Daniel Slamanig
and Stefan Rass
Department of Medical Information Technology, Healthcare IT & Information Security Group
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Institute of Applied Informatics, System Security Group, Klagenfurt University, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Cloud computing, Cloud storage and computation services, Security, Privacy, Non-standard cryptography.
Cloud computing is an evolving paradigm that is believed to play a key-role in future information processing.
It is reasonable to expect a cloud computing environment equipped with security systems, but anything not
covered by standard measures such as firewalls or encrypted channels is subject to mere trust in the cloud
provider. The acceptance of cloud computing might be higher if less trust in the infrastructure is demanded,
thanks to a more comprehensive employment of cryptography for security and privacy. Despite a vast amount
of cryptographic primitives available today, their full power still remains to be exploited for numerous aspects
in cloud computing. The goal of this paper is drawing attention to various primitives in cryptography that
might become or actually are already considered to be useful in a cloud computing environment, but have not
received as much attention as they deserve from experts in this area.
Cloud computing is a paradigm in which informa-
tion processing and storage is outsourced to an exter-
nal service provider, hosting either hardware or soft-
ware resources that can be utilized on a “pay-as-you-
go” basis. The customer’s benefit is sparing the need
to buy expensive hardware or software for a perhaps
short-term usage and capable to cope with peak loads
or to avoid burdening the own system with resource-
intensive computations. At the same time, the cus-
tomer needs to be assured that his information is not
lost, leaked or otherwise misused by hackers, other
customers or the cloud provider himself. However,
achieving this kind of assurance is highly nontrivial
for various reasons. If the cloud provider claims that
his infrastructure is secure, how can this claim be sub-
stantiated for the customer? If the customer distrusts
the cloud provider,what measures can he take in order
to have his information processable yet inaccessible
for unauthorized parties?
Cryptographic research has considered a vast
amount of problems that are applicable to those en-
countered when building a secure cloud computing
environment. However, since cloud computing is a
very recent field, their applications to cloud comput-
ing have not been considered adequately. Neverthe-
less, for many issues arising in a cloud computing en-
vironment, there might be a perfect but perhaps little-
known solution available in cryptography. The goal
of this work is to shed light on ”cloud cryptography”.
We consider an abstract model of cloud computing
whereas the cloud provider (CP) is assumed to be a
monolithic entity. Besides, we have a set of cloud
users (CUs) who store data items in the cloud for
later access and processing. Each user (i.e. data
owner) might have his own favored policy, defining
access control permissions for other CUs. This policy
may specify such permissions in terms of required at-
tributes, roles, or rights that either a CU or the CP
must possess.
Obviously, security in this setting is mutual: CP as
well as CUs need protection of their assets from each
other’s negative influence. The CP is interested in the
fair, authorized and observant use of his facilities, and
the protection of his own infrastructure against dam-
age. On the other hand, the CU is interested in the se-
crecy and integrity of his information, computations
over his data, its correct execution and his privacy.
For many applications, it is useful to classify an
adversary in terms of his capabilities. In a cloud
computing environment, such a classification could
Slamanig D. and Rass S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003382106040609
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 604-609
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
be made up of two attributes, i.e. an adversary can
be active or passive, as well as internal or external.
In either case, we will assume a (computationally)
bounded attacker. In cryptography, the distinction be-
tween active and passive adversaries is very impor-
tant, since a passive adversary is restricted to obey the
protocols and merely attempts to extract information,
as opposed to an active adversary who is not bound to
hold on to any protocol specification. Consequently,
he may insert, delete, modify, delay or block informa-
tion to his own advantage. Building a defense against
an external adversary amounts to protection of links
and nodes in the (cloud’s) network. Standard encryp-
tion and access control primitives can do that. De-
fending against an internal (CP related) adversary is
more sophisticated, and one important countermea-
sure is storing solely encrypted data in the cloud.
However, there are additional issues discussed below.
