieve manifold objectives of energy consumption optimization
and utilization improvement for computing paradigms that are not pay-per-use such as cluster and grid, and
revenue maximization as another additional metric for cloud computing model. We propose a multi-level
and general-purpose scheduling approach for energy efficient computing. Some parts of this approach such
as consolidation are well defined for IaaS cloud paradigm, however it is not limited to IaaS cloud model.
We discuss policies, models, algorithms and cloud pricing strategies in general. In particular, wherever it is
applicable we explain our solutions in the context of Haizea. Through experiments, we show big improvement
in utilization and energy consumption in a static setting as workloads run with lower frequencies and energy
optimization correlates with utilization improvement.
Primary use of energy in ICT is in data centers. Ef-
ficient power supply design and evaporative cooling
rather than air conditioning are two common ways to
reduce the energy consumption; in addition, nowa-
days work on other areas such as resource manage-
ment and scheduling to optimize energy consumption
(Kim et al., 2007) (Dhiman et al., 2009) in computing
paradigms in order to be carbon neutral, more envi-
ronmentally friendly and reducing operational costs
is a hot research topic. In this paper, we present a
perspective on energy efficient computing to achieve
manifold objectives of energy consumption optimiza-
tion, utilization improvement and revenue maximiza-
tion for cloud provider in cloud paradigm. This ap-
proach is a multi-level and general-purpose schedul-
ing approach which could be applied to all level of
resource management stack in any distributed com-
puting paradigm. There are many approaches, mech-
anisms and algorithms in the literature for energy effi-
ciency, which most of them are special-purpose. The
proposed approach is architected in all layers of com-
puting paradigms and systems in order to be general
as much as possible. However, it can be extended or
specialized for different environments.
We focus our attention on exploring pricing strate-
gies, policies, models and exploiting the latest tech-
niques and technologies in modern processors to de-
sign scheduling algorithms to improve resource uti-
lization by using free spaces in scheduler’s availabil-
ity window and optimizing energy consumption.
Throughout this paper we refer to Haizea (Sotomayor,
2010), it is an open source lease (implemented as vir-
tual machines) management system which supports
pluggable scheduling policies, various scheduling al-
gorithms, etc. Being open, flexible and modular for
further extensions and enhancements, and a general-
purpose VM-based scheduler, motivated us to select
Haizea as a tool for explaining where our solutions
could be applied. In brief, our paper makes the fol-
lowing contributions in the field:
We propose an abstract approach as a multi-
level and general-purpose approach in energy ef-
ficient computing by exploring policies, models
and algorithms. We highlight that energy efficient
Sheikhalishahi M., Devare M., Grandinetti L. and Lagan D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003380000370042
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 37-42
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
scheduling is paradigm based; details of a pol-
icy, a model or an algorithm is different in dif-
ferent paradigms. We enumerate components of a
distributed system scheduler as frontend policies,
core scheduler, information service, and backend
As part of core scheduler, we develop an energy
aware algorithm based on operations in DVFS.
Through experimentation we demonstrate how
using lower level frequencies as operating point
of processors, utilization and energy consumption
improves whereas total time increases. According
to the simulation results, energy consumption op-
timization correlates with utilization improvement
in a static setting.
Next parts of this paper are organized as follows. Af-
ter reviewing related works in Section 2, Section 3
goes over contemporary technologies for Energy Ef-
ficient computing especially in processors (Section
3.1). Next, Section 4 proposes our multi-level and
general-purpose approach in Energy Efficient com-
puting. Then, Section 5 discusses experimental re-
sults as early lessons on energy aware operations.
Finally, Section 5 presents our conclusions and dis-
cusses future work.
In this decade, many approaches have been proposed
to address the problem of Energy Efficient comput-
ing with special attention on energy consumption op-
timization and utilization improvement. The premise
in DVFS works is to shorten the idle period as much
as possible using time scaling, since it is always ben-
eficial to do so from energy efficiency perspective.
In (Hong et al., 1999), there are some assumptions
to simplify DVFS-related operations, when the task
arrival times, workload and deadlines are known in
advance, these techniques target real time systems.
Techniques presented in (Azevedo et al., 2002) re-
quire either application or compiler support for per-
forming DVFS.
