B. Colbert and L. M. Batten
Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia
Keywords: Virtual machine, Rogue machine, Attack, Security.
Abstract: In current cloud services hosting solutions, various mechanisms have been developed to minimize the
possibility of hosting staff from breaching security. However, while functions such as replicating and
moving machines are legitimate actions in clouds, we show that there are risks in administrators being able
to perform them. We describe three threat scenarios related to hosting staff on the cloud architecture and
indicate how an appropriate accountability architecture can mitigate these risks in the sense that the attacks
can be detected and the perpetrators identified. We identify requirements and future research and
development needed to protect cloud service environments from these attacks.
Over the last few years, cloud computing has grown
from being a promising business to one of the fastest
growing segments of the IT industry (Gartner, 2009)
because businesses can now gain access to the latest
concept and best business applications while, in
most cases, minimising the cost of
hardware/infrastructure. This is achieved by a client
of a cloud services provider being able to share
computer platforms, networking and storage
infrastructure with the provider’s other clients.
However, the downside of this arrangement is
that the onus is on the cloud service provider, not the
client, to ensure that the particular client’s
confidential company information is kept
appropriately separated and secure, and to take
measures to protect that client’s company
information from malicious software and processes
that may be initiated on any of the cloud’s virtual
machines. Consequently, there is a significant, and
growing, level of concern about the cloud and its
security (Ristenpart et al. 2009).
One of the security issues which became evident
in outsourcing business models, and which is now
seen in the cloud services environment, is the trust
of staff (Cattedu et al., 2009). In current hosting
solutions, various mechanisms have been developed
to minimize the possibility of hosting staff from
breaching security such as physical separation and
logging and audit controls. However, while
functions such as replicating and moving machines
(often done to optimize operations and efficiencies)
are legitimate actions in clouds, we shall show that
there are risks in administrators being able to
perform them, including the potential to:
impersonate clients,
expose confidential data,
corrupt data, and
make fraudulent transactions.
In this paper, we describe three attacks on the virtual
machine layer of a typical cloud services
architecture which can be perpetrated by hosting
staff, resulting in all of the above risks being
We describe requirements on the cloud
architecture which allow partial mitigation of the
above risks in the sense that the attacks can be
detected and the perpetrators identified. These
requirements include logging of access events, staff
profiling and machine profiling. While some of
these requirements are not yet in use in cloud service
environments, we believe that research and
development over the near future will enable the
gaps to be filled.
In the next section we discuss current work in
this area. In Section 3, we describe our attacks
scenarios. In Section 4 we analyze these scenarios
and describe how they can be mitigated. In Section
5, we conclude and propose further work.
Colbert B. and M. Batten L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003381700430048
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 43-48
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Cloud service systems are dynamic and require
organizational collaboration across many sectors,
including business services, administration and
technical services. Thus, predefined business logic
and service level agreements are normally in place
to enable smooth business processing. This, in itself,
is not sufficient to ensure that the environment can
be completely trusted. Violations can occur. As
pointed out in (Yao et al. 2010), the ability to detect
violations is a critical component of developing a
trusted computing environment. They argue that this
ability requires a separation of activities and
evidence logging into different domains which they
call the ‘business service domains’ and the
‘accountability domains’ respectively. This is now a
commonly accepted approach to cloud architecture
(Yao et al. 2010), (Popa et al. 2010).
Yao et al. argue that the purpose of
accountability is ‘binding each activity to the
identity of its actor’ and thus demonstrate a method
which is shown to do this for a loan-service scenario
implemented on the Amazon Elastic Compute cloud
Dalton and colleagues in (Dalton et al., 2009)
argue that reducing the size and complexity of the
code which needs to be trusted is the best approach
to providing security and trustworthiness. Figure 1
provides a standard description of the use of a
hypervisor in a virtual machine environment. The
hypervisor is a layer of software that sits between
hardware and higher-level software structures such
as applications, and decides which of them gets how
much access to memory, storage and CPU time. In
the top of the figure, several virtual machines,
software versions of PCs, are available for use by
customers, as in for instance an online shop. The
chassis supplies the power to the blade server which
has its own CPU, memory and hard disk. In (Dalton
et al., 2009), the authors disaggregate the hypervisor,
identifying ‘the security critical features of the
platform and moving them into separate and smaller
restricted privilege domains’ and develop in the
paper an architecture around an interface with the
disaggregated hypervisor (see Figure 3 of their
paper). The authors claim that this new architecture,
along with a trusted platform module allows for
better integrity measurement and reporting, though
they do not report on any experimental work.
