propriate to describe the dimensions of a system space
(which are most likely much more than two - so figure
6 shows an extreme simplification of the to be encoun-
tered problem). A substantial cost calculation model
should have the capability to select the most compa-
rable systems out of a given system space in order to
inter- or extrapolate the most appropriate cost driving
parameters for a cloud based application.
Selection of the
most comparable
operated system
Figure 6: Using most adequate ex post cost data for estimat-
ing ex ante estimations
Within our ongoing research we want to develop, vali-
date and optimize categories suitable for finding near-
est neighbours necessary to develop cost estimation
models. Our long term vision is to populate our in
figure 6 presented cloud-based system space with rep-
resentative cloud-based systems. For these systems ex
post cost shall be collected and provided continuously
through a public accessible database.
4.2 Conclusions and Outlook
For IT management investment decisions an ex ante
rather than an ex post cost transparency
is needed.
But ex ante cost estimation models do not exist so
far and have to be established and cross checked.
This is the vision for our ongoing research. We pre-
sented a model in its early research stages by using the
strengths of cloud services (ex post cost transparency)
to provide the missing ex ante cost transparency in or-
der to improve IT management decision for or against
cloud based realizations. We plan to do this by pro-
viding and delivering domain specific and representa-
tive applications in order to measure real world efforts
and costs and provide them in domain independent
indicators like cost per web interaction. The indica-
tors as well as subsequent cost estimation models for
cloud based approaches shall cover all relevant cost
driving aspects of cloud services from a cloud cus-
tomer perspective. Indicators and ex ante cost estima-
tion models are planned to be made completely avail-
Which is a often mentioned strength of cloud services.
able to academic as well business public via an open
access database.
Thanks to Amazon Web Services for supporting our
research with a research grant.
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