of cloud systems. It divided cloud scheduling into
two levels: User Scheduling and Task Scheduling
and designed different strategies for them. User
Scheduling can be seen as resource allocation which
is the overall scheduling as the unit of cloud user.
And the target is to achieve the maximum agreement
of user expectation to the quality of service. Task
Scheduling is the scheduling within one user’s tasks.
It realizes the binding of tasks to virtual machines.
And its goal changes with the real requirement of
tasks. Different scheduling strategies are designed
for different scheduling levels. Through message
mechanism, cloud providers can advertise their
services to customers.
This paper was constructed as follows: part 2
describes the related concepts of scheduling and
scheduling model and Part 3 analyzes and compares
several existing task scheduling models. Part 4
introduces the new two-level based scheduling
model. Part 5 is the design, results and analysis of
the simulation experiments and the last part is
conclusion and future work.
2.1 Scheduling in Cloud
The goal of cloud scheduling is to select an
appropriate distribution strategy dispatching
paralleling tasks to resource nodes under the premise
of priority constraints and certain performance
indicators and to achieve the minimal total execution
Since all kinds of cloud resources at different
abstract layers are virtualized, scheduling will
undoubtedly involve two aspects: one is the binding
of cloud providers’ actual resources to the virtual
resources and the other is the binding of users’ tasks
to virtual resources.
2.2 Distribution Justice
Distributive justice concerns the fair, just or
equitable distribution of benefits and burdens. It is
widely regarded as an important concept and
influential force in philosophy and the social
sciences. The socialists have found three distinct
principles of justice: the Need Principle, the
Efficiency Principle and the Accountability
Principle. And also justice is context-based.
(Guillermina Jasso, 1989).
In cloud computing environment whose highest
objective is to provide “low-cost” and “on-demand”
services, how to realize the true sense of distribution
justice of users and how to achieve the goal of users’
willing burden in line with their gained services is a
most important issue that cloud scheduling model
has to concern about.
2.3 Berger’s Theory
Berger’s theory comes from the sociology field and
it is about the fair distribution of the society. The
theoretical basis of Berger’s model is “Expectation
States Theory” which makes the model more
reasonable and accurate. Berger’s theory believes
that “balance” is gained through the comparison of
reference structure and local structure. (Berger, J., B.
P. Cohen and M. Zelditch., 1966). It is easy to
extend Berger’s theory into computer field. We
believe that when majority network users receive
considerable quality of service with their expectation,
network balance or distribution justice establishes.
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3.1 Min-Min Algorithm
Min-Min (Minimum-Minimum Completion Time)
algorithm and Max-Min (Maximum-Minimum
Completion Time) algorithm are both classical task
scheduling algorithms and the research basis of
many of today’s parallel scheduling. The main idea
of Min-Min algorithm is constantly searching for
and scheduling the task which is smallest in the
Minimum Completion Time when deployed in all
cloud resources. Min-Min algorithm has the
advantage of fast execution. But since short tasks are
always prior scheduled, it may easily lead to uneven
host load and low utilization rate. Max-Min has the
opposite characteristics. It solves the problem of
uneven load while with the slower execution speed.
3.2 Ant Colony Optimization
ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) algorithm is one of
the most common used heuristic scheduling
algorithms in distributed systems. (Dorigo M,
Maniezzo V. and Colorni A., 1996). Ant colony
algorithm draws on the principles of ants’ finding
food in nature, uses the history pheromone of each
execution experience to achieve positive feedback
effect and through iteration keeps closer to the