In (Varma et al., 2003) system level DVFS tech-
niques demonstrated. They monitor CPU utilization
at regular intervals and then perform dynamic scal-
ing based on their estimate of utilization for the next
interval.In contrast to the aforementioned works, the
approaches in (Knauerhase et al., 2008) characterize
the running tasks and accordingly make the voltage
scaling decisions only for those phases of the tasks
where it is beneficial. Further, the policies take DVFS
decisions based on how beneficial they are from CPU
energy savings perspective. Nonetheless, in (Dhiman
et al., 2008) it is shown that doing so does not neces-
sarily result in higher system level energy savings. In
(Dhiman et al., 2008) instead of using DVFS, simple
power management policies presented based on uti-
lizing the low power modes commonly available in
modern processors and memories.
In (Kim et al., 2007), authors proposed power-
aware scheduling algorithms for bag-of-tasks applica-
tions with deadline constraints on DVS-enabled clus-
ter systems. Eucalyptus (Nurmi et al., 2008), Nimbus
(Nimbus, 2010) as Virtual Infrastructure Managers do
not support scheduling policies to dynamically con-
solidate or redistribute VMs. Scheduling component
of OpenNebula (Sotomayor et al., 2009) (in Haizea
mode) and (Dhiman et al., 2009) are able to dynam-
ically schedule the VMs across a cluster based on
their CPU, memory and network utilization. Simi-
larly, scheduling algorithms in (Bobroff et al., 2007)
provide dynamic consolidation and redistribution of
VMs for managing performance and SLA i.e. service
level agreements violations. VMware’s Distributed
resource scheduler (VMWare, 2010) also performs
automated load balancing in response to CPU and
memory pressure. However, none of these scheduling
algorithms take into account the impact of resource
contention and policy decisions on energy consump-
Authors in (Laszewskiy et al., 2009) present an
efficient scheduling algorithm to allocate virtual ma-
chines in a DVFS-enabled cluster by dynamically
scaling the supplied voltages. vGreen (Dhiman et al.,
2009) is also a system for energy efficient computing
in virtualized environments by linking online work-
load characterization to dynamic VM scheduling de-
cisions to achieve better performance, energy effi-
ciency and power balance in the system.
Modern hardware components such as processor,
memory, disk and network offer feature sets (Burd
and Brodersen, 1995) to support energy aware opera-
tions. Exploiting these feature sets in order to be more
energy efficient is a very important and challenging
task, for example in modeling cost/performance, in
designing algorithms, in defining policies, etc. In this
section, we review some of these feature sets.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
3.1 Technologies Embedded in
Nowadays processors offer two important features for
power-saving, cpuidle and cpufreq (Dynamic Voltage
and Frequency Scaling). In the cpuidle feature, there
are a number of CPU power states (C states) in
which they could reduce power when CPU is idle
by closing some internal gates. The CPU C states
are C0,C1, ...,Cn. C0 is the normal working state
where CPU will execute instruction and C1, ...,Cn are
sleeping state where CPU stops executing instruction
and power down some internal components to save
power. The cpufreq is another power-saving method
especially when CPUs are in load line, allowing quick
adjustment to frequency/voltage upon demand in
small interval. The key idea behind DVFS techniques
is to dynamically scale the supply voltage level of
the CPU so as to provide just-enough circuit speed to
process the system workload, thereby reducing the
energy consumption.
3.2 Electricity Consumption
In this section, first we formulate electricity consump-
tion and then we will discuss the effect of using two
different frequencies on energy consumption.
To formulate energy consumption model, we con-
sider that processors are homogeneous and DVFS-
enabled. They have n operating points for each core
in a multicore architecture as the following:
V F =
( f
, v
), ··· , ( f
, v
If a core runs at frequency f
it consumes v
age, respectively. According to (Kim et al., 2007)
the energy consumption for a computation which uses
v voltage to run at frequency f , is as the following
(quadratically dependent on the supply voltage level):
. f (2)
.t =
. f .t (3)
Thus, if we have J number of jobs, the energy con-
sumption for scheduling them would be:
v( j)
. f ( j).t( j) (4)
In which v( j) and f ( j) are the amount of voltage
that is used and the core’s frequency while running
job j, respectively, from V and S sets defined before.
Let’s have a job which requires t seconds execution
time to complete with a 1GHz processor. If this job
ran with two different operating points a(v
, s
) and
, s
), its energy consumption in these two scenar-
ios would be like the following:
. f
= v
. f
= v
.t (5)
. f
= v
. f
= v
.t (6)
so that:
> v
> E
If v
> v
this means that E
> E
, so energy con-
sumption in operating point a is greater than operating
point b while it will be finished earlier t
< t
We believe in order to approach conflicting goals of
Energy Efficient computing, a multi-level approach
which applies to all the levels of workload’s path
in resource management stack should be devised.
Policies, cost/performance models and algorithms
within scheduling domain and pricing schemas in
cloud computing paradigm are the components which
should become or incorporate energy aware place-
ments, operations, techniques, models, etc.