2.1 Requirements
Subsequently, we discuss security and privacy re-
quirements that are considered important from our
point of view: Anonymity is a demand of the CU,
since leaving footprints everywhere in the cloud sup-
ports profiling the user’s behavior and might yield un-
wanted implications for the CU. Closely related to
anonymity is unlinkability, which means that any
two actions observed (by the CP) may not effectively
be relatable to a CU, nor to each other. Both terms
appear frequently in the cryptographic literature and
have seen sophisticated ways of achieving them.
Authorization is a multi-layered term with differ-
ent semantics depending on the point of view. From
the CP’s perspective, it is necessary to assure that
resources are used on a fair base and that resource
limits, e.g. storage space or CPU time, are strictly
obeyed. Furthermore, a user may neither gain access
to past resources (backward secrecy) nor retain ac-
cess to resources after expiration of the contract (for-
ward secrecy). The problem of a CU subletting his
resources is most challenging, and from the field of
broadcast encryption, various techniques for traitor
tracing are known (Boneh and Naor, 2008; Jin and
Lotspiech, 2009), as well as forward and backward
security are comprehensively treated in this area.
From the customer’s point of view, authorization
means retaining access rights and the ability to grant
or revoke access to data items or resources stored in
the cloud. This problem can be addressed on sev-
eral levels: making it part of a CU’s contract is most
straightforward but reduces security to pure trust.
Keeping information encrypted in the cloud with the
owner keeping the key outside the cloud provider’s
scope (cf. sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2) will ensure inac-
cessibility, especially by insiders.
Availability. It can be assumed that the cloud infras-
tructure provides high availability. Nevertheless, the
access of services in the cloud may be endangered
due to denial of service (DoS) attacks. Actually, (dis-
tributed) DoS attacks are assumed to be a major secu-
rity issue in cloud computing (Jensen et al., 2009).
Confidentiality. If the mere CP’s assurance regard-
ing data confidentiality is not enough, then a user can
keep confidentiality under his own control by relying
on data encryption in general or fully homomorphic
encryption (cf. sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2) when com-
putations on these data should be performed in the
cloud in a confidential way. In a nutshell, the latter
cryptosystems permit performing calculations on an
encrypted piece of data without ever decrypting it.
Integrity. When CUs store their data in the cloud,
they are interested in detecting whether their data was
tampered with and whether the CP indeed is able to
deliver all the stored data of a CU if required (cf.
section 3.2.6). Note, that besides external or internal
adversaries who intentionally modify data, CPs may
also try to reduce costs by discarding CUs data that
is not accessed or rarely accessed (and hoping that it
won’t be accessed anymore).
Regarding computations, integrity would mean
the assurance of the correct algorithm being executed
correctly. Fault injections are attacks targeting the ex-
ecution of a (cryptographic) protocol with the goal
of having secret information extractable from one
or more faulty outputs. Fault injections are a well-
studied problem and related countermeasures could
do well in cloud computing environments either.
Private Computations. Besides data, an algorithm
can equally well be a business asset. In that case, fully
homomorphic encryption may be adapted to achieve
this. Another solution are garbled circuits, to be ex-
panded in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3.
Provenance. Audit trails, which are deemed to be
an important issue in cloud computing (Lu et al.,
2010), are an application of the more general con-
cept of provenance. Basically, provenance is meta-
data that describes the history of an object, be it a doc-
ument, a process, a transaction, etc. Because data can
be shared widely and anonymously, data consumers
may have no means to verify its authenticity and in-
tegrity. Therefore, (Muniswamy-Reddy et al., 2010)
argue that provenance should be incorporated as a
core cloud feature. Thereby, it would be desirable that
audit trails do not reveal any information to unautho-
rized users (preserve the privacy of all involved par-
ties), are still unforgeable, i.e. any unauthorized user
cannot forge a valid audit trail (entry), and the prove-
nance works correctly (Lu et al., 2010).