In work of Corney, Mohay, Clark and Lopes
(Corney et al, 2011) prototype software was
developed which identifies anomalous events in a
computing environment based on usage patterns and
user profiles. The authors are able to detect
unauthorized use of software by users in an
organization. They do this by building a user profile
for each user and detecting departures from the
routine. At this point, their work is based on the
presence or absence of a particular application in a
user’s file, but they plan to extend the work to build
probabilistic models. In Section 5, we indicate how
this type of profiling can be a solution to stopping
the attacks with which we deal in this paper.
Figure 1: An on-line shop is copied.
We consider the hardware set-up of the virtual
machine environment. Figure 1 presents this in
detail. A number of virtual machines run off a
hypervisor supported by the blade and chassis. Data
gathered from the virtual machine is sent to the
storage area once it has been processed.
We assume, as in (Yao et al. 2010), that the
Business Services Domain is separated logically
from the Accountability Domain and that no staff in
either domain are able to perform the functions of
the staff in the other domain.
The following three sub-sections describe attacks
on this set-up.
3.1 Unauthorized Activities
A cloud staff member may abuse the privilege of
accessing the storage area and gain access to
information which is an abuse of their privilege
status. This individual may also run unauthorized
software or applications on machines in the Business
Services Domain. We describe in Section 5 how the
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
cloud architecture can detect these abuses and
identify the individual.
3.2 VM Machine Copying
In order to handle peak demands on the system, it is
standard practice to make copies of virtual machines
in order to deal with the excessive traffic. For
example, an on-line shop may experience a peak in
business during lunch-time hours from Monday to
Friday. A copy of the shop can be made to deal with
the peak hours and then closed down when no longer
A business service staff member therefore,
legitimately, has both the ability and right to
establish a copy of a virtual machine, as shown in
Figure 1. The copied virtual machine has the same
capability and data as the original and can be used to
impersonate clients, fraudulently purchase goods
using customer credit card information, corrupt
credit card information with the aim of denying a
customer the opportunity to purchase, for example,
or gather credit card information for the purposes of
selling it.
3.3 A Rogue VMware Machine
A cloud staff member may be authorized to replace a
mal-functioning machine, but may introduce a rogue
machine to the stack, substituting it for a legitimate
machine. This machine may then access the storage
and steal or corrupt customer data. It may carry
malware which can infiltrate the hypervisor and so
the other virtual machines in the stack, stealing or
corrupting data, playing havoc with the network and
connections and business processes.
We argue that the Accountability Domain must
be able to deal with these situations in a number of
1. It must be able to detect these violations.
2. It must be able to determine the exact time at
which the violation occurred.
3. It must be able to determine which staff were
4. It must be able to differentiate between the
scenarios 3.2 and 3.3.
In the next section, we analyze these attack
scenarios and determine the information needed by
the accountability domain in order to provide
answers to the above questions.
In this section we develop the framework for an
Accountability Architecture which will, amongst
other things, be able to successfully complete the
four tasks delineated in Section 3.2. In doing so, we
draw on work of other authors as well as introducing
some novel components.
We first define some of the terms we shall use in this
Definition. An ‘event’ is an action initiated either by
the user or the computer. An example of a user event
is a keystroke. An example of a computer generated
event is a notification based on the time of day
Definition. An ‘enactor’ is the entity generating an
event. This might be a computer or a user.
4.1 Binding Events to Enactors
Following Yao et al., we stipulate that each event is
bound to its enactor. This is done in the Business
Services Domain by administrative means. There is
a set list of events (with associated times) available
for execution. Staff members are assigned to enact
these events at specific times.