4.1 Policies
Policies have profound impacts on Energy Efficient
computing. Policies could be categorized into three
types: general-purpose policies (Dhiman et al., 2009),
architecture-specific (or infrastructure-specific) poli-
cies (Hong et al., 1999) application-specific (or
workload-specific) policies (Kim et al., 2007).
General-purpose policies are those that can be ap-
plied to most of the computing models. For instance,
CPU/cache-intensive workloads should run at high
frequencies, since by increasing frequency the per-
formance scales linearly for a CPU/cache-intensive
workload.Architecture-specific policies are defined
based on the architecture or infrastructure in which
computation happens. Also application-specific poli-
cies are defined around applications’ characteris-
tic.Workload consolidation (Hermenier et al., 2009)
policy is a sort of policy at the intersection of the
last two mentioned policies. Mixing various types of
workloads on top of a physical machine is called con-
solidation.Furthermore, consolidation-based policies
should be designed in such a way to be an effective
consolidation. In fact, effective consolidation is not
packing the maximum workload in the smallest num-
ber of servers, keeping each resource (cpu, disk, net-
work and memory) on every server at 100% utiliza-
tion, such an approach may increase the energy used
per service unit.
4.2 Algorithms
Algorithms constitute the next part of energy con-
sumption optimization. At this level, we are dealing
mainly with energy aware operations over resources
like processor, memory, disk and network. For in-
stance, for a processor we have lightweight operations
i.e. decrease/increase freq/volt, moving to an idle-
state or moving to a performance-state, and heavy-
weight operations such as suspend/resume/migrate
and start/stop on virtual machines or turn on/turn off
on physical machines.
Algorithms based on cost/performance models are
part of the scheduling to model cost vs. performance
of system states. A formal cost model quantifies the
cost of a system state in terms of power and perfor-
mance. These models are exploited by the schedul-
ing algorithms to select the best state of a processor,
memory, disk and network. Sleep states’ power rate
and their latency i.e. the time needed to change to and
from the running state, are examples of parameters in
modeling cost vs. performance. In addition, mod-
els should specify how much energy will be saved in
state transitions and how long it takes for state transi-
tions. Models are also architecture and infrastructure
dependent e.g. internal of Multicore and NUMA sys-
tems have different features and characteristics to be
4.3 Pricing Strategy
At the highest level in the cloud interface, we have
pricing strategies such as Spot Pricing in Amazon
(Amazon, 2010) and recent pricing approaches in
Haizea or perhaps game theory mechanisms. These
mechanisms apply cloud policies that are revenue
maximization or improving utilization. More or less
these policies have the same goals, and also they
are energy efficient, since they keep cloud resources
busy by offering various prices to attract more cloud
consumers. A dynamic pricing strategy like offering
cheaper prices for applications that will lead to less
energy consumption (or higher performance) based
on the current cloud status (workloads and resources)
compared to the others, is an Energy Efficient pricing
4.4 Autonomic Scheduling
We enumerate components of a distributed system
scheduler as frontend policies, core scheduler, infor-
mation service, and backend policies. In summarizing
our approach, as a reference architecture, some com-
ponents of a distributed system scheduler are enumer-
ated as the following:
Frontend policies: Admission control and pricing
are placed in this component. Job requests pass
via these policies before queueing.
Core scheduler: Queue mechanism, various
scheduling algorithms and specific energy aware
algorithms such as those dealing with energy
aware operations (next Section) constitute core of
a scheduler.
Information service: Scheduler’s slot table, avail-
ability window, etc. provide various information
to be exploited in different components.
Backend policies: Host selection, mapping and
preemption constitute backend policies.
An autonomic scheduling approach could ex-
ploit this reference architecture to make various de-
cisions in different components, for example in queue
mechansim based on job’s characteristic, information
provided by information service, and other jobs in
the queue, a grouping or affinity mechanism could
be implemented to reduce resource contention among
jobs; we are studying this research in another work.
Nonetheless, more details of this approach is out of
the scope of this paper.
In this section, we review two main energy aware
operations from the scheduling point of view at the
processor level in a detailed manner compared to the
previous section.We have added DVFS feature in the
Haizea’ resource model to support a set of different
frequencies and voltages. We also extended duration
class of Haizea to keep track of running leases with
different frequencies and update the remaining time
of a lease accordingly. This section highlights the im-
portance of classifying compute intensive workloads
according to their demands and running them on the
most appropriate processor (i.e. operating on the fre-
quency required by the classified workloads).