Provisioning. Quality of service is closely related to
authorization, as fair service use policies are a widely
accepted standard. Secure provisioning means retain-
ing the quality of service even in the presence of ad-
versaries. Game-theoretic tools like those outlined in
(Rass and Schartner, 2010) have been designed for
optimized service provisioning in various aspects of
security (including confidentiality and availability).
As a by-product, these yield optimal service provi-
sioning strategies, which may be adopted in cloud
Verifiability. Regardless of whether the cloud is used
for computations or storage, verifiability of outputs
is a highly nontrivial issue. In case of cloud storage,
message authenticationcodes or digital signatures can
do the job. Doing computations in a verifiable manner
is far less trivial. Solutions to verifiability of compu-
tations are given in section 3.2.3.
In this section we present a classification of resources
in context of cloud computing and discuss various
(non-standard) cryptographic approaches which can
be used to realize properties discussed in the previous
3.1 Classification of Resources
In general, we can abstractly classify the use of cloud
computing into two classes of resources which we
briefly discuss below.
Cloud Storage. Here CUs store data in the cloud and
may want to selectively share their data, i.e. provide
other CUs permissions such that they are able to read
or modify the data. As already mentioned, encrypted
storage of data seems to be sine qua non in order to
prevent unauthorized access from external and inter-
nal (CP related) adversaries. But when encrypted data
is stored in the cloud, selectively sharing these data
and realizing searches on these encrypted data items
in an efficient way are challenging tasks. Neverthe-
less, encryption is needed to preserve confidential-
ity. As we discuss below, attribute-based and search-
able encryption are promising building blocks to re-
alize these tasks. Furthermore, if CUs want to hide
their identity and/or which data they are accessing
from the CP, while the CP can be sure that authoriza-
tion is still given, one can employ suitable privacy-
enhancing cryptographic protocols or private infor-
mation retrieval and oblivious transfer, respectively.
Another issue is provable data possession, which al-
lows CUs to check whether their data is still retriev-
able from a CP. We refer the interested reader also to
(Kamara and Lauter, 2010) for several proposals for
architectures to realize cryptographic cloud storage.
Cloud Computation Services. Here CUs want to
outsource computations on data which may already
be stored in the cloud. As discussed above, usually it
will be desirable that data are hidden from the CP and
thus computations are only performed on encrypted
data. If the CP performs the computations, we have
the following scenarios:
CP knows f. The CP does not know the actual data
x, but is aware of what function f he is computing.
CP doesn’t know f. The CP neither knows the ac-
tual data x nor what the function f does. In this
scenario, CP will evaluate a function f
a result y
= f
(x), whereas the CU is able to de-
rive y from y
such that y = f(x).
Main tools in this context are fully homomorphic en-
cryption and garbled circuits (discussed below). We
refer the reader also to (van Dijk and Juels, 2010) for
a discussion of private multi-party computations, i.e.
inputs for CP’s computations are from multiple CUs,
and an impossibility result in this setting.
3.2 How Cryptography Helps
Below, we discuss the above mentioned techniques.
