for all of the components in a single, browser-based
To summarize, the value proposition of EE for
the user forms through a tightly integrated,
experience-enhancing, socially engaging, and in part
unique service bundle for event attendees, providing
a unified event experience before, during, and after
the event. For the organizer, the value is created
through providing a low-weight, mobile interaction
channel to the users as well as through the benefits
of mobile ticketing. The final quality of the value
proposition will depend on the degree of integration
in the bundled services. Integration to existing social
networking services is crucial in order to take
advantage of existing online social communities.
4.2 Technology Domain
As per our definition of the mobile cloud paradigm
presented in Section 1, the whole EE application is
placed on cloud infrastructure, such as the public-
cloud service Amazon EC2 (Amazon Web Services
LLC, 2010). Thus, the processing requirements on
the end-user device are decreased. Moreover,
services using this approach are not as reliant on the
capabilities of end-user devices and can be targeted
to a wider range of mobile phones. Furthermore, if
no application is required on the handset, adopting
the service will be easier for the user, and the service
deployment process becomes much simpler for the
service provider. Another substantial benefit of
placing the EE application in the cloud is the
capability to overcome the fragmentation problem of
mobile operating systems.
A prototype version of the EE service was
developed during September-October 2010, which
included a subset of the features described in Section
4.1. The main focus of the prototype implementation
was to build a proof-of-concept application. For this
version of the service, we had to implement mock-
up versions of the functionality because some of the
technical capabilities of GSMA OneAPI standard
were not available; instead, we utilized the
proprietary open APIs provided by a single operator.
We do not see this as an issue as the goal for this
version was to build a prototype, which is to be used
to showcase the value proposition. More
specifically, mock-up functionality was done in
context of the payment capabilities.
The prototype project was carried out in
cooperation with University of Helsinki Department
of Computer Science as part of the Software Factory
program (Software Factory, 2010). The prototype
was developed during a seven-week period at the
Software Factory. The total development effort
accounted to about 500 hours.
The primary features of the prototype included
preliminary versions of the user and organizer
applications and integration to the Facebook social-
networking platform (Facebook, 2010). The
Facebook platform was chosen because it is
widespread and the de facto event publication site
and because it connects visitors, friends, and events
In addition, Facebook enables content sharing and
provides open interfaces for additional applications.
The usable functionality of the prototype was
limited to the event-wall feature, SMS/MMS-based
mobile ticketing and payment mock-ups, as well as
messaging. The system architecture was based on
the Model-View-Controller model, which allows
extending the functionality: new features can be
added later; for example, based on user or other
stakeholder feedback for the service prototype.
The most significant challenges for the
implementation were created by the actual
integration to external systems – more specifically,
the Facebook social-networking platform integration
proved to be problematic. Thus, even though Open
APIs are a key enabler for the new cloud-based
applications, they can also create significant hurdles
for the external service-developer. One example of
such hurdles is poor documentation of external
APIs, which will in effect destroy the low barriers of
experimentation and entry. Thus, the external APIs
impose both technical and business restrictions and
dependencies for the developer. The technical issues
are already being addressed by the GSMA OneAPI
standard, which facilitates an experimentation-
friendly environment in the context of OT APIs.
4.3 Organization Domain
As the organizational model of OT, this study
assumes the so-called virtual-broker model, in which
the operators act as a single access point to the
common network capabilities of a cross-network
environment (Raivio, Luukkainen, and Seppälä,
2011; Suikkola, 2011). A similar multi-operator
value network exists also in the recently launched
Finnish mobile certificate service, in which the
operators have co-operated exceptionally closely
(Mobiilivarmenne, 2010).
Figure 1 shows an example of the value network
for EE. The most central role in the value network is
naturally dedicated for the service provider who
manages the service integration and is responsible
for the operation of the service as a whole. Different
service components can be implemented by
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science