When staff member S enacts event E, for
example instantiating or copying a virtual machine,
she signs a set of input parameters to the event and a
set of output parameters from the event with her
private key from the company’s public key scheme.
These are then lodged with the Accountability
Domain which can verify the enactor by means of
her public key which produces information
connected to the event.
For actions, such as loading software onto virtual
machines, or reconfiguring the environment, change
management processes and approval structures
should be in place to provide further accountability
for these actions.
4.2 Logging of Events
Each event is automatically logged by the
Accountability Division along with the identity of
the enactor in the form of the two signed data-
strings, and the time the signing occurred. At the
time of logging, the identity of the enactor is
confirmed and also logged in the Accountability
We note that ensuring the integrity of the logs
themselves has been considered by several people.
For example, (Schneier et al., 1999) use hash chains
to ensure that logs cannot be tampered with.
4.3 Staff Profiling
Here, we introduce a methodology based on ideas in
(Corney et al. 2010). The Accountability Domain
starts to build a profile of each staff member in the
Business Services Domain as of their date of
appointment. All events enacted by each staff
member are logged in the profile. Each profile is
then regularly checked for anomalies and this
process should be automated in some reliable
fashion. Nevertheless, the amount of data needing to
be checked can grow quickly into quantities that
distract from the core business. This can be managed
very well by means of a sliding window approach,
as demonstrated in (Corney et al. 2010). In this
method, while all data in the profile is stored, only
the last n hours are checked on a regular basis. The
number, n, of hours chosen may be a function of
level of access assigned to the staff member, level of
confidentiality of data accessed during the event, or
any subset of a number of additional items. We
assume that for each staff member S, the number n
of hours checked on a regular basis is pre-
determined jointly by the administration of the
Business Services Division and the Accountability
Division. The number n
may change from time to
time relative to the same staff member S and
depending on changes in the role and responsibilities
of S.
4.4 An Accountability Architecture
We now combine the components discussed in
Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 into an accountability
architecture which is exhibited in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Accountability architecture.
In Figure 2, the enactor and event are represented as
being bound by means of the private key of the
enactor which signs the event. The event is logged
and, at the same time, the fact that the enactor
performed the event is recorded in her profile.
We now explain how the Services Accountability
Architecture, introduced in the previous section, can
deal with the situations posed in Section 3.
5.1 Detecting Unauthorized Activities
As discussed in Section 4, the practice of logging the
actions of privileged users is necessary to provide
accountability for staff. While standard logging
procedures may be in place, the diagnostics of such
logs in this environment need development in order
to deal with mass production and to deal with
dynamic features of virtual machines. To our
knowledge, there is no current research on the most
appropriate or the most accurate diagnostic methods
in such an environment; nor is there any indication
that diagnostic methods used in past service provider
environments are appropriate for cloud services.
However, once such research has been
accomplished, the Accountability Domain will be
able to examine the activities of all virtual machines
and correlate them to determine which were
unauthorized and when they occurred, as well as
which staff were involved. On the other hand, we
note in the next two sub-sections some problems
which need to be understood when developing log
diagnostics to determine the time and the staff
member responsible.
5.2 Determining the Exact Time of a
Consider the situation where a virtual machine is
shut down under certain conditions; this may include
the case where the number of requests falls below a
certain threshold for example. Precise conditions
such as these would be established in the working
environment. However, if a staff member uses a
machine as a false copy of a legitimate machine,
request rates may remain high enough to maintain
machine operation. In such a situation, technically, a
violation occurred at the time at which the flow of
legitimate requests fell below the pre-determined
threshold. But the system cannot distinguish
between legitimate and illegitimate requests; it is
only at the time that the machine is discovered to be
a copy that the system logs will be invoked to
determine when the copy was made.