3.2.1 Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Fully homomorphic encryption was a longstanding
open problem and recently realized by Gentry (Gen-
try, 2009). This solution represents a semantically
secure public-key encryption scheme that allows the
computation of an arbitrary function f on encrypted
data by using the respective public-key PK. Conse-
quently, if CU stores some encrypted data c = E
in the cloud, CP can compute c
= Evaluate
( f, c)
on the encrypted data, which results in a value c
that f(x) = D
) holds. Thus, CP performsthe cor-
rect computation, but does not learn neither the input
nor the result in plaintext. In (Gennaro et al., 2010),
fully homomorphic encryption is combined with gar-
bled circuits for verifiability, i.e. CU’s can check
whether CP has performed the computation correctly
without locally re-executing the entire computation
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
by himself. Furthermore, Gentry notes that it is easy
to tweak the fully homomorphic scheme to provide
unconditional circuit privacy, i.e. even the function-
ality f is hidden from CP (garbled circuits discussed
below achieve this too). A recent working implemen-
tation of Gentry’s scheme (Gentry and Halevi, 2010)
incorporating some recent experiences and improve-
ments (Stehl´e and Steinfeld, 2010) shows that these
schemes are, unfortunately, still far too impractical
and it will take some time until we will see them in
3.2.2 Attribute-based Encryption
In a ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
scheme (CP-ABE), a users private-key is associated
with a set of attributes and a ciphertext specifies an
access policy over a universe of attributes. A user
will be able to decrypt a ciphertext, if and only if his
attributes satisfy the policy of the respective cipher-
text. Bethencourt et al. (Bethencourt et al., 2007) pro-
posed the first CP-ABE, where a message can be en-
crypted with respect to policies defined over attributes
using conjunctions, disjunctions and (k, n)-threshold
gates. Note, that besides achieving confidentiality due
to storing encrypted data in the cloud, this concept al-
lows to realize implicit authorization, i.e. authoriza-
tion is included into the encrypted data and only peo-
ple whose attributes satisfy the associated policy can
decrypt data. This has recently been considered as
an interesting concept in context of cloud based elec-
tronic health records (Li et al., 2010; Akinyele et al.,
2010), where stored data is very sensitive, high con-
fidentiality guarantees and fine-grained authorization
are required.
CP-ABE can be considered as a special case of
functional encryption (Lewko et al., 2010). This
means that a party encrypting a message embedds
a ciphertext descriptor d
into the ciphertext and
private-keys have associated key descriptors d
. A de-
cryption can only be successfull if a certain relation R
between d
and d
3.2.3 Garbled Circuits
The concept of garbled circuits (GCs) was introduced
by Yao in (Yao, 1986) as a means to realize secure
computation of arbitrary functions. GCs can be used
in the cloud setting in the following way: The CU can
take a function f (as a boolean circuit) which should
take as input some data x. Then he produces a garbled
circuit f
and garbled data x
, which do not provide
any information on f and x, and lets the CP evaluate
= f
). If CU is given the output values y
, he is
able to reconstruct the original output y = f(x). Rece-
ntly, Sadeghi et al. (Sadeghi et al., 2010) have pro-
posed a combination of secure hardware and GCs to
efficiently realize arbitrary computation while achiev-
ing confidentiality, integrity and verifiability. We re-
fer the reader also to (Sadeghi et al., 2010) for a com-
parison with other potential approaches, e.g. fully ho-
momorphic encryption discussed above.
3.2.4 Private Information Retrieval and
Oblivious Transfer
Private information retrieval (PIR) (Chor et al., 1995)
enables a CU to query data from the CP, whilst CP
learns nothing about what particular data the user has
queried. A trivial solution is handing over the entire
data to CU, letting CU take out whatever he needs,
which is clearly impractical. Assuming that only
one copy of the data is available at the CP, one can
prove that no better solution exists in the information-
theoretic security model. However, when the CP
is computationally bounded more efficient so called
single-database PIRs can be constructed (Ostrovsky
and Skeith, 2007). Alternatively, if one assumes that
there are n non-communicating replicas of the data
(e.g. stored at different CPs), there also exist solutions
which are more efficient than the trivial one (even in
the strong information-theoretic sense). We note that
the latter assumption seems to be somewhat exotic for
practical applications.
Oblivious transfer (OT) (Rabin, 1981) is a
stronger version of PIR which in addition guarantees
that the CU does not learn any additional informa-
tion with exception of the exact data item the CU has
queried from the CP. In this context, we want to men-
tion a recent work by Camenisch et al. (Camenisch
et al., 2009), who present a protocol for anonymous
access to a database where different records have dif-
ferent access control permissions based on OT.