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
5.1 Experimental Results
In the first experiment, we run Haizea in simulation
mode to process 30 days of lease requests from the
SDSC Blue Horizon cluster job submission trace (Fei-
telson, 2010).We have done two separate experiments
with two different processors as the processing unit of
the nodes, with the following DVFS specifications:
Table 1: Operating Points for processor1.
Perf. state Frequency Voltage
P0 3600 1.4
P1 3400 1.35
P2 3200 1.3
P3 3000 1.25
P4 2800 1.2
Table 2: Operating Points for processor2.
Perf. state Frequency Voltage
P0 1600 1.484
P1 1400 1.420
P2 1200 1.276
P3 1000 1.164
P4 800 1.036
P5 600 0.956
In each run, we measured the whole experimen-
tation time, sum of all leases slowdown (all-leases-
slowdown) and energy consumption according to
equation (3) metrics as well as resource utilization.
Tables 3, 4 show these metrics for processor1 and
proessor2, respectively.
Table 3: SDSC Blue Metrics for processor1.
Freq Time(sec.) Slowdown(sec.) EC(Joule) Util
3600 2668402 9870 160560938160 0.68
3400 2690148 12552 149281951131 0.71
3200 2720196 14349 138431042048 0.75
3000 2748824 14473 127989300000 0.79
2800 2829515 20649 117954039168 0.82
This experiment reveals that as frequencies de-
crease, the running time increases slightly; resource
utilization increases and this is true also for slowdown
metric. On the other hand, there is a big decrease in
energy consumption. In conclusion, if we compare
the highest frequency run with the lowest frequency
run, we observe that while the running time increases,
but there is a big improvement for energy consump-
tion metric; in addition resource utilization increases
around 14% which for utilization is a very good gain.
Increasing utilization also is an energy efficient ap-
proach, since resources would be busy and the waste
of energy would become less. Nonetheless, in case
of high load it would be better if we run applications
with the highest frequency, since during peak times
utilization is always high and by this technique com-
puting system could service more jobs. In fact, there
is a trade-off between load, utilization, cost, perfor-
mance, and sustainability. In all, in case of low load
which resource utilization is low, taking advantage of
running applications with low frequency is a promis-
ing technique to fill out availability window of sched-
uler and increase utilization; on the other hand, in
high load times, we could run applications with the
highest performance of computing system. Trade-off
is a key in all these aspects. Furthermore, we have
the same observation for experimentation with pro-
Table 4: SDSC Blue Metrics for processor2.
Freq Time Slowdown EC Util
1600 2668402 9870 80180564496.3 0.68
1400 2739271 15832 73407588444.4 0.76
1200 2851453 22414 59276240343.1 0.85
1000 3269150 51268 49327094388.4 0.89
800 4017467 66126 39076964327.3 0.90
600 5336254 85235 33274070266.6 0.91
Table 5: SDSC DataStar Metrics for processor1.
Freq Time Slowdown EC Util
3600 2654637 9017 399685094928 0.58
3400 2658448 10538 371630049746 0.61
3200 2662737 12051 344615195392 0.65
3000 2667597 16264 318617648438 0.69
2800 2673151 20650 293637262464 0.74
In the second experiment, we studied the same
metrics on SDSC DataStar trace. Table 5 shows the
aforementioned metrics for processor1.
Interestingly, experimental results are promising with
big improvement in utilization and energy consump-
tion as workloads are running with low frequencies.
We have proposed a multi-level and general-purpose
approach for energy efficient computing. In partic-
ular, we have added support for DVFS in Haizea’s
resource model to do some simulation experiments
regarding running workloads with different frequen-
cies in a static setting. Through experiments, we have
shown big improvement in utilization and energy
consumption as workloads are running with low fre-
quencies and the coincidence of Energy consumption
and utilization improvement.
We discussed different policies. Policies are
rules that we define based on the real facts and they
optimize related metrics based on our needs. Since
OpenNebula as a Virtual Infrastructure Manager
(Sotomayor et al., 2009) is integrated with Haizea
as an advanced scheduling backend, and they are
complementary to each other, we plan to implement
different policies in OpenNebula and Haizea.
We believe energy efficient scheduling have to
be paradigms specific. Currently, we are exploring
consolidation based policies in HPC and cloud
paradigms in another work.
This work was supported by Ministry of University
and Research(MIUR) of Italy. We are grateful to
Borja Sotomayor for his support and help, develop-
ment of Haizea and his important contribution in the
field. Also, we gratefully acknowledge Ignacio Mar-
tin Llorente and Wolfgang Gentzsch for their insight-
ful comments.
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science