Sound is essential in our daily life, but noise is not.
Environmental noise is unwanted sound from
different possible sources, including road and rail
traffic, construction works, aircraft noise, sport
events, leisure parks etc. Each source has different
characteristics and poses specific problems. For
example, noise can be irritating, disturb sleep and
affect the health of people of all different age groups
(Kanjo, 2010).
There is an increasing body of research linking
prolonged exposure to transport noise to negative
health impacts. A major impact of noise is sleep
disturbance – and disrupted sleep has been linked to
effects on cardiac health. A number of reports have
made direct links between transport noise and
cardiac health. Most work carried out has looked at
impacts of aviation noise. There are links between
children's concentration too. Much of this work has
been carried out in Europe (NOISE PROTECTION).
To show the role of web services in noise
monitoring systems, we first summarize the
capabilities of these services and then present their
Web services provide a method for distributed
applications to access resources that are located on
remote devices in a manner similar to local
resources. Typically, a functionality available on one
server is considered as a method call for an
application running on remote devices (Priyantha et
al., 2008).
In monitoring systems, web services offer some
significant advantages besides enabling a new
method for data exchange.
Multiple usage: the web service enables sensed
information to be shared across multiple
applications in a very flexible way. The fact
that one service can be consumed by many
users at the same time reduces cost for
duplicating copies of the application to each
Programmability: the uses of web services
improve the programmability of the system.
The WSDL (Web Service Definition
Language) description of the service can
automatically be parsed by high-level
development tools as Visual Studio and
NetBeans IDE.
Ease of integration: many network applications
nowadays support web services. It is easy to
integrate the new services into the existing
system. Web service based applications can
run on all kinds of machines from a desktop or
laptop to a mainframe.
The aforementioned advantages prove why web
services in distributed systems are so widespread.
Since the request of the European Union for more
detailed noise data and measurements, a significant
number of research has been conducted concerning
noise monitoring and related subjects.
Touhafi et al., 2001 developed a software
package named Euterpe to monitor noise levels in a
cost efficient way. By using this software package,
computer users can investigate noise pollution levels
at any location. The ease of installation and usage is
the significant advantage of the software. With
minimum computer experience, people can set up a
system that can monitor the noise level of their
Cerniglia and Amadasi, 2006 provide a real-time
noise monitoring solution. According to their work,
viewers can see the noise level at a fixed position
both in near real-time mode and offline mode. This
website (see www.citynoise.net) provides real time
video and audio streaming at a pre-determined
location. Automatic warning and report sending are
also considered in the system. Cerniglia proves that
it is possible to monitor noise pollution on a long-
term basis using a web-based application. Although
almost all the objectives of a monitoring system are
met by the system, an application re-using system is
not implemented. Users cannot use this work for
their own purposes.
When taking into account the participation of the
citizen in noise monitoring, Maisonneuve et al.,
2009 presents a new approach, in which urban
people play a significant role in collecting and
sending noise data. By using GPS-equipped mobile
phones, citizens are enabled to measure noise levels
in their daily environment. (Stevens and D’Hondt,
2010) provides a low cost solution for citizens to
measure their personal exposure to noise in their
everyday environment and participate in the creation
of collective noise maps by sharing their geo-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science