This paper discusses the ability to launch attacks from
within the Cloud against external targets. Two ex-
periments demonstrate the simplicity and low cost of
launching such attacks. Porting traditional botnet de-
tection techniques to the Cloud is not straightforward,
thus new techniques are required. One possible tech-
nique is extrusion detection. This would require CSPs
to monitor outbound traffic to detect and respond to
suspicious activity. Current policy is to wait until
the victims of attacks contact the responsible CSP at
which point action is taken to disable the attack. Until
CPSs implement a comprehensive botcloud detection
and removal policy, botmasters will continue to move
their malicious activities into the Cloud and botclouds
will continue to grow.
Possible areas of future work include research into
Cloud deployment of extrusion detection systems and
designing incentives for CSPs to proactively monitor
for botclouds.
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Foundation (http://www.nlnet.nl).
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BOTCLOUDS - The Future of Cloud-based Botnets?