Figure 6: Vehicle avoiding multiple obstacles in a sparsely cluttered environment with a waypoint at (20000,0,0);
V = 1000mm/s; V
= 350mm/s: (a) time = 6.25 sec (b) time = 8.75 sec (c) time = 12.5 sec (d) time = 16.75 sec.
The scenario presented in Figure 5 shows
another situation where a collision was likely to
occur. The limiting factors for this scenario were the
speeds of both the vehicle and the obstacle and the
visible distance the sensor model allowed for
obstacle detection. Essentially, the mobile platform
was required to move out of the way of the obstacle
in the time between when it identified the obstacle
and when the obstacle would close the distance to
the vehicle. Results shown indicate the maximum
speed of a single obstacle where collision did not
occur was 900mm/s as shown in Figure 5. For
larger obstacles this value would be diminished.
4.2 Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance
To examine the behaviour of the navigation
algorithm the mobile platform was placed in several
scenarios which involved multiple static and
dynamic obstacles. All dynamic obstacles were set
to move at the same speed (350 mm/s). This speed
was within the maximums obtained while analysing
the obstacle avoidance limitations (Section 4.1).
The results obtained in doing so showed the traits
inherent in the navigation method.
A scenario was run showing the mobile platform
passing through an area populated with
independently moving obstacles, shown in Figure 6.
In this scenario the vehicle initially moved directly
towards the waypoint until it encountered a set of
obstacles at 6.25 seconds, shown in Figure 6 (a). At
this instance it can be seen from the red vectors
present that the obstacle avoidance algorithm began
to influence navigation. The algorithm steered the
mobile platform to the clearer side of the area the
sensor system could see. This behaviour was
repeated a second time at 12.5 seconds, shown in
Figure 6 (c). Although in one instance the vehicle
moved in front of the obstacle and in the other it
moved behind this behaviour was still consistent
when viewed through the navigation algorithm.
While avoiding one set of obstacles the mobile
platform encountered a second set, this can be seen
in Figure 6 (b). This second encounter elongated the
duration the obstacle vector field had control of the
vehicle. During that period the pivot block was
required to switch between the four obstacles
present. The obstacle vector field and blend factor
were altered with each switch ensuring the mobile
platform avoided all obstacles.
The example presented in Figure 7 shows the ability
of the navigation system to identify gaps and steer
the vehicle through them. In Figure 7 (a) it can be
seen that the vehicle encountered a dynamic obstacle
while avoiding a set of static obstacles. The vehicle
was forced towards the dynamic obstacle due to the
structure of the static obstacles. At this point the
vehicle was able to identify a gap between the
obstacles and steer the vehicle towards it. This
behaviour indicated that when there was sufficient
space available the vehicle would pass through a gap
if it were the best option available. This behaviour
can be seen again between the 6 and 8.25 second
mark, Figure 7 (b) and (c), as the vehicle passed
between a static wall of obstacles and a dynamic
obstacle. In both instances the gap was selected
because it would lead the vehicle into clear space
and away from the obstacles directly in front of it.