3.2.5 Privacy-enhancing Cryptography
This class of protocols contains cryptographic proto-
cols which protect the CU’s privacy (anonymity). Re-
garding the communication channel external adver-
saries can be locked out by using anonymous commu-
nication channels like Tor (Dingledine et al., 2004),
which provide anonymity and unlinkability of mes-
sages sent from a CU to a CP and vice versa.
Privacy preserving authentication can be achieved
by means of several techniques for anonymous au-
thentication (Ateniese et al., 2000; Rivest et al.,
2001; Slamanig et al., 2009) or anonymous creden-
tials (Brands, 2000; Camenisch and Lysyanskaya,
2001) which allows a CU to prove that he is a mem-
ber of a group of CUs and is authorized without re-
vealing the exact identity to the CP respectively. So
far, we have not discussed the policies associated with
data. In an anonymous setting this can for instance be
realized by means of anonymous credentials (Backes
et al., 2005) or byusing oblivious transfer (Camenisch
et al., 2009). In the aforementioned setting we have
explicit policies defined for data objects.
Another interesting issue is discussed in (Lu et al.,
2010), where CUs can anonymouslyaccess resources,
but it provides provenance to data ownership and pro-
cess history of data. This means that a trusted party is
able to reconstruct which data was accessed or modi-
fied by whom, but the CP is not able to do so. An ap-
proach that achieves similar goals was also proposed
in (Slamanig and Rass, 2010).
3.2.6 Provable Data Possession
A trivial method to realize a verification whether the
entire data of CUs are still stored at the CP, is that
CUs compute a message authentication code (MAC)
or a digital signature for each data item they store (and
store them locally), then retrieve all data stored at the
CP and recompute as well as verify the MACs or sig-
natures. Obviously, this approach is terribly ineffi-
cient. In order to largely reduce the computational as
well as bandwidth overhead for the CUs, Juels and
Kaliski (Juels and Jr., 2007) and independently Ate-
niese et al. (Ateniese et al., 2007) have introduced the
concept of proofs of retrievability (PORs) and prov-
able data possession (PDT) respectively. The for-
mer approach employs error-correcting codes and is
stronger in the sense that there is a guarantee that CUs
can retrieve their data, whereas the latter employs so
called homomorphic verifiable tags (essentially ho-
momorphic MACs). We refer the reader to (Bowers
et al., 2008) for a detailed discussion on PORs and re-
lated work and to (Bowers et al., 2009) for a proposal
of a real-world concept in context of cloud storage.
3.2.7 Searchable Encryption
Searchable encryption pursuits the idea of enabling
to build an encrypted search index (full-text or key-
word index) such that the content of the index is hid-
den from the CP and CUs who are given an appro-
priate information can perform keyword searches on
this index without revealing any information on the
keywords to the CP. Hence, the CP can give back
pointers to encrypted data that contain a keyword (or
keywords) without gaining any knowledge (he may
only figure out that some data contain the same but
unknown keywords). The concept of searchable en-
cryption using symmetric encryption schemes was in-
troduced in (Song et al., 2000) and intensively stud-
ied in (Curtmola et al., 2006). Searchable encryption
from public-key encryption schemes was introduced
in (Boneh et al., 2004) and efficient solutions are pro-
posed in (Bellare et al., 2007).
From a security and privacy perspective, cloud com-
puting is a most interesting and challenging field of
future research. It calls for unifying a broad spec-
trum of solutions into a highly complex secure sys-
tem. It appears that many problems arising in cloud
computing have been addressed in cryptography. In
order to successfully establish cloud computing as a
valuable and secure future computing paradigm, re-
searchers from security and cloud computing must
join forces to fruitfully, efficiently and effectively ex-
ploit the power of cryptography for meeting the needs
of cloud providers and users. However, cryptography
alone will surely not be able to provide solutions to
all cloud related security and privacy issues.
Nevertheless, we hope to draw the attention to
some existing cryptographic mechanisms suitable for
cloud computing to make future cloud computing
more secure and attractive.
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