Business Services Domain
Accountability Domain
Profile built
Event logged
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
5.3 Determining the Staff Member
Once the time of a violation has been determined,
the profiles of all staff on duty at that time can be
examined. Events logged at that time identify the
staff member or members associated with the event
by means of the private key used. The events related
to the violation then indicate which staff were
5.4 Differentiating between Violations
3.2 and 3.3
Unauthorized actions, such as accessing storage, will
either come from a virtual machine in the
environment or from a management console. Access
from management consoles and virtual machines is
logged and so detectable by examination of the logs.
Other types of attacks may come from virtual
machines however, and their detection relies on
suitable logging actions. Machine copying, for
example, can be detected if the machine acts in an
unusual way. A machine profile is an appropriate
method of detecting a copy, since a machine which
has been functioning in the cloud service
environment performs particular, specified tasks
(such as those relevant to an online shop) and its
operation follows a regular pattern over a particular
block of time (one day or one week for example). A
copy of such a machine is expected to follow the
same pattern. Any departure from such a pattern
would be suspicious.
A rogue machine introduced as a new piece of
hardware as described in Section 3.3, would not
have established a usable profile with which to
compare behaviour. However, unlike the situation of
a copied machine, which would try to remain
undetected, a rogue machine would have negative
impact on other machines in its environment. In this
case, it is the profiles of the affected machines that
would detect anomalies, and the collection of these
anomalies would point to a rogue machine.
In summary, appropriate logging methods in
conjunction with staff and machine profiles enable
the cloud service provider to deal with any of the
attacks discussed in this paper, either individually or
combined. Methods of ensuring tamper-proof logs as
in (Kelsey et al. 1999) can be extended to ensuring
that profiles are also tamper-proof.
Simulation of authorized and unauthorized activities
in large production domains will provide direction
for the development of efficient and accurate log-
based diagnostics in cloud environments.
The establishment of profiles for individual staff
members is extremely useful in identifying
anomalies in the individual’s behaviour which may
be indicative of suspicious behaviour. Such profiling
can be extended to sections of the cloud operation
such as a particular business process or a particular
machine or cluster of machines in order to detect a
situation which may indicate malicious behaviour.
Future work in this area might include the use of
techniques currently used to detect a denial-of-
service attack on a server from outside the firewall.
The gathering of data in an on-going automated
way for potential forensic use is a second area of
research which is worthwhile pursuing. This would
have to be done in such a way that the rights and
privacy of staff members were not violated (with
respect to all relevant laws) and also such that data
was gathered efficiently and in a manner that was
easy to access and use when needed.
The ability of a cloud customer to detect the
failure of conditions in the service level agreement
would be a useful addition to assurance of data
integrity. This idea has been proposed in several
publications, for instance, in (Simmhan, 2010) and it
is an area of interest for further work by the present
Cattedu, D. and Hogben, G., editors. ‘Cloud computing
security benefits, risks and recommendations’, Nov.
2009 Report by the European Network and
Information Security Agency.
Corney, M., Mohay, G., Clark, A., R., Lopes, J. 2011.
Detection of anomalies from user profiles generated
from system logs. In Proceedings of AISC; to appear.
Dalton, C., Plaquin, D., Weidner, W., Kuhlmann, D.,
Balacheff, B. and Brown, R. 2009. Trusted virtual
platforms: A key enabler for converged client devices.
In ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol.43,
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Popa, R., Lorch, J., Molnar, D., Wang, H., Zhuang, L.
2010. Enabling security in cloud storage SLAs with
CloudProof. Microsoft report available at http://
Ristenpart, T., Tromer, E., Shacham, H., & Savage, S.
(2009). Hey, You, Get off of my Cloud: Exploring
Information Leakage in Third
Schneier, B., Kelsey, J. 1999. Secure audit logs to support
computer forensics. In ACM Transactions on
Information and System Security, 2, 159-176.
Simmhan, Y. and Gomadam, K. 2010. Social web-scale
provenence in the cloud. In Proceedings of IPAW
2010, LNCS vol. 6378, pp 298-300.
Yao, J., Chen, S., Wang, C., Levy, D. Zic, J. 2010.
Accountability as a service for the cloud. Proceedings
of IEEE International Conference on Services
Computing, IEEE Computer Society, 81-